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Suggestion- New Thread Preview of Comming Next Gemstore item. Do you think it would help?

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I think it would be very helpful for players to know what's coming up so they can plan their spending accordingly.


I also think that's why Anet are unlikely to do more than the current "Coming this week" sections at the end of [Gem Store news articles](https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/calm-yourself-with-the-mystic-lotus-chair/). The more notice players have that something they want is coming up the easier it is to plan ahead. Firstly that means more time to convert gold to gems when the exchange rate is better and you spend less overall, and potentially time to farm gold to convert. On top of that it means some people are more likely to skip less desirable purchases because they know something they really want is coming later. It also reduces the chances of impulse buying - if you know a new item is coming a few weeks in advance you have plenty of time to think about whether you really want it before you need to make a decision, and some people will decide they don't. All of which results in less income for Anet.


None of which is unique to Anet, other businesses use the same tactics all the time for the same reasons. (And similar ones - like putting impulse buy items next to the queue so you don't have time to think about whether you really want it before you've paid for it.)


I'd love it if they did give us more notice of what's coming, but I won't be surprised if they don't.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I think it would be very helpful for players to know what's coming up so they can plan their spending accordingly.


It also reduces the chances of impulse buying - if you know a new item is coming a few weeks in advance you have plenty of time to think about whether you really want it before you need to make a decision, and some people will decide they don't. All of which results in less income for Anet.


Yes I know right... just like I did when i bought the **branded pack skin** thinking it was **the last** and a couple days after they added the Mad Realm Pack(i think) with in my opinion was cooler than the previous and cheaper... If i knew I would've saved the gems to buy this pack instead. I wish I were rich to buy both but unfortunally I ain't so I got to do to what I have availiable to buy gold and gems and try not to overspend.


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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> > Can we rename to : 'New Thread Preview of Comming Next Real Balance Patch. Do you think it would help?'


> No, the balance is just getting worse and the builds are getting dumbed down. The more they balance around zerk or go home the worse the gameplay becomes.


Did my comment just do a /r/whoosh on you?

They did them before, balance patch previews before the patch came so that adjustments could be made if it wasnt going to be well recieved.

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