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What really makes WvW stale for you?

grave of hearts.7830

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> @"Shroud.2307" said:

> * Guilds that play 70/30 Support/DPS, farm pugs and are nigh untouchable by

> * Players that roam in groups of 5 - 10+ that have no respect for people playing alone

> * People with no creativity of their own that only play what's best in a mode _(WvW)_ that it hardly matters

> * Players that sit in objectives 24/7 constantly manning siege waiting for someone to pass by so they can shoot them

> * People who make it their business to put Commanders down until they detag because they don't agree with how they lead

> The only players that will provide actual fights are all in a group, so you can't have a good 1v1/X and instead get harassed by numbers you can in no way handle. Outside of having a good fight, there's nothing else you can reliably do because of Mounts and Tactics.

> There are _so many_ possibilities with builds in this game and yet 90% of the playerbase has 0 creativity. It's the same 3 - 5 things over and over again that only changes when the meta changes.

> People can't at least make builds their own or make something entirely unique. It is _so boring_ to fight clones all day.

> Players literally refuse to fight beyond the border of their objective but will happily sit inside it shooting you with what ever siege reaches and will summon the zerg when you head for a camp.

> And lastly, bullies. Commanders are few and far between as it is. Less and less people are willing to do it because like roaming, it has become less and less rewarding


Thanks @"Shroud.2307", those are great critical points! :)

Let's say for example WvW is to be enhanced, based on the issues above, any suggestions/comments on solutions & how the game mode can be drastically improved? :)



### From above, key points & questions:

**1. Skill mechanics:** lack of build diversification; would [secondary professions (similar to GW1)](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/A_Second_Profession) resolve this? Thoughts? Ideas?


**2. Macro-Environmental variables/rules:** The current WvW mode for the main maps are 24/7, can it be argued that this arrangement triggered issues such as spawn camping (low population), night-capping (score system), generating follower frustration indirectly placed upon the lead/commander? Thoughts? Comments? (Analogy: chess/checker board = environment, Player pieces = different professions adhering to system rules previously set in that environment)


**3. If match systems were instanced:** ([GW1 Alliance battles](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Alliance_Battles)) with set timer/intervals (similar to [EOTM - 4 hours per match](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists)), would that alleviate some of these issues mentioned above? Any thoughts or better methods? Any other games/examples? =)


**4. For the commander system**: Follower frustration is indirectly burdened upon the **commander player**, any thoughts on how to **encourage** more people to lead + participate from a** system perspective**? (Designed system rules that will enhance commanding + follower experience)


- **Example scenario 1:** a map has 0 commanders for 'x' amount of minutes & has low population:

A. System would auto-suggest and prompt high-rank players to volunteer as commander, offering bonus rank/rewards facing overwhelming enemy numbers

![](https://i.imgur.com/rxfgviY.png "")


B. System auto-assigns multiple small parties, with highest ranking player auto-selected/tagged as **group-leads**, can be seen on minimap

![](https://i.imgur.com/6LOQh2K.png "")


- **Example scenario 2:** Low-population on 1 side, Keep held by enemy for too long + no commander present for more than 'x' minutes:

A. System initiates [NPC Commander Siegerazer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Commander_Siegerazer), it tags up, offering bonus buffs (such as [Commanders' presence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Commander%27s_Presence)) to players that follow & lays siege to take a keep back, or:

B. System...spawns a [siege Turtle](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Siege_Turtle) (drivable) at spawn area :p :)


- **Example scenario 3:** Enemies camping a spawn non-stop (4 thieves, 10 guardians etc. or due to population imbalance):

A. System apply de-buffs to spawn campers near the area after 'x' Minutes (examples: -200 toughness or stealth disabled + 'revealed')

B. Elevate terrain for spawn area or add exit portal, enemy players can't see beyond portal (similar to GW1 Alliance battles)


Also a legacy discussion post on: [Commander Tag/Function Enhancements](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102056/commander-mentor-squad-gamemechanics-in-need-of-improvements-comments-feedback-suggestions)


Thoughts, comments, feedbacks welcomed! :) Thanks!




### Legacy post related to alliances (for reference):



![](https://i.imgur.com/4LMhNni.png "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/iJPllXH.png "")

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Anyone's welcome to prove me wrong but its just that maintenance mode feeling the game has had for years now that there isn't any motivation to login to play PvE content much less WvW. I would say the game is dead but the only thing actually happening is the power company is still getting paid to keep the lights on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"grave of hearts.7830" said:

> Oh i should had added music too,when i am in an action mode i expect to hear some epic music.

> Yet all i hear is the same depressed soundtrack style jeremy soule had 10 years ago,cripes is it that hard to make an epic version of the gw2 theme and make it the combat theme or something else to help wake up the player?

> The remnant of a hero battle music was great,why we dont have that kind of stuff in wvw?



You can use your own music. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack


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What makes WvW stale is you take a squad of 20-25 players out there to raid for 2 hours, and finding no good guild groups to fight. You end up either ending raid early or run around chasing cloud or banging your head into siege filled T3 keeps that are not possible to break. Due to the tiered system, this happens way too often. There are only a handful of servers that have enough guild groups to fight during NA. And they are all spread out in different tiers, giving you potentially weeks of boring matchup before you finally find one matchup with good NA content.


There are too many servers that have only offhour or odd hour content. There's nothing more frustrating than having people show up wanting to play GW2 WvW, but having no content to fight other than cloud or frustrating siege filled keeps. Or there is content, but they are on a queued map that you can't move your guild onto. So again, people log frustrated and slowly become uninterested in GW2.


The key to fixing WvW staleness is to simply give me content to fight, don't make me waste 2 hours looking for content. None of the ideas posted in the original post would solve this problem. Sure, change up the meta, tweak balance, etc.. are all no brainers that the devs should already be doing. But too often you could spend weeks stuck in boring matchups. This has to be fixed, server stacking only makes the issue worse as there are now less servers with competitive content to make raiding daily worth while.



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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"gavyne.6847" said:

> > 20-25 players


> You're self limiting due to your guild's size.

> try running less people if you _actually_ want more fights.



Used to run 15-20, but more and more guilds run 30+ now it becomes harder to stay small. Times have changed, seems like skilled players are consolidating into less guilds on less servers, hence creating this problem. When facing certain servers you are expected to fight multiple guilds running 25-30+ next to each other, which makes it even harder for you to compete as a small group.

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> @"gavyne.6847" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"gavyne.6847" said:

> > > 20-25 players

> >

> > You're self limiting due to your guild's size.

> > try running less people if you _actually_ want more fights.

> >


> Used to run 15-20, but more and more guilds run 30+ now it becomes harder to stay small. Times have changed, seems like skilled players are consolidating into less guilds on less servers, hence creating this problem. When facing certain servers you are expected to fight multiple guilds running 25-30+ next to each other, which makes it even harder for you to compete as a small group.


.... I've spent 7 years playing in what used to be called a "havoc squad" before they mostly went extinct.

Adding more people just means there's fewer scenarios where you'll be challenged, or lose.

The latter being the big sticking point for so many.

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> @"gavyne.6847" said:

> What makes WvW stale is you take a squad of 20-25 players out there to raid for 2 hours, and finding no good guild groups to fight. You end up either ending raid early or run around chasing cloud or banging your head into siege filled T3 keeps that are not possible to break. Due to the tiered system, this happens way too often. There are only a handful of servers that have enough guild groups to fight during NA. And they are all spread out in different tiers, giving you potentially weeks of boring matchup before you finally find one matchup with good NA content.


> There are too many servers that have only offhour or odd hour content. There's nothing more frustrating than having people show up wanting to play GW2 WvW, but having no content to fight other than cloud or frustrating siege filled keeps. Or there is content, but they are on a queued map that you can't move your guild onto. So again, people log frustrated and slowly become uninterested in GW2.


> The key to fixing WvW staleness is to simply give me content to fight, don't make me waste 2 hours looking for content. None of the ideas posted in the original post would solve this problem. Sure, change up the meta, tweak balance, etc.. are all no brainers that the devs should already be doing. But too often you could spend weeks stuck in boring matchups. This has to be fixed, server stacking only makes the issue worse as there are now less servers with competitive content to make raiding daily worth while.


This isn't entirely Anet's fault. Players choose which server they are on, and which guild they are in. Players/guilds can swap servers (assuming there is room) how often they want. And this leads to situations like the paired server hoping that the other server will compensate for their lack of players, particularly during certain time zones, only to find that those guilds transferred off and now that server pairing is a bit stuffed.


The one that does seem to be a bit Anet's fault - setting aside the player-decided server swapping - is whether a server's population is full, high, etc. I've been on a server that is classified as having a high population, but large pockets of time where there seems to be only about 5 players across all 4 maps (we all talked to each other in team chat and then joined up on one map to havoc).


Finally, not all guilds in wvw are "fight" guilds. And not all "fight" guilds are good at fighting, as demonstrated by their death rate when encountering an opposing team that has similar numbers. Again, this is not Anet's fault.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"grave of hearts.7830" said:

> > Oh i should had added music too,when i am in an action mode i expect to hear some epic music.

> > Yet all i hear is the same depressed soundtrack style jeremy soule had 10 years ago,cripes is it that hard to make an epic version of the gw2 theme and make it the combat theme or something else to help wake up the player?

> > The remnant of a hero battle music was great,why we dont have that kind of stuff in wvw?

> >


> You can use your own music. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack



thanks but as i said before its a matter of beeing the same recycled soundtrack instead of having its own identity.


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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> setting aside the player-decided server swapping - is whether a server's population is full, high, etc. I've been on a server that is classified as having a high population, but large pockets of time where there seems to be only about 5 players across all 4 maps (we all talked to each other in team chat and then joined up on one map to havoc).

> Finally, not all guilds in WvW are "fight" guilds. And not all "fight" guilds are good at fighting, as demonstrated by their death rate when encountering an opposing team that has similar numbers.


Great discussions in this thread :)

There's similar issues mentioned from another thread:



**Holistically, Key Points/issues shared:**

- Population Imbalance (server stacking - user behavior)

- Player movement flow & pace influenced by wall tiers vs. camps which has no walls

- Time gate: 24-7 one week match

- Server/link matchup system



- Gem store purchase server transfers/stacking (buying into the winning side?)

- Wall upgrades (small group can't capture Tier-3), overwhelmed by larger enemy group quickly in a 24/7 match

- Matches are 1 week long, 24/7 matches (no time gate), while [EOTM](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists) resets matches 4-hours per day

- One sided dominance results: **Winning side keeps winning -> Boredom (player withdrawal participation)**

- While losing side -> **Frustration (player withdrawal participation)**

- PvE World impact from winning missing like in GW1? (PvE server buffs from winning? Guild claimed PvE town buff? Rewards buffs?)


**[ishikawa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishikawa_diagram) Fishbone Analysis:**

![](https://i.imgur.com/mKn5rrM.png "")


**Questions (nudging/tweaking elements in the fishbone model):**

- If score points are time gated (4-hours per match similar to [EOTM](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists)), what effect would this have on player behavior?

- In a 4-hour match ([instanced](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instancing) similar to [EOTM](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists)) where 50-players are against 10-players (whether it'd be server stacking or regional off-time hours), can the 10-player group still win the match through capturing all camps/towers? What variables from the fishbone needs adjustment to balance this scenario?

- And since 'barriers' such as walls affect -> pace of player movement/capture, if towers (Keeps excluded) are always Tier-1, would that encourage capture-driven gameplay as an second option alongside [Zerg vs. Zerg](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zerg)?


**Hypothetical Scenario 1:**

- 15-people group captured all camps and towers (3 groups of 5 spread out to capture T1 Tower + camps)

- 50-people group captured all enemy keeps & sustains chase of 1 group

- 4-hour match ends: 10-people party still wins with all the control of towers + camps

**- Population imbalance shifted to -> Tactics**


**Hypothetical Scenario 2:**

- 50-people group vs. 50-people group (big fight for 2-hours)

- 1-side keeps losing the fight, only 2-hours left before match ends

- Winning side gains morale, losing side gains frustration

- Instead of withdrawal, losing side spreads out to capture all towers + camps (50-man Zerg coordinated to become five 10-person groups in squad)

- 4-hour match ends: 50-people (who were bad at Zerg fights) can still win by controlling all towers + camps

**- Boredom (from prolonged winning fights) shifted to -> Purpose (counter enemy from scoring due to enemy strategy change)**

**- Frustration/withdrawal (from always losing fights) shifted to -> Hope (alternative winning strategy in capturing points, spread out, tactics/strategy)**


**Would this balance the playing field? Any other scenarios you can think of by nudging elements in the current system? Thoughts? Comments? :)**

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> @"grave of hearts.7830" said:

> Oh i should had added music too,when i am in an action mode i expect to hear some epic music.

> Yet all i hear is the same depressed soundtrack style jeremy soule had 10 years ago,cripes is it that hard to make an epic version of the gw2 theme and make it the combat theme or something else to help wake up the player?

> The remnant of a hero battle music was great,why we dont have that kind of stuff in wvw?




Someone finally said it!

Let me _noon_ enemies to the most swoll track pls.

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> @"gavyne.6847" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"gavyne.6847" said:

> > > 20-25 players

> >

> > You're self limiting due to your guild's size.

> > try running less people if you _actually_ want more fights.

> >


> Used to run 15-20, but more and more guilds run 30+ now it becomes harder to stay small. Times have changed, seems like skilled players are consolidating into less guilds on less servers, hence creating this problem. When facing certain servers you are expected to fight multiple guilds running 25-30+ next to each other, which makes it even harder for you to compete as a small group.


Guilds don't roll with larger numbers because they need to, they do it because they're lazy.


A small organized group can take down larger groups, but doing so requires a lot of discipline. Most guilds fail a few times and start stacking supports. When they see that stacking supports doesn't always work, they start stacking numbers too. Then no one wants to fight them because they're too large, and it becomes a vicious circle of "there's nothing to fight", and "we're too small to fight that".


There's nothing wrong with losing, especially when you're outnumbered. It can be stressful and demotivating if you're losing all the time, but it's important to know how this feels so you can understand why scaling things up will limit content for everyone.

Pick your battles;

Know when it's time to go under the radar if you can't handle what you're up against- start doing havoc.

If you're too large for the enemy, let them gain some morale before re-engaging to avoid forcing them off the map.


It is still perfectly doable to accomplish things with 5, 10, or 15 players if you're smart, but why think when you can steam roll everything with a blob.

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> @"MaLong.2079" said:

> I am just surprised someone mentioned turrets as being a problem. I have not seen a turret, other than healing, in a loooong time. And I play engineer. The supply drop takes like a year to reload. But seriously, anyone use turrets in WvW? I just don't see how.


I used to run turrets on my engi ,then they took targeted placement out.

The still work for boons when they arent insta deleted due to enemy 11111111 spam.

But the only case there ever was a problem with them was when it was when thumper was abused with targeted placement on wall nukes by blobs.

If you downed by aoe the engi could just hit the active and launch you off the wall while downed and you were done for,which tbh was not really that much of an issue.

And the reason the changes happened wasnt even because of wvw,it was because pve bots used them for farming........



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It is boring and repetative.

I have times where I do not step into WvW for weeks.


It's like playing the same story instance every single day. There is hardly any variety in the gameplay, the participation system is punishing and most maps are so numbingly boring that it becomes hard to motivate yourself to get out there and do some Roaming.


The contradiction from Anet as well. We all know that Server Reset is one of their big money makers, yet the gamemode that makes them so much, is utterly ignored.

I find that, to be quite honest, a HUGE insult to their playerbase.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> I play for pips only these days.


> If things are slow and I just killed the veteran worm, finding a group of opposing "roamers" and laughing at them usually yields outnumbered in 1-2 tics depending on the server.


Even that got boring for me,like 2 years ago.

And there isnt anything i want left to even bother with ticks for crafting,outside making a legendary armor set to save yourself from the cost of buying new runes every time the rest of the rewards arent competing even artistically wise.

The reward/eyecandy/utility vs time invested ratio isnt balanced at all,its just a bone they threw at us to leave them alone because things were a lot worse previously with defenders spending hours defending objectives and getting practically zero rewards for the time invested .

And even that is a fail balance wise because an attacking blob with 50 supports spamming heals against the majority of random groups gets more rewards even when it has to retreat,it is why it is a meta and the very same reason it adds up to game mode beeing stale.


Edit:Maybe this is the one direction they should had taken,decoupling large objectives from beeing large caches of income and redistribute the rewards on an active aspect of wvw that doesnt involve blobing,like defending a camp or escorting yaks but limit the numbers that can receive the rewards.

It would make for a much healthier and effective change than spending hours doing class balance.

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> @"Shroud.2307" said:



> I am a very easily entertained and go with the flow kind of person. There are criticisms I have about WvW, and complaints others have that I either agree with or can relate to. In general however, I enjoy WvW for what it is, and playing with friends or a community have a bigger impact on that feeling than WvW itself.


> **What makes WvW stale for me isn't WvW, but the players.**

> _________________________________________________________

> * Guilds that play 70/30 Support/DPS, farm pugs and are nigh untouchable by

> * Players that roam in groups of 5 - 10+ that have no respect for people playing alone

> * People with no creativity of their own that only play what's best in a mode _(WvW)_ that it hardly matters

> * Players that sit in objectives 24/7 constantly manning siege waiting for someone to pass by so they can shoot them

> * People who make it their business to put Commanders down until they detag because they don't agree with how they lead


> >> **Everyone is entitled to play as they like, don't mistake this for a "I don't agree with what they do so it's wrong" kind of thing.**


Most of this is just disagreements with the free human nature - you don't like how others act and how it interacts with how you want to play. You cant have an open pvp area without many of those things happening, just because humans can and will do it. Like the armchair commanders who know it all and critisize all but won't try themselves, or the guys who watch map and call backup if you coming alone or waiting to attack you until you are busy. Groups seeing any and all targets as a farm. Standard human behaviour. Especially for pvp players. This is not something that can be changed by devs.


Support "meta", well yea that is really a numbers functionality cause and effect and could be addressed. Just still if you dont invalidate supports it's going to be hard to make it not worth to stack many since their average value is high for being support, and currently they are reducing number caps so they dont get too much power which also means you need more supports to handle the raid, etc. But its still better else even more would just gear tanky and.. yea, its a hard thing to address.


Overall it looks like a more funneling of players with matching desires for gameplay flow is something you like, for example guild vs guilds not mixed with steamrolling randoms etc, but that is also gonna kill the open-world'ish aspect of the whole game mode. There also arent unlimited players. Maybe if they merged all players into much fewer servers and made a few tiers of ranking, but im just not sure if that could ever work out.




I think one of the biggest enemies of is simply that people have been doing the same exact thing for too long. There is some good discussion here on improving the wvw integral values of stuff in order to be more fit for lesser groups, or in order to improve what small groups can do it make a difference when going up a against a hopelessly large blob. And that's good.


But deeper than that, there is probably missing up and down emotional feeling from the game mode, where everything feels too much the same and predictable. Maybe to introduce impactful changing elements that will mean it won't always be predictable and you have to react. With several layers that means they will very rarely align in the same way. That you never know what might happen. Basically if it's really stale it's an indication that the playing experience is too monotone and it needs some shaking up, need some life breathed into it.


It could be for example different modes like blitz where objectives are easier to capture, walls have less health. It could be that another resource for hurting the enemy was available from monsters spread out on the map for players to collect to discourage max group up because it would turn into a serious problem if you let the enemies claim all the resources while you just hug 1 blob, or a new siege type weapon with advantage for small groups might become available. it could be many things which need to be impactful enough that players change behaviour. Could be intelligent blob detection, whos winning and for how long detection, and give some of the advantages to the sides that were outblobbed.


It could be isolation where the more players are closer together the less damage and health they have. Erosion where walls/players become weaker the longer you defend. I mean those modes could even change every few hours so nothing becomes too stale. It might also be a certain type of camp has a chance to upgrade for a period and get access to a certain powerful siege weapon for a time which would change the balance of big vs small group. Imagine siege ladders, can climb right over and take something. Or suicide bombers which kill yourself and any other player hit - maybe rocket propelled rollerbeetle type charger. - the solo players chance to revenge themselves on the blobs and blobs would hate or the tactical use to even the odds in group fights. Or imagine a weapon that deals more damage the more targets are near it's point of impact so basically if the blob is big enough it completely wastes it, and it gets a damage reduction for every unique player attacking it - the blob destroyer. I mean those are just some random ideas but the point is something to make things more interesting, some changes away from constant the same - something that is impactful enough it will change the player behaviour and undermine 1 playstyle to win all day long. Fleshing out the impact of being tactical with the resources of the map, and having to react to changes. Also these changing modes could reveal things that players really liked, to be considered for the baseline, breaking the monotone mold.


If you have been paying attention i've suggested several types of different things here. Which include general modes that affect everyone like isolation or erosion that might change lets say every 4h, and then there are things like new siege weapons and other resources for hurting the enemy which do not neccessarily have to be tied to a mode -but if you went wild you might tie into blob/win detection and increase trigger rates for the losing sides to give them advantages against them although you could also tie them into the spread out small things that blobs arent sitting on.

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> @"Crackmonster.2790" said:

> snip



>> **Everyone is entitled to play as they like, don't mistake this for a "I don't agree with what they do so it's wrong" kind of thing.**


This was said right in the comment you quoted, then you say,


> Most of this is just disagreements with the free human nature - you don't like how others act and how it interacts with how you want to play. You cant have an open pvp area without many of those things happening, just because humans can and will do it.



I understand this, lol. I just don't enjoy it. I don't see how this is wrong of me.

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> @"Shroud.2307" said:

> > @"Crackmonster.2790" said:

> > snip


> >

> >> **Everyone is entitled to play as they like, don't mistake this for a "I don't agree with what they do so it's wrong" kind of thing.**


> This was said right in the comment you quoted, then you say,


> > Most of this is just disagreements with the free human nature - you don't like how others act and how it interacts with how you want to play. You cant have an open pvp area without many of those things happening, just because humans can and will do it.


> ???

> I understand this, lol. I just don't enjoy it. I don't see how this is wrong of me.


It's not wrong of you, you are who you are.


Just on the topic of a stale WvW that part of your post isn't something that can be done much about as it's inherent in open pvp world modes, you prefer to do what you want and others act in a way that prevent you from taking joy from that fully. That's all i meant to point out. On a deeper level you could say i wanted you to let go of the things you can't change and just accept it and take what fun you can.

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> @"Super Fuzz.4980" said:

> I do love WvW - but would like to see new maps and also more tournaments.


yeah those are core points imo. hope new expansion gives a new map / or upgrades EotM. and tournaments (more? u mean any) would be a nice re-introduction. people play 24/7 yet anyways i feel.



u cannot really blame people to run perfect composition and sets... best builds are mostly known and fun to play, because they are effective. and it becomes more effective, once u get more experienced. that's what a mass pvp format is about. roamers do their things... should be the minority.


the creativity shows itself with how exactly u play your class. positioning, timing, what to press when. calling enemy actions. beeing reactive.


the 5-10 ppl guilds are a bit annoying surely. basically organized gankers. many maps have too many roamers anyways.... we have sometimes 30-35 roamers on one map. kinda cloudy zerg without any direction provider /driver.


also, critizism on comms shouldn't be done harassment style surely... but some tags are just horrible. its not hard to get one, and some do the same stuff over and over, and if it doesn't work for the 3rd time i'd want my tag to adapt and try something else. also, people that don't lead on a suitable tag are kinda problematic as well, bc if they die too quick, or have different pathing that the group, it can kill the group by trying to follow their movement as well (or lose the direction).

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Unpopular opinions:


* I think they should unlink servers and let them all stand alone. Stackers are going to stack. Add Low population definition, make it free to transfer. proportionally raise existing gem costs.

* All WvW map caps should be reduced per match-up based on overall active population relative to the smallest server population, wanna stack? Sit in Queue all night.

* Variation of a 3rd map with different mechanics, like what was given to desert bl, but even more horrifying for attackers, and give it to the smallest pop server for defense advantage.

* Allow new WvW rank masteries for commanders and players. Commander's passively increases players in their squad. The larger the squad the weaker the buff becomes. Player's passive buffs affect NPCs. Let's face it, veteran NPCs are kinda useless unless they're stacking a 1v1 in a camp/tower. Add some other game breaking F10/downstate mechanics (like downstate 5: _"NPC, HALP!"_ lmao it can't save you, but it'd be funny to watch).

* Really horrible idea and it's so insufferable it could actually be fun. **Make all siege lose health as it's being used** compensate by adding to _Repair Mastery_ availability to repair siege. I think an ammunition mechanic might be pretty funny in a painful way too lol.

* Wall/gate deterioration per tick would be amusing. To counter this mechanic, introducing guild improvements to stop deterioration (or even repair) over time. Probably should be a T2(T3) improvement respectively.


The first few points kinda punished blob zergs, but _**let's make it worse lmao**_


* NPCs should have the ability to be upgraded beyond veteran and champions, and add way more if them with upgrade tiers. Even the SMC Legendary Lord should get buffed. That Lord room fight can be dangerous with lots of damage floating around... _Why not add a little more?_

* Add automatic siege upon tier upgrades... Like traps and auto turrets... But they're all over the place, balanced by being destroyable. Change _auto turret_ guild tactic to **_enhanced auto turrets_** (unlockable, more damage, higher durability).

* Make the walls a bit higher. Simple and trivial, but it will impact offense a bit more.


Not saying these would 100% solve everything, but it would shake it up a lot. At this point, i would be excited to see anything make WvW more dynamic and less "**brb trolling the forums while we take down this T3 keep**"....


Anywho, at the lord now, g2g


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