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Would you pay for Housing DLC? - Similar to ESO


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> @Xbon.9086 said:

> > @Aeolus.3615 said:


> For example if you're human, salma district. if you credit any nodes to your account (or after certain achievements, etc) you get things built up in your home... a full home would credit you a very nice source of income every day :3... but to buld up to that point would be thousands of gold, tons of gems, etc.


Well, that would be to much, guild already have the free farming house on Lions Arch wich i think its already stupid, but i can see a way to impove that mining within some balance, but would need WvW changes and had to deal with the supply line and what supply camps your guild were defending etc (but the game is way to basic 111111 spam is already way to hardcore for the developers), and i bet who proposes WvW fixes or decent mechanics, on ANET gets fired throwed out of the window so no dev will ever do it.


Joking asside (i love t joke how bad ANET is, hard to resist...), have u seen how other sandbox mmo's inovated, on this matter even ESO is a basic game when we talk about housing system w/o any strategie behind it.

I dont think ANet should stay behind on this area, they need to start INOVATING their game, and add some sandboxing on salma district and GH...gw2 is already an outdated game cause ANet sold more the word inovate than actually inovated.

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I have had a home in every MMO I've played, and I really miss it here. Housing was never charged extra in those other games, and I wouldn't like to see it charged for here. Added as a patch or as part of expansion would work for me. Then they could re-do their store so that it can hold a lot more than the few items it does and sell some furnishings, as well as let us get furnishings in-game.

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I don't know how ESO does housing, but I like how BDO does though. The houses are set within the open-world but walking up to door you effectively enter an instanced version of it furnished/owned by X player. There is no loading screen, it transitions smoothly you don't even notice, though I wouldn't mind loading screens in GW2, it's par for the course. Decorating is top notch, you can set objects on top of objects (like food on tables, plants on dressers, cushions on chairs, etc) and it can be as crowded or spacey as you want, no limits to decorations allowed within the space, unlike GW2 halls which are very restrictive.


Alas where GW2 is concerned, I'm not sure how they would integrate it, with all races in mind. I don't think they can simply convert current player home instances to housing, as several lack the space to fit a house. The norn just have a grand hall and the sylvaris have really small round huts. Only way I could see it work was within a new space altogether, like a new island or city designed around player housing, while losing the racial aesthetics. Decorations would need a rework too, while some are amazing in halls, can be extremely frustrating to place. I had to put the chandelier on top of a tree. then remove the tree, in order to place chandelier above ground level in my hall!

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I've never played ESO, so I can't comment on housing compared to theirs.


I do think some sort of housing system would be good. Basic, generic house should be free, with upgrades to different ones in the gem store. Then the stuff to put in it should be a mix of gem store and things gained in-game. Scribe should NOT be used, as the prices for it are set for full guilds, not solo players.


I don't think any such system we would get will make everyone happy, having seen guild halls I think that a really GOOD housing system is beyond ANet's reach in the current game. But I still think the effort should be made, and will pay off in the long run.

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## **"NO, I do not care. Why pay 1200 gems for a third home??"**


### As for a house in your home instance... I guess you play human...


* As Asura home area you have a lab, no housing,

* As Norn you have the great Hall, no added rooms, there might be a co sleaper where Knut Whitebear lives?

* As Sylvari you have that one house... It's big but the few miniature open rooms on the roof are not comfortable housing

* As Charr you have the training area... It has a bar.. and some barracks and a school, but it's far from housing.


### What I did to find a personal spot?


I have my private guild hall and my home instance. My guild hall is my present housing. I have decorated it, have all facilities of a guild hall affordable by an ultra low man guild. (all nodes, but to t3 and max % boosters for everyhing, if I want to WvW I can get camps and give 'm +5) (Level 27), Upgraded areana, market, Warroom, basic tavern (I love the tent and dislike the building... sorry dev...) My problems arise with: next upgrade costs 50 elonian squares.... 100 ley line infused tools or other stuff based upon timegated materials.


I also have my home instance with all my nodes, and farm options. but as a person with mostly Norns and Sylvari well.. I do not find the area's attractive enough to see 'm as personal housing, AND most of these places are community area's


I like my guild hall based housing, especially lost precipice can store a lot of content and small housing. My only thing is I'd like a Black lion merchant in my guild hall...


### My interpretation of my Housing:


![My Guild Hall's Home](https://i.imgur.com/s5y9mqd.jpg "")


I have my own Grill, Bar, fountain, library, globe, clock, lounge area, grammophone, holodancer, and view of a waterfall and a nice statue... beer on fust and more.


![](https://i.imgur.com/Gk31bSx.jpg "")


And an area to sell some hardware, WvW players need to get their stuff from somewhere.

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Considering how it went with Archeage I highly doubt it'd blow over well. Go look at FFXIV's recent Shirogane ragefest and you can see that players get pretty insane over housing.


Right now the game's reputation is literally better off not having housing at all, than to sell it separately.


If they did implement it, go the way of mounts and put the shiny stuff in the store. There's no use wasting dev time for a fraction of the player base, instead they should make features and find out how to monetize said features (hey like mounts and gliders too eh?).

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I don't like housing and similar features ( the option ''i don't really care about stuff like that'' seems it's missing ).


Btw it should be really expensive in terme of gems and golds Since part of the team could work on em. And I mean way more than 2k gems per house and 500/1000 gems per furniture piece.


10/15 eur as Ts propose is a Joke. A selfish one.



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I just voted no the price is too high as in the price for developing such a feature vs things that promote teamplay or at least have teamplay as a part of this.


The Guild Hall is already a feature they don't improve much on other than decorations, people already have solo guild guild halls, so "personal housing"basically already exists if you really really want it to.


If you want, you can easily invest real money on gems in order to upgrade your personal guild to accommodate this.

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I haven't been willing to spend real money on a house in Elder Scrolls Online. The way their system works you don't buy a DLC as such - a whole series of houses (pre-built, pre-placed and instanced so multiple people can own the same one) were added to the game and each one can be bought with either real money (via crowns - ESO's version of gems) or with gold, and the gold options requires completing an achievement tied to the story in the area the house is located.


The house I want for my main characters "only" costs £18 but I decided that's more than I'm willing to spend for the functionality you get (basically an instance to decorate - no item storage, no services, no growing/harvesting crafting materials), so I decided I'd rather save up my gold and do the achievement.


If it was done differently - maybe a 'feature pack' you can buy where you then unlock a house by completing a side-story or an achievement or something and then furnishings can be crafted or bought for reasonable prices with in-game currency (and maybe some gem store furnishings) then I might be willing to pay real money for it.


But however it's done I don't consider it a priority. It doesn't bother me at all when a game doesn't have player housing so while I wouldn't mind it being added I wouldn't want it to take priority over other things.

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The home instances as they stand wouldn't really make good homes. I did say before in another thread that I wanted some furniture to throw in there, but on second thought, throwing furniture in there would just make it look cluttered. Not very homey. Nah, I think the personal guild halls are much better xD And you could technically join a guild that's all about making a city in their hall =P

Instanced homes wouldn't be very interesting or shareable unless we had a new tab that listed everyone's homes, with options to visit homes if that home is listed as public. But even then, you'd have to purposefully open that tab to visit someone, and most people would probably not spend their time home-hopping.

People who RP may still appreciate private homes, but the same effect can be achieved with personal guild halls.

And there will definitely not be any housing embedded in the public maps. That would be a disaster.

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Hopefully never going to happen, like fishing and marriage. You want all that in a game then by all means go play 1 of the many that have it. Housing along with the others I mentioned DOES NOT belong in GW2. The devs made it clear at beginning they wanted this game to be diff from other mmo's, hence no cursed trinity and NO to all the SILLY ideas of homes,fishing,marriage etc.

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The ESO housing model is a material sync without any benefits. If you had said the Skyrim model that might be different. But if all it is appearance without adding any value to the account or function then no don't want to see it at all and would be upset if resources were assigned to it over other features. Would prefer more guild hall use/expansion, new WvW and PvP maps, more PvP game modes, mounted combat and other things before a appearance only housing addition.

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Housing = Home Instances

Housing paid = Home instance farming nodes


any sort of housing in this game would just be changes or an overhaul to the existing home instances however no way they'd remove the nodes so nodes would remain for any iteration and thus a high chance the nodes would remain a paid feature.

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > In all honesty, I would prefer Guildhall improvements that encourage creativity and housing. More "building" items like the Elonian tent and a higher items-per-unit would go a long way towards achieving this.


> Agreed.


guild hall beign a sandbox thing would be amazing :\ tons of aditions could be added in future, workers, nodes, wherehouse for WvW supply in emergency cases to use on strucutures guild are denfending etc...


Anet could add themed and racial houses/building skins on the TP store wich is easy to make and would bring proffit as well, houses interior packs once in a while etc


> @Tasida.4085 said:

> Hopefully never going to happen, like fishing and marriage. You want all that in a game then by all means go play 1 of the many that have it. Housing along with the others I mentioned DOES NOT belong in GW2. The devs made it clear at beginning they wanted this game to be diff from other mmo's, hence no cursed trinity and NO to all the SILLY ideas of homes,fishing,marriage etc.



ANet actually said they could bring fishing to the game to the cooking crafting system, as another material to be used...

Just because other games have it does not means must be equal or work on the same way, it could even gelp WvW guilds if this sandboxing was well developped.

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> @Tasida.4085 said:

> Hopefully never going to happen, like fishing and marriage. You want all that in a game then by all means go play 1 of the many that have it. Housing along with the others I mentioned DOES NOT belong in GW2. The devs made it clear at beginning they wanted this game to be diff from other mmo's, hence no cursed trinity and NO to all the SILLY ideas of homes,fishing,marriage etc.


Yet they added MOUNTS. So anything goes, really. I just hope when they add personal housing and fishing and marriage they do a job at least as good as they did with the mounts.

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