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Spending 1000g on a title?

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I don't think there's any definitive right answers to this. Things you definitely need (like equipment) are relatively inexpensive or can be obtained without using gold, so then it's just lots of things which could be useful but how important they are varies between people.


For example one priority for me if I was in your situation would be to buy all the Living Story seasons from the gem store, and converting gold to gems is one way to do that. But other people would say to only buy specific episodes for their achievements, meta-events or items available from the merchants (which ones will vary depending on who you ask) and other people would say there's no need to buy any of them at all.


My advice is to hold onto your gold until you find something you definitely want, or set yourself a minimum to hold onto for unexpected expenses (at least until you get a sense of the kind of things which are available and how quickly you'll want them) but also remember that you can always get more gold and the absolute worst that will happen if you can't afford something is you have to wait until you can afford it so there's no need to worry too much about whether you're making the right choice.

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Are you intending on playing the game long term?


If so, I recommend investing your gold.


Perhaps place buy orders on T6 materials and use them to craft legendary weapons, which you can sell for a profit.


Then use that to build and invest more. Many "achievements" do just come down to wealth acquisition. But there is an aspect of make your wealth work for you in this game. So it's better as a beginner to invest early. But remember that bonuses (gold drops, karma, experience et al) come as you go through achievement milestones so don't go overboard.

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Do easier titles first. Buy other stuff you need (and working towards legendaries for gameplay convenience). Then later maybe when you feel ready ... you could maybe use every 1 out of 2 gold earned while saving the other one. If you farmed 100 gold spend 50 and set the other 50 aside for the title. Then it might not feel to grindy since you still often have gold to spend ready.

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Copper fed salvageomatic. The earlier you buy it the more cost effective it will be.


Gw2 has been around for awhile, and occasionally needs material sinks to keep the economy healthy and uninflated for newbies who don't have a reserve of resources to ignore market crashes. This title is one of those.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > But if you only have 1000 gold and spend all 1000 gold on the title, then the title won't be true. :wink:

> I actually waited until I was over 1300 before I bought it so that I wouldn't be completely broke after acquisition of the title. ;)



That's smart, yeah! :smiley:

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > I bought it. Why? Because... I'm rich, you know.


> You always make it a point to tell people that you are a casual player and you had 1000 gold to just throw away? Wow. I wonder what "casual" is to you?


Yep. Very casual. I play a lot open world PvE, mostly in core Tyria. I rarely do any crafting, so I end up selling off pretty much everything that I pick up. It adds up.


The title was actually a goal for me. Since I'm not into much else for achievements, it gave me something to work for. Much like the skyscale, which took several months to completer whereas many players managed theirs in days.

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > I bought it. Why? Because... I'm rich, you know.


> You always make it a point to tell people that you are a casual player and you had 1000 gold to just throw away? Wow. I wonder what "casual" is to you?


Being a casual player generally means one or both of:

a) playing for less time per day, probably not every day and maybe taking long breaks without actually qutting,

b) generally avoiding the most difficult content.


None of which makes it impossible to get 1000g, it just means it will take longer. Even if all you did was walk around overworld maps you could gather crafting materials along the way, sell them and end up with 1000g eventually, if you were patient and didn't spend it on other things first.


I call myself a casual player too (although I have occasionally done things like raids) and while I haven't got this title I'm sure I've spent far more than 1000g on mini pets, it's just a matter of saving up by prioritising the things you want over other stuff, and sometimes looking out for oppertunities where you can make more gold from things you like doing. During Wintersday I was about to make about 200g just from doing simple daily achievements and playing Bell Hero and then selling the gifts. It's not as profitable as in past years but still a lot of gold compared to what I normally get in the same kind of time.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > I bought it. Why? Because... I'm rich, you know.

> >

> > You always make it a point to tell people that you are a casual player and you had 1000 gold to just throw away? Wow. I wonder what "casual" is to you?


> The title was actually a goal for me.


Well, there we have it. Even if i did have that much gold, i would just save it for gem store if something nice came along. Maybe there will be a title worth getting for me too one day. So, do you remember how long it took to get 1000 gold? No need for examples on how you did it, just the amount of time.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> None of which makes it impossible to get 1000g, it just means it will take longer. Even if all you did was walk around overworld maps you could gather crafting materials along the way, sell them and end up with 1000g eventually, if you were patient and didn't spend it on other things first.


Obviously. The point being "eventually". I have never had over 200 gold, since i haven't done much saving, which is a detriment for being rich.



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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > I bought it. Why? Because... I'm rich, you know.

> > >

> > > You always make it a point to tell people that you are a casual player and you had 1000 gold to just throw away? Wow. I wonder what "casual" is to you?

> >

> > The title was actually a goal for me.


> Well, there we have it. Even if i did have that much gold, i would just save it for gem store if something nice came along. Maybe there will be a title worth getting for me too one day. So, do you remember how long it took to get 1000 gold? No need for examples on how you did it, just the amount of time.


Heh, sorry, no. I really didn't keep track. I just kept doing what I was doing and selling stuff. I was originally saving up gold to purchase gems, but the prices shot up (from around 70 -> 140) and I kept waiting for the exchange rate to drop back down. So, I hoarded until it did -- which it never did and then found out about the title and thought, well, why not?


I've been up to 1600 gold since then, but purchased gems ahead of the last annual sale. Now, I'm hovering just over 1000, but had dipped below that as I decided to craft some ascended weapons. I'd like to get back up to at least 1300 - 1600 and imagine that I might get there by sometime late autumn, assuming that gem prices don't suddenly drop.


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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > I bought it. Why? Because... I'm rich, you know.

> > >

> > > You always make it a point to tell people that you are a casual player and you had 1000 gold to just throw away? Wow. I wonder what "casual" is to you?

> >

> > The title was actually a goal for me.


> Well, there we have it. Even if i did have that much gold, i would just save it for gem store if something nice came along. Maybe there will be a title worth getting for me too one day. So, do you remember how long it took to get 1000 gold? No need for examples on how you did it, just the amount of time.


I use my second account to pay for custom arena time. I buy those 90 days at a time and in between purchase I can usually get 300-400g. That is from doing mostly just the dailies which includes the 4 event daily and mining platinum/killing whatever is nearby while waiting for leyline anomaly. I only sell things that are 50s+ and that is pretty much all the gold sources for that account.


So roughly 4x90 days would cover 1000g. Shorter if I actually sold more of the loot like the Mystic Coin from the anomaly event, login, made use of the laurels, etc. or played more than just doing the dailies.


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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"ATMAvatar.5749" said:

> > For those not in the know, it's a reference to the [i am Rich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_Rich) app on the iOS store that was $1000.


> The title is a quote from Lord Faren.

> The price may be come from that app, but the title is definitely due to Lord Faren's quote.


isn't it a generic line by "minister/noble" NPCs in DR? I just recall it from the story step during S3E4 when the White Mantle were breaking into the Palace but probably verifiable in the open world, too.

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