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Should part of the 10th Birthday gift be a precurser?

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If they do, kudos to everyone who never got a precursor before. But I voted no, simply because of the word "should". Yes, it would be nice if they would, but they don't have to. There are other options. It doesn't matter if people don't use those options, because that just means they consciously chose not to, which means they don't really want a precursor that much. After all, if you really want something, you'll put in the work needed to be able to get it.

Besides, even if the precursor would be accountbound (which I'm practically sure it would be; after all, unique dyes you get from birthday gifts are also already accountbound), it would still affect the economy. The most expensive dyes drop in price after being released in a birthday gift. It doesn't matter that you can't sell them. More and more people will get the dye, demand will drop and so will the price. It would be no different for precursors (and, by extension, legendaries).

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> I voted "Yo" whatever that means. :)

> Perhaps it is a straight-up special legendary for the 10th anniversary, kinda like Caladbolg where you can pick the weapon type. So not any of the existing legendaries, something new. "Third Gen" if you will.


That would be too much as players could essentially unlock all of the skins that way.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > The level of entitlement here is insane , they should give everyone a lump of coal


> I'm unsure if this is sarcasm, but first-gen precursors can be bought simply from farming 3-4 days in Silverwastes. Asking for one for a tenth anniversary, which is far longer than most games even last, is hardly "entitlement".


> Even a real Legendary would be a mediocre reward, the turnover time on AAA games is less than a month, and on MMOs less than year or two except for WoW and a few others like GW (see WildStar). Ten years is extreme dedication, but my complaint would be that it's based upon account creation time and not real play hours, so some people who didn't play since launch would be spoiled.


So even you admit that "just showing up" and not having put in any effort or time (not account age but actual time) is fine? If RNG isn't good to you (or the Original Poster) there's the trading post or the legendary crafting achievements.


I have had 3 precursors drop since prelaunch beta (my account is from GW1 beta weekend) and I'm mostly in WvW (which has the absolute worst drop rate for anything). That includes one this year while in the tank for Forging Steel , worth only 50-60 gold for a weapon I don't use at all.


Couple this with the fact that many people have alt accounts, so if there was tradability of the legendary weapons created this way expect Gen 1 legendaries to be even more worthless than they are.

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I put No/Yo, but here's what I DO think we should get:


Three legendaries, account bound. Our choice of one weapon, one piece of armor, and one accessory. All with basic equipment skins.


Why? Because after 10 years, it's likely that a player has gone after some of the legendaries they really want the looks of already, but it's also likely that there's a few they look at and think "While the legendary would be great, it's really not worth it if I don't like the skin." This would give them legendary functionality for a few items, but leave the skins as something that needs to be chased after and earned if desired.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> No, an account bound legendary directly.


A birthday specific legendary underwater headgear or gathering tool (2 glyph slots?) I could get on board with, but no, not a precurser.


I'd rather see an Anniversary Mounts pack where you get to choose one anniversary mount skin for each mount each year until you run out, a bit like the weapon and armour skins.

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No, not unless it's a specific legendary only to the 10th anniversery. You can easily get tyria mastery to work on a collection to get a precursor. Though like people before me have pointed out, people who have been active for those 10 years don't normally need help getting a precursor, because they would know the tricks of earning the gold to buy one or have done the collection.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > The level of entitlement here is insane , they should give everyone a lump of coal


>(...) Asking for one for a tenth anniversary, which is far longer than most games even last, is hardly "entitlement".


> Even a real Legendary would be a mediocre reward (...)


1.: Asking for literally _anything_ is entitlement. And you are _not_ entitled to get anything for simply playing a game. You should be happy to get a birthday gift at all - other games dont do that.

2.: It's a _gift_, not a reward. _huge_ difference.

3.: What's wrong with a "mediocre" gift? Not to mention birthday gifts are meant to be 'unique'. What's unique about a precursor/legendary?

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I'm in favor of this, but I have no intention of ever pursuing a Legendary personally. Even if they gave me Legendary weapon outright instead of just a 1st gen Precursor I probably wouldn't even use that either. I have no need for on the fly stat changes at this point in time and I don't like the Legendary skins.

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Negative. If you want a pre, get it like everyone else. Craft, buy, or sacrifice a goat to RNGesuz like the rest of us. Someone having an account that old, doesn't mean they were actually around for that long. Got guild mates with almost double my account age, with a fraction of the playtime or investment. If we rewarding dedication. I'm sure a number of not as old people, would be trumping some older accounts.

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