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Best class to go sword/dagger with?


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_Sword/Dagger Warrior *clown*_

just kidding. Is this for WvW or PvP? If not go anything you want. I'm not very sure on PvP, but I sure am for WvW.


Daredevil Sw/Dg if an infamous power build with a lot of disengage potential.

I recently tried a shortbow trapper druid with Sw/Dg and damn, are these plenty of evades. I'm not an experienced ranger so others may play better with this set, or think that it's trash.


Then there's also Sw/Dg Weaver. Classic piano training.

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This is what I'm running for S/D deadeye in WvW at the moment;



It makes for a surprisingly good 1v1 build, the build won't carry you because no shadow arts and no one shot potential but it's fun with a very active playstyle. Use is pretty simple, use mark and stolen skills along with rifle to chip them down at range and build malice, use S/D when they try to block/reflect your rifle, and either spend malice on the rifle sneak attack for pure damage or on the sword sneak attack to keep endurance high. You have a ton of mobility between sword 2 and rifle 4 along with 1500 range on rifle, so use that to keep yourself out of the range of AoE's. Remember when spending malice to keep an eye on what's around you, because using a stolen skill with 5+ malice is your main source of stealth, so don't dump your malice if there's a thief about to +1 you. You have potentially perma protection and high might stacks from cycling sneak attacks with max malice, so learning to manage malice but not run yourself low on initiative is key. In general this build deals less well with being +1'd than the typical permastealth D/P deadeye, but that build is boring so hey. The main thing you can't kill is a full bunker condi ranger but you shouldn't be bothering to fight those guys anyways, best to call the zerg to their location and vomit on their corpse repeatedly instead.


This is a more conventional S/D daredevil build, if you want to try both;


You have more evades but less damage, hence why you have less defensive gear. You also have AoE through shortbow 2, lower range on your shots but more mobility through shortbow and dash. Try both, see what you think.

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Your options are:


Any Sword/Dagger Ranger which is more or less just a condi build with mobility and evades.

Any Sword/Dagger Thief though most people use Sword/Pistol or Pistol/Dagger or Dagger/Pistol

Sword/Dagger Weaver which would be fun, but has a high skill ceiling.

Sword/Dagger Spellbreaker which with Dagger 4 -> Sword 3 can spike people very very hard on a glass cannon setup.


That said, what mode? PvE, PvP, or WvW? Certain choices will work better in some game modes than others. If this is for PvE, then they all would work.



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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are asking for PVE or PVP go weaver. Uses sword and dagger and is pretty strong. The current version of power weaver is quite easy to play contrary to common knowledge. People always advise playing something like a DH to be easier, but from my personal experience Weaver has an easier rotation and less thing to worry about.

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Sword Dagger Thief.


Reasons :

- S/D Weaver will often ruin skin's effects with their own skill effects.

- S/D SpB may be decent, but as a Warrior, yu should be swapping weapon sets constantly, so yur S/D weapon set will only get 50% visibility uptime.

- S/D on Ranger is more often than not, a Defensive set due to its evades. As a defensive set, yu will never see a need to stay in this set for extended periods of time and is usually swapped into for defensive reasons and swapped out off so yu can retaliate with damage.


**Hence, S/D Thief is the only Sword Dagger build which ensures maximum S/D visibility uptime.**



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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Sword Dagger Thief.


> Reasons :

> - S/D Weaver will often ruin skin's effects with their own skill effects.

> - S/D SpB may be decent, but as a Warrior, yu should be swapping weapon sets constantly, so yur S/D weapon set will only get 50% visibility uptime.

> - S/D on Ranger is more often than not, a Defensive set due to its evades. As a defensive set, yu will never see a need to stay in this set for extended periods of time and is usually swapped into for defensive reasons and swapped out off so yu can retaliate with damage.


> **Hence, S/D Thief is the only Sword Dagger build which ensures maximum S/D visibility uptime.**




Because its Fashion Wars 2 amiright?

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