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Is your ranking fixed?


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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> Play 4-500 games than your rank is accurate


I really don't think that can be said anymore when the community is much smaller and the mmr system has to pull players from a larger ranking range than ever before.


Idk what the actual numbers are, but I imagine PvP participation is super low rn. Right before a new LW comes out to placate people until the new expansion when you'll really see population increase.


It's nearly impossible to get an accurate measure of someone's raw skill when people are getting matched with players significantly below the other party member's level.


I won 7/10 placements and when I got into actual ranked games I had teammates who didn't rotate, focus a target, cap points or play to the objective. I'd see scourges just standing still on a point with AoE pulsing and auto attacking. I've seen people win a team fight and just leave the point uncapped. People not even trying to ring the bell on capricorn.


I barely even bother with playing ranked anymore. I mostly just play tourneys and sometimes get stomped by really good players but that's the best way to learn. I'd rather play my best and get stomped and see how I can improve than have to carry players who would honestly be better off learning basic game sense in unranked. Hell...I sometimes see better players in unranked than ranked.


The population just isn't there to support an accurate rating.

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That's weird, my win rate has been much higher this last season than normal. I was about to make a post about it, because I have guildies also noticing that they're better off. I thought they'd finally fixed that gosh awful matchmaker. Also top players don't have the almost 0 lose rates they used to have. LIke yeah their win rates are high, but they're not lik 0-97 or something like that.

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> @"Anomaly.7612" said:

> > @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > Play 4-500 games than your rank is accurate


> I really don't think that can be said anymore when the community is much smaller and the mmr system has to pull players from a larger ranking range than ever before.


> Idk what the actual numbers are, but I imagine PvP participation is super low rn. Right before a new LW comes out to placate people until the new expansion when you'll really see population increase.


> It's nearly impossible to get an accurate measure of someone's raw skill when people are getting matched with players significantly below the other party member's level.


> I won 7/10 placements and when I got into actual ranked games I had teammates who didn't rotate, focus a target, cap points or play to the objective. I'd see scourges just standing still on a point with AoE pulsing and auto attacking. I've seen people win a team fight and just leave the point uncapped. People not even trying to ring the bell on capricorn.


> I barely even bother with playing ranked anymore. I mostly just play tourneys and sometimes get stomped by really good players but that's the best way to learn. I'd rather play my best and get stomped and see how I can improve than have to carry players who would honestly be better off learning basic game sense in unranked. Hell...I sometimes see better players in unranked than ranked.


> The population just isn't there to support an accurate rating.

You see more skilled people play unranked cause Ranked is too annoying to deal with for the reasons you mentioned and some more, it demands you to carry the game if you are going for rank climb, this is stressful being there to compensate for 2 or 3 players is not fun. So some people play 1 or 2 games of ranked or none and just play for fun wacky builds in unranked. Most of the people are terrible even in doing damage man, usually they are playing low risk high reward low effort build and even then they are not able to pull ahead. I started noticing it when I play Carry builds and now it is really visible when I play on support builds, since you pay more attention to what your team is doing.

This is not just in GW2 it is in all games I play, people do not even want to try to win by their effort, something changed and people prefer to be burden and then whine why are you not carrying them.

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Low population makes for highly volatile ranking, so its pretty common to fluctuate roughly 200-300 rating in a given season. If you are around the average skill level it is harder to climb in rank even if you make small improvements. Its only at the really low and really high skill levels that you will quickly climb or fall to where you belong.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> Low population makes for highly volatile ranking, so its pretty common to fluctuate roughly 200-300 rating in a given season. If you are around the average skill level it is harder to climb in rank even if you make small improvements. Its only at the really low and really high skill levels that you will quickly climb or fall to where you belong.

The low pop hurts man, at some point even if you are high up you get these terrible games where the Reaper doesn't do damage, the support doesn't clear conditions or heal, the bunker is on mid doing fuck all, and the thief is probably having a stroke cause he is doing the hover around the point maneuver doing nothing and that free node is sitting capped.


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I usually tend to get streaks - that come with big changes in one direction. Then it goes in the opposite direction. They aren't perfect streaks. It can be as well 2 wins, 1 loss, 2 wins 1 loss - all the time. (Meaning I lose more than I win ... for some time.) Then after ranking up by 100-200 points it turns into more losses until I'm down by 100-200 again. Then the opposite again.


The system here can be really discouraging. Especially if it happens near a tier border and if you get motivated by having yourself worked upwards ... then getting a loss. Then a win again. You think you'd be able to stay there. But then you start to get a lot more losses.


Ideally with your rank/rating determined "correctly" it should be 50/50. But the problem is that you might get matched with other players that play at a wrong rank (leading to more losses for you if you have a bad luck ... when the system tries to give you 50/50 but in the 50 where it predicts your team to win ... you get more players that play below there rank and the system therefore could not know your team would be weaker).


But yeah... generally I seem to be around 100-200 near the same rating. Just that it is like an invertal [x-200; x+200] around x. I prefer if this was 50 only instead of 150-200. (Would mean less loss streaks.)


I'm going to play ranked until I have finished the chests once (not trying to farm the last one repeatably) ... then staying with unranked for fun (and also Spirit Watch sometimes.) Less rank to worry about. Only focusing on the match itself.

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I played only silly joke builds last season and dropped to silver 3. This season I'm playing a bit more seriously (no matches with builds I've never tried, outside of game I misclick and select the wrong gear template to go the correct build template before a match)


Now, I'm sitting about to enter plat, like when I try hard. I figure I can make it into plat again if I don't mess around too much.


Moral of the story. Good players get to higher rating and bad players stay in lower rating. If you're not getting higher, it's cause you're not good enough to carry through the bad games of your bracket yet.


There's a reason when I'm struggling up a bracket, at least 60% of my games are as close as 50 points by the end. Close games you barely wins, by pulling your team across the finish line is how you rank up.


If your skills have gotten better as a solo player, now you need to get good enough to make up for the 50% bad players the MMR system puts you with the balance the match. You need to overcome that obstacle, like everyone in plat+.


You could always team up, but I've never done it for a season and I've still made plat many time. Although usually plat 1-2 only. And there are players better than me.


I'm sure with more time, you'll find some builds that you can use to either tilt the enemy team. (Far point trolls). Support your team through team fights (support). Or play a build that can allow you to quickly tear apart the enemy rotations. (Holo is best for that right now)


You need to do more than play good to win at this game. You need to give your team an edge and put the enemy team on the backfoot, while staying alive and capturing points.


If you're just running mid, and your team gets wiped and this repeats over and over until the end. You probably belong in your bracket. But if you find ways to reduce the loss one game, eventually you'll turn some very close games and that's how you shift the 50/50 ratio. To reach higher brackets. You have to barely win the games you were meant to lose.


Good luck!

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