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Guild Wars 1/2 The expansion


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**Guild Wars 1/2**



GW1 and 2 linked accounts to play. The more of each campaign story completed the more of a bonus to reputation gains.

Combines the GW1 & GW2 communities into many repeatable activities competing against each other for resources, reputation and rewards.

Returns to a time just after the Dwarves and Asura were pushed upwards by destroyers.

Sunspear, Asura, Dwarf, Norm, etc... reputation and racial skills do not work this far back in time.

Reveals the first use of the term "BooKah".

No new weapons, armor, skills and spells.

32 new abilities based around fight gamepad use. 8 each for the movement directions W A S D.



A complete world spanning underground adventure occurring on the 5th level of depth.

Level 1 is the core.

Level 2 is unknown but an immeasurable power immenates from there.

Level 3 is unknown but something or someone lives there.

Level 4 is the home of the destroyers.

Level 5 is the homeworld of the Asura, the Skritt and Dwarves.

The Great River is the largest of many rivers draining down through the levels bringing down food, rarely vegetation and "stuff".

Two sprawling city states exist on each side of the great river, the Asuran and Dwarf.

As resources are gathered from further and further away Asura built gates to quickly travel there.


**The Trade Consortium**

The Asura always preferred telling someone else to do what they want done. Arrogance exemplified! They built technology the Skritt and Dwarfs used.

The Dwarve's mining opened up new areas for Asura resources and development and the things (shinies) only the Skritt could find.

The Skritt found those special and most valuable things only they can find while making their tiny transportation tunnels.



The Asura needed someone to do what they were told. They attempted to create flesh golems from a dwarf and skritt. The dwarves were protected by the Great Dwarf. The Skritt, well, they are Skritt. Neither worked! One day a single being, a human, came down the Great River and behold. The forerunner of the flesh golem workers, the BooKah, was found. The Asura wanted tireless workers. The Bookah (a human MOX) were created with almost absolute regenerative power.

The Destroyers, drawn to the power from below, invaded the level below them. They were easily beaten back by those who lived there and those decided to drive the destroyers upward far away from their home. The Great Drive began driving the destroyers from those below. Asura and Dwarf fled from the oncoming swarms of destroyers. The Skritt disappeared into their tunnels to where? The Asura, Dwarf and some Skritt took many, many, many years upon years to get close enough to the surface to start rebuilding their societies. And again the destroyers...


**The Opening Cinematic...**

A large cavern with a large gate that seals the area surrounding the Great River from the city state.

Note - a gate protects both city states on each side of the Great River from any chance of flooding. Gates in both city state centers provide travel between them without having to cross the massive river area.


Destroyers driven up the Great River pour through the gates! Followed by those driving them. A great wail is heard from below echoing through the very earth. The following conversation is heard from the drivers. They stop and...


"NO! It is awake! We can't let it come up!"

"If it is awake nothing can stop it!"

"We have to return to yesterday now and make sure it doesn't awaken!"

"The cost! The danger! And what if another pool exists! They'll link and neither will close! We have to prepare first!"

Another wail is heard and felt!

"We have to risk it! No time! No choice!"

They gather in a circle, a pool, a portal to yesterday opens. They walk into it and are gone.


A city destroying swarm of destroyers run back into the cavern being chased and badly beaten by BooKah. Both disappear through the river gates. Following the BooKah and destroyers are Asura and Dwarves.


"Seal the gates!"

"But what if the bookah win?"

"That was just one swarm! They won't! They will be overrun! Seal the gates!"

"The river gates are sealed!"

"Destroyers are flooding through the remote gates and tunnels!"

"Evacuate the cities! RUN!"


You kneel before the EotN scrying pool and... return to yesterday! You look into a pool and see a vision of the EotN scrying pool.


Opening cinematic ends.


**A reward example of gameplay. **

In the sealed Great River BooKah area 12 large dwarven built chairs are found. Chair one, the largest, is owned by the GW1 or 2 alliance with the greatest current reputation. Chairs 2 through 12 are owned by GW1 and 2 guilds with the current highest reputation. A majority of chairs held by that game community guilds provides "benefits" to that game version. When an alliance claims the alliance chair any of the alliance guilds holding a guild chair vacate them. Holding the alliance chair provides the alliance with "benefits".


****Reputation aka Skritt want shinies!****

Gained in several ways to achieve and is cumilative across them. Reputation decreases with lack of gameplay.


**City state gameplay**

Eight member party required composed of any number of players and or mercenaries from GW1 or 2.

Lead Skritt around to help get shinies when prompted (explained below). Explore the massive world repairing the power structure so the lights stay on. The more repairs the more lights in the city and further out through the remote gates and tunnels. Repair and maintain gates and other "stuff". Destroyers are drawn to the power so you know what to do. Parking your party so you can solo will get them killed. That is abandoning your group members. A reputation loss will occur.


Solo + 7 mercs earns personal reputation and personal "shinies" to adorn your asura and dwarf housing. Personal housing are through remote gates leading to the areas closest to the city. Guild halls are further out and alliance further still. The further away the more chances for destroyer attacks.


Various pc party composition from unrelated alliance guilds earns personal reputation and personal "shinies" to adorn your asura and dwarf housing.


Any number guild members + whatever earns personal and guild reputation. An eight guild member party earns the maximum personal and guild reputation possible, personal and guild shinies.


An alliance (no mercs) party earns maximum personal, guild and alliance reputation and personal, guild, and alliance housing shinies.


**BooKah (personal) reputation How to...**

Beat out of stone your bookah chair. Adore it with shinies. The more shinies the better rested the more stamina your BooKah has to fight other BooKah. Trade food with skritt to get shinies. Occasionally the Skritt will say, "No shinies! To many destroyers in cities!" The BooKah population is comprised completely of player characters. Going afk can/will result in the service taking control of your character. It will do what BooKahs do with the exception of getting food from the Great River, eating, and trading food with Skritt for shinies. Not eating while under comp control your Bookah will tired quickly and return to it's chair to sleep. Depending on district population you can/will be logged out to let active players in.


Fighting your Bookah earns maximum BooKah reputation. You start out with none. You are unable to see any identifying information about another player. Also, in the beginning your BooKah is unable to talk to anyone. Any attempt to communicate with another player earns the message...

"You're a nobody! Who would want to talk to you! Maybe you should get a reputation!"

While playing your Bookah, your reputation will open the ability to see player names and local chat first, 2nd guild chat, and finally alliance chat. Whisper is tied to chat level ability. No trading or trade chat for BooKah. Skritt trading enabled from the start for active players. Food for shinies. Shinies for different shinies.

The Asura created your BooKah, it's appearance and gave it it's name. Not you! Content providers through the arenanet partership program may choose to reserve a name before release.


**BooKah combat**

Considering that a bookah could punch a hole through the strongest asura or dwarven built wall they never had a need let alone a desire to use a weapon. They barely wear any clothes. A loin cloth the preferred garment. BooKah fighting consists of grappling, head butting, fist and elbow punching and pounding. A bookah fight continues only until one becomes too tired to continue. At this point the tired one will fall on it's butt. The winner will extend a hand pulling the tired one to it's feet. They will celebrate a good fight by roaring at each other and going their separate way. A sucker punch knocking the punched on it's butt is a common occurance. Again a hand extended and a celebratory roar. Fighting each other is their greatest pleasure as they have never encountered anything that could challenge them.


**Housing types.**

All 3 forms grow in size with shinies and reputation. Eventually at the highest level a personal dwelling will have an entry hall were you can place statues of selected characters. A maximun of 10 on each side. The asuran hall has replicas of your characters on low lighted pedestals. As you approach the lighted pedestals turn on and off as you pass. The dwarven entry hall has huge stone statures carved into the wall. A light from the ceiling illuminates the statue as you approach and off as you pass. At this level mechanical servants care for your house and welcome you with "Home again! Home again!"


The guild and alliance entry halls display the highest reputation members. 10 on each side maximum. A set level of reputation is required to be displayed in these entry halls.


**Closing comments. **

No quests, no hints, tips, or tricks! Well, maybe no tricks but what do I know! This is an adventure, a whole underground world to explore! Easily expanded by opening a distant gate to "something else". Repeating a statement from above...


The Great River is the largest of many rivers draining down through the levels bringing down food, rarely vegetatation and "stuff".


My hope is that this proposed expansion satisfies player requests. Provides for displayed noteriety for all the players of Guild Wars 1 and 2 through personal, guild, alliance housing and the BooKah chairs. Having played GW from the beginning I can't imagine something truely different being released in the future. I hope the BooKah and housing mechanics satisfy a desire for a new experience for Guild Wars. The last feature reserved until now. The BooKah Guild chairs are on display in the main room of the EotN. The Alliance Chair is on display in EotN main room. There can be only one!


**Thank you for reading!**


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"Guild Wars 1+2 Remastered?"


alliance and mercenaries features added to GW2

the addition of possible gameplay "benefits" for both games

minor adjustments to the Hall of Monuments to the display community achievements

No. Other than the above they remain unchanged.


"Is this all a very well hidden/disguised nod towards GW2 alliances?"

Nothing hidden or disguised! More like a blatant declaration of...


"So....a whole separate 3rd game?"

Separate no. The characters used by Guild Wars 1/2 are drawn from the characters you created and played, are playing, from either or both games.The scrying pool in both games is the access to GW1/2 from and back to both those games. Just as you viewed your first "vision" there a new vision is added and once viewed the option to transport you to yesterday (GW1/2) is provided.


"Because Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are 2 different kinds of games, and not compatible."

Not compatible in the sense two different engines are used. GW1/2 is the link between those two engines. The link that combines the two communities into one.


"Not sure what 'fight gamepad use' is...are you suggesting a console game?"

1989 a PC game called Street Fighter was released. One vrs one fighting game. I played it with a fight gamepad. Simply a gamepad designed for fighting games.

Why would I suggest adding "Bookah" one on one fighting to GW1 and 2?

Copied from the Street Fighter Wiki...

It is also the highest-grossing media franchise of all time based on a fighting game at $12.2 billion.

I think Arenanet wouldn't mind earning 12.6 BILLION with their own version of a fighting game.



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> One can't take characters from Guild Wars 2 to Guild Wars without rewriting Guild Wars completely; which would be another whole game.

> If PvP (fight games) were that popular in Guild Wars 2, then there would not be so many laments about the game mode's scarce population, and the studio would not have given up on esports.



You are correct that characters from Guild Wars 2 can't be taken to Guild Wars. Guild Wars 1/2 does NOT provide that option. The version of the game you are playing when you enter the scrying pool to yesterday is the version your characters return to. As I previously stated... GW1/2 is the link between those two engines. The link that combines the two communities into one.


Guild Wars 2 has never had a "fight game". Guild Wars 2 has never incorporated features like Street Fighter (which generated 12.2 billion) into it. And this is the reason that game mode has such a scare population.



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Fighting games no longer generate quite that level of global revenue anymore. The pvp money is in arena based combat games. Street Fighter also over 30 years old and generated a significant revenue not only via multiple console generations, but also from arcade sales which no longer have any significant role in the industry outside of Japan. Trying to even imagine Anet capitalising on that is folly because it couldn't happen. The engine and combat system isn't compatible with that style of game either. Lots of misconceptions in your post there I'm afraid. I've seen a lot of comparisons, but suggesting ANet/GW2 take a page out of Street Fighter is a new one...


I'm struggling to try and decipher what this GW 1/2 actually is, but as far as I can tell, it's a middle ground between the two games. That alone would be years in the making. I think people would either see a full remaster of GW1 as a separate entity or just continue to see GW2 moved forwards rather than trying to mash things together in some sort of hybrid version.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Fighting games no longer generate quite that level of global revenue anymore.


> The engine and combat system isn't compatible with that style of game either.

Are you stating that Anet has no plans to improve their game engine? If so Anet is a doomed enterprise unable to complete with future game releases by other companies.

> Lots of misconceptions in your post there I'm afraid. I've seen a lot of comparisons, but suggesting ANet/GW2 take a page out of Street Fighter is a new one...

Not really! I am not suggesting a page from Street Fighter. That was an example of financial gain. I am suggesting Anet continue to create it's own identity. You have already determined that Bookah combat cannot embrace arena based combat and that is a misconception. How and why Anet would incorporate "Bookah" gaming to expand their player base is up to them. What future directions "Bookah" combat would take to continue to expand their player base is up to them. But, across the industry, games that do not provide "new" features in favor of just more of the same have seen declining populations. The mastery system was Anet's willingness to create new features in future releases. I am simply suggesting an expansion of game features into another area of the gaming industry,

> I'm struggling to try and decipher what this GW 1/2 actually is, but as far as I can tell, it's a middle ground between the two games.

Yes you are correct! A middle ground. As previously stated... The link that combines the two communities into one.

> That alone would be years in the making.

A simple review of the development time of GW1 and 2 verifies this. Irregardless, tomorrow is coming whether any of us want it to or not. But my suggestion does take development time into consideration with the statement... No new weapons, armor, skills and spells. My suggestion is focus entirely and precisely on the content to be created while leaving open unanswered statements such as...

The Skritt disappeared into their tunnels to where? Yes, to where?

The asura and dwarves have determined that the Great River is the largest of many. I have to ask how did they determine that.

An immeasurable power. A race capable of keeping it asleep. I have to ask who are they?

> I think people would either see a full remaster of GW1 as a separate entity or just continue to see GW2 moved forwards rather than...

I understand this is your personal opinion as are mine. I know this because no poll exists of 51% (a majority) of the entire player base of GW1 and 2 about the future!





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I never said I was a majority opinion, but I'm pretty confident in it having seen so much feedback on improving both games over the years. It remains my own (confident) opinion nonetheless


I cannot see any overhaul of the game engine to the extent you are asking, no. Very few MMOs ever overhaul their engines beyond a few minor updates due to massive time and costs involved and Anet have never really shown much interest in competing with other MMOs anyway. And to be honest, regardless of any criticisms, it's achieved remarkable success for a non-AAA IP whilst ignoring what other MMOs seem to do. If Anet has any plans to improve the game engine beyond the small adjustments they likely do in the background, they have never shown any indication of it. To change the engine to emulate a SF game is prob not even possible without a new game


I think part of the issue is your idea isn't really making a whole lot of sense or at least doesn't seem to be something that connects up with the set up for anything within the GW franchise and structure




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> @"Macnor.4832" said:

> "Is this all a very well hidden/disguised nod towards GW2 alliances?"

> Nothing hidden or disguised! More like a blatant declaration of...


The point is there are no alliances in Guild Wars 2. And even if there were AND there was something like the GW1 faction for an alliance, it wouldn't be "compatible" with Guild Wars 1 faction. After all the ways you earn faction in one game cannot be compatible with the other, so having a "competition" between two vastly different games is pointless.

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> @"Macnor.4832" said:

> > The engine and combat system isn't compatible with that style of game either.

> Are you stating that Anet has no plans to improve their game engine? If so Anet is a doomed enterprise unable to complete with future game releases by other companies.


You’re not understanding what they’re saying.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Macnor.4832" said:

> > "Is this all a very well hidden/disguised nod towards GW2 alliances?"

> > Nothing hidden or disguised! More like a blatant declaration of...


> The point is there are no alliances in Guild Wars 2. And even if there were AND there was something like the GW1 faction for an alliance, it wouldn't be "compatible" with Guild Wars 1 faction. After all the ways you earn faction in one game cannot be compatible with the other, so having a "competition" between two vastly different games is pointless.


I never used the word faction. The reputation I spoke of is specific to GW1/2 to bridge the 2 systems.



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As others have said, GW1 and 2 are too different. GW1 is not an open world game, GW2 is. Also, there has been enough faffing about with which game is better, the whole "lol GW1 better" debate was pretty cancerous to be exposed to when this game was younger, and I for one don't wish to see that particular hatchet unburied.

Let those who like GW1 better play it, and those of us who prefer the second game can do the same. It's all good, competition is not necessary.

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> @"Oxstar.7643" said:

> It's all good, competition is not necessary.

The entirety of both games (which I play) is competition. The first time in HoT those irritating little raptors pulled a surprise swarm on me handing me a dirt nap was competition. But they were good about it. They didn't take turns lifting a leg peeing on my corpse. They just walked away.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Macnor.4832" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> >

> > > You’re not understanding what they’re saying.

> > Yes I do. To simplify it into a statement

> > This how and what it is; the future is predetermined.

> >


> So not understanding what we were saying then


Please correct me if I am wrong! Please!

I posted a suggestion. You dislike my post giving many reasons and provided value statements to substantiate those reasons.

I provided a rebuttal stating my belief that in a virtual reality the future can take a sharp left turn. My rebuttal was based on premise that the game would benefit from the inclusion of a sharp left turn. Please note nowhere have I stated my original post is "the" left turn to be taken. I want Guild Wars to continue. If there is a cost to the next content release, not knowing what it will be, I would buy it now. I still play GW1 and have spent money there recently supporting that game and Anet even though they have publicly stated that GW1 is what it is and will remain so. GW1 support is limited to account issues only. It is what it is. I play it. Hmmm... I believe I just took a sharp left turn myself. Listening to the impeachment trail has fried my brain! My apologies.


Now. Is that it or am I truly clueless? And I admit that is entirely possible. If that is so if you would indulge me with the necessary clues to relieve my condition I would be most grateful!



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:


> I still don't understand the concept, except it seems you are suggesting a third (neither Guild Wars nor Guild Wars 2) game.

YES! You have a firm grasp on the concept! A third game that links the 2 communities together. The people in the GW1 alliance I belong to are wonderful. Helpful. Constantly forming groups to do things. They surpass any sense of community I have experienced in GW2. It is so much more a random encounter of fate to play with others in GW2. I felt that as much as I truly enjoy GW2 it is truly deficient with a ingame community identity. And so I constructed the premise of a third game that would emphasize a group identity. Build a true guild hall together. Build a true alliance hall together. Build a reputation for your achievements so outstanding that a guild from either game could claim one of only 11 guild chairs! Be the only alliance with a reputation based on your achievements so great that you can claim that chair. Shades of Highlander there can be only one!

> Something built from the ground up. I don't think that's in the cards; at least not a Guild Wars/Guild Wars2 mash-up.

Yup! And while I can't disagree with your cards I can hope and am here voicing that hope!







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