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If you could redesign any one class what would it be and how?


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> @Panda.1967 said:

> Personally I'd redesign the Memser. The class currently is heavily conflicted with itself. Here's how I would change it.

> * Phantasms would become short duration summons that do not count as Illusions and cannot be shattered. They can still be attacked and destroyed though.

> * Clones would fully mimic the caster, using every attack they used, ground target abilities from clones would center on their target. Skills used by clones would be half strength.

> * Clones and Phantasms can be summoned out of combat, Phantasms last for their normal duration out of combat, clones last for 5 seconds out of combat.

> * Clones and Phantasms would not shatter on target death and will automatically retarget to your current target when their target dies.

> * Hex skills would be added. Hexes function as powerful conditions with fixed durations and damage values, most of which have conditional triggers to their damage components. Example: Backlash, deals heavy damage when the hexed target uses a skill.

> * Staff 2 (Phase Retreat) would break targeting and have ½s Evade

> * Staff 4 (Chaos Armor) would grant Chaos Armor aura in AoE to players near the mesmer or a clone, up to 4 targets near the mesmer and 2 near each clone, granting up to 10 allies Chaos Armor with 3 clones.


PR is already a really strong skill, no need to buff it so heavily.


And while I'd like to see a rework of this scale happen, I doubt it will. Any reworks I can realistically see happening wouldbe much more limited in scope.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> Pretty much anyone who's played multiple classes and is being honest with themselves should be able to say with little hesitation the correct answer here - Revenant is the sloppiest _by far_ in terms of execution, and the one that would most benefit from a real rework. It's frustrating because it's an awesome concept for a unique class, it just needed a lot more time in development than it got.


> Most other classes are fine and at most may need overhauls to some of their skill types (mesmer mantras are still pretty lackluster, for example), but nothing like the updates Revenant needs.


> -They are about 20 skills behind other classes. Variety is important in an MMO.

> -Their weapon swap feels like a poor band-aid that was tacked on in a futile attempt to address more underlying problems with their gameplay fluidity

> -They have severely restricted customization, which is terrible in an MMO

> -They uniquely lack a profession attribute.

> -They are even more restricted underwater than other professions

> -Their weapons and legends are hogtied to specific roles with little hybridization or synergy, limiting the value of weapon and legend swapping

> -Their energy mechanic is clunky and seems to only serve the purpose of forcing the player to legend swap in spite of the above point.

> -Jalis is not terribly useful, Ventari is too tablet focused, and Shiro over-relies on the boring crutch of Impossible Odds. Lots of changes needed here.

> -Unlike other classes, they feel designed to their elite specs - relying on them to complete the class rather than open up interesting variants for it


I think revenants have a pretty poor class design, but I wouldn't say that its the sloppiest. Its a lazy design yes, and its clearly designed around running Herald. However, Rev's class mechanics isn't nearly as self-defeating and self-contradictory as that of mesmers. And for me, the class mechanic is what defines a how much you need a rework. Rev needs more skills, its legend system needs some work, and so does the energy system, but it doesn''t need to be completely scrapped and started over, however you can argue that this is the case for mesmer's class mechanic.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> There's 0 situations where Gadgets are even remotely usable over any kit even our weakest in tool-kit.

Gadget engi here. I'd take mobility and cc over kits in WvW any day. And considering that I've won several 1v5 battles with that build, I have a feeling that a lot of players underestimate kitless builds.


I especially like the Rocket Boots. Quick avoid whenever needed (even when immobilized) with bonus blast finisher and AoE damage, plus a quick burning AoE from the tool belt ability which stacks nicely with pistol 4.

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Guardian, merge some skills, add the option to Hammer+offand with gain on defense 1k armor boost and less 10-15% damage ouptut, with barrier and protection with condi cleanses on mind.

Add a trait to guard where using Hammer+offhand would give for every hit on the guardian 80 barrier health, this would compete with AH trait.


Redesign block system, so reflects and absorbs are threaten as their own type


Redesign aborsbtion domes to increase armor as well on protected allies


Shouts would be more like GW1 skills, and would give armor to allies as a courage bonus when used for X seconds.


REMOVE TRAPS from DH, and add WARDS, similiar to gw1 wards as well, redesign DH to play with bow inside the WARDS

DH F2 and F3 would be swapped with core f2 and f3, since wards wold provide debufs for atackers, DH could only activate on WARD at a time, ward againt foes, melee or casters, Grand Arena Ward as elite that would give some buffs to DH and allies and improve DH virtues as well while trapping enemies inside the ward arena(Arena could be ANet logo lol)


Redesign stability to be a stance, reduce the CC spam and impairing movement spam, add some skills to actually CANCEL stances, and thief would enter in same stance as target had rather than remove it (latter a trickter specialization for mesmer or thief could be made, wich would be based on whenever status the figthing target had trickster would copy cat)


Change AEGIS to 75% chance to block from all sources for 3 seconds, cant be stacked, it still had counter since some classes have long time of unblokcables.


Where SPAMBRAND aplyes stability would apply a few seccons of Balthazar pendunlum since its a fire support specialization.....




REMOVE CLEAVES from every class auto atack that is melee or bow ranged/pistol, BUT improve some AOE spells from other classes, mainly staff elementalist.

REMOVE STAFF AND SPIRIT WEAPONS from current guardian.

Make the next guardian specialization use staff as Main and Spirit weapons

Make spirit weapons from next spec based on Ritualist Splinter weapon to have some cleave back WITH TEAM GAMEPLAY



Class would be based on this skills concept :




FULL COUNTER would interrup every atacking enemy and KD them, players that get KD would get dazed for current time, so it could be better used with hammer combo.

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Pitching for a ground-up rework on Revenant. I'd keep the flavour of channeling the spirits of specific characters, but otherwise everything would go. No more passive energy management, no more swapping between fixed legend skills and no more top-down buildcraft. The new Revenant would be a combo-centric class of comparable complexity to the Elementalist, pulling a lot of its skill flavour from fighting games and animation flavour from wuxia/martial arts.


The core mechanic of the class would be fuel combos and legend summons. Similar to warriors/necros, these are function key skills fuelled by filling a bar with energy gained by using utility & weapon skills. Unlike adrenaline for warriors and lifeforce for necros however the Revenant would have multiple fuel types, and the combination of fuels in the bar at any one time determine which summons are available. Part of the fun of playing Revenant would be chaining the right skills together to build the right kind of energy to unlock the right skill for the situation, and the flavour of these skills would be legendary spirits from the Mists. Since the Revenant channels her spirits from the Mists and the Mists sit outside of time some characters might lend their effects to multiple skills - e.g. there might be one skill that requires one fuel combo that summons Shiro as he was at the time of Factions, whilst another summons a Nightfall version of him.


There would be a limited number of energy types and these types would be themed around different fighting game principles. I'm not yet sure exactly how many there should be or what all these themes should be (I'm more or less coming up with this class idea as I type), but one example could be a Punishment Energy type. Punishment energy would be built up by skills that themed around the idea of punishing your opponent: skills like Worldly Impact from Soulbeast that do high damage to foes who don't pull off the correct counterplay; or skills like the Ranger's shortbow or Necro's axe attacks that have increased effects when the target is in a disadvantageous state. Filling your energy bar with just Punishment energy up to a certain threshold would then unlock a punishment-themed summon in an F-key slot - e.g. the power to summon Mallyx to deal a big hit. Since GW2 buildcraft and gameplay is generally defined by role type and role type generally determines weapon choice, the effects of many of the summons will change based on the player's choice of weapons - hence our Mallyx summon would be designed to deal power damage if we are wielding a sword in our mainhand; to inflict burn/torment/confusion if we are using mace; and to steal life from our target and give it to nearby allies if we are using staff.


Since it's the middle of the night at this point I'll leave it at that for now. Hopefully this makes sense as a broad overview of this idea, I could post more later if anyone is interested. Not that I expect or would even encourage Anet to rework the Rev on these lines (the boat has rather sailed I think), but it's fun to brainstorm ideas for one's own games.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @Mea.5491 said:

> > > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > Hmm lets see.... Warrior, Theif, Ele, Necro, Mesmer, Guardian, Ranger. The only one that doesn't outside of Engi is the one with no choice in Revenant.

> >

> > Well, I just counted 12 viable utilities on my core Engi, depending on situation and build. In other words, just because you think they suck, that doesn't mean other people think the same. :) Edit: I forgot to mention I'm not meta so I'm not narrow-minded when it comes to "viable" builds/skills.


> That's nice, but i'd suggest you look at what viability is. (1) There's 0 situation where a turret does anything better grenade kit doesn't. (2) There's 0 situation where a turret is better than bomb kit. (3) There's 0 situations where Gadgets are even remotely usable over any kit even our weakest in tool-kit. (4) Oh and lets not even remotely forget that our only capable heal completely drowns out others to the point they may as well delete every other heal with have.


> So, i'll end it like this. It's probably for the best that you take your own advice about balancing things, especially if you want to buff kits.


You and the likes of you are the major reason for me, to stay away from the new engineer board since its launch. We do not agree on most points, if the class would be as horrible as you guys claim it to be, none of you would play it. But you keep hugging the meta as the only true way to play the class and cursing every non-meta skill to be useless. So, here we go again:


**(1)** any sort of CC, fire fields, blastfinishers as well as ranged damage and your beleoved healing-turret. Grenade kit locks you in your directions. The turrets allow us to strike at two different locations at the same time and force our enemy to make a choice where he goes first. As we have the reputation to be quite durable, they mostly go for the turret first, which gives us extra time. And the turret does not do nothing, it keeps hitting its target the entire time. Turrets improve other skills and dps, they not replace it.

**(2)** ranged attacks and ranged cc and your beloved healing-turret.

**(3)** If I was lazy, I would just say read the skill-discriptions out loud and if you do not understand them call a friend to explain them to you. The ones I use most frequently among several of your buddies on the board are the Utility Goggles. A perfect stun-breaker and excellent fury source. If traits are half way efficient, we can get an 100% fury uptime with that. The battering ram is a great CC source, especially if you belong to the grenade/bomb-kit campers, you can still deal a good cc to your enemies. The rocket-boots have been boosted recently and are used even by the likes of you in PvP and PvE, mobility. Slick Shoes I do use rarely. But I use it when I camp bomb kit or the motar-kit bomb-kit ability, the superspeed and stunbreak are nice for kiting enemies which can do cc skills and and slow you.

**(4)** I hear this lie for years now. We are engineers and you are just afraid of learning a new heal skill. The medic gyro does a great job and many of you are still skilled on scrapper. The elexir works awesome as well. The A. E. D. is the only true immortality skill in the entire game. We have several invincibility buffs in the game, which all work great, except for certain boss moves which are designed to be lethal strikes. None of them prevents you from downed. The A. E. D. does. It is limited in its uses, as the healing turret is, but there are situations it can be extremely useful. The medkit however is horrible indeed, but I have not found any engineer who likes it so far.


I really wanted to make a new start on the new forums, that is why I did not set a toe into your beloved cry-board. Your realm, your rules. But if you step out and insult our class, the same class you play as well, sorry. I won't remain silent on this.

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Personally I've always been annoyed with the obligatory pet for Ranger (where in GW1 they where optional), but I don't really have a better suggestion for another unique class-mechanic for them.


For thief I would like to see a Elite Specialization that focuses on making shadow clones for some Naruto shenanigans. Probably makes it too similar to mesmer, but still.


Other classes I've either played to little with or are content with atm.

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I would love to see Ranger with a core option to go without pet.

Similar to GW1 that has Pet locked behind specific skill, here it should be under Beastmastery trait line like unlocking new weapon in elite specialization (first minor trait)

I like ranger pets to some degree but sometime wish I could just turn it of for good without forcing elite specialization.

Depending on weak AI is never a good idea.

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I would redesign the **Engineer**.


The *problem*: I feel as if the reliance on kits prevents too many design choices which could deepen the Engineer. It feels odd but in spite of being a class with access to so many conditional states, weapon effects and extra skills, it actually feels **extremely** flat and one-dimensional to use, mostly because "kit rotating" plays as a single gameplay element, and it worms itself into basically any spec.

And this just makes them all play so very very samey.


My *solution*? I would, instead of removing kits and restricting them, embrace them full-on:


* Engineers are the only profession who by-default cannot select their healing, utility or elite skills. These are locked to 5 kits, the Med Kit, Tool Kit, Flamethrower Kit, Alchemy Kit and Mortar Kit.

* Their tool belt skills can instead be selected, and allow for a variety of skills derived from the current healing / utility / elite skills based around objects you'd **actually** carry on your belt, like vials to throw, one-shot guns, gadgets, batarangs, such stuff.

* The Med Kit is a hybrid between the current Elixir Gun and Med Kits, providing a variety of healing options with a strong focus on healing others. Yes this makes Engineers a baseline heal-centric profession, but I feel this really goes well with the alchemical aspect of the class.

* The Tool Kit has an attack, a block, and 3 options to build turrets. The turrets have a rather limited lifetime but are quite strong, however they require attention via repairs to keep going.

* The Flamethrower is the close-range option. Area attacks galore, I'd make it scorch the ground to provide constant burning in it, too. It also fuses the design space of the bomb kit as a melee range kit.

* The Alchemy Kit is a buffing-kit, throwing potions and drinking them to gain temporary effects.

* The Mortar Kit is the long-range option, fusing in some of the space currenctly occupied by the grenade kit with the current mortar, some barrage mortar options maybe.

* Elite specs then swap out these kits or provide new ones, specifically for the Mortar. The Gyros would be a special "gyro kit" which then launches the gyros, the Holosmith would equip the forge as its elite kit, and so on.

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I would do a make over on guardian. A total revamp tbh.

It is the most outdated profession in the game atm and it feels like DH and FB are just patches to fix what was wrong to begin with.


Second, i would do the revenant.


Third, power necro, but its more of fixing the number.


All the other i find have really cool and intriguing mechanics. Ofc there are stuff that needs fixing but its not game breaking. I play mostly thief in wvw atm and i think that profession is in a very good spot.


The one that needs it the least (will upset some) is infact mesmer. I think anet succeeded in making a very interesting and complex profession that can be played successfully in many different ways. Ofc it needs tweaking but the mechanics in the char is just very well designed (except mantras) and complex.

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I'd get rid of shroud on necromancer and instead focus on throwing life stealing on a lot of their skills and traits. I'd also redesign the class for minions (chaos and dps at the cost of self-preservation), curses (dps or support/punishments), and blood magic (survivability). It would make it a loooot closer to original GW1 necromancer instead of this wet noodle of a class we have now.

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> @Brutaly.6257 said:

> Third, power necro, but its more of fixing the number.


Agreed, but it's not **much** more really. Reaper was already billed as a strong but slow hitter. So remove the condi reliance, massively up the scaling on Reaper Shroud so it becomes a truly fearsome menace to be hit by, and also slightly crank up scaling on Greatsword to make up for the slow speed. Then add 3 new GM traits which one each focus on "Stronger hits", "More chill, once I caught you you're not getting away any more" and "You won't kill me while there's people dying around me".


And voila, a truly powerful direct damage spec, very slow (I'd maybe even remove the charge in reaper shroud) but hits like a truck.

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I would remove energy completely from Rev. Have F skill(s) for each legend. Switching legend switches the F skill. Utilities become like every other class where you can select which utilities you find work best.


Clearly there will be a major redesign for utilities.

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necro, i'd make minions work like the did in GW1 (before the minion cap)

basically minions required a nearby corpse to be summoned, and once summoned they had health degen.

BUT there was no limit to the amount that you could summon.

[its kinda like how "Rise!" worked when it was first released, an army of minions!](

"its kinda like how "Rise!" worked when it was first released, an army of minions!")
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> @Pixlboy.5296 said:

> I would love to see Ranger with a core option to go without pet.

> Similar to GW1 that has Pet locked behind specific skill, here it should be under Beastmastery trait line like unlocking new weapon in elite specialization (first minor trait)

> I like ranger pets to some degree but sometime wish I could just turn it of for good without forcing elite specialization.

> Depending on weak AI is never a good idea.


Seeing as I'm slowly maybe getting into Ranger and really liking the pet, shoving it behind a skill tree I would say a huge no.


> @Kalocin.5982 said:

> I'd get rid of shroud on necromancer and instead focus on throwing life stealing on a lot of their skills and traits. I'd also redesign the class for minions (chaos and dps at the cost of self-preservation), curses (dps or support/punishments), and blood magic (survivability). It would make it a loooot closer to original GW1 necromancer instead of this wet noodle of a class we have now.


Another I'm glad don't work for Arenanet, one of the reasons I loathe Scourge from the very beginning was no shroud.

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Engineer to actually fit their theme. I would give them a clear identity in all 3 builds. Scrapper has a good identity, but as much as I love holo, its just a burst dps spec. I would add some stealth or clones to holo so its actually using holograms.


Scrapper utilities totally reworked, mixing gyros with turrets that actually are useful. For example, bulwark gyro will cross with thumper, shredder rifle etc etc.


Revenant could use a total rework to remove energy tbh.

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More in detail changes, how I'd change the Ranger in regard of Gameplay Mechanics of Pet Control and Ranger Skills.


#### Pet Controls


* Old Pet Control F1 to 3 Skills removed

* F1 becomes now "Control Pet" - The moment you press it, you switch the controls between your Character and your Pet, you play now the Pet and the A.I takes over your Character with your Skill Build, so that you can move around with the Pet as you like and use all of its now 5 Skills it will have (under A.I. Control it are only 4), the new 5 Skil lis basically each Pets new own unique "Pet Elite Skill" that out of balance reasons will be only useable, when you control your Pet self). When you contrl your pet self, then turns F1 into Return to Character, so that you can switch back to your Player Character anytime, or if needed for balance, with a little recharge time added in between.

* F2 becomes now "Pet Combo Skill", that each Pet will receive now, a special pet based Combo Skill that you perform in synergy with the Player Character.

* F3 becomes now "Open Pet Command Ring" with that you open a Ring Menu from where you can click quickly various Pet Commands like "Guard Area", "Rescue", "Follow/Get to Me", "Defend Me", "Defend Nearby Ally" and lastly "Go There/Stay" which lets you move your pet to a Ground Target, similar, liek we were able in GW1 to freely move our Heroes to where where wanted them to go to, by placing a Ground Target somewhere.

* F4 becomes now the toggle to remove your Pet and it stays removed, until you toggle it via F4 again on, simple mechanic for when you want just to reduce visual clutter, Attributes of your Character is changed based on if you have your Pets active, or not, allowing this way players to play also Rangers in a petless way. That way becomes the Soulbeast Spec completely obsolete and can easily be exchanged with something better, a namely true Beastlord Spec that has itself specialized on Beast Mastery, which is focused on more simultanous Pets and not on the removal of them >.>

* F5 is added for to "Change Pet", with that you exchange your two Pets.

* Druid's Skill Toggle changes from F5 to F6



#### Skill Changes


**Mergings and Reworks**



* AA + Maul become now Slash > Slice > Powerful Maul

* New - for GS2 added now "**Tail Blade**" = You swing your GS like a sweeping tail with a wide swing, that cleaves, crippling and weakening foes that get hit.

* Counterattack/Crippling Blow get removed

* New - for GS4 added now "**Wild Swing**" = A fast evasive 180 degree uppercut swing with the gs, that will launch the foe away, which causes Vulnerability.

* Hilt Bash removed

* New - for GS5 added now "**Fang Strike**" = A powerful overhead arc strike, which dazes foes, stuns when hit from behind and refreshes your Tail Blade Skill if hit successfully a foe, that suffers on Torment.



* AA + Point Blank Shot become now > Staggering Shot where the AA will stagger the target more, so closer they are to you, so that the AA becomes the skill with that you constantly can try to keep your target away from you and at distance, to force your opponents to make good usage of positioning, blocks, reflects ect.

* LB2 Rapidfire is now moved to spot LB4 and has now 15 Seconds recharge time therefore and its Skill animation Time is reduced from 2 1/2s to 2s., so the shots are made therefore now faster

* New - for LB2 as replacement comes now - "**Sloth Hunter Shot**", which gets merged with Hunter Shot from LB3 = You stealth and grant Pet Swiftness on hit. Additionally the hit deals now significantly more damage, if the target was generally not moving, stunned/dazed or immobilized at the moment of impact.

* New - for LB3 as replacement comes now - "**Splinter Shot**", which is a fan of 5 arrows shot in a fan/cone shape in front of you. By these arrows hit foes will get crippled. Deals also damage and Bleedings to adjacent targets as well, if blocked.

* LB5's Barrage gets renamed and reworked to "**Arrow Rain**", which will mechanically stay as it is, except that Cripple gets replaced now with Torment.



With Mainhand Dagger now baseline, the Beastlord receives a different Weapon - the Chain Whip.

* AA + D4 become now "**Stalking Gouge**" The Initial Attack is evasive for you, while you hit two targets, causing Vulnerability. Vulnerability therefore on the 3rd chain attack Deadly Delivery removed and replaced with a Stealth Effect for you, if you hit a target, that suffered already on Poison and Bleeding.

* D2 + D5 become now "**Predator's Pounce**" and functionally changed: Leap at your Target, strieke foe foes in line of sight twice, causing bleedings. Your Pets next two Attacks will cause Poison and Cripple.

* D3 gets renamed to "**Instinctive Disengage"** and changed to a Backwards Evade, throwing your Dagger at a target, which immobilizes foes, while your Pet gains Quickness, if that Dagger hits successfully.

* New - for D4 as replacement comes now "**Scavenger Strike**" You strike with your Dagger, and replace a Condition from you with a Boon from your Target. Had the Enemy no Boon to replace it with a Condition from you, then do you and your Pet gain an Attack of Opportunity

* New - for D5 as replacement comes now "**Throw Dirt**" instead of throwing a Dagger, you throw officially dirt now, which will blind foes at the ground target to where you have thrown the dirt. You cause a Dark Field at the location, which can be used to combo trigger Stealth and Health Absorb Effects from Combo Finishers



* S2 gets slightly changed, it will deal now on initial hit Poison, and dazes foes, if your strike hits a foe with 5 or more Stacks of Poison.

* S3 gets also slightly changed, the Poison from this Skill gets changed to Confusion



Stays as it is.



* T4 receives simply a reduced recharge timew from 15 seconds down to 10 seconds.

* T5 also simply receives a reduced recharge time from 25 seconds down to 20 seconds, but now also additionally grants Might and Regeneration to Allies standing nearby to it, where its placed.



* T4 receives a reduced Recharge Time from 20 to 10 seconds, therefore a Hit Reduction from 16 to 10 Hits, but each Hit deals therefore 12,5% more Damage

* T5 recieves a Recharge Time Reduction from 30 to 25 seconds, but its Durations are reduced now from 15 to 10 seconds Using this Skill has now also the Effect to instantly bring a defeated Pet back to Life with 25% Health, if the Skill revived a defeated Pet, then you and your Pet will gain also Resistance for few seconds.



* SB3 and 4 get mergerd and become now "**Triple Shot**" = you shoot now 3 Arrows at once at your target, while evading back. The first hit grants you Swiftness, the second hit criples foes and the third Arrow hittign lets your Pets next 3 Attacks cause Bleeding. If you attack with Tripple Shot from behind, causes the second arrow Immobilize, instead of Cripple.

* New - for SB4 as a replacement comes now "**Needling Shot**" - Fast moving shot, that deals low damage, but causes Vulnerability, can't be blocked and the skill recharges itself, if it hits foes with less than 50% Health.

* SB5 gets its Recharge Time reduced from 25 to 20 seconds and deals now also additionallly Confusions, if hit from behind.

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I voted Revenant, too. Pretty inefficient profession compared to the other eight. There is nothing fun about it, the whole class' mechanics are ill-conceived (_I know what I am talking about, I played through 100% of the pre-PoF content with a Revenant_). It is neither apples nor oranges. :/ I has a low durability paired with a lack of sufficient DPS.


How would I redesign it? Simple: I would replace it with the **Monk** <3 (_not a plain healer but a smiter with a staff, somethink like a Shaolin monk_) or the **Ritualist** <3 (_that class was so much fun and is dearly missed_).

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> @jheryn.8390 said:

> Engineer. I would retro delete it and make it a Ritualist because Anet originally said if we liked the Ritualist we would love the Engineer. Yeah... That wan't true. It was supposed to be the replacement for the Rit. It wasn't.


well they talked about a specific tool on engi about the titualist, was the skills on the hold ashes have a boost and another when dropped, i think ANet wanted to ment the skill type, but u know that one cannot listen to fully on what ANet says, it needs a translator cause it means always less, its more about creating sensation about low content to look alot, than actually the content is big eneught to be talked about.


Anet have murdered guard basicly and made a vanilla guard on steroids on PoF, even so its a spam bot while outside Spambrand they borked guardian SW even more and now the staff reason i believe they should be removed and tweaked to the next class, its better than updating to crap and no funtional gameplay like staff and SW are now.


Engi has nothing to do with ritualist, its a placebo made up by ANet based on one skill type that ritualist had. and engi kits. :) , the same they could say that engi is for players that loved smithing prayers monk, ive met some dev's on gw1 that played with 4-5 mo/me enchies with mesmer echo+monk beam of god that now belongs to engie, and engie has nothing to do with monk.

By reading this thread its funny how some players have better sense of class design than ANet lameness,,,,

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While I recognise that revenant is like a 50% finished class, I have to be biased and stick with mesmer here:


Phantasms changed to be similar to Renegade spirits - can only have one of each type out at once.


Phantasms removed from illusion counter and shatter mechanic.


Clone survivability and generation increased.

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Revenant is designed to be the "no weapon swap" of the heavy armors. However, due to the design of the legendaries and energy pool it became severely limited. I would redesign legendaries to be tied to the weapon type instead, with utility slots open. This way, each weapon represent a legendary, while utility skills are more flexible.

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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> well they talked about a specific tool on engi about the titualist, was the skills on the hold ashes have a boost and another when dropped, i think ANet wanted to ment the skill type, but u know that one cannot listen to fully on what ANet says, it needs a translator cause it means always less, its more about creating sensation about low content to look alot, than actually the content is big eneught to be talked about.


I remember when they were announcing the classes. They clearly tried to make those of us who loved the Ritualist believe that we would love the Engi even more than the Ritualist. It was obvious after the game dropped that it was not true. They had nothing to do with each other and the Engi was in no way a replacement for the Rit.


They were trying to placate those of us that were unhappy that the Rit didn't make it to the game.


I actually don't have a problem with the Engi like it is, but it is not Ritualist and was in no way a replacement for it. I'm still not happy with the Rit not being in the game. (Obviously. LOL)


It would have been better if Anet would have just let the Engi stand on its own and not try to make us believe that we would enjoy it as a Rit replacement.

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