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Alright, maybe it is time for an engine upgrade.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> That said, interestingly enough there is *something* weird going on in the graphics pipeline, seen that in the past (I dont do so much PvE now). Boss fights could chug along at 25 fps and then suddenly, out of the blue with little change in visible player activity, it went to smoother 50+... only to drop down again like 5s later as the fight continue.


The flaw in the graphics pipeline is that with DX9, input processing, GPU on/offloading, and IO all happen from within the graphics pipeline.


You can observe this when an asset is taking a while to load, and the map appears empty for a time, then suddenly huge swaths of it populate -- or how at very low FPS (say, <12), skills can fail to go off because the difference between when your OS registers the keystroke and when GW2 attempts to process it is enough to void the buffer.


This is because DX9 is a synchronous runtime -- event processing and rendering *cannot* occur in separate threads; the context simply won't allow it.


Playing around with DXVK (the DirectX to Vulkan layer), and most of these issues are resolved, outside of GW2's asset loading problems (because in DX9, loading an asset and sending it to the GPU all occurs during the renderpass, effectively "between" frames, and this cannot really be circumvented based on *when* the engine initiates IO).


*(As an aside, I've also observed substantial performance improvements in other titles by simply switching from DX11 to DX12, the latter of which fully supports asynchronous rendering and IO operations, allowing much, much faster loading (and deferred loading) of asset data, as well as the rendering thereof. Keep in mind that this **only** occurs for titles which fully support the target API; GW2 will only see nominal performance increases **unless** it were rewritten in such a way that made use of the new API features)*

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> @"fluffdragon.1523" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > That said, interestingly enough there is *something* weird going on in the graphics pipeline, seen that in the past (I dont do so much PvE now). Boss fights could chug along at 25 fps and then suddenly, out of the blue with little change in visible player activity, it went to smoother 50+... only to drop down again like 5s later as the fight continue.


> The flaw in the graphics pipeline is that with DX9, input processing, GPU on/offloading, and IO all happen from within the graphics pipeline.


> You can observe this when an asset is taking a while to load, and the map appears empty for a time, then suddenly huge swaths of it populate -- or how at very low FPS (say, <12), skills can fail to go off because the difference between when your OS registers the keystroke and when GW2 attempts to process it is enough to void the buffer.


> This is because DX9 is a synchronous runtime -- event processing and rendering *cannot* occur in separate threads; the context simply won't allow it.


> Playing around with DXVK (the DirectX to Vulkan layer), and most of these issues are resolved, outside of GW2's asset loading problems (because in DX9, loading an asset and sending it to the GPU all occurs during the renderpass, effectively "between" frames, and this cannot really be circumvented based on *when* the engine initiates IO).


> *(As an aside, I've also observed substantial performance improvements in other titles by simply switching from DX11 to DX12, the latter of which fully supports asynchronous rendering and IO operations, allowing much, much faster loading (and deferred loading) of asset data, as well as the rendering thereof. Keep in mind that this **only** occurs for titles which fully support the target API; GW2 will only see nominal performance increases **unless** it were rewritten in such a way that made use of the new API features)*

Thats not what I mean. What I mean is that I've seen 50+ man boss moshpits (such as shaman) chug along at "normal" fps (ie dropping in the 30's or lower due to all the player skill effects) and then suddenly, with no real reason, no apparent change in activities because the boss is still up and its still a moshpit with skills all over the screen... it goes ultra smooth for around 5s. Then it instantly drops back to "normal" again.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"fluffdragon.1523" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > That said, interestingly enough there is *something* weird going on in the graphics pipeline, seen that in the past (I dont do so much PvE now). Boss fights could chug along at 25 fps and then suddenly, out of the blue with little change in visible player activity, it went to smoother 50+... only to drop down again like 5s later as the fight continue.

> >

> > The flaw in the graphics pipeline is that with DX9, input processing, GPU on/offloading, and IO all happen from within the graphics pipeline.

> >

> > You can observe this when an asset is taking a while to load, and the map appears empty for a time, then suddenly huge swaths of it populate -- or how at very low FPS (say, <12), skills can fail to go off because the difference between when your OS registers the keystroke and when GW2 attempts to process it is enough to void the buffer.

> >

> > This is because DX9 is a synchronous runtime -- event processing and rendering *cannot* occur in separate threads; the context simply won't allow it.

> >

> > Playing around with DXVK (the DirectX to Vulkan layer), and most of these issues are resolved, outside of GW2's asset loading problems (because in DX9, loading an asset and sending it to the GPU all occurs during the renderpass, effectively "between" frames, and this cannot really be circumvented based on *when* the engine initiates IO).

> >

> > *(As an aside, I've also observed substantial performance improvements in other titles by simply switching from DX11 to DX12, the latter of which fully supports asynchronous rendering and IO operations, allowing much, much faster loading (and deferred loading) of asset data, as well as the rendering thereof. Keep in mind that this **only** occurs for titles which fully support the target API; GW2 will only see nominal performance increases **unless** it were rewritten in such a way that made use of the new API features)*

> Thats not what I mean. What I mean is that I've seen 50+ man boss moshpits (such as shaman) chug along at "normal" fps (ie dropping in the 30's or lower due to all the player skill effects) and then suddenly, with no real reason, no apparent change in activities because the boss is still up and its still a moshpit with skills all over the screen... it goes ultra smooth for around 5s. Then it instantly drops back to "normal" again.


Almost as if it was filling up some cache and then it's handling more information than it can buffert again?

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Well that's not really the fastest CPU in terms of IPC right now, the Ryzen 7nm+ 5800X / 5900X / 5950X are. (see https://www.techspot.com/article/2143-ryzen-5000-ipc-performance/ )


> There's something called Amdahl's law so even in a perfect scenario unless _most_ of the code is parallelized (we're talking over 90%) it will be losing per core efficiency past 6 cores. (see https://www.techspot.com/article/998-cpu-performance-amdahls-law/ or the wikipedia article)


> Even in practice there's severe diminishing returns as seen in this recent study on WoW's DX12 implementation: https://rk.edu.pl/en/analyzing-world-warcraft-multi-core-scaling/

> > As you can see the game FPS decreases nearly linearly with decreasing CPU clock frequency with some gains to Dazar'alor. Those charts show that the game is still managed by the main thread working on one core and only in some edge case scenarios when there is more GPU work than other logic it can scale bit better. Single core frequency and efficiency (IPC) are the king while stronger GPU comes into play only if you want better looks after you provided the CPU power to achieve good FPS.


> For a less MMO-type game, we have statements such as the following from Ubisoft:

> https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/6VFn74oMO2nVQGZxvFhBb5/vulkan-api-testing-on-live-pc

> > WHAT IT DOES: Dynamic Texture Indexing helps us **reduce CPU overhead** by issuing fewer draw calls (a call to the graphics API to draw an object that will appear on screen). This is accomplished by having the GPU dynamically select the texture used in the shader, instead of binding it by using the CPU. The result is less pressure on the driver, and the **freed CPU cycles can then translate into better CPU performance overall**.

> > WHAT IT DOES: AsyncCompute is a hardware capability that allows us to execute tasks in parallel on the GPU, thus providing more tools and opportunities for better and improved optimization. Since the launch of Siege on consoles, we have been able to utilize AsyncCompute for console players to optimize graphics techniques such as Ambient Occlusion or ScreenSpace Reflection. Graphics Cards previously supported AsyncCompute, however the DX11 API did not allow us to utilize it. With Vulkan it is now possible to do so.

> > EXPECTED RESULT: With Vulkan and dynamic texture indexing, players who are CPU-bound should see better and more consistent frame rates.


> What about a CPU bound game like from Stardock?

> https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/BradWardell/20191007/351772/Living_with_Vulkan_and_DirectX_12.php

> > In the most oversimplified sense, the biggest difference between the two new graphics stacks and DirectX 11 are that both Vulkan and DirectX 12 **support multiple threads to send commands to the GPU simultaneously**. GPU multitasking. Hooray. i.e. ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists (send a bunch of commands and they get handled asynchronously).

> > In DirectX 11, calls to the GPU are handled synchronously. You could end up with a lot of waiting after calling Present(). Don't get me wrong, DX11 is still way better than DirectX 9. **In DX9, the main thread had to call the GPU**.


> > _The real world of game development_

> > Which brings us back to the question: Why didn't Stardock's new games stick with DirectX 11? And the answer is: The performance gain you get from Vulkan or DirectX 12 comes down to the type of game it is.

> >

> > Case in point: Stardock has DirectX 12 and Vulkan versions of Star Control: Origins. **The performance gain is about 20% over DirectX 11**. The gain is relatively low because, well, it's Star Control. It's not a graphics intensive game (except for certain particle effects on planets which don't benefit much from the new stacks). So **we have to weigh the cost of doubling or tripling our QA compatibility budget with a fairly nominal performance gain**. And even now, we run into driver bugs on DirectX 12 and Vulkan that result in crashes or other problems that we just don't have the budget to investigate.



> In the past there was the introduction of the 64 bit client which if I remember correctly is the only drastically major GW2 upgrade client-side that we know of. That update (which was not the official client , it was labeled beta for the longest time) resulted in fewer crashes due to 4GB VRAM + RAM limits. So there are changes that would benefit all, not just the people with the latest hardware.


> Due to the fact that both D912pxy and DXVK both have FPS drops, I would hazard a guess it's down to the parallelization of the code that relies on _networking_ and also _client-side_ sequential calculations of anything from damage , conditions, range, LoS , etc (everything not visual). The "servers" are actually Amazon AWS elastic compute instances , EC2 presumably with the auto scaling functionality.


> You can test your connection to AWS servers via sites such as https://cloudharmony.com/speedtest-for-aws and check reachability via Amazon directly https://ec2-reachability.amazonaws.com/


> ----


> See also statement from the Lead Engine Programmer for GW2 5 years ago https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/3ajnso/bad_optimalization_in_gw2/csdnn3n/

> > GW2 does a lot of processing, and much of it is done on the main thread. That is also where its bottleneck tends to be: The main thread. There are conscious efforts in moving things off the main thread and onto other threads (every now and then a patch goes out that does just this), but due to how multi-threading works it's a non-trivial thing that take a lot of effort to do. In a perfect world, we could say "Hey main thread, give the other threads some stuff to do if you're too busy", but sadly this is not that world.

> >

> > As for DX9 and 32bit: Moving off of DX9 wouldn't buy us a whole lot performance wise, as all interaction with DirectX is happening on the render thread, which is generally not the bottleneck. Moving from 32-bit to 64-bit also does not really buy us a lot performance-wise. There are some optimizations the compiler is able to do with 64-bit that it can't do otherwise, but the actual FPS gain is minimal at best.

> >

> > And about crashing on Tequatl: Here's one case where a 64-bit client could actually help. Many of the crashes happening on Tequatl (which are still quite few, mind you) are cause of memory fragmentation. The bigger memory address space of 64-bit apps could help prevent that. This becomes more of a problem the longer you keep your client running.


So stardock had an increase of 20% from dx11 to 12 and thats supposed to mean that gw2 wont have a noricable increase? For a number of ppl 20% is gonna be absolutely noticable and i will be surpised if gw2 only experiences a 20% jump koving from dx9 to 12.

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What everyone wants here to for the game to continue to exist and get upsated for years to come. For that to happen the game needs future proofing. Even if its a 20 to 30 to 40% jump to performance, a robust system to hide and minimize visual clutter or even new lighting tech or a renderer. All these thing would massively improve the feep and quality of the game.

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> @"Lucio.4190" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"fluffdragon.1523" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > That said, interestingly enough there is *something* weird going on in the graphics pipeline, seen that in the past (I dont do so much PvE now). Boss fights could chug along at 25 fps and then suddenly, out of the blue with little change in visible player activity, it went to smoother 50+... only to drop down again like 5s later as the fight continue.

> > >

> > > The flaw in the graphics pipeline is that with DX9, input processing, GPU on/offloading, and IO all happen from within the graphics pipeline.

> > >

> > > You can observe this when an asset is taking a while to load, and the map appears empty for a time, then suddenly huge swaths of it populate -- or how at very low FPS (say, <12), skills can fail to go off because the difference between when your OS registers the keystroke and when GW2 attempts to process it is enough to void the buffer.

> > >

> > > This is because DX9 is a synchronous runtime -- event processing and rendering *cannot* occur in separate threads; the context simply won't allow it.

> > >

> > > Playing around with DXVK (the DirectX to Vulkan layer), and most of these issues are resolved, outside of GW2's asset loading problems (because in DX9, loading an asset and sending it to the GPU all occurs during the renderpass, effectively "between" frames, and this cannot really be circumvented based on *when* the engine initiates IO).

> > >

> > > *(As an aside, I've also observed substantial performance improvements in other titles by simply switching from DX11 to DX12, the latter of which fully supports asynchronous rendering and IO operations, allowing much, much faster loading (and deferred loading) of asset data, as well as the rendering thereof. Keep in mind that this **only** occurs for titles which fully support the target API; GW2 will only see nominal performance increases **unless** it were rewritten in such a way that made use of the new API features)*

> > Thats not what I mean. What I mean is that I've seen 50+ man boss moshpits (such as shaman) chug along at "normal" fps (ie dropping in the 30's or lower due to all the player skill effects) and then suddenly, with no real reason, no apparent change in activities because the boss is still up and its still a moshpit with skills all over the screen... it goes ultra smooth for around 5s. Then it instantly drops back to "normal" again.


> Almost as if it was filling up some cache and then it's handling more information than it can buffert again?

Not really, there is nothing to buffer or cache (cant predict dynamic effects and the players are already there). Skill lag doesnt behave like that at all and since everything is done serverside it wouldnt really be any proccessing issue locally unless its something that actually breaks (ie the game stops doing calculations on something, then it suddenly starts again).


In terms of graphics the only thing causing that massive difference would be model count but then again the game would hardly go "fuck I'm showing 50 players and your fps is tanking now I'm only showing 25 lol jk here's 50 again enjoy the low fps.". And as I said I never noticed anything visually change over the few seconds.


Bleh I just find it to be weird behaviour. Never recorded it nor have cared about it for years.

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Look it's great that you've all put these hypothesis and theory down in the absence of any input from Anet who should be the ones making excuses but when a lot of us can run modern games at 4k and have better performance with them than we do on a game over 10 years old it's time to acknowledge that improvements are a necessity. I mean, when you're reading about 30fps on a close to top of the line rig then hearing arguments against saying that's not the bestest best best rig and that's great. That's not moving goalposts that's changing the sport.


I Just got PoF & the other xpac and it's running appallingly. It's like I'm running a Voodoo 2. Anet should be ashamed.

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> @"Paul.4081" said:

> Look it's great that you've all put these hypothesis and theory down in the absence of any input from Anet who should be the ones making excuses but when a lot of us can run modern games at 4k and have better performance with them than we do on a game over 10 years old it's time to acknowledge that improvements are a necessity. I mean, when you're reading about 30fps on a close to top of the line rig then hearing arguments against saying that's not the bestest best best rig and that's great. That's not moving goalposts that's changing the sport.


> I Just got PoF & the other xpac and it's running appallingly. It's like I'm running a Voodoo 2. Anet should be ashamed.


Do they need to put out a press release every time they make a change in the background? They already put out notices when they work on the network.


Which modern MMO games that rely on network I/O of 100+ people perform well for you? At the end of the day you can't treat Arenanet like a company making a single player game.


It's also important to distinguish between 30 _min_ FPS in a **CPU bound** scenario versus 30 FPS everywhere. Do you really need 144 FPS for _openworld_?


As an aggregate across all CPUs, with the most common GPU on Steam (the GTX 1060 6GB) gets:

48 FPS rating on userbenchmark at 1080p https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/153864.0.High.1080p.0

50.7 FPS rating on userbenchmark at 1440p https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/153864.0.High.1440p.0



>!**107FPS** i7-8700K + GTX 1080 Ti, 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/251565.347462.High.1080p.0

>! **95 FPS** i7-6700K+ GTX 970 , 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/14719.32631.High.1080p.0

>! **93 FPS** i7-7700K + GTX 1070 , 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/141989.178732.High.1080p.0

>! **85.7FPS** i7-7700K + GTX 1080 , 1080p "max" https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/137575.178732.0.1080p.0

>! **85 FPS** R5 2600X + GTX 1060 3GB , 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/165268.466081.High.1080p.0

>! **80 FPS** i7-8700K + GTX 1050 Ti , 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/188434.347462.High.1080p.0

>! **63 FPS** i5-4690K + GTX 760 , 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/7650.11612.High.1080p.0

>! **68 FPS** i5-3570+ GTX 1060 , 1440p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/153864.793.0.1440p.0

>!**59.3FPS** i5-6500 + GTX 770 , 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/7658.34775.High.1080p.0i

>!**50 FPS** Ryzen 5 1600 + GTX 1050 Ti, 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/0.258318.High.1080p.0

>! **50 FPS** i7-4790K + GTX 1070 , 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/141989.11601.High.1080p.0

>! **50 FPS** i5-6600K + GTX 1070, 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/141989.32899.High.1080p.0

>! **40 FPS** i5-4460 + GTX 1050Ti 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/188434.10022.High.0.0

>! **40 FPS** i5-2500K + GTX 1060 6GB , 1080p high https://www.userbenchmark.com/PCGame/FPS-Estimates-Guild-Wars-2/3733/153864.46.High.1080p.0

If it runs like trash everywhere you might not even have dx9 installed properly.


If you actually watch the GDC presentation is it stated there were problems even porting GW1 server to 64 bit Windows. What happened is while testing worked, once it was put on virtual machines the paging caused CPU usage spikes undetectable by Windows monitoring due to polling rate. For 32 bit that it was designed on, out of memory results in crashes instead. Can you imagine if they redid the whole engine instead of focusing on low-hanging fruit for the CPU bottlenecks? Most of the existing art assets would be unusable probably because in-house tools used to work with the existing engine would need to be redone.


That's not even including quotes such as these from Bill Freist (now gone from Arenanet):


> At present, Guild Wars 2 has already received a massive amount of optimizations. This means that players who have suffered from poor performance in the past should see an improvement to their frame rate. But there are still discrepancies between individual systems. As we investigate those, it leads us to discover interesting bottlenecks. For example, here’s a chart showing how much of a difference a graphics driver version can make.


> keep in mind that having an adequate processor, graphics card, and sufficient system memory are all important to having a smooth gameplay experience.


It's a known that it has used Umbra (CPU-side) culling as well:



> @"zealex.9410" said:

> So stardock had an increase of 20% from dx11 to 12 and thats supposed to mean that gw2 wont have a noricable increase? For a number of ppl 20% is gonna be absolutely noticable and i will be surpised if gw2 only experiences a 20% jump koving from dx9 to 12.

There's a difference between a person putting up a dx9 to dx12 on github and a game company actually rewriting their code and _having to support it_. Case in point, look at the mac client. Also see the performance differential semi-tabulated a few posts ago between d912pxy and the actual 64 bit client.


The closest thing to a proper implementation is dxvk since that works on multiple platforms and across multiple games , officially endorsed by Steam Play (through funding not just "use this").


Instead of conjecture , people ought to specify :

1. What CPU they're using and at what clocks (if you're using a 2GHz dual core 4 thread notebook chip don't expect miracles)

2. How much RAM they have and are they using a pagefile at all (because as stated above, 64 bit doesn't crash due to run out of RAM unless you don't use a pagefile)

3. Are they using a SSD , is there a pagefile and if pagefile is turned off is there an out of memory error

4. What ping they have

5. What are they are having issues with , within reason. Expecting 60 min FPS with 100+ people on highest settings is not realistic when it's CPU bound for all physics and shadows/reflections if they're turned on. For a period LS4 and PoF maps were performing poorly due to networking an not the client.

6. If settings are turned up , the VRAM usage out of the total GPU VRAM assuming GPU load is not always 100%

7. How much of a change is actually due to the non-rendering parts (i.e. using d912pxy or dxvk to isolate which bottlenecks aren't related to directx)

8. Whether CPU bound settings such as model limit, shadows , reflections are on max or low

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> @"Kirin.7306" said:

> isn't GW2 the less profitable of all games the main company has? Why would they waste money on a new engine for it? Not saying the shouldn't


The release to Steam could be a reason. There will be lots of new players, but the question is if they get the experience that makes them stay.

In my opinion, a new engine and a complete upgrade will increase those chances.

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> @"Kirin.7306" said:

> isn't GW2 the less profitable of all games the main company has? Why would they waste money on a new engine for it? Not saying the shouldn't


GW2 is the most profitable game by NCSoft outside Korea and has been since its release. According to the latest quarterly report (Q3 2020) NCSoft made 27385 million krw in NA/EU while Guild Wars 2 earned 18818 million krw so Guild Wars 2 is making more than half the money of NCSoft West. As individual games go, Guild Wars 2 surpassed Aion in Q3 2019 (so last year) while in Q3 2020 Guild Wars 2 also surpassed Blade & Soul in total earnings becoming NCSoft's third best game (in revenue) behind the two Lineage games.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Speaking of other ncsoft titles, both l2 and bns are getting engine upgrades. in the case of l2 i think the game is moving from unreal 2.5 to unreal 4 which is a huge leap in visual fidelity and performance.

It's not a direct engine upgrade , Blade & Soul Complete is a separate server (Frontier World) and requires a new client. Also there's Blade and Soul 2 coming on _mobile_ not PC.


Lineage 2 M (mobile) is using Unreal Engine 4 , and so did Lineage 2 Revolution. Lineage 2 : Remastered hasn't had any release announcement officially.


There's also announced Aion 2 on _mobile_.


Everything is coming on _mobile_ because that is where the money is to be made.


You have to realize Unreal Engine 4 requires a 5% royalty.



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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Speaking of other ncsoft titles, both l2 and bns are getting engine upgrades. in the case of l2 i think the game is moving from unreal 2.5 to unreal 4 which is a huge leap in visual fidelity and performance.


Korean mmos invest a lot in their graphics, they are built to attract audiences that are after highly detailed characters and environments. So for them it makes sense to upgrade their engines, plus they go from one version of unreal engine to another, there is a "porting" process available. Although I wouldn't call Guild Wars 2 graphics bad, graphics is not any kind of reason high on the priority list to start playing it.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Speaking of other ncsoft titles, both l2 and bns are getting engine upgrades. in the case of l2 i think the game is moving from unreal 2.5 to unreal 4 which is a huge leap in visual fidelity and performance.

> It's not a direct engine upgrade , Blade & Soul Complete is a separate server (Frontier World) and requires a new client. Also there's Blade and Soul 2 coming on _mobile_ not PC.


> Lineage 2 M (mobile) is using Unreal Engine 4 , and so did Lineage 2 Revolution. Lineage 2 : Remastered hasn't had any release announcement officially.


> There's also announced Aion 2 on _mobile_.


> Everything is coming on _mobile_ because that is where the money is to be made.


> You have to realize Unreal Engine 4 requires a 5% royalty.

I don't get what has to do this with the opinion GW2 needs an upgrade.


Microsoft provides guides to migrate Dx9 to DX12 (not directly but by steps), the new Visual Studio (i think GW engine is done in C++) provide helper libraries and there are also opensource helper libraries to help to translate the code from legacy D3DXX to D3D12.


This should have been started already long time ago with the announcement of PoF. There is no excuse not to implement this as the game is still very profitable.



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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> You have to realize Unreal Engine 4 requires a 5% royalty.


I'm quite certain that 5% royalty is far less than having an in-house engine team working on your game, especially if said engine team is large enough to make big changes to a game, like adding ray tracing, or developing a directx 12 version for the engine. Meanwhile, you get all those upgrades for free by using Unreal Engine. In the end that fee depends on how cutting edge you want a game to be, as developing cutting edge technology on your own would require a lot more money than a 5% royalty fee.


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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > You have to realize Unreal Engine 4 requires a 5% royalty.


> I'm quite certain that 5% royalty is far less than having an in-house engine team working on your game, especially if said engine team is large enough to make big changes to a game, like adding ray tracing, or developing a directx 12 version for the engine. Meanwhile, you get all those upgrades for free by using Unreal Engine. In the end that fee depends on how cutting edge you want a game to be, as developing cutting edge technology on your own would require a lot more money than a 5% royalty fee.



The thing is peeps are asking for an engine upgrade not because of prettier graphics, Gw2 looks ok for an MMO. Peeps as asking for an engine upgrade looking for better performance so they can play in big events with a normal machine at decent FPS.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > > You have to realize Unreal Engine 4 requires a 5% royalty.

> >

> > I'm quite certain that 5% royalty is far less than having an in-house engine team working on your game, especially if said engine team is large enough to make big changes to a game, like adding ray tracing, or developing a directx 12 version for the engine. Meanwhile, you get all those upgrades for free by using Unreal Engine. In the end that fee depends on how cutting edge you want a game to be, as developing cutting edge technology on your own would require a lot more money than a 5% royalty fee.

> >


> The thing is peeps are asking for an engine upgrade not because of prettier graphics, Gw2 looks ok for an MMO. Peeps as asking for an engine upgrade looking for better performance so they can play in big events with a normal machine at decent FPS.


Indeed, though in the currently unlikely event an engine upgrade does happen a few graphical tweaks would be a good thing, as well as an option to turn down other players skill animations and particle effects.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> I don't get what has to do this with the opinion GW2 needs an upgrade.


> Microsoft provides guides to migrate Dx9 to DX12 (not directly but by steps), the new Visual Studio (i think GW engine is done in C++) provide helper libraries and there are also opensource helper libraries to help to translate the code from legacy D3DXX to D3D12.


> This should have been started already long time ago with the announcement of PoF. There is no excuse not to implement this as the game is still very profitable.




If they upgrade the engine it would likely need to branch into mobile in the long run since that's where the money is which means likely _not DX12_ (where iOS is supported via MoltenVK on Metal ; also Vulkan allows Google Stadia support). People are assuming it is stock Unreal engine so that it would be an easy port, when we know it is heavily modified. Porting over without any reimplementation of memory management would not result in any appreciable gains over the add-ons people use and any in-house tools that are required to make content would need to be re-tooled (assuming that is even possible , considering some tools may not be in-house *).

See https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/SharingAndReleasing/Mobile/Android/VulkanMobileRenderer/index.html , https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/SharingAndReleasing/Mobile/iOS/DeviceCompatibility/index.html


Leveraging the same consumer base is not going to bring much more money in to fund something that massive, which is why a Steam launch would need to be a massive success. The performance benefit between Vulkan and DX12 is such that _either_ way there would probably need to be massive changes if there are features implemented that actually matter , namely async compute.


Also example Basemark GPU scores:

>! RTX 3090 Vulkan = 21.5K vs 20.3K on DX12

>! RTX 3080 Vulkan = 18 vs 17.1K

>! RX 6900 Vulkan = 17.3K vs 18.2K

>! RX 6800 Vulkan = 13.8K vs 14.6K

>! RTX 3070 Vulkan = 13.4K vs 12.7K

>! RTX 3060 Ti Vulkan = 12K vs ~11.4K

>! RTX 2080 Vulkan = ~11.4K vs ~10.2K

>! GTX 1080 Ti Vulkan = 10.7K vs 10K

>! RX 5700 XT Vulkan = 8.4K vs 8.7K on DX12

>! RTX 2060 Vulkan = 7.7K vs 7K

>! RX 5600 XT Vulkan = 6.4K vs ~6.6K

>! RX Vega 56 Vulkan = 6.2K vs 6.5K

>! GTX 1070 Vulkan = 6.3K vs 5.9K

>! GTX 1650 Super on Vulkan = ~4.9K vs 4.2K


Similarly , nobody has actually posted concrete evidence that the d912pxy / dxvk workaround has eliminated all frame drop problems , even if it has improved performance. It is deeper than just the render thread. We know that there has been work to improve multithreading but some things are inherently sequential. If only 50% of code is parallelized the core usage past 2 cores will result in negligible gains ; for 75% parallelized code only up to 4 cores even if it is on a new graphics API.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > You have to realize Unreal Engine 4 requires a 5% royalty.


> I'm quite certain that 5% royalty is far less than having an in-house engine team working on your game, especially if said engine team is large enough to make big changes to a game, like adding ray tracing, or developing a directx 12 version for the engine. Meanwhile, you get all those upgrades for free by using Unreal Engine. In the end that fee depends on how cutting edge you want a game to be, as developing cutting edge technology on your own would require a lot more money than a 5% royalty fee.


People are asking for Arenanet to upgrade the engine, dump money into it, and then possibly pay a 5% royalty because they feel it isn't performing well enough. Many MMOs use older Unreal Engine versions because there is no royalty.




* "Past and current clients include game studios like ArenaNet (NCSoft)" - http://www.quadsoftware.com/index.php?m=section&sec=product&subsec=editor&target=editor_press_starvault

* "Umbra Software, the provider of state of the art rendering optimization middleware, announced today that Guild Wars 2, the highly-anticipated MMO from ArenaNet, is taking advantage of Umbra’s occlusion culling technology" - https://blog.umbra3d.com/about-us/press-releases/arenanet-powering-the-world-of-guild-wars-2-with-umbra-3-rendering-optimization

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