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Should Norn get an update?


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What makes you think they need an update though? They haven't been changed in 8 years , what makes you think that Arenanet would devote resources to something like that?


Think about it, every single armor and outfit would have to be looked at again by their team to ensure there is no significant clipping issues or the like. The only thing that they'd probably change is adding more faces/hairstyles/skin tones/tattoos.

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Let me preface by saying: just because I think the Norn *could use* some tweaking doesn't mean they *must* or even *should* be tweaked. These are very different sentiments.


That being said: I'm all for visual updates, especially if they add more visibly distinct silhouettes between the species (something akin to the original Sylvari rework). Personally, I would love it if the Norn could incorporate their transformation abilities more into movement and combat (or at least combat anims), but that may be asking a lot.

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I'm most annoyed by how ridiculous the difference between female and male Norn is. You can make the male characters look like a yoga ball but the females all have to be nicely thin of course! Either allow players to make female Norn characters with Zarya-type butch physique, or synchronize the appearance of the male characters to the female variants so they look less like Santa Claus and more like a tall giant. No reason for the double standard, just seems like basic sexism.


And before someone starts insinuating things, I'm a thin straight guy who's quite fond of thin female characters, I just genuinely think that the double standard is unfair. ^^

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I voted no, but only for lack of an "other." I'd rather if Anet just provided more body options, or hell, actual body sliders instead of prefabbed proportions/weights options to choose from. My Norn needs hips! HIPS!

Shoot, even one of those square sliders with the four directions would work, with thick/thin on opposing sides, and stocky/curvy(?) taking the other two opposing sides.

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I'll bring a little reality into fantasy.


Bergmann's rule: within populations of a species the larger, heavier specimens are found in the northern climes while the the smaller variations are found near warmer climates.


Bison, moose, elk found -- north; most bovines, goats, and deer -- south

Polar bears, Kodiak, grizzly -- North; Black, sun, and panda -- south


I don't want to see just a scaled up human. Their extra bulk and muscle are from living in a much more harsh environment than temperate hum ans.

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Honestly, if we were to see the norn's design change, the males are the ones I'd leave untouched--they at least look like a separate race. The female norn just being the human female model scaled up is the major visual weakness of the race.


If we wanted to go further than that, then maybe incorporate some of their shapeshifting into their base designs, as customization options. Allowing norn to have animal features--claws, patches of fur or feathers, pointed ears, wolf or cat eyes, etc.--without making them a full charr-style beast race, and ideally while also dodging them becoming a catgirl race.

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I do love my bulky norn,but i think theyre Too bulky. The shoulders are especially odd. Theres lots of good armor skins and outfits that look amazing on my human or my asuran but on my norn it just looks laughable. I remember always hiding my pauldrons whenever i played that char aswell because of the size of them.


Instead of updating their proportions a proper char creation screen with more sliders for different body parts could be the answer aswell.

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> @"Taylan.2187" said:

> I'm most annoyed by how ridiculous the difference between female and male Norn is. You can make the male characters look like a yoga ball but the females all have to be nicely thin of course! Either allow players to make female Norn characters with Zarya-type butch physique, or synchronize the appearance of the male characters to the female variants so they look less like Santa Claus and more like a tall giant. No reason for the double standard, just seems like basic sexism.


> And before someone starts insinuating things, I'm a thin straight guy who's quite fond of thin female characters, I just genuinely think that the double standard is unfair. ^^


Yes, this is actually what bothers me the most as well. I simply cannot play a male norn because their proportions look absurd while female norn just look like tall and slightly less petite humans. I honestly think this is a problem and am not sure why it was ever allowed to go live.


Although that aside I also think it would be cool if they looked a little less like humans overall, with a more gruff/wintry appearance (i.e. a typical fantasy giant race).

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > There's a ton of problems with Norn as they are now, but how they look is not one of those.

> >

> > Subjective claims are not objective claims.

> True. But then the same can be said about your view. This whole thread is all about purely subjective feelings.



Yeah but I never presented my view as if it was objective.

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