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Anet , i would like to request please that you can remove followers


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> @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> > @"carey.3169" said:

> > Would love to see a updated version of contacts, similar to other online games, that friendship be mutually requested, and to remove unwanted followers, without having to change account details.


> What's the issue with the current system? Not attacking, just curious.


When alot of people follow you the list becomes impossible to sort through or know who anyone is. You don't have to approve followers, so once someone adds you it just stays there forever, even long after they quit the game.


It can also be a trigger, when people have broken up in relationships, or a friend has died or something.


The game doesn't even have "softblocking" to force follower removal.

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A mutual friend system where requests have to be approved would make it much easier to add friends, especially when you're adding several people or people you know from outside the game (meaning you might not have their character or display name).


Earlier this year several of my friends got GW2 and when I found out I gave them my display name and told them to add me...then realised I had no way of knowing if they'd done it or picking them out of my followers list so I could also add them to my friends list. There's lots of people on my followers list I don't know, or at least I don't recognise the names, and people seem to come and go all the time so I couldn't just rely on finding new names. I was able to identify a couple of my friends because I recognised the names they were using, but other people couldn't even remember what they'd called themselves so it took ages to find and add everyone.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> A mutual friend system where requests have to be approved would make it much easier to add friends, especially when you're adding several people or people you know from outside the game (meaning you might not have their character or display name).


> Earlier this year several of my friends got GW2 and when I found out I gave them my display name and told them to add me...then realised I had no way of knowing if they'd done it or picking them out of my followers list so I could also add them to my friends list. There's lots of people on my followers list I don't know, or at least I don't recognise the names, and people seem to come and go all the time so I couldn't just rely on finding new names. I was able to identify a couple of my friends because I recognised the names they were using, but other people couldn't even remember what they'd called themselves so it took ages to find and add everyone.


Maybe have an option when adding someone to the friendslist to sent them an email in game with a standard text that can be customized. So when you added someone you get a pop-up saying:

Danikat.8537 was succesfully added to your friendslist. To see more info ask Danikat.8537 to add you as well by sending him an email. Do you want to sent this now? Yes - No


When you click yes an email to you is made with a default text : Hi Danikat.8537, I have added you to my friendslist. do you want to do the same?

This text can be customized

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > A mutual friend system where requests have to be approved would make it much easier to add friends, especially when you're adding several people or people you know from outside the game (meaning you might not have their character or display name).

> >

> > Earlier this year several of my friends got GW2 and when I found out I gave them my display name and told them to add me...then realised I had no way of knowing if they'd done it or picking them out of my followers list so I could also add them to my friends list. There's lots of people on my followers list I don't know, or at least I don't recognise the names, and people seem to come and go all the time so I couldn't just rely on finding new names. I was able to identify a couple of my friends because I recognised the names they were using, but other people couldn't even remember what they'd called themselves so it took ages to find and add everyone.


> Maybe have an option when adding someone to the friendslist to sent them an email in game with a standard text that can be customized. So when you added someone you get a pop-up saying:

> Danikat.8537 was succesfully added to your friendslist. To see more info ask Danikat.8537 to add you as well by sending him an email. Do you want to sent this now? Yes - No


> When you click yes an email to you is made with a default text : Hi Danikat.8537, I have added you to my friendslist. do you want to do the same?

> This text can be customized


That would probably really irritate popular players. (Devs, streamers, partners, etc.)

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> @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> > @"carey.3169" said:

> > Would love to see a updated version of contacts, similar to other online games, that friendship be mutually requested, and to remove unwanted followers, without having to change account details.


> What's the issue with the current system? Not attacking, just curious.


One of the biggest people have mentioned in the past is that people can basically stalk you without you having a say in it. They can see when you are online, what zone you are in, and harass you in a number of ways. Players shouldn't be forced to be in invisible (which removes direct messages) because someone follows you everywhere to impact your gameplay.

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From the moment i remembered that this stupid thing existed, i have been "offline". Wish i would have remembered sooner, because at that point some people had already added themselves, without my consent, to followers(Friends, HAH!). It doesn't really bother me that much because i'm "offline", but if some people have friends in-game, i can easily see how it would be inconvenient.


I mean, it shouldn't be a problem to tell your friends where you are so they can come along, why in the hell do some random mooks need to know where you are all the time? Why does anyone need to know where you are? "Because commanders"? Pfft...


Why has nothing been done about it? Because nobody has made a social media kittenstorm about it.

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Why not add a sprocket to the top-right corner of the contacts-tab, with a couple of customization options:

- Display Followers

- Display Blocked

- Allow Followers to see my status (online, offline, idle)

- Allow Followers to whisper me

- Allow Followers to send me mails

- Allow Followers to gift me Gemstore Items

- Allow Strangers to whisper me

- Allow Strangers to send me mails

- Allow Friends to see my status (online, offline, idle)

- Allow Friends to whisper me

- Allow Friends to send me mails

- Allow Friends to gift me Gemstore Items

- Allow Blocked to see my status (online, offline, idle)


In addition I would like to ask

- to disallow Invisible people whispering anyone

- to disallow whispering to a Blocked player



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**Please no**


The unrestricted friendlist+nickname tool is the main feature for me to recognize people and check who I can ask for help. It also helps returning veterans to pick up contact with people after months or years of being away from the game.


Apart from that, there is a main weird bug in Guild Member Lists (that hasn't been addressed for years ...) where you can't see some of the Guild Members online (even thought unblocked and online status in their perspective), and adding them to your fl is currently the only way I've found to get rid of the bug ...


The softblock would be a fair solution, since, apart from the mentioned critical cases like relationships and co. most of the people would not care about being followed. Having to accept followers would again leave a weird relation status feeling where one is the famous bitch and the other one is the inferior.


If you want to make sure you don't get lost with new followers, just tell them to send you a letter (you can even give them your character name for this!) and you'll have their propper account name in the inbox.

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> @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> > @"carey.3169" said:

> > Would love to see a updated version of contacts, similar to other online games, that friendship be mutually requested, and to remove unwanted followers, without having to change account details.


> What's the issue with the current system? Not attacking, just curious.


The problem comes in when you have a harasser in game (or out of game) that follows you. Yea ... kinda had a few of those and yes I do block them but if they follow you to try to keep harassing you then, at least from I can see on my lists, they can still see you. The only good thing is since I have blocked them I don't see stuff from them ... others can thou. All because they followed me.

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> @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:

> > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> > > @"carey.3169" said:

> > > Would love to see a updated version of contacts, similar to other online games, that friendship be mutually requested, and to remove unwanted followers, without having to change account details.

> >

> > What's the issue with the current system? Not attacking, just curious.


> The problem comes in when you have a harasser in game (or out of game) that follows you. Yea ... kinda had a few of those and yes I do block them but if they follow you to try to keep harassing you then, at least from I can see on my lists, they can still see you. The only good thing is since I have blocked them I don't see stuff from them ... others can thou. All because they followed me.



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I second this motion of removing followers from friends list. Carrying dead weights on your friend/followers list isn't fun. Over the years I've picked up people that haven't touched the game in years, if they do return, I personally had to mail them if they could remove me. Some do willingly, others had to due to being blocked and some just flat out refused. The ones that refused, here's the thing, they've been gone from the game for years. Had no to little contact or even played with. So yeah, clean out of friends/followers list is something I would like to see.

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I would be in total support of a friend system overhaul. (Assuming they give us enough time to grab names from our list before the new system goes into place so we can re-add people. But it seems like a nobrainer that they would give a warning)


I don't really understand why the system is the way it is.

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I sometimes find that I can't send mail or party invitations to someone unless I friend them first. No idea why, but it ends up with me friending a lot of strangers, and often forgetting to delete them after sending them the item/message or doing the party event with them. I once had a paranoid guy demand to know why I was following him, and had no idea why, only that we probably did an event together at some point in the past.

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It very much needs an overhaul, or at the very least changed so blocking someone removes them from your followers and they can't see where you are.


But it really should be possible to remove people from your followers list and there's no reason not to allow that since if adding people doesn't require consent of both parties, then it should be possible for one person to say "no". That would have zero impact on people who don't care but would be a huge improvement for people who deal with stalking/harassment, have former friends/partners they can't fully remove, and in general allow for the list to be curated.

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The option to remove should already have been in place eight years ago.

While I would very much welcome such an option, I can't see Arenanet ever implementing it.


Why did we need to have a follower list in the first place anyway?

Friend lists and block lists always had been sufficient in GW1.

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