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Accessibility of dungeons, fractals, strikes and response missions


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For as long as I am unable to communicate with other players without, first, coordinating third-party voice chat, I can't do PvE instanced content.


People just rush through and I often can't follow quickly enough. I end up getting lost and panicking trying to figure out where the group is.


If I tell the group of random players that I'm blind, most think I'm trolling or soemthing. So I just stay quiet on that issue.


I stick to PvP because I know what I'm supposed to do and can generally follow the state of the match pretty easily. Open world is just open world. I don't WvW because it's changed a lot since I last played it (when I had vision).


TL;DR: No, because the way isntanced PvE content is played by most MMO players makes it extremely impractical for the visually impaired.

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I play dungeons and fractals, strikes and raids from time to time.

DRM are just pointless and very boring.


My favourite of these are dungeons.

I wish they could add more dungeons (no cutscenes or even voiced dialogue needed).

They are quite engaging and I love the story and sense of progression in them as well as the different and beautiful environments/structures.

Adding more dungeons would also allow us to obtain new armour sets and weapon sets.


I would also fix all dungeons (old and new), to increase the final boss difficulty and mechanics.

Give better rewards and mats to give incentive to play there more.

Fix bugs in old dungeons.

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Depends on the content.


Dungeons I still enjoy though don't run very often unless the mood strikes.

The only exception is the Dungeon Story modes which I try to run through on every character along side the personal story

(these instances really need to be balanced better for single players anet)


Fractals I enjoy but I have to be in the mood for them, haven't done them in a good while though.

I can play any tier of fractals but I prefer lower tiers because it's more chill and enjoyable.


Strikes, again depends on the mood but mostly don't play these often.


Raids, don't play them at all these days for many reasons i've said in the past.. would play them if I could get an appropriate group again though.


Dragon Missions, they're fun and easy but they get repetitive really quickly, specially with all the waiting about for dialogue.

Would get very very bored of them if I farmed them constantly so I avoid doing that.

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> @"Adonan.8356" said:

> I don't know, that sounds a lot like what WoW has, and many attribute the insta-queue to the fall of that game. Although, to be fair, other MMOs have that feature and are doing fine.

Yeah it is pretty much like Wow. I would not attribute LFD to the fall of Wow (if we can even say that since that game is really old). It was introduced during the pinnacle of Wow, Woltk and I think was a general success. I'm actually talking specifically about the dungeon tool and not the raid tool, so the casual side of instanced PVE. I barely used raiding tool since I played in statics and didn't play much after woltk.

Anyway, maybe I put too much emphasis on the insta teleport from anywhere to instance feature even though I still think it would be a nice convenience, especially if it also returned back to where you were.

I think a common interface for instanced PVE with some modern game convenience tools would be in order. LFG is good functionality wise but the interface is just old and lacking. I can see Anet is trying to improve and bring it to a broader audience with strikes and now DRMs but the implementation is often poor and every iteration is different.



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> @"Kichwas.7152" said:

> That poll is badly set up - given that it presumes someone plays all of these or none of these, and then just asks frequency.


> I play fractals almost every day that I log in. I used to do a lot of dungeons but those are just too old feeling now. I've yet to bother with strike missions and I'm not even sure I know what a DRM is yet.



or that any of those have any relation to accessibility


although to be fair making actual good polling questions requires particular skills so nobody should be expecting that from a random post on a gaming forum.


> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> > @"Adonan.8356" said:

> > I don't know, that sounds a lot like what WoW has, and many attribute the insta-queue to the fall of that game. Although, to be fair, other MMOs have that feature and are doing fine.

> Yeah it is pretty much like Wow. I would not attribute LFD to the fall of Wow (if we can even say that since that game is really old). It was introduced during the pinnacle of Wow, Woltk and I think was a general success. I'm actually talking specifically about the dungeon tool and not the raid tool, so the casual side of instanced PVE. I barely used raiding tool since I played in statics and didn't play much after woltk.

> Anyway, maybe I put too much emphasis on the insta teleport from anywhere to instance feature even though I still think it would be a nice convenience, especially if it also returned back to where you were.

> I think a common interface for instanced PVE with some modern game convenience tools would be in order. LFG is good functionality wise but the interface is just old and lacking. I can see Anet is trying to improve and bring it to a broader audience with strikes and now DRMs but the implementation is often poor and every iteration is different.




That is putting the cart before the horse. People have to want to do the content before convenience influences the frequency they get done.


There are plenty of people doing other things which requires waypointing around all over the game world. Both fractals and strikes have a waypoint next to their entrance.


Public instances have all the same problem as pugging and then adds some more. I don't think anyone is interested in increasing their chances of failing to clear content by adding more problems.

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