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Commanders Should Have Time Limits

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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I feel that commanders should not be able to tag up for hours upon hours in wvw. Its very unfair to other commanders who would like to tag up on the map. It's even worse when commanders jump maps and upon returning to the original map, demand that whoever tagged up in the interim tag down.


If a commander challenges these commanders who are tagged up forever on this, I've noticed many of the followers of their squad or their guild mates bully whoever was trying to tag up, sometimes mercilessly.


I think commanders should have at a maximum a 1hr tag time followed by a mandatory 1 hr to 30 min tag down time across all wvw maps, so that other commanders get a chance. Other commanders would like to participate and get the extra pips too without being harassed or having all of the commanding monopolized on all maps by one person.

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Editing because of edited thread beginning.


You can tag. If someone says tag off, you dont necessarily have to tag off. If they bully you, which is against tos, just report them.


make a steady set of followers, your guildmates, and just play how you want.


but use good judgment in tagging or not. which is essentially, will i have fun if i do this? if yes, do it. else, dont.


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You can ignore the other responses above, they don't get it.


Your idea wouldn't work even with changes. I understand why you would request such a thing though, and why you identify items related to 'tag hogging' as a problem.

Commander culture is a messed up thing. Its just how it is though.

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dont ignore mine. i have commanded for 4 years. made enemies and allies in na and in eu. been bullied by server trolls, inferior coms and friends of those previously mentioned. and i still do my thing, thriving because i do my thing. =)


what you ask for will kill wvw. just steel your feelings and talk to players.

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Lol this is ridiculous. You only need *five people* in the squad to get the extra pip. You can have 5 of these commanders on the map and still be able to field a 50 man.


The idea - and taboo - that there is only "one commander per border" is entirerly player driven and aimed at zerging. Anet cant do crap about that, only we can. A time limit on commanding would ruin it for everyone that actually loves it and guess what - 9 out of 10 times there wont be a commander to replace them when they leave. You **do not** want to drive them away.


I only see this as "issue" if you insist on being tagged blue when a much bigger blue zerg descends on your border. Most servers have their defined tags and blue is commonly the largest open pug tag, that one group capable of taking on the enemy zerg. You do not want 2 blues on a single border, nor is it necessary. We got colors now. If you want to keep commanding with a 5 man group on an empty border when a 50+ jumps in... change to red or green or something. When they leave, change back to blue. Some servers even have raid schedules which may lead to you coming into conflict with them and they say tag down. Its up to you to keep track of that.

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I respectfully disagree with your suggestion.


* I think your suggestion is unfair on the WvW server community as a whole and would cause further distress in times where only one commander has the courage, wishing to tag and lead.

* Your suggestion would further accentuate complaints of players running tagless implying so-called 'exclusion' when in reality it is your suggestion alone that hinders them from continuing to tag thus keeping things organised within the squad.

* Being locked out of functions one could otherwise put to use creates a negative impact on gameplay - unable to tag therefore unable to utilise squad features.

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> dont ignore mine. i have commanded for 4 years. made enemies and allies in na and in eu. been bullied by server trolls, inferior coms and friends of those previously mentioned. and i still do my thing, thriving because i do my thing. =)


> what you ask for will kill wvw. just steel your feelings and talk to players.


Generally people who answer in memes and self-gratifying stories are thriving cause you don't know the difference between it and festering.

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> @Cerby.1069 said:

> > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > dont ignore mine. i have commanded for 4 years. made enemies and allies in na and in eu. been bullied by server trolls, inferior coms and friends of those previously mentioned. and i still do my thing, thriving because i do my thing. =)

> >

> > what you ask for will kill wvw. just steel your feelings and talk to players.


> Generally people who answer in memes and self-gratifying stories are thriving cause you don't know the difference between it and festering.


not me. =) i have fun. else, i wouldnt bother.

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> @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> I've seen maps with no tags, I've seen maps with 4 tags, I've never seen a map that had more than 1 tag where one asked the other to tag down.


> Maybe other servers have so many people that more than 1 tag is not needed, who knows. But, personally that sounds like a stale uninspiring place to play.


the op is from blackgate. no surprises here.

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You cannot put a time limit on mentality. There are elitists (I know a server that is full of them, which I left), but mostly it's just about earning respect and a following. If people see you as a good comm they will naturally follow you. Prove your worth by demonstrating skills and you will always have a slot when you want to lead.

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Nothing stopping you from tagging up and running a havoc squad.


In fact I dont see enough havoc squad tagging up!

If a havoc squad, even a small group of 5, are tagged up and attacking Bravost, a commander and distract the enemy by attacking Quentin.


I see german, spanish and french specific severs take towers away from other main EU servers like this all the time.

In fact their havoc squad can be just 2 people!

And yet main EU servers dont even have a scout to report them.

A tower is flipped before the commander even knows someone is on it!


So tag up a different colour, let the open comm know your a small havoc squad and they can track you with your tag.

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> @henchmen.1856 said:

> > @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> > I've seen maps with no tags, I've seen maps with 4 tags, I've never seen a map that had more than 1 tag where one asked the other to tag down.

> >

> > Maybe other servers have so many people that more than 1 tag is not needed, who knows. But, personally that sounds like a stale uninspiring place to play.


> the op is from blackgate. no surprises here.


I wonder which time zone he plays in. On BG in NA prime there will be 2-3 tags on different maps who will come together to fight map blobs. Even small havoc tags will be present without open conflict.


I am not sure where he is seeing this.


Kind of puzzling actually.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Only commanders should have raptor mounts to bully roamers.


in one of NCSofts titles called Lineage 2 it worked the way that once a guild took a castle the leader of that guild was able to transform his strider mount into a flying wyvern and since this game development studio belongs to that same company I don't see why they wouldn't think about something like this in the future.

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Except it was mostly used for scouting and was absolutely useless in combat.... And leaders in L2 were as they should be, aka big political leaders and personalities, not the best fighters, but that was a different (better) game with real open world pvp/pk and player made alliances where you fought for the glory of your clan and alliance not a server where you are forced to be, which you feel ashamed of representing half the days, and personally I would rather fight some of the douchebags of my server then some random French I do not even know and have nothing personal against.


But back to the topic, OP, you cannot enforce hard limits like that. If you have shitty community that bullies own commanders, why would you want to help it by commanding? This is basically the status on my server. In my early days few months ago I thought hey this looks pretty easy can give it a shot one day. Now such an idea is laughable, the community is too rotten to deserve any help, and I do hold most of the still active commanders highly as they give in a lot of effort to keep this going. You portray them as leechers but they are very important. As it comes to guild, you can run internally even without tag, and this is where you can initially grow and expand from there. See, most of the WVW community is rather old, and they have their favorites and will not fallow anyone else if said favorite is on. If they do and he comes online, they tend to instantly come running back to him. You will not change this, you need to grow your own followers. If you mention pips, aka do it just for the reward than frankly, screw yourself.

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I am always amazed to see topics like : "delete every other servers but mine", "Balance wvw nuke the shit of every other builds", "Not fair wvw, block and stop people to play outside my timezone" and now "Stop commanders to play a 24/7 game more than I do" like WTF is wrong with you people. xD

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> I feel that commanders should not be able to tag up for hours upon hours in wvw. Its very unfair to other commanders who would like to tag up on the map. It's even worse when commanders jump maps and upon returning to the original map, demand that whoever tagged up in the interim tag down.


> If a commander challenges these commanders who are tagged up forever on this, I've noticed many of the followers of their squad or their guild mates bully whoever was trying to tag up, sometimes mercilessly.


> I think commanders should have at a maximum a 1hr tag time followed by a mandatory 1 hr to 30 min tag down time across all wvw maps, so that other commanders get a chance. Other commanders would like to participate and get the extra pips too without being harassed or having all of the commanding monopolized on all maps by one person.



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Why are people still taking OP seriously and responding to his topics? You are only making him think this is OK behavior. PSA to anyone who is new here: the OP makes a post every week asking for some aspect of WvW that _he personally does not like_ to be changed or removed. It is getting very silly, to the point where OP recently said that _he doesn't think roaming was an intended form of play._

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