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Kind of new to pvp. Got some things to discuss.


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So I have been doing some small skill pvp (battlegrounds, unranked arena) and almost every single match my team lost. Is the matchmaking here similar to the match making in league of legends. I noticed some highly ranked players are all on the enemy team and the newer players and low ranked ones are on my team. That's similar to how the match making on the other pvp games I've played on worked. Is it possible for match making to make up teams with players who are both higher ranked and lower ranked.


Also is there rules for pvp like no camping (spawn killing) enemy team at their base? I've seen some enemy players do it to me before and it got a bit annoying. Is it legal for an enemy player to kill another player in one shot (instant kills)? I know it's considered cheating on league of legends, not sure about here though. Is there a leaver penalty? Like deserter from warcraft or leaverbuster from league of legends.



I'm not ready for world vs world or stronghold pvp yet. I dont think I can handle ranked.


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The matchmaking in Unranked is basically a lottery. There is no logic, it's pure chance.


The matchmaking in Ranked is generally a lot better. Not necessarily perfect, but it is usually at least somewhat close.


Most bases have more than 1 exit, so, if someone is trying to spawn-camp....... just use the other one.


Leaving during a match will give you "Dishonor" which will prevent you playing PvP again for a set period. The duration increases each time you trigger it, so I think it's 2 minutes first time, but that will ramp up to hours or even days if you keep abusing it.


1-shot builds are perfectly legal, but they're really not all that common because they're also very squishy and risky to play.

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At this point ppl either use unranked as a place to meme or get a quick daily. But if you wanna increase your win rate the first place to look is guides- most ppl recommend metabattle and streamers like jebro or vallun. Not tryna promote anything just saying more knowledge = more wins as a new player, also the mmr in unranked is different than skill rating so yeah you might see players in different elo than you in unranked

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> @"wilykcat.5864" said:

> So ranked match making is better then? Are there specific rules to ranked? Might want to think about it once I get more used to the game and how pvp works.


Ranked is still entirely a lottery because GW2's metagame is simultaneously so shallow yet oppressive that if anybody on a given team deviates too far from the most viable options, that team has a far higher chance of losing. On top of this, because of how broken and homogenous the game itself is, people agreed that forming a complete team of five players prior to queuing up for a game should be prohibited. Your teammates are entirely RNG, which means that even if everyone on your team is technically running a "good" build, you still might not get the "correct" sort of team composition (i.e. not enough damage, not enough people who can brainlessly face-tank enemies, etc). Every match is a gamble, which is why the most "successful" players queue in teams of 2 (maximum that you're allowed) in order to passively buffer their chances against rolling ineffective team compositions. On top of this, because the game is so brutally one-dimensional, it's very possible to fit every "good" mechanic in the game within just two builds/classes; so these "duos" generally join in an already complimentary set-up (generally a "damage-healer" duo or a "[self-sufficient]-thief" duo for moving around the map with impunity).


GW2 ranked PvP somehow manages to be both incredibly binary and shallow yet still beholden to RNG at the end of the day. Best advice should you really feel like trying to brute force your way down the rabbit hole is to join a PvP guild, suck up to some streamer/in-house bois, or somehow find a friend who is willing to endure it with you. Doing solo queues is basically masochism (only slightly tolerable if you legitimately don't play the game but once a patch out of boredom/curiosity).

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Yeah, nah, don't listen to these salty people.


I'm usually in Plat-2, in Ranked matches I'm pretty much always going against other Plat players, very occasionally might see a Gold-3 player.


By contrast, in Unranked I'm regularly being put on teams either with or against people who are clearly playing their first PvP match with full-signet thief builds, etc etc. and it's just a slaughter, which isn't fun for either side.

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> @"wilykcat.5864" said:

> So ranked match making is better then? Are there specific rules to ranked? Might want to think about it once I get more used to the game and how pvp works.


It definitely is a lot better. It might take some games for the system to place you in your rough "skill level", but then the games should be much more even.


People don't understand the differences in matchmaking between ranked and unranked: With time, both matchmakers allow a broader rating difference to you in the players in your match. This happens a lot faster in unranked than in ranked - meaning, you are more likely to have much stronger or weaker players somewhere in the game. The main part of the matchmaker works in _exactly the same way_.


A simplified example: You are at a rating of 1200 (average). After 5 minutes, in unranked the matchmaker might look for players from 900 to 1500. In ranked, it only tries to place you in a match from 1100 to 1300. The exact numbers can be taken from: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm. I am too lazy to confirm it, this is the principle.


However, it still tries to give everybody a fair matchup. As in: The average rating is still aimed to be almost even for both teams. Now in a team game, there are more things to consider: Class stacking is tried to be prevented as well as teams play into it as well. Especially unranked - which allows full team queues - this leads to very biased matches. Ranked only allows duos, so the matchmaker has a much easier job to place the players in the teams for fair matches. Top players trolling and stuff even worsens this situation in unranked.


However, I believe the matchmaker is probably trying to find your rating yet if you just started. :smile: I would, like @"Ragnar.4257" suggested, start with ranked. The first 10ish matches might be weird, but after that the experience should be much better.


Have fun and enjoy! In theory, GW2 pvp is still awesome - suffering from neglection, but it is very dynamic and allows lots of variations. Stick to it, learn and you will have fun I am sure!



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> @"wilykcat.5864" said:

> So ranked match making is better then? Are there specific rules to ranked? Might want to think about it once I get more used to the game and how pvp works.


At this point, rank doesn't even matter anymore.

Because there aren't enough players close in rank to make somewhat fair matches in a timely manner,

high platinum players can be put in matches with low silver players.


Basically, ranked can have the same stomping and one-sided dominations that unranked has.

In my experience, this happens more often than not.

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> @"wilykcat.5864" said:

> So ranked match making is better then?


Kinda sorta not really.

Unlike Unranked, it does at least try to match you against people at your effective rating.

Like; it uses an average rating for both teams so its usually pretty close, despite what people say.


Where it goes wrong is that there usually isn't many people playing, so it will reach really far for matchups fairly frequently. Especially if you play in the off-hours.

It is also made infinitely worse that Solos/Duos have to play together.


So as like a blanket statement, yes. It's better.

But it isn't much better, and there's still a lot of room for improvement. I think that should be encouraged because if more people start playing, then the matchmaking will be even better.

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> @"wilykcat.5864" said:

> So I have been doing some small skill pvp (battlegrounds, unranked arena) and almost every single match my team lost. Is the matchmaking here similar to the match making in league of legends. I noticed some highly ranked players are all on the enemy team and the newer players and low ranked ones are on my team. That's similar to how the match making on the other pvp games I've played on worked. Is it possible for match making to make up teams with players who are both higher ranked and lower ranked.


> Also is there rules for pvp like no camping (spawn killing) enemy team at their base? I've seen some enemy players do it to me before and it got a bit annoying. Is it legal for an enemy player to kill another player in one shot (instant kills)? I know it's considered cheating on league of legends, not sure about here though. Is there a leaver penalty? Like deserter from warcraft or leaverbuster from league of legends.



> I'm not ready for world vs world or stronghold pvp yet. I dont think I can handle ranked.



Okay so.

You'll actually have an *easier* time in ranked pvp because they'll actually match you with people of your skill level, whereas normals are kind of wonky. In GW2 unlike league you get participation prizes for doing ranked so it's worth it. It's best to mute all on chat, because no one says anything worthwhile until silver 3. You'll have a better time of it as you ranked up, because you won't be matched against ridiculousness.


To explain, when I went together on an unranked with my friend who never played pvp ever before,it happened to be that the #1 player at current played against us, with all their plat+ friends and maybe one friend who never played pvp before. This is because it's matchmade based on the lowest ranked member in the team, not an average. Unranked is really weird, and I recommend especially if you're starting out, you just hop into ranked and don't worry about it. Also, for sanity reasons, make sure you turn off team and map chat because people here are super rude- there is no working system for people being salty or jerks. You can communicate well enough with pings and sometimes typing into team chat without looking at it. Actually I don't even know if ftp can use team chat. GW2 PvP is much more casual, the game mode is like old dominion (<3 dominion).


You want to keep on with Arena, that's the main ranked game mode and you get lots of goodies for playing it. Stronghold is kind of like League of Legends, but again, unranked can get pretty weird match ups, and yes ,you can wind up being matched with crazy high level players over and over.


There is no anti-spawn camping rules. As for being killed in one shot, a player who is good can kill you very quickly to the point that it feels like you are being killed in one shot (similar to League of Legends burst damage/burst assassin's), but it is not actually possible in this game to kill an enemy player in one shot the way you're describing. They're just dumping all their skills very very fast or using a quick rotation/skill combo you may not have learned how to counter yet. You can see the damage you took under combat > incoming damage to see what killed you. There's no formal rules against it because it's not actually possible. (Also, as a league of legends player, I've never ever heard of 'burst damage instakill' counting as cheating, especially with all the bursty champions we have and once you hit power level or are fed-- also in League of Legends, unlike GW2, because of being fed and a snowballed character, it really is possible to kill someone in one attack and similarly, that is ...not cheating, that's how the game is supposed to go. Reporting a fed, snowballed Draven for being draven and doing what draven does would just be... ridiculous. Truly, truly outrageous. .__. If you're talking about some kind of exploit, that's different, but uh, yeah. I've *never* heard of instakills/one shot kills being considered cheating in LoL, that would be like reporting every fed ADC and burst assassin/mage that existed and saying the game mechanic itself is cheating O___O, when the whole point is to get fed. I mean, if the community is now starting to think that the basic principle of the game is cheating, that seems kind of like a problem.)


There is a leaver penalty, if you disconnect, you have to wait maybe 10-20 minutes to restart the match. It's not as harsh as league of legends penalties. You can't really get fed in this game, it's based on the equipment and build, which happily has normalized stats so you can go in at level 1. See a lot of players complain about others feeding, but it's really not as big a deal as LoL because the most that happens is the other team gets +5 points, not that someone snowballs and starts to faceroll the enemy team.



WvW, as long as you aren't in Maguuma server, it's not toxic and people are willing to help you learn. If you can duel you can probably roam without fear. If you can't duel you can still get credit and join squads and hang out in a blob of people and faceroll or get facerolled. It's pretty casual.

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