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Griffon has no height gain yet bought expansion and payed extra 250 gold

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It doesn't make sense to me that atleast if you payed all of that and cant really ascend in basic wing flap mode that atleast with descending first to pick up speed that you would gain a significant amount more height on the way up. Have to work off all that mastery point work and experience as well and still can't gain height. There is only 3 mastery lines as opposed to other mounts. Will we atleast be able to go higher soon with 4th mastery line? I just feel disappointed with that.

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There is a way to gain height in-flight permanently with the Griffin, but it is extremely difficult. The funny thing is, Anet is actually following real world physics when it comes to flight with the Griffin. (At least I think they are) there was a post in the forums about how to gain altitude with Griffin but I honestly cannot remember where it was.

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> @"Risensoul Shockwave.1564" said:

> It doesn't make sense to me that atleast if you payed all of that and cant really ascend in basic wing flap mode that atleast with descending first to pick up speed that you would gain a significant amount more height on the way up. Have to work off all that mastery point work and experience as well and still can't gain height. There is only 3 mastery lines as opposed to other mounts. Will we atleast be able to go higher soon with 4th mastery line? I just feel disappointed with that.


I'm sorry you're not having fun with your non-maxed Griffon. Maybe after you finish the mastery and have tried some of the Griffon challenges, you'll feel differently. Me? I love the griffon. I'm still learning how to make it do my bidding **and** it's a huge amount of fun.

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The ability to maintain your height is actually quite an OP ability already. In terms of on-the-ground hopping ability, I would say the Griffon would be comparable to an untraited Springer (who you probably already traited) - so it's not like getting to high ground is ever an issue.


I personally think the Griffon is fun as is, and adding the ability to ascend would take away from the choices of where best to take off from.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

> Its a super glider, not a flying mount


This is about as accurate as it gets. For one, Anet announced ahead of time that mounts were being introduced into the game as vehicles for movement manipulation (jumping higher, traversing certain difficult terrains, etc) rather than how mounts traditionally operate in other MMO's. Thus, a lot of players were surprised with how mount-esque the final revision of Griffon turned out.


Sure, you can't gain any more height than your initial altitude, but the fact that I can start my altitude, dive bomb, turn that momentum unto horizontal speed, create a sonic boom, and then return to my starting altitude is insane for a game that introduced mounts as an expansion feature. Bonus points because they updated pre-existing maps to work with this new feature.

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> @OGDeadHead.8326 said:

> Well, they could allow for griffons to use updrafts at least. This has been debated before with people for and against. I won't change my mind, all for in that area, no question about it. Then add updrafts in more places across all maps.


At least I guess that...although even adding more height after descending and ascending multiple times I don't think would be unreasonable..it still takes time and work to get up to that height.


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I have been able to gain height consistently with my griffon though only a little at a time and eventually hitting max height which is well above the map hitting cloud level. It actually takes skill but isn't as hard as people think.


It is with full Masteries and done consecutively and in quick succession:


Aim camera downwards at ground > Swoop/dive mount ability 1 > keep camera pointing at ground, press space bar firmly once for speed boost and immediately after > pull up all the way by holding mount ability 2 or backwards movement key, helps to pull your camera pointing up at sky too


The concept is dive part 1 and dive part 2 with sonic boom and rocket up


These are done in rapid succession and consecutively if you want the height gain. You repeat for consistent height gain. You need high enough starting point so long as you won't hit the ground. You do not need to have good timing if you do all these things in rapid succession.


If you want to rocket across a map horizontally you aim your camera horizontally when you speed boost and hold space bar and just let it go nuts

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