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Note: You can now change your display name via support.

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Edit 6 Dec 2020: It has been reported in this thread that changing a display name can still cause problems for the account. [Details in the post located here.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1384741/#Comment_1384741)


I know a ton of people have wanted this for a long time but wasn't available unless there were specific requirements met. It appears now that has changed. According to GMMagister on Reddit this can now be done via a support ticket.



> This is correct!


> Up until this year (a few months ago, really) we were not able to make changes to display names since the whole system (and the tools our team uses) were not built with changing the display name in mind.


> While it was technically possible, it could permanently break an account in a way where it would end up unable to chat, add friends, interact with guilds, or the display name change simply wouldn't take. For this reason, we would only change the name if it contained a significant amount of personal information (such as first AND last name,) or if it was in violation of the Terms of Service.


> Thankfully, we finally got our tools and the display name system updated, which is why we updated the policy this year! While we may come across a couple cases where we can't change the name, these should be few and far between, so this limitation is pretty much a thing of the past. :)


> Thanks for the note about the FAQ page, by the way. I'll take a peak and see if we can get that updated.


When this was asked in the same thread:

> Does this mean I can put in a ticket to finally change my name??


Here is GMMagister's reply:

> As long as you don't pick "Kirito" you should be golden!


> True story - there's so many of those that even the randomly generated 4 digit number at the end may be running out, or the system just has issues finding an unclaimed number. ;D



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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> No problem, I figured this news would make some people happy as it has been a frequently requested option. I'm just surprised they didn't monetize it and make it a gem store thing.


You owe me a new keyboard. I just spat my drink in laughter across it when I read this ?



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  • 1 month later...

Just a reminder that changing your display name is now an option according to the post by the Anet employee in the reddit link in my OP. I know a lot of people have asked about it in the past because they were unhappy with their display name. So for those of you that are unhappy with it, you can now gift yourself a new display name for Wintersday. B)


Happy this time of year.



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It's via Support Ticket.

> Be careful, though. It's possible to change your name, but can still have the prior associated issues.


I can see that may be a concern. Anet's communication isn't totally clear as to if a display name change still runs the risk of causing problems with the account. From GMMagister's post on reddit:


>**While it was technically possible, it could permanently break an account** in a way where it would end up unable to chat, add friends, interact with guilds, or the display name change simply wouldn't take. For this reason, we would only change the name if it contained a significant amount of personal information (such as first AND last name,) or if it was in violation of the Terms of Service.


>**Thankfully, we finally got our tools and the display name system updated, which is why we updated the policy this year!** While we may come across a couple cases where we can't change the name, these should be few and far between, **so this limitation is pretty much a thing of the past.**


So to me I read this as they updated their tools to the point a display name change no longer runs the risks of causing issues. Thus why they offer it as option without the prior restrictions. But what do I know? Again, as some mentioned above, a bit of communication here from Anet might have been helpful. But maybe they just don't want support flooded with display name change requests by talking about it. Who knows?


For a game I have not really played in over a year aside from logging in to unlock the living boring episodes in the event I decide to play again, I should not be investing my time to try and sort this out. That should be Anet's job. I was just a bored today. :)


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> A friend's son just recently took advantage of the Display Name Change.

> His name still shows in my list as his old Display Name. I can not add the new Display Name. I can not contact him on either name.

> Thus, there still is some risk to some accounts.


If that is the case in my opinion they should revert back to the old policy. It seems a bit irresponsible to offer display name changes to anyone that asks now if it can still break the account. I suppose some people are willing to take that risk though. I wonder what they meant when they mentioned that they got their tools and display name system updated if it can still break things. Doesn't seem like a very good update in that case. :) I'll edit my OP to mention there could still be a risk.

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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> No problem, I figured this news would make some people happy as it has been a frequently requested option. I'm just surprised they didn't monetize it and make it a gem store thing.


[Name Change Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Name_Change_Contract) is available in gemstore for 800 gems for very long time. I did it once.

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> @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > No problem, I figured this news would make some people happy as it has been a frequently requested option. I'm just surprised they didn't monetize it and make it a gem store thing.


> [Name Change Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Name_Change_Contract) is available in gemstore for 800 gems for very long time. I did it once.


That's an entirely different feature; it changed _Character Names_ not _Display Names_.

(Display Names are the names players chose to differentiate their accounts: such as Antycypator.9874)

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