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WvW Feedback and ideas for new developments


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Dear ArenaNet,

I am currently determined to try out your WvW mode, as I have spent a few days already on it I would like to offer you my feedback and some ideas that came into my mind.

First of all my gaming experience. I have played RPG and MMO games in the past, I can name a few of the most popular ones such as World of Warcraft, Neverwinter nights, TERA, Shaiya, Phantasy Star Online.

I also have had experience playing MOBA games, such as Heroes of the Storm and League of Legends.

I have chosen to give MMORPGs a try this year and I bought your Ultimate Edition Bundle in order to start my full game experience with your company's product and the gems included in the bundle, despite being delivered with 2 days of delay due to an error on your systems which disappointed me, have been very useful in unlocking a few key features on my account. I still think a lot of things in your gemstore are currently overpriced but I won't include them in this thread because the main topic here is WvW.



I am currently playing WvW with my sword/dagger weaver in full berserker/assassin gear and PvE build and every player can kill me in 1 second without giving me a chance to even perform half of my skill rotation. I don't like how squishy and unbalanced the current state of the game is, HP becomes totally irrelevant when you can play meta builds that can burst down players in a couple of seconds without counterplay. My definition of fair is you either allow every available professions to 1 shot a player's character or you don't allow anyone to do that. Combat feels too bursty and not fun at all.

WvW maps are poorly designed and some of them are even too vertical, I like plain grounds better and they look more realistically reasonable as well. There are only a very few creatures on the map and not many objectives to take. Maps are big, there is room for a lot more funny things to do other than assaulting keeps and forts.

Where are the meta events? Last time I have followed a commander tag my allies were bouncing from one place to the other leaving behind their own allies who were hunted down by enemy teams. There was no action involved, it didn't feel as if defending forts was somewhat rewarding. I had more fun in PvE against Zhaitan's minions when I had to defend Fort Trinity.

Skill lag and lag in general, I have read recent reports from my allies that I am lagging on WvW maps, this is a very important issue and I hope you can fix it soon as the game lags a lot for me. I play on a 2015 MAC computer with Catalina fully updated to the last version and too often I am forced to force quit the game in order to close it and I am playing on the lowest settings.


Ideas and suggestions:

As I have had experience with MOBA games I can see a lot of things that can be developed on a new WvW map, for example I haven't seen any Mercenaries you can bribe of hire in order to assault objectives on the map.

There are no Boss fights in WvW, they could be hired as Mercenaries when defeated. Imagine having the backup of a Giant Insect Golem marching with players in front of the enemy gates.

Vehicles, there is a lack of them in WvW, I would like to see more vehicles being added allowing players to drive them in order to siege the enemy gates.

Mounts, there is only one mount available and no masteries, there is room for more content to be developed here, I will live it to your creativity.


If anything else comes into my mind I will include it here




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I think it's really difficult and somewhat unfair of you to judge a game's balance when you've only been playing a few days. Like, I too went to another game and was easily killed fast when I played PvP in that game, but I improved with more experience and as I became more informed of the metas.


If you want to be taken more seriously, may I suggest writing this more from the perspective of a first impression by an inexperienced player?

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*turns on intercom*


*"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you have enjoyed this half of the matchup. Its progressing well and we will soon arrive at our final skirmish. If you look out the window to your left, you will see an ele in PvE glass cannon gear instantly dying to WvW builds. Look at him go!"*


*a cheer is heard while some snaps pictures*

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I really, really hope this is an honest post, because parts of it read like a thinly veiled troll. But against my better judgement: welcome to WvW! The first rule of WvW is: you are not a hero. Try to get in touch with you server's community to find ways to play effectively and as part of a larger group. WvW has a pretty solid meta which has been found out by players who did a lot of math and experimenting. Playing an experimental build from PvE and expecting similar results will most likely not work out in your favour.

I do appreciate that you actually took the time to come up with feedback and properly word your points, but I think at this point you don't have the general overview yet.


> I am currently playing WvW with my sword/dagger weaver in full berserker/assassin gear and PvE build and every player can kill me in 1 second without giving me a chance to even perform half of my skill rotation. I don't like how squishy and unbalanced the current state of the game is, HP becomes totally irrelevant when you can play meta builds that can burst down players in a couple of seconds without counterplay


I don't really get what you are saying here. HP obviously _is extremely relevant_ in your case. You are playing the class with the lowest HP pool (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Health) with stats that are entirely geared towards offense with not a tad of defense. Those are stats that are mostly played by experienced players within the safety of a large group, not in a 1v1-scenario. Done properly you _are_ the one that bursts others down in one second. That is called _high risk, high reward_. Not sure what you expected.

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It does say something about the newbie experience of WvW though. They're expected to research on external sources before playing.

How is a newbie to know their effective PVE build will get wrecked in WvW? That stacking is imperative? How camps/towers/keeps interact? What objectives you can take as an individual? How to join a group? What is a tag, even?


To the OP, it's great that you're determined, and WvW is a unique game mode which is great fun once you're into it. I highly suggest heading to YouTube or Googling some guides on how WvW works, and then some suitable builds for your class.

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> @"Lady Sapphirah.6234" said:

> Welcome to wvw and thankyou for your input and ideas :)


> The wvw devs say they are doing something and have been for a long time... I personally think it will come out in the new expansion.


> We have been going thru this for years. There have been so many threads like this...... we are waiting and hoping but just.... tired.


Thank you for your kind reply, I took my time to write a feedback because I have spent time and money into this game and I am well determined into succeeding in WvW. I considered the idea that 1 month of gaming experience in GW2 could not be enough to start a feedback and that some people might think of me as a troll but the reason why I have spent some valuable time to write things down is purely because I like GW2, otherwise I would have never started a discussion.

I am currently learning builds and execution from Cellofrag's videos, of course I don't have the gear to play a bunker build but this is my second character at lvl 80 and I have enough gaming experience on my back with MMO games that I feel confident enough to make some progresses.

Thank you all for your advices, I hope to see more blues to play with and share some fun with you.


Live well



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> @"Touchme.1097" said:

> > @"Lady Sapphirah.6234" said:

> > Welcome to wvw and thankyou for your input and ideas :)

> >

> > The wvw devs say they are doing something and have been for a long time... I personally think it will come out in the new expansion.

> >

> > We have been going thru this for years. There have been so many threads like this...... we are waiting and hoping but just.... tired.


> Thank you for your kind reply, I took my time to write a feedback because I have spent time and money into this game and I am well determined into succeeding in WvW. I considered the idea that 1 month of gaming experience in GW2 could not be enough to start a feedback and that some people might think of me as a troll but the reason why I have spent some valuable time to write things down is purely because I like GW2, otherwise I would have never started a discussion.

> I am currently learning builds and execution from Cellofrag's videos, of course I don't have the gear to play a bunker build but this is my second character at lvl 80 and I have enough gaming experience on my back with MMO games that I feel confident enough to make some progresses.

> Thank you all for your advices, I hope to see more blues to play with and share some fun with you.


> Live well


> Regards


If you interested in a bunker weaver build assistance, this person has a great build: AliamRationem.5172

I once messaged him for the heal rotation he was doing and he made a clip of it to show.

This is his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVfOCi7TrvGxoYKLE0C6NcA/videos

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> @"Touchme.1097" said:

> I am currently playing WvW with my sword/dagger weaver in full berserker/assassin gear and PvE build and every player can kill me in 1 second without giving me a chance to even perform half of my skill rotation.

And this is GREAT! someone should lose, and if you not in wvw maintream biuld you have some challenge to be improve yours skills to new level or lose, and lose again.

This is one of coolest parts of the game.


>I don't like how squishy and unbalanced the current state of the game

why you wait balance? feel not skilled ? find party or squad. This is WvW. Not someone one vs someone one. For exsample I never try do 1 vs 1, and only see what we have bigger group try assits and get points. This is mmo game I think?


>HP becomes totally irrelevant when you can play meta builds that can burst down players in a couple of seconds without counterplay.

no one say that you need use meta biulds. Use your own biuld. This is legal. Also no one can guarantee that you will dominate wiht yours biudl if yours skill is same ort lower. Try improve skill, or be normal wvw plauer- find pug squad and get fun.


>Combat feels too bursty and not fun at all.

don't understand logic .. And why is should be for everyone? title knight of arena also not for everyone. So what?


> WvW maps are poorly designed

this is pvp content. It is not require design at all or can be ANY.


> Where are the meta events? Last time I have followed a commander tag my allies were bouncing from one place to the other leaving behind their own allies who were hunted down by enemy teams. There was no action involved, it didn't feel as if defending forts was somewhat rewarding. I had more fun in PvE against Zhaitan's minions when I had to defend Fort Trinity.

so you need try pve content also. Get meta from pve, skill update, ofc if yuo want from wvw.


> Skill lag and lag in general,

lower yours video settings. If you have great PC and connection, and lowest sttings - no lag.

now is 2020. So you need great zen3, or something like that, good optic internet cable, and lower settings if play in blob.


> As I have had experience with MOBA games I can see a lot of things

for that things I on morning sometimes use another launcher, play another game few hours, after that say "oh, it so great what we have giuldwars2 and good chill and fun wvw"


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> @"Touchme.1097" said:

> I considered the idea that 1 month of gaming experience in GW2 could not be enough to start a feedback

for most gw2 players that 1 month, or 1 year looks same. 1-2 year - beginners, 3-5 years - middle, other middle +. Welcome on wvw, This road is not short.

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I agree with those ideas .

They should also implant new utilities for underlevel characters , that offer damage boons like ''For Great Justice'' + Lesser Protection n the same time . As they gain level the effectiveness + cd is reduced/increased , forcing them to use their Character skills . Or many utilities that offer them extrely amount of mobility , so they dont't get frustrated , but rather go for the zergs .

Or create a Shapeshift Druid utilities (just like Kit Enginner , but more visual satisfing...ahh..) , with huge escape capibilities + cc + but with 1 sec casting major attacks (55 rank something) , that generates Supplies on its own (every 10 min-near an enemy Keep) + have its own ''Flare'' , in order to avoid trolling the tactivator rod + helps other roamers to escape (if they dont attack) from unfavorable matches.

Or bring back the scalling issue , that we had 2 years ago where underlvl characters with Vit-Power gear had : 2600 Power + 28.000 hp + 12% crit +0% ferocity .

Or offer them a buff in the vendor that offer +15 all stats and overscale them


About mounts they should create a ''mechanical rhino'' that move slowly , and it as long you ride it , a bar is filled .

If 5x rhynos-bar filled are nearby , the comander can throw on them blue prints ,where it automatically dismount the players and they start Stampeding towards the Commander and hs Rhyno ar heading .

They offer Stability+remove passivly conditions+ multiply Ring of Warding layers to boon stip the enemies Stability .+ knocback

Based on the score -outnumder they offer Range protection

.If they winning server is trying ride with their mechanic mount , they move slowly , while the low-pop-servers if they have Under-low pop buff that offer rewards , passivly also filles the mount bar , while the travel with the Warclaw

Each Rhynos HP scale with person attacking them . If 1x Rhyno dies , the system crambles

Rhyns gets 1x stack of HP+ Poison undispelable debuff every 2 sec , from the moment they are summoned





edit 2:

Or he can list himself to have an advantage (as roamer or in siege battles) , vs *A SPECIFIC CLASS* and a random weakness :

For example if get Hit by a !roamer! *Mesmer* (away from the Castle -Keeps) , you gets superspeed or stealth , while in siege battler his boon are removed every 5 sec

If Gandara Server (as a whole) chooses to reduce dots FROM NECROS wells/pulsing shroud in siege battlers , they will be weak in the open areas from the enemy raid . Or they can choose none to be ''balanced''




:Or for the first 10 days , the new player (30 hours in WvW or 30 ranks )gets a buff , that cannont be dismounted from players .?

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> @"Touchme.1097" said:


> I am currently playing WvW with my sword/dagger weaver in full berserker/assassin gear and PvE build and every player can kill me in 1 second without giving me a chance to even perform half of my skill rotation.


Not to sound overly arrogant and elitist, but I think thats all the wvw community needed to hear to judge this post. Its nice to see first impressions in a game full of veterans especially when the steam release is coming, but I think you need to put more time into learning the game before you are really able to critique it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Simo.6819" said:

> > Sword Dagger weaver is not a squad build , please stick to squad builds for complains

> on common pug squad not one worry about biuld or class. Be near blob and get fun.


u mean the casually bored thief and ranger roamers ganking you?


btw the Wvw maps aren't poorly designed as such, but Red border still could use a rework to make everything more compact. also all borders aren't full flattened. some odd uneven spots or stuff that blocks warkitty movement (on fire keep inner upwalk for example, quentins post-gate walk, several spots around bay etc) should get fixed/updated. i don't even wanna know how many years nobody has updated these maps. newer games get like more updates in one freaking year.



too bursty combat lel. combat in Wvw is simply quick. it did tend to be even faster, before the major damage nerfs for like 90% of all damage skills. you just played an extreme glass cannon (light armor full zerker ? lmfao) without invuln and stunbreaker skills i guess? ele is rather one of the sneakier basterds with great range. the weapon u need is staff, bc everything will just delete u in melee with just spamming 11111111111


i literally made my first ele/weaver yesterday and it was quite fun yet, not really hard to play imo. but also not a class for beginners, you should know how to position yourself in fights. (and it still stays a rather selfish set, means u also gotta take care to not get bombed away or picked off by roamers)

i play my herald also glassy, but i can do that, since i know my stunbreaks, evades and positioning. rev has more support options, heavier weapon class and sigil of energy access due to weaponswap for example.


check the "gw2mists .de" page for Wvw builds.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> u mean the casually bored thief and ranger roamers ganking you?

if any class can gank anyone from big group = this is not problem for ganker.


> btw the Wvw maps aren't poorly designed as such, but Red border still could use a rework to make everything more compact. also all borders aren't full flattened. some odd uneven spots or stuff that blocks warkitty movement (on fire keep inner upwalk for example, quentins post-gate walk, several spots around bay etc) should get fixed/updated.

don't see any reason update that. This is one of edge mastery.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > @"Touchme.1097" said:


> > I am currently playing WvW with my sword/dagger weaver in full berserker/assassin gear and PvE build and every player can kill me in 1 second without giving me a chance to even perform half of my skill rotation.


> Not to sound overly arrogant and elitist, but I think thats all the wvw community needed to hear to judge this post. Its nice to see first impressions in a game full of veterans especially when the steam release is coming, but I think you need to put more time into learning the game before you are really able to critique it.


Despite what you might think, even feedbacks coming from new players playing WvW for the first time are useful, because that is the welcome ticket they get and the future of WvW depends almost entirely on the welcome experience.

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> @"Touchme.1097" said:

> > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > > @"Touchme.1097" said:

> >

> > > I am currently playing WvW with my sword/dagger weaver in full berserker/assassin gear and PvE build and every player can kill me in 1 second without giving me a chance to even perform half of my skill rotation.

> >

> > Not to sound overly arrogant and elitist, but I think thats all the wvw community needed to hear to judge this post. Its nice to see first impressions in a game full of veterans especially when the steam release is coming, but I think you need to put more time into learning the game before you are really able to critique it.


> Despite what you might think, even feedbacks coming from new players playing WvW for the first time are useful, because that is the welcome ticket they get and the future of WvW depends almost entirely on the welcome experience.


I agree it is important for new players to have a voice, but wvw has not really changed since around HoT times. It is very much a veterans gamemode at this point. Anyways that is kind of beside the point here. Full dps elementalist is the glassiest class in the game, so being critical about dying on a zerker melee build kind of sounds like you are trolling. Dying because you are out of position and dont understand pvp builds/fights should be considered standard in pretty much every competitive game. Gw2 is faster paced and has a much higher skill cap than other mmos but that doesnt mean its a flaw. You will find that the majority of people still playing pvp and wvw do so because they love the combat more than any other game.

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> @"Touchme.1097" said:

> Skill lag and lag in general, I have read recent reports from my allies that I am lagging on WvW maps, this is a very important issue and I hope you can fix it soon as the game lags a lot for me. I play on a 2015 MAC computer with Catalina fully updated to the last version and too often I am forced to force quit the game in order to close it and I am playing on the lowest settings.



can't be serious OP... it's a a 5 year old Mac


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> @"Touchme.1097" said:

> Ideas and suggestions:

> As I have had experience with MOBA games I can see a lot of things that can be developed on a new WvW map, for example I haven't seen any Mercenaries you can bribe of hire in order to assault objectives on the map.

> There are no Boss fights in WvW, they could be hired as Mercenaries when defeated. Imagine having the backup of a Giant Insect Golem marching with players in front of the enemy gates.



I think a new WvW map would be a fantastic. The idea I had would be to have each borderlands and eternal battleground have their own unique map. The Alpine map could be for blue side, the desert map for Red side, and a new jungle map for green side. This way each borderland map feels unique and different from the others. So when your faction is invading a borderland it truly feeling like your invading a new land.


Eternal already has its own map, so it's good. I only would like to see minor environment changes whenever a major story event happens, thus connecting WvW a little bit to the story and the world in general. For example, in the last season we traveled through the mist briefly chasing kralkatorrik. It would be interesting to see some areas (ex. supply camps) in Eternal Battleground be branded over. This could lead to players using branded siege weapons or supplies. Would definitely change up the strategy for WvW as the branded supplies might become a priority and direct more fights.


Another interesting idea would be to able to direct the mercenaries (hylek, ogres, dredge) to towers or keeps under that factions control. This may require having control over the mercenaries for a set period of time but it would be interesting to see. At the current moment the lords and soldiers at towers and keeps are the same, so if a guild controls a keep they should be able to select which lord they want to defend it. This would also change up the current meta of WvW. There could be a list of lords a guild can choose from to defend their tower or keep; each with their own strengths and weakness.


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