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Honest words

Urahara Kisuke.5806

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The new episode of Living World was really bad for me. Didnt have fun and was really just very bad.

No new expansion in 2019 or 2020 was already really bad for me.

And I dont understand why.

So and now when I play WvW, which very few people do, and thats really understandable.

Now I only get silver medal instead of gold when i take a camp without having fought a warden?

Thats very common , because you arent always everywhere in time for the fight, and the enemies goes down fast.

Like really, its getting to a point where i cant paly this anymore.

No new expansion, new content is rare and bad, and now this also.

I really get enough.

And no GW 3

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I understand what Urahara is saying. The game is boring and living world doesn't help to eleiviate the experience.


WvW is the only game mode which make a little sense yet it fall into the same category as boredom.


Guild Wars 2 is an 8 years old game and the reason why it' is falling behind being a fun game is Competiive Play iand is not required in Guild Wars 2


The game message is clear, Either Get Over It And Play The Way It Is!! or Leave!!


If this what Urahara is saying, he/she is not alone because I see the message clearly

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I started playing GW2 in beta. Yup, all that time ago. I played consistently for years, but over the stretch of almost a decade I eventually did break from the game from time to time. I'm back playing now again, even though I've "been there, done that" through the whole thing. Why? Because its the best MMORPG I've every played, relative to what I was seeking through the scores of MMORPGs I've tried.


But it also a very late-stage game, being almost a decade old. So it means I really focus on what the things I like to do in the game most happen to be, then I do some research on the servers that have the most people doing that same thing during the times of day that I play. Did that, transferred to a server that matched, and find the chosen things I like to do to be well populated all the time.


GW2, just numbers wise, is one of the few remaining long-term successful MMORPGs around. It's one of the big four, alongside WOW, FFXIV and ESO (Truthfully, I feel like Eve Online should probably get a shoutout, just for going strong and having a passionate community for over 15 years strong). It is also the most "casual" of them all. It's not considered a problem for people to take breaks from the game from time to time. I suggest you do that, without needing to be melodramatic about how the game is dead, which people have said literally since the first year of its release.


This many years in, I think its time to accept that there's a reason why GW2 has been so praised. It's not really a debate anymore. All games eventually fade, and nearly a decade into GW2's, maybe its OK that the game doesn't entertain you 24/7 /365. It does enough that it brought me back, again, to check up on new things and revisit the old funs. I'll probably play for another couple months, then do other things again, until an expansion or something else draws me back. That's not a problem. Its amazing that an MMORPG this old has any draw at all. Few do, but those that do, like GW2 do because they are getting way more right than they are getting wrong.


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I don't know what you're talking about in WvW, but i'm having a blast! There's a lot of people playing.

As for the content... I still haven't done even half of it. Sure i've been on and off for years but come on, this game has TONS of content.

Unless you're playing non stop you should be good for a while.

And if you've done all thata you can, maybe instead of complaining on the forums it's time for a break?

You can always return when new content is released, it's not going anywhere.

But i'm sure there's stuff to do, that you haven't done - so do that.

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The first mmo I ever played was [urban Dead](http://www.urbandead.com/) when it came out in 2005. You only got a fixed amount of movement points every day, 70 or something like that. Once you moved that many squares, that was it, you couldn't move any further. The game is still online. Go take a look at it at that link. Believe it or not, I ended up playing that game for something like a year and a half. Not because of the game itself but because of the community that grew up around it. My faction, The Malton Fire Department, had it's own forum where we created our own metagame world. The intriguing part of that game wasn't what the developers gave us but what we the players did with it.


As for GW 2, this December 2 I'll be getting my first 3rd year birthday present. What's been keeping me playing it for three years now? Unlike Urban Dead, part of it is the game itself. I'm working on my third piece of legendary armor in WvW. Unlike the op, I have no problem racking up the pips there. If nothing else is happening, I'll solo roam the WvW maps taking out every target of opportunity I can find. Sometimes I'll fall in with a small pug and we'll rampage across a map together. When a big zerg is running, I'll follow the commander tag and fight in massive, sometimes epic, battles. WvW isn't the only thing I play though. A good part of today I spent working on PoF mastery points so I could train my skimmer to swim underwater. Got the last needed mp late today. Now I just need enough PoF experience to finish that track, then I can finally train the critter.


It's not just the game itself though. I'm in a guild now that really feels like home to me. Last night I helped out on a guild hp train for folks who needed HoT hero points. The night before I took a couple of guildies on a run through the Crystal Oasis and Desert Highlands hero points when they needed them. Before the HoT hp train last night, the whole guild got together for the guild missions, which are always fun doing together as a group. One guild member leads a PvP training group and another leads a fractal training group. I've never really done either mode before but again, it's fun doing them with a group of guildies, so I'm just starting 2 whole new game modes.


Personally, I really don't like the GW2 stories. They seem like long, boring slugfests a lot of the time. I only do them if I need to in order to unlock something I want. The whole Icebrood Saga has been an epic failure for me. (If you like it, I'm glad for you. It just doesn't do much for me.) Still, there's more than enough in the game and in my guild community to keep me involved and I very much appreciate that.


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I find wvw to be the most boring mode; there are no meta-events, the objectives never change, the maps never change, it's just go there, kill these npc's, stand in a circle until the timer runs down, kill some enemy players, maybe they kill you. The whole thing is made of dull repetition.

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I suppose if you strip the game to its bare bones, all content is repetitive. However, 2/3 of wvw maps are exactly the same; that can't be said of pvp or pve. Pvp is also made of repetition, but at least the maps change and there is more build variety. Pve is so different to either mode due to the sheer amount and variety of things to do, mainly because you don't get things handed to you for pushing a reward-track completion bar.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > @"Funky.4861" said:

> > > The whole thing is made of dull repetition.

> >

> > It's an MMO. Which content isn't repetitive


> it is more about content repetition, it is about the experience when doing content repetition. Does the experience increase or decrease?


I don't fully understand your question the way you worded it. Either way, I am not knocking anyone for liking or not liking wvw, I just think saying something is "repetitive" in an MMO is kind of a weak argument.


I personally find competitive gamemodes a lot more fun because you are fighting actual people with different builds (ect ect) instead of doing the same fractal or open world meta for the 100th time. Either way, it is ALL repetitive.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> I understand what Urahara is saying. The game is boring and living world doesn't help to eleiviate the experience.


> WvW is the only game mode which make a little sense yet it fall into the same category as boredom.


> Guild Wars 2 is an 8 years old game and the reason why it' is falling behind being a fun game is Competiive Play iand is not required in Guild Wars 2


> The game message is clear, Either Get Over It And Play The Way It Is!! or Leave!!


> If this what Urahara is saying, he/she is not alone because I see the message clearly


That's the message of any MMO from the day it opens servers. I mean ... yeah, don't like it, don't play it. Sort of goes without saying don't it? It's inevitable ... the game gets boring for people. The question isn't if that happens, it's when. Even when the new expansion comes out ... it's going to be mostly everything we have already seen ... just with a twist.


MMO"S establish a world with a physics behind them ... they don't 'refresh' that to keep it interesting for people. Even in competitive play ... the strategies and tactics ... they get boring too. Any veteran in those modes knows exactly where to go and where to stand and the best places to do things like take advantage of LOS or siege ranges ... it's no different than PVE.

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> @"Urahara Kisuke.5806" said:

> The new episode of Living World was really bad for me. Didnt have fun and was really just very bad.

episode is good. Also nice weapons collection to get fun.


> No new expansion in 2019 or 2020 was already really bad for me.

probably you not will see it and on 2021 too if more detail look on relize plan.


> And I dont understand why.

I don't understand why you wait something another ;)


> No new expansion, new content is rare and bad, and now this also.

You already do all legs, make all wep collections from last LS ? no ? So you not complete content and wait another?


> And no GW 3

we already have GW4 after POF relize. GW5 I predict will be in 2022 summer end.


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