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What classes (+elites) are people generally satisfied with?


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This is an MMO, so I understand most discussions here are about how this class sucks or that class is stupidly OP, but which of the 9 classes do you think most people are happy with when considering the two elites?


Out of all of them, I think most people are NOT happy with Revenant, and I would agree there due to lack of build diversity and clunky mechanics.


Guardian and Warrior seem to be in a good spot (Warrior can be a little dull and Guardian seems to be all about damage and doesn't have a lot of support options).

Ranger seems pretty good right now. I don't play much Thief or Engineer, but Thief needs some tweaks on Deadeye. As a newbie I don't see a point in going with Scrapper when Holosmith seems to fit the same role.

Mesmer appears good, but it's hard to argue with the crazy utility Chrono has so I don't see much Mirage usage. Ele I have no idea. Necro needs some tweaking IMO (more support options with Scourge would be lovely). I also feel like Reaper didn't really change anything over base Necro, just added a different death shroud form, no new mechanics.

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Warrior seems good, Spellbreaker is pretty wicked even as an open world PvE spec. It's tough to go down with all the counterplay.


Revenant is functionally decent but only because this is my first foray into condi spec. If power Herald didn't have rubbish damage in comparison I would absolutely run it instead. It's not even that I dislike Kalla actually; I absolutely positively looooathe Mallyx. How anyone can accuse Kalla of being a boring legend yet happily run Mallyx and sit there regurtitating conditions is beyond me. I may just throw him in the bin and run... And therein lies the Revenant's biggest problem. Two expacs in and our utilities are grotesquely limited. Fix Rev's fur God's sake.

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Guardian is in a solid spot. Firebrand has put it in a solid spot both as a bunker in PvP and a DPS (with some good utility) in PvE. I hear it’s strong for WvW as well, but I haven't Payed much attention to that in a while.

Dragon hunter is also still solid option in a lot of places too.

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Guardian (and elite specs) has been the only consistently good profession in all game modes since the game launched. Every other profession has been underwhelming at one point in time either in PvP, PvE or WvW. Guardian has always been there, always. People tend to prefer viable and/or optimal professions, Guardian is by far the safest pick.

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> @alceste.8712 said:

> The biggest issue is that in pve 3 classes take up 60% of the spots. The balance is truly awful. For pvp, it is not much better.


If one follows the 100% efficient speed-run esque meta, this is truth. However, only PUGs really do this. Pre-made groups, especially with guild-mates or friends, are willing to take most anyone. And really, there is no excuse to not be in a guild in this game (plenty of guilds, mine included, just take people on the asking).


As for PvP, I've found it to be fairly balanced. Every class, even ones people would say for over the top OP (like core warrior/spell breaker) can be dealt with. I never had much trouble dealing with any class on my mesmer, my guardian, or my necromancer. Some classes can get more annoying than others, but there is always a set-up for dealing with them in my experience. Its just a matter of practice. Not to mention the fact that the ability to 1v1 doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things and the ability to contribute to team-fights is far more important (a fact that is lost on many players, not to say that it is lost on you in particular).




With regard to the OP, my favorite profession will always be necromancer. I perform the best with it in WvWvW, PvE, and PvP and I favor its theme over the other classes. And I am exceedingly satisfied with the developer's willingness to echew shroud in favor of other mechanics (like the new shades).


My second favorite would have to be mesmer. It furfills a similar role to my necromancer (condi damage and punishments) but it has a little less boonhate for my tastes (as far as sPvP/WvW goes). Mirage is quite useful, mirage cloak is shaping up to be one of the more underrated mechanics. Its use does extend to PvE, as you can avoid major hits from mobs while still maintaining DPS.


I would have to agree, I am least satisfied with revenant. I do like its premise and the new trait-line. However, its lack of customization is a huge turn-off for me.

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I feel that Daredevil is in a good and balanced spot right now. The class able able to perform optimally in any gamemode with the correct stats and traits. it did bug me that the class was too strong in WvW/PvP with that condi cheese build, but that seems to have been addressed recently. It is a fun class with a fast paced play style that relies more on your reflexes and timing to survive. Once you master that, you can be pretty unkillable :)

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Elites that improve on the core profession, with meaningful trait options useful skills and no interaction issues i.e. Bugs.


Positive and negative exampel is soulbeast and druid, both to a part: Soulbeast interacts very well with ranger and really feels like an improved class mechanic. But it has mediocre skills and trait choices. Druid on the other hand has a mechanic that does not interact at all with core ranger but it has good utilities (they aren't used in every game aspect but most of them are solid), good traits that all are aimed for certain directions/build types.

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I enjoy Renegade in PvE, some tweaks on the energy costs and/or numbers and it will be super flexible spec. If my guild is missing druid or has new chrono, my renegade can help with heals and alacrity. Mechanics are already there. If there is no PS warrior on sight i can focus on blasting fire fields and using f2.

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> @Lighter.5631 said:

> Warrior is no where near good spot when the only thing keep them viable for years already is one single trait that share might. also banner.

> nothing else is relevant not even elite spec


Banners are one of these most powerful dps buffs in the game. He'll a single warrior probably brings the most dps to a raid group out of any one slot.

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I can comment on elite specs I have tested from PoE arrival:


Mirage - very fun to play, actually good dps (thats new for Mesmer) but also broken/strange mechanics (mirrors, ambushes) and classical problem of Mesmer - you have to work extremely hard for same/lower result as faceroll classes.

Spellbreaker - quite interesting spec which is unfortunately not really usable for PvE - as mainly PvE player I have tried it for just a day or so

Scourge - IMHO most innovative spec in POF with amazing idea completely changing necro playstyle. Latest nerf rendered it almost unusable though. I hope balance patch will fix dps output to competitive level, but past experiences with AN castrating necro and never fix it do not leave much optimism...

Renegade - very good damage with mace/axe. I like how it plays with laying aoe's and good incombat melee mobility. Two main issues I have are very bad class weapon (shortbow sucks in many ways) and clunky feel when playing it - cannot gat grasp what is the problem, but it is like renegade does not have right combat flow for me. But generally I would say it is in good place.



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> @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:

> I can comment on elite specs I have tested from PoE arrival:


> Mirage - very fun to play, actually good dps (thats new for Mesmer) but also broken/strange mechanics (mirrors, ambushes) and classical problem of Mesmer - you have to work extremely hard for same/lower result as faceroll classes.


I don't want to be mean but this post prove you wrong


This is far from being a difficult gameplay and some pretty good power dps on top of that.


> Spellbreaker - quite interesting spec which is unfortunately not really usable for PvE - as mainly PvE player I have tried it for just a day or so


Spellbreaker adress one of the warrior weakness which was PvP. However, it come just after they introduce a pretty powerfull defensive trait the strength traitline and pile up another defensive mechanism on top of it. The warrior that had wuite few defensive mechanism suddenly overflow with them, if there were tons of damage on top of it, that would be utterly broken. In PvE, the warrior never had any issues, they are just confined in a role that nobody elde can do better than them because they are, like ost other professions far away from the top potential dps of the game (but since they are needed anyway...).


> Scourge - IMHO most innovative spec in POF with amazing idea completely changing necro playstyle. Latest nerf rendered it almost unusable though. I hope balance patch will fix dps output to competitive level, but past experiences with AN castrating necro and never fix it do not leave much optimism...


Scourge follow faithfully the history of the necromancer. The shades are not a polished mechanisms, like the shroud, and will need month and month of balancing before being balanced for any kind of PvP. As for dps, the necromancer and the scourge suffer the consequences of pretty bad starts in PvP that deem them op. The scourge will most likely stay a shadow of it's prime glory for the rest of it's days. And Anet still chose to turn a blind eye to the fact that the focus on condition management is not good for PvE support.




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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> I don't want to be mean but this post prove you wrong

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/12684/mirage-de-condi-shatter-31-115k-benchmark#latest

> This is far from being a difficult gameplay and some pretty good power dps on top of that.


Well at the end GW2 is a game - difficult is maybe not a right word :)

For me it is much easier to play class where I simply spam most damaging skill and if it is on timer I use fillers. No need to calculate if it is OK to use phantasm now or wait for next target, remember recasts on secondary set, position to maximize shatter damage, retarget clones at right point etc etc.

That is what I meant ... oifc most of this is relevant in different environment then golem dps testing.


I am normally playing this: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAnf7ansICNohVoBGoBMMjlXDzf/VAXglVgeT0ANAkTOCA-jxh0wAAV/R9+DmVCG4JAA4kAAT/AUlfAA-e it is for sure not optimal dps build but it works quite well for me in like 95% of the situations.


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Mesmer by far. Versatility of the class in its whole is literally unmatched. Chrono shines in any group play. And for solo gameplay mirage is really awesome and fun to play. Core mesmer does not fall far behind either. But i would choose mirage over core mesmer cause its more dynamic.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it depends on mode.

I agree with poster above, it does bug me as well that 60% of the spots in raids are taken by 3 classes. Surely you can run odd group with guild but most pugs will try to achieve the "optimal" set-up. The fact that those 3 classes are one and only optimal set-up speaks volumes about those classes and their balance.


From PvP point: it is complete mess atm. Some PoF specs left no room for HoT (lets not even start on core), some are so bad that only hipsters play them. I think general agreement from pvp community is that scourges are literary ruining the mode atm and were made to force pvpers to buy xpac, nothing else.


Last not the least, revs are still underperforming or rather lost the powercreep race. Of course a good player can make rev work but average Joe on rev will never, ever be as effective as average Joe on scourge/mirage/spellbreaker, imo.

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I only have so much experience. On a rating from 1 to 10 with 10 being "super satisfied" from a PVE standpoint.


Weaver: 8/10. People want power sword/power dagger to be better, but being one of the highest damaging class really bolsters the numbers

Holosmith: 7/10. This one is hard to gauge, because the engineer forum is the most chill forum. They want PVP to be better and a spec that doesn't kill itself, but overall they like it.

Firebrand: 9/10. I don't think I've heard a single complaint about the firebrand that has stuck around. Or... a single complain in the past month, period. The class is very capable and generally effective. The only thing people want more off is better buffing capabilities.

Mirage: 6/10. The forum is wise enough to realize that the current standing of things is temporary. People like the damage and the mobility, but in general they don't like how the class does nothing else

Scourge: 5/10. The necromancer forum is generally unhappy, and as such there are a lot of complaints about the scourge..

Renegade: 6/10 The PVE side is doing well, but people hate how the PVP aspect of the class is terrible.

Deadeye: 3/10 The recent wave of nerfs has agitated the normally ornery thief community even further. There is little praise for the class.

Soulbeast: No clue. I haven't seen many complaints, though.

Warrior: No clue. I imagine that it is pretty average, since I never see spellbreakers in PVE.

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