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Wrong way of balancing PvP

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Since February, many amulets got removed, many traits got destroyed(pointing especially on 300 cd traits), many classes got nerfed constantly losing half of their kit. Today's balance patch was fair as it hit directly what was strong however, big problem is the way devs balance PvP.


Instead of increasing/decreasing numbers and holding "delete button", after very long time those effects exists, devs could more focus on how to find the other way/how to replace bad/unbalanced mechanics.


Maybe devs work hardly on new expansion, but one thing is sure and it gonna bring more havoc when it comes. New classes, new traits, new everything, overpowered in order to sell expansion will leave PvP in ruin. So it is better to have stable core now, where everything is viable but not overpowered and balance next expansion around that core.


I will point directly on today's nerfs that could be done in different and better way:

- Inflirtration arrow(thief), instead of it being gutted to 8 iniative from 6, it could scale up(good suggestion to all other thief spammable spells), starting from 6 iniative and get increased by 1 for every next usage under 20 seconds interval(then it resets back to 6).

- Inspiring reinforcement(revenant), it is fair nerf, however renegades also got its healing gutted, as class could get healed if it hit the target because before patch it couldn't be stoped as it had strong stability . As that stability hit the nerf, it is now so simple, just stun renegade so it can't hit nor heal....i don't see a reason why its all healing sources got nerfed that much. It also could be done this way: reduce base healing but increase healing power coeficient so it ends to be the same if using healing power amulet and using some other it gets nerfed...but making it gutted is not the way to go.

- Engineer grenade kit, skill had so much damage however whole design of it was bad. All grenades looked the same and all fired the same, also spamming grenade 1,1,1,1 was unhealthy mechanic, so why not just making different 5 skills on grenade kit and make it fair balanced weapon as all other engineer kit's are?


Overall i think devs need to focus more on reworking or replacing unhealthy mechanics rather than just nerfing something that worked for many years or just deleting it.


Celestial Amulet got removed, cool- give us a new amulet. Problem with the game is that there are all spells scaling with power/condition damage and healing power but not with toughness and vitality which is really bad design. Some spells could scale up with toughness/vitality as stat which would allow tanky amulets to exist(toughness-vitality but no power/no condi damage/ no healing power). Game could enable roles: some do dps(being carries), some do support, and some go in and tank all damage if get focused rather than everything dealing damage and being able to heal and to survive.

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You are thinking way too high of the current (!) devs knowledge, understanding or vision of the game and what they are doing. You won't find any reason or deeper meaning behind their actions. Multiple rounds of layoffs should be a clear warning regarding their work ethic (why is it so hard not doing the same stupid mistakes over and over again?) , public relations (how about sharing some comments on the recent changes?) and business strategy (how about actually listening to your quite competent community?) yet it only gets worse. It's horrible to watch what is happening to this game bc of personnel inabilities. Please don't take the time to make some thoughtful requests because nothing will ever be implemented or discussed by Soon™ Inc.

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Man I wish they would listen less and play more.

It's highly obvious just by looking at the Balance Patch that they just see whatever's on the forums and they smack it.


For example : Heal Shout Warrior was slapped lol.

Like sure, Heal Shout Warrior provided superb healing - at the cost of dealing literally no damage and providing little cover boons to support.


Some dude made a post crying bout Heal Shout Warrior and it actually got nerfed lmao.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Man I wish they would listen less and play more.

> It's highly obvious just by looking at the Balance Patch that they just see whatever's on the forums and they smack it.


> For example : Heal Shout Warrior was slapped lol.

> Like sure, Heal Shout Warrior provided superb healing - at the cost of dealing literally no damage and providing little cover boons to support.


> Some dude made a post crying bout Heal Shout Warrior and it actually got nerfed lmao.


The dude was me. And at the time I wrote this I knew already that shout heals get reduced. I asked to do that in a hotfix patch not in a balance patch.

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The only bad part of this patch was that not everything was touched and that people need to remember the anet PvP team has restrictions, they cant change core game mechanics so the first suggestion you made wouldnt be possible, otherwise healwar couldve been nerfed a bit more, nade 1/2 are still pretty strong but its not as much of an issue as other classes can take over as dps now, thief still has insane survivability and mobility which hasnt changed and dh wasnt dealt with.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Man I wish they would listen less and play more.

> It's highly obvious just by looking at the Balance Patch that they just see whatever's on the forums and they smack it.


> For example : Heal Shout Warrior was slapped lol.

> Like sure, Heal Shout Warrior provided superb healing - at the cost of dealing literally no damage and providing little cover boons to support.


> Some dude made a post crying bout Heal Shout Warrior and it actually got nerfed lmao.


builds like healbreaker should not be viable to play in this game, they add no fun at all - in fact they actively reduce fun

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the reason for this crap is ez....current devs have no vision...they go play 1 ranked, get killed by a thief on a +1 that runs to narnia little after and their 0 skill frustraition is translated into killing an already wounded class. seriously...every patch on thief feels like they want to kill it and make u play a condi mirage.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"Yasai.3549" said:

> > Man I wish they would listen less and play more.

> > It's highly obvious just by looking at the Balance Patch that they just see whatever's on the forums and they smack it.

> >

> > For example : Heal Shout Warrior was slapped lol.

> > Like sure, Heal Shout Warrior provided superb healing - at the cost of dealing literally no damage and providing little cover boons to support.

> >

> > Some dude made a post crying bout Heal Shout Warrior and it actually got nerfed lmao.


> builds like healbreaker should not be viable to play in this game, they add no fun at all - in fact they actively reduce fun


I feel the same way because this game isn't meant to have a holy trinity and healbreaker was kinda imposing the idea that a build can do nothing but support and win a match.


Unless Anet WANTS to propose a holy trinity style of gameplay in which case they need to divvy out those roles to the respective classes that do it well and tone down healing on all other classes. But I don't think that's their intent.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> builds like healbreaker should not be viable to play in this game, they add no fun at all - in fact they actively reduce fun


Same can be said bout perma immob Druids and Stealth Spam DE no?

Still no decisive nerfs to curb the power of these two builds which just ***OOZE*** unfun when playing against them.


There's also CC chaining to talk about, and to a lesser extent, Boon layering which has been largely addressed, but still an existing problem which will never go away with how strong Boons are.


And here we have people who are crying about Healbreaker which only exists because everything other build they can field is basically trashed with the massive nerfs to their sustain, defenses and damage.


Man Warrior does not deserve to be put down so hard at all.


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