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New player experience: Hitting level 80 feels like someone nearly poking you in the eye

The Boz.2038

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> I don't think you know how getting poked in the eye feels if this is what you think that feels like.

> Notifications tell you that something has happened. They "notify" you of actions that you might want to take.

> If you don't know what a notification means, you have exactly two options: figure out what it is, or ignore it. Everything you do that isn't trying to figure out what it is and what it's doing is just ignoring it, and vice versa.



I said "nearly". As in, someone is holding their finger an inch from your eye.

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If you close it, the mastery popup will come back every time you gain experience, that is, every time you walk to a new spot, kill a bug, craft a sock, etc. While fighting a mob of mobs, don't even try to close it, because you are gaining experience every second. The popup sprawls over the chat and, on smaller screens, over the first skill icons when you would like to watch your cooldowns.


When my character finally reached level 80, I went on doing events, crafting, etc. and did not rush to binge chapter 8 of the personal story. Big mistake! The popup invited itself , determined to stay. Doing the big fights of chapter 8 with the popup stuck onto my screen was very annoying, so I did what people suggested: I abandoned the core story and jumped straight into the expansion to spend those mastery points. Except my computer at the time was too potato for the expansion, so I quit and came back when I had a better computer. I never finished the core story though, it seemed pointless.


Fun fact: When I entered the Saga, the mastery popup came back.


Here is some background information about the bug: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/8524/mastery-popup-will-not-go-away


Good luck everyone.

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> @"The Boz.2038" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > I don't recall any pop up taking up 10% of the screen. Can you provide a screenshot? Sounds like a bug if true.

> https://imgur.com/a/k4FFC5J

> Look at that beautifully useless chat window.


You're right. It does kill the chat window. Maybe a different placement would serve better but the current placement may be intentional. If it continuously pops up then it is a problem as it blocks a useful tool.

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> @"The Boz.2038" said:

> "Congrats on the level-up! Here's a popup reminder that you have something to do, but you're not done with the story yet, and you may not even have that expansion, but the popup is still there! Yeah, you can close it, no problem. Oh, look, now it's back! Hey, POPUP!"

> It's quite a travesty that this thing is in the game, and has been for more than half a decade now. Steam release gonna be fun!



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> @"The Boz.2038" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > I don't recall any pop up taking up 10% of the screen. Can you provide a screenshot? Sounds like a bug if true.

> https://imgur.com/a/k4FFC5J

> Look at that beautifully useless chat window.


So do what it says. Train a [REDACTED] mastery. Get some Tyria mastery points ("red" ones) and train the mastery. You can get several by just going to the various Central Tyria Mastery Insights, and others come from progressing through the personal story and a bunch of other things in Central Tyria.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"The Boz.2038" said:

> > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > I don't recall any pop up taking up 10% of the screen. Can you provide a screenshot? Sounds like a bug if true.

> > https://imgur.com/a/k4FFC5J

> > Look at that beautifully useless chat window.


> So do what it says. Train a [REDACTED] mastery. Get some Tyria mastery points ("red" ones) and train the mastery. You can get several by just going to the various Central Tyria Mastery Insights, and others come from progressing through the personal story and a bunch of other things in Central Tyria.


No, you need to go to Heart of Thorns to unlock the very concept of masteries first.

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> @"The Boz.2038" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"The Boz.2038" said:

> > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > > I don't recall any pop up taking up 10% of the screen. Can you provide a screenshot? Sounds like a bug if true.

> > > https://imgur.com/a/k4FFC5J

> > > Look at that beautifully useless chat window.

> >

> > So do what it says. Train a [REDACTED] mastery. Get some Tyria mastery points ("red" ones) and train the mastery. You can get several by just going to the various Central Tyria Mastery Insights, and others come from progressing through the personal story and a bunch of other things in Central Tyria.


> No, you need to go to Heart of Thorns to unlock the very concept of masteries first.


No? If you own the expansions, you own Masteries, and some of the Masteries are based on Central Tyria, where you're absolutely not required to play HoT.



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> @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > @"The Boz.2038" said:

> > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > > @"The Boz.2038" said:

> > > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > > > I don't recall any pop up taking up 10% of the screen. Can you provide a screenshot? Sounds like a bug if true.

> > > > https://imgur.com/a/k4FFC5J

> > > > Look at that beautifully useless chat window.

> > >

> > > So do what it says. Train a [REDACTED] mastery. Get some Tyria mastery points ("red" ones) and train the mastery. You can get several by just going to the various Central Tyria Mastery Insights, and others come from progressing through the personal story and a bunch of other things in Central Tyria.

> >

> > No, you need to go to Heart of Thorns to unlock the very concept of masteries first.


> No? If you own the expansions, you own Masteries, and some of the Masteries are based on Central Tyria, where you're absolutely not required to play HoT.


> [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Central_Tyria_mastery_tracks](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Central_Tyria_mastery_tracks)


Incorrect. You must complete the first chapter of either Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire to unlock Masteries or the Icebrood Saga. (I was unaware the Icebrood Saga worked; probably the least spoiler-ish, or easiest to do?)


To unlock the mastery system, the following requisites must be completed:


_Having reached level 80, the highest level, on any character in the account.

Having purchased the expansion Path of Fire (The Heart of Thorns expansion is included for free when purchasing Path of Fire).

Having completed the first chapter of either the Heart of Thorns (Torn from the Sky), Path of Fire (Sparking the Flame) or The Icebrood Saga Episode 1: Whisper in the Dark (Silence) stories._



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Really? A small exclamation mark causes distress?

> For myself, I can just ignore it; it's not like a pop-up, or anything.


ohh, you don't know how annoying it is, i dunno if others experience this but with ADD things that small makes me want to close the game.

the worst part is when they made hearts a forced click thing, i want it auto-accept like before because it keeps blinking like mad.

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So you refusing to play even the tiniest fraction of the story out of order to undo this issue is the cause of all your troubles?

1st PoF chapter isn't much of a spoiler, takes 10-15 mins and it gives you a mount so you can at least somewhat keep up with others when doing events in Central Tyria maps (most people can't wait to get at least a basic mount). You could also mute all the conversations and just do what the tips and markers tell you to, then replay the story chapter properly later. If you still insist on doing all of the story in perfect order you have a 1st world problem on your hands which I do not care about in the slightest. Good luck tho.

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So you're saying that if you're a newbie you should play content that is miles away instead of just saying that anet could handle it a lot easier?


Sorry, this is the first time I've said this. But there are a lot of fannys around here. And I would like to add the priest-meme here, if the forum wasn't so annoying.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> So you have been playing this game for half a decade, yet decided that at no point in time you feel like spending some money on the expansions?


Well, that's not the point here, though...


It would be sufficient for said pop-up to appear once per gaming session instead of frequently, wouldn't you agree?


There are plenty of unnecessary pop-up reminders no one needs: the Skimmer race one ("Yeah yeah, I already know how to dive, thank you!"), the reload reminder for Charrzookas during the "Cold War" Strike Mission (though you _cannot_ reload those), and certainly a couple more. ANet should fix those, to be honest, as they _are_ super annoying.

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