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How could I forget Azalus Poisontongue?


Rija Firemasher: Get the flame outta here Azalus, you’re drunk.

Azalus: I gotta be drunk to come see you, it’s the only time I can stand looking at you.

Rija: You better get used to dry rations, skritthead, because one day I’m gonna slip a surprise in your stew. Now get away from me!


Azalus: What kind of idiot they got grilling around here?

Rend Sunderscorch: Soldier you’re out of line! Keep your bile to yourself or I’ll have you shackled in irons until you sober up.

Cook: Yeah! What he said, nobody needs your biles.

Azalus: (snort) That's bile, no “s” you moron.



Azalus: Whoa! You two are so puny that if you had cubs together someone might mistake them for humans!

Soldier 1: He didn’t just….

Soldier 2: Oh, yes he did…

Azalus: I’m just sayin…


Azalus: You look like you’ve seen a battle or two. You ever learn how to block?

Fang Foulgut: What?

Azalus: With scars like those you must be lousy on the field, I once knew a human who—

Fang: flame off.

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just found this thread... old but this is 1 of the best exchange I've seen:


CHARR: So, if you’ve never fought in a real battle alongside one of us you are in for a treat

NORN: I haven’t fought beside Charr, but I stepped on a cat’s tail once. Is that what its like?

CHARR: ahah Funny. No. I’m literally poetry in motion, if poetry could stab you with a sword.

NORN: By the spirits, if those undead don’t attack soon; your tail is so stepped on.


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I don't think this dialogue around anymore in new LA, but back in old Lions arch, there was a Charr merchant near the bank, so you'd hear it a lot as you were sorting your vault inventory:

Child (asura): Your face is funny. All squished and weird.

Lionguard (charr): No, your face is funny. It's like a little raisin.


An Asura in Rata Sum: 'A rolling cog amasses no sporophytes' (said in a very superior Asura-knows-all voice)


A random human in Divinity's Reach to another human: 'An Asura called me a bookah. I think she was hitting on me.' (this is paraphrased, may not be exact words)


There's so much great ambient dialogue. I do find myself at times just wandering the cities just to see what's around, and stumble onto some really funny, or touching, moments. Great job by the devs in making the world feel so much more immersive.

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Seraph guards at the entrance of Divinity's Reach:

Seraph (m): Another day another gold piece.

Seraph (f): Could be worse. I'd rather stand here all day playing tour guide than chasing down four-legged crow bait.

Seraph (m): I hate centaurs.

Seraph (f): Horses are for riding. Who wants a pet that talks back?

Seraph (m): Pirates.

Seraph (f): Shouldn't you be on patrol?

Seraph (m): See you later.

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Rikkiti: Deputy! Deputy!

Deputy Tarff: Yes, what is it Rikkiti?

Rikkiti: Sheriff want shinies back. Rikkiti get shinies! Teach hylek stealing bad.

Deputy Tarff: And did our ineffectual sheriff offer any thoughts on how precisely we might accomplish that?

Rikkiti: Yes...no...what?

Deputy Tarff: (sigh) Sheriff say how we get shinies back?

Rikkiti: Oooh! Deputy talk like Rikkiti stupid! Rikkiti not stupid......................................................Sheriff not say how we get shinies back.




Bachlag (Sylvari): Look out, sir! There's a charr nearby!

Eblo (Asura): Don't worry, sprout. Charr may look tough, but it's all an act. All roar, no claws.

Bachlag: But they're monsters! Wouldn't it eat me? Do they eat vegetables?

Eblo: Meat, vegetables, fruit, catnip...but I don't think they'd eat you. What, did you fall off the tree yesterday?

Bachlag: Certainly not, sir! I fell off the tree five days ago. I fell off a turnip cart yesterday.



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Commander: I have a feeling I'm going to regret this, but I have another question for you.

Commander: Do you know anything about a lost city located somewhere in the Riverlands?

Scholar Nimmin: Lost city? How do you lose a city?

Scholar Nimmin: I mean, I'm forgetful. I've lost plenty of things. But a city?

Commander: Just...just answer the question, please.

Scholar Nimmin: Once I lost my favorite journal. Looked everywhere for it. And I never did find it, but you know what I did find?

Commander: Please say "a lost city."

Scholar Nimmin: ...Every single left sock I had ever misplaced. I swear, if it's not in the last place you look, it's...well, elsewhere.

Commander: Fantastic. I need to go now.

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Forgal was epic in taunts too, him and charr renegades:

>Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: By the Spirits, is this some kinda kiddie playground? Wake up out there!

>Charr Renegade: It's the Vigil! Get 'em!

>Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Whoever trained you must be crying right now. You best run.

>Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: That's all you've got? Come on, you mangy runts!

>Charr Renegade: I hate all you stand for.

>Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: You're the worst-trained, most cowardly loustabouts I've ever seen!

>Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: You shuck-brained cur! Where's Ajax Anvilburn? We know he's behind the attack on Ebonhawke. Spill!

>Pyzor Ironmane: Y-you just missed him. He left this morning. He's on his way to kill some worthless human named Duran.

>Pyzor Ironmane: They're settin' an ambush at Summit Peak. They'll kill Duran, then leave the bloody knife with ol' Steelcrusher. We're killing two peace-lovers with one trap!

>Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Ashes and snow, he means Minster Kent Duran, the Krytan ambassador. I bet Steelcrusher's the ambassador for the High Legions.

>Pyzor Ironmane: You're Vigil, aren't you? Ha! Ajax'll be sorry he missed killing you. Tell his human-loving mother, Almorra, that one day we'll spit on her grave!

>Character name>: Almorra is Ajax's mother?

>Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: That's above your pay grade, Recruit. Forget you heard about it.

>Character name>: Forget? I can't just forget! Don't you think that's important?

>Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Whatever happened to discipline? Kids these days... All right, fine! But not here, and not now.

>Ajax: Burn it—attack! Kill them all!

>Ajax: My mother's a soft, weak coward. War is the only answer. Eradicate the humans.

>Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Anvilburn. Your momma wanted me to give you something—right in the face.

>Ajax: Your blows are weak, like your spirit!

>Ajax: Tell Almorra she's a coward who cannot face her own blood in a battle.

>Ajax: Whipped dogs. I shall never bend my knee!



But the better is Tybalt, during minister mission, and using spell to look like Demmi Beetlestone:

>Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Time to head out, is it? Time for me to get pretty.

>Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Let's see if Lady Wi's magic is as good as she says.

>Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Burn me, I'm a human girl! Whoa, I've got two hands and some lovely...apples.

>Character name>: Keep your mind on the job, Tybalt. Go roam the city, and we'll see if the ministry guards take the bait.

>Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Mm. Bait, right. The order booked passage in Demmi's name on a ship called the "Harpy's Smile." We'll head there and see what happens.

>Character name>: Are you okay? Ministry Guards aren't like those drunken pirates. If they can't capture Demmi, they'll kill her to stop her from talking. And that means...

>Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: They'll kill me. Yeah, I know. But I didn't join the Order of Whispers to sit behind a desk. I joined it to fight dragons.

>Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: If we're going to do that, we'll need Kryta—and Queen Jennah. Heh. Isn't that funny? Me, a charr, risking my life for the security of the human throne.

>Character name>: The world's a funny place, Lightbringer. As long as we keep laughing, I guess we're not dead.

>Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: The order gave me a mission, and I'm not turning back now. I can do this. Trust me!

>Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Oh, wow. How do humans walk without tails?

>Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Right. Right. (cough) Here goes. (cough) Nothing to worry about! Not weird at all! Look at me, I'm Demmi Beetlestone!


Tybalt was awesome, I hope we will seem him in the mists.


And hm hmm crazy tree girl:

>Magister Sieran: But, um...there's one problem. I need to tune the enchantments to work together instead of tearing themselves apart, or it could collapse the mountain.

>Character name>: Wait, what? Collapse the—Sieran!

>Magister Sieran: No, no, no, no. It'll work, I promise! While I'm doing that, though, things could get exciting, so keep your weapon out.

>Character name>: The things you call "exciting" are what most people would call "reckless endangerment".

>Magister Sieran: Oh, come on, Novice. Cheer up! The worst that could happen is that we're lost forever in shadow, but more likely, we'll just have to mop up some shades. Here goes!

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Kid (1): It's almost time. Shaman Fierena promised us a meaty legend this time.

Kid (2): I can't wait! Last time, her tales made me dream I was great hunter.

Kid (3): Last time, her tales made you wake up crying like a-

Shaman Fierena: (wolf howl) Come to me, kids, and any who would hear a tale of Wolf's glory.

Kid (1): I bet she's going to tell the one of Wolf and the Great Devourer.

Kid (2): No. She's going to tell us how Wolf ate a grawl god.

Kid (3): Shhhh.

Shaman Fierena: I have a special take for you tonight. It's not about Wolf. It's about Wolf's pack.

Shaman Fierena: A long time ago, in the darkest of woods, on the highest of mountains, Wolf got lost.

Shaman Fierena: He was looking, you see, for a lone eight-year-old who had wandered off and become stuck in a deep ravine.

Shaman Fierena: Wolf hear the lone kid's cries for help. And he followed them to the ravine. He found the kid.

Shaman Fierena: But once he was in the ravine, he had nothing to guide him out. Wolf did not know which direction to go.

Kid (1): Oh no! Was he scared?

Kid (2): Wolf never gets scared.

Shaman Fierena: Even Wolf can know fear. There's no shame in being afraid, only in letting it freeze you.

Shaman Fierena: Wolf was in the ravine, trying to hold back a blizzard. The injured kid was freezing and bleeding into the snow.

Shaman Fierena: That's when Wolf's pack noticed he was missing, and they began to howl.

Kid (3): And Wolf hear them!

Shaman Fierena: Yes. Wolf followed their voices back to the den, where it was warm and there was food.

Kid (1): What about the kid? Was he okay?

Shaman Fierena: That kid was a female, my little snowflake. And she was okay. She learned that her pack could mean the difference between life and death.

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>Inquest Assistant: That scum in Lab Two took credit for my work! Now he’s getting promoted instead of me.

>Inquest Engineer: Easy to fix. Here: fetch these materials after your shift.

>Inquest Assistant: One tranquilizer gun. One ravenous test subject. One banana… Why do I need a banana?

>Inquest Engineer: You’re gonna be hungry after all that work.

>Inquest Assistant: Boss! The awakened have culled our personnel by 34.23 percent!

>Inquest Engineer: Not my problem.

>Inquest Assistant: And they smashed your favorite coffee mug.



Very professional.

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My favourite quote comes from the Tybalt personal story with the pirates.


Demmi Beetlestone: Thank the goddess Lyssa! I was starting to think the order had forgotten me. Do you have a plan to get us out of this place alive?

Character name: Sort of. The idea starts with "run for it" and generally goes downhill from there. Come on!

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Olmakhan Villager (female): Did you see that outlander? Such strength and ferocity in battle, yet so gentle and kind with our cubs.

Olmakhan Villager (male): And such beautiful eyes...and such a charming laugh...

Olmakhan Villager (female): Get a hold of yourself!

Olmakhan Villager (male): ...and also, those biceps.

Olmakhan Villager (female): Well, I mean. Yes.

Olmakhan Villager (male): Mm-hmm.

Olmakhan Villager (female): Mm-hmm.

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_all of DEL-X99's dialogue..._

DEL-X99: (BEEP) Target–located. Stand–by–for–message.

Krewe Member Swip: A message for me? How wonderful.

DEL-X99: Dear–Swip, you–are–a–cheat–and–a–coward. I–know–it–was–you–who–stole–the–destrosphere–from–my–lab.

DEL-X99: You–cannot–thieve–your–way–to–success. Return–it–post–haste! Give–my–regards–to–your–DEL-X99. Happ

Krewe Member Swip: That jackal! How dare he impugn me with lies? I should throttle him. DEL-X99, prepare to reply.

DEL-X99: Reply–sent. That–jackal. How–dare–he–impugn–me–with–lies. I–should–throttle–him. DEL-X99–returns–regards.




Logan: "Wa-ait, whaat? What's up with my face? Why do I have to be the burned one?"




Outrunner Jankott'cha: No, wait. Gears go together, cogs go here.

Skritt Outrunner: Don't fit. Don't need it.

Skritt Outrunner: Connect. This to that. And that. Yes, that too. Ah!

Skritt Outrunner: Maybe no, yes? Does it fit here? Does it, does it?

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Queensdale (Taminn Foothills)

Ludlow: I still don't get what you want me to do. You want me to make the ettins fight? Is this supposed to be hard?

Krug: Me said already. You no listen. You stupid for a human.

Krug: You help ettins work together to crush hoof beasts. Ettins not work good with other ettins.

Ludlow: You mean "ettins don't work well with other ettins."

Krug: Huh?

Krug: You no make sense.

Ludlow: I don't make sense? You leave half the words out of every sentence!

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