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Skimmer Advanced Course in Lion's Arch is bugged

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For me I started on beetle, boosted and hopped as far as I could on the water (can get good distance with this)

Swapped to Skimmer till the first underwater portal, dismounted and used Rangers Spear 3 skill and quickneing Zepher as much as possible.

Used skimmer above water when there was a sufficient gap between underwater portals (like near the memorial bridge)

At the end of the race I used beetle again and dashed to the finish, only requires one tight drift to get around the last corner.. it's difficulty depends on how good you are with this mount but it's definitely doable.


After that's done you just need 8 PoF mastery points and to complete the new mastery in the skimmer line, I ran a bunch of PoF meta's and bounties with a bunch of boosters on and got it done reasonably quickly.. a good hour or two.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> But we shouldn't have to resort to all these outlandish steps to finish what should be a simple Skimmer race. Props to those who wrangled it, but I'll wait for the fix. Stinks that we can't work on the mastery track until it's done though.


Ditto. I have tried all the above suggestions with no luck. My silver times out at the same spot every single time. No way I could be that consistent time wise on different characters. Just hoping for a quick fix so I can move on.

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> @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> How about they just show us how they mange to do this when testing this? Will be great to see this race gods. How about the next Boss will be killable only by a weapon that you get after killing him? That will be so much fun.


The issue is due to a bug. A bug that wasn't present in their testing environment.

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> I'm at the last step as well. Yep, the C command vanishes as soon the race starts. Trying to hold the C down as a trick to make it work did not work for me. I'm sure ANET is trying to fix this quickly. Give them some time.


Holding down the C doesn't help. I've tried a combo of regular skimmer -- which will not dive, the C never works -- and swimming, and I miss the Silver time by a few seconds each time. The hey with it, I'm going to go comfort myself with ice cream!

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Been able to complete this with Skimmer and Swimming but it is very close. Tips include finding the tightest lines and using Barrel Roll before diving to get a little boost forward. Finished it within 1 second of time elapsing on Silver.


Overall though, it is bugged and it sucks cause not everyone has the time like I did to mess around for an hour with this one piece.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> I have a separate problem in addition to the bug: I have 0 bound to C on my keyboard for years. hitting C will activate my 0 skill, not the skimmer, even if this was working.


"C" is for people that haven't altered their keybinds. Whatever skill you use to soar on griffon or descend on skyscale is the key to press for this. For me it's V. Not that it actually worked other than one time when it dove me under early, but that's where the confusion is coming from.

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> @"Tony.8659" said:

> I have mine set to left shift when it asks me to dive. But how can we dive if it won't work lol. We don't have the mastery to dive yet.


You get the diving ability for the course, but its bugged and disappears. But as I and others have said, you can just about make it to the end with seconds to spare for silver with enough speedbuffs on you, swimming the underwater parts on your own. And using the raptor with bond of vigor on land for the last 4.

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