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Please Revert The Warclaw Back To Its Original State in PVE Mode


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Your sales of Warclaw Skins will increase by many folds when Pvers starts to like it. And, when they go into WvW to unlock it, some may like the WvW gameplay and play it more often and that helps to increase the population there and many will start to jump servers and that also helps to increase gem sales and.. and... Just do it.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I didn't think they'd changed it in PvE, only in WvW. It was always a very basic mount in PvE. What did it used to do which it doesn't do now?


> One nerf that did carry over: The bleeding was removed from Battle Maul.


Dident they heavily nerf the base damage on it aswell?

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Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)


I disagree with people that say the post-nerf warclass has no utility in wvw, I find that the most important feature the warclaw provides is a common movement speed so that a group of players who have different base move speeds can travel together without the faster players having to continually pause or loop back. This makes playing with others easier and therefore more attractive, imho. When I started wvw the warclaw was already in use so I don't know if there was some other way to deal with this issue prior to warclaws.


So, that would provide a unique ability for the warclaw in PVE that wouldn't infringe on the capabilities of the other mounts.

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> @"blp.3489" said:

> Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)

This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"blp.3489" said:

> > Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)

> This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests.


I think the number of people who would say "I don't need/want a mount because I can sometimes hitch a ride with someone on a warclaw" is vanishingly small.

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> @"blp.3489" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"blp.3489" said:

> > > Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)

> > This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests.


> I think the number of people who would say "I don't need/want a mount because I can sometimes hitch a ride with someone on a warclaw" is vanishingly small.


You might be right. I might be right. Neither of us has any stats to prove one way or the other. I was basing my premise on the many threads here on the forum of players complaining how others with mounts shoot across the maps and finish events before non-mount players even arrive. If players are able to "hitch" with someone and get to these events, why then would they spend anything to get their own mounts? /shrug

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"blp.3489" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"blp.3489" said:

> > > > Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)

> > > This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests.

> >

> > I think the number of people who would say "I don't need/want a mount because I can sometimes hitch a ride with someone on a warclaw" is vanishingly small.


> You might be right. I might be right. Neither of us has any stats to prove one way or the other. I was basing my premise on the many threads here on the forum of players complaining how others with mounts shoot across the maps and finish events before non-mount players even arrive. If players are able to "hitch" with someone and get to these events, why then would they spend anything to get their own mounts? /shrug


You are quite optimistic if you think that there will be enough players riding warclaws to events to make hitching a ride even a little bit reliable. But you are right, neither of us can say for sure. I would be pleased if they tested it out. If it turns out that there are *a lot* of players that want to give others a ride to events it wouldn't be a wholly bad thing to indulge them. It depends on the event of course but many of the meta events require a mount with some vertical ability to keep up, so warclaws wouldn't be a complete solution in any case.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"blp.3489" said:

> > Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)

> This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests.



You can't purchase mounts anyway.


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> @"Kichwas.7152" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"blp.3489" said:

> > > Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)

> > This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests.

> >


> You can't purchase mounts anyway.



While technically correct, both the griffin and sky scale come with a significant gold component.

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> @"Kichwas.7152" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"blp.3489" said:

> > > Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)

> > This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests.

> >


> You can't purchase mounts anyway.



Ok, purchase EXPANSIONS so that they have access to mounts.


I thought that was inferred.

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Often tactics like this are to bait players who prefer one game mode in to trying a game mode they might not want to.

The real remedy for you OP would be to help people new to the game mode be more useful . The outcome would be that they would earn their mount faster and they'll either leave Wvw sooner OR, best case scenario you've created another wvw fan who will stay and help your server. It's a win/win.

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This topic [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/118443/which-mount-do-you-like-the-best#latest) further proved that the Warclaw needs more love in PVE. ANet can you not see how much sales on the kitty mount skins you are losing? Boost her speed or double her HP or make her auto hop over uneven grounds and low hedges, just give her something. Please?

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> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> Don't you think WvW players want the buff too? A mount acquired through wvw, meant for wvw is somehow perform better on other mode


The reason why she is being nerfed so badly in WvW is because of a handful of WvW players who always call for the removal of the Warclaw since day one. They cannot adapt to accept the mount's abilities to instant kill them when they are downed and also the Warclaws help support players to run away from gankers easily. These handful of people happen to be forum regulars as well, so they come here to complain every day and till today they are still not happy.


PVE only affects PVE mobs. And Champions, Elites, Veterans and trash Mobs, they don't have forum accounts so they can't come here to complain about their L2P issues and their inabilities to adapt.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> This topic [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/118443/which-mount-do-you-like-the-best#latest) further proved that the Warclaw needs more love in PVE. ANet can you not see how much sales on the kitty mount skins you are losing? Boost her speed or double her HP or make her auto hop over uneven grounds and low hedges, just give her something. Please?


Warclaw already has its niche where its the best and it's simply whole wvw gamemode. So nah.

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