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You know you've played too much Guild Wars 2 when....

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When I played too much one day (and drank too much) and thought I'd do a few fractals for "fun". But it wasn't fun, it was frustrating and I got very angry so I pounded my fist on my laptop and broke the hard drive. Yeah that temper tantrum cost me a new laptop. Makes $50 for gems look cheap.

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* When you go to the bank expecting the person behind the counter to say "I'm rich, you know."

* When you try to type out /dance when something exciting happens.

* When you jump into the ocean expecting to hear "Coooo!"

* When you try to spam your 0 key from muscle memory to try and turn an annoying person into a Moa.

* When you walk past a cave and expect to hear "You ran from Skritt!"

* When you're out for a walk and see someone running towards you and you dodge-roll to the side so that you won't get knocked down.

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