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What got you into Guild Wars 2?

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To be honest, I just don't really remember, I played a little of GW1, but was mostly playing WoW. my brother mentioned it at some point i think. at the same time a friend was playing GW1 and was talking about GW2 aswell. overall i was looking for a different MMO than WoW. so it's a couple of different options combined for me.



The trailers did help though

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I forgot where I heard about GW2 but when I did I youtubed it and there was this one video (it was from a gameplay presentation before GW2 was released, maybe Pax, Gamescom, E3, I'm not sure). The whole video was fantastic but what really brought me to it were a few things that was presented in this particular video. (1) The graphics, (2) The UI, (3) The combat/skill system, including the water combat, (4) fire breathing drake.


It was so memorable that it's like rose-tinted glasses. I was 19 when the game came out.

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Bought the game to play with some friends back on launch. We all played for a while, then more or less dropped it (one of the group kept playing). HoT came and I bought it for pretty much the same reason. My active friend showed me some ropes and I decided to jump on Nevermore because I loved the theme and the looks of the staff. I managed to craft it and by the end of the process I was an active player myself.

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Back in 2003 or so around before WoW was released I was eager to play it since I was a huge fan of Warcraft II and III and Star Craft. After release I was a poor student and didn't want to pay 12€/month to play the game. We were discussing in a forum and someone mentioned Guild Wars which had no monthly fee. So I bought it, and loved it until now (well not so anymore, but I still keep buying the expacs etc.).

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I picked the wrong thing, and don't see how to change my answer. I thought it meant the 3 beta weekends. But the second half of the pick applies, taking advantage of any open betas to see what a game might be like. I used to sign up for like every beta back in the day, and was often picked, so I could try it before hand.

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Guild Wars was my first computer game. In the waiting period for 2, I tried a lot of other games, none of which stuck. The reason was that those other games suffered in comparison to Guild Wars. If ANet has continued to develop the original game I'd likely never have bothered trying anything else. While Guild Wars 2 also suffers in comparison, it does so a lot less than the other games I tried. Also, GW2 does offer some features that are superior to the original. So, I'm here, but continue to look around.

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Because I didn't have to pay subscription fees. Even though I've become tired of MMOs, I thought 'Why not?' simply because I have to pay only for the game (+ expansion) once. Cash Shop only if there's something I want, otherwise I ignore it. No hard feelings or anything. At first I didn't even want to get GW2 because I had read it'd be mostly PvP/GvG/WvW or whatever you want to label it. Obviously, that wasn't based on a deep, intrinsic research.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> Guild Wars was my first computer game. In the waiting period for 2, I tried a lot of other games, none of which stuck. The reason was that those other games suffered in comparison to Guild Wars. If ANet has continued to develop the original game I'd likely never have bothered trying anything else. While Guild Wars 2 also suffers in comparison, it does so a lot less than the other games I tried. Also, GW2 does offer some features that are superior to the original. So, I'm here, but continue to look around.


This right here.

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Played swtor for 5 years and got fed up with it. I remember seeing my friend play this game back when it launched. They were playing an elementalists in queensdale at that water pipe event. I thought it looked cool, but I was still into swtor then. Wish I would have moved on at that point. This game is leaps and bounds better.

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I have over 7000 hours on Neverwinter, but it became too P2W (and my PC broke and now I'm on mac ;-;)

so I came here to play a Berserker, Guardian, and Druid, expecting them to be my DPS, Tank, and Healer/Buffer.


Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed and I'm sad to admit that I had much more fun in a terribly P2W game.

I only stay because I have wasted too much time to drop it now. If they would just fix the class archetypes, or at least MAKE POWER WARRIOR VIABLE IN PVE, then I would love this game to hell.

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> @Warcry.1596 said:

> I played the first game. Over 11,000 hours on it. Hated it beyond 5k but kept playing due to friendships. When ArenaNet said to forget everything you know about GW1 to play GW2 I became interested, and this game is exponentially better than GW1 in every way.

To each their own, becos i still like GW1 much better than GW2.

Dont get me wrong, I do like GW2, i am still playing it from when it was released.


(As for the topic title. Playing and liking GW1 got me interested in GW2)

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Was looking for an MMO after flaming out on WoW post-Wrath, saw the manifesto video, got curious, played a beta weekend (I want to say beta weekend 3? It ended with a PvPish deal in Metrica that I think they turned into Southsun Survival.) That pretty much sold it. Some of the mechanics are a bit dated or clunky now compared to things that have come later (e.g. the combat, while not semi-stationary like old school MMOs, isn't quite as mobile as ESO or Wildstar,) but at the time it was amazing to play and visually impressive. It still looks pretty good, though I wonder if there will ever be a PC that can get a steady 60 FPS on max settings anywhere other players exist.

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Actually this is my first MMO. Since I sold my consoles long time ago I just wanted to pick up a game. And I had a computer that could play games. So I was like let's try an MMO. So I saw gw2, and eso. I bought gw2 expansion and eso. And later on I just didn't like how eso was after playing gw2. Gw2 maps more beautiful. The combat is much faster paced. I don't need to aim to hit someone through mouse. Well now I know how with out trying since I predict where my arrow is. I think also what interested me was both games were advertised. How both have events. But one day what actually caught my attention. IDK wtf I was doing. But in celedons metta event I believe for playing the first MMO. It was just epic. A big oh black ghost monster came out and 30-40 people were attacking it. I didn't know what I was doing but I was killing it too. It was just epic.


Then I'm trying out eso to see if it has this epic thing that every video trailer has. And people are saying the map event are the cross heads in the map.... So I go there and nobody is there untill I request it. But ended up only 4 people. But wasn't as fun. The boss was just a person.....


After that I think I knew my decision to stay with gw2. The epicness, just wasn't there in eso. I tried FFXIV cause many people I hear say from other MMOs went to FFXIV. So I try it. At first the gorgeous game is amazing. But then what killed me was the combat. It's soooooooo slow. I don't want to grind monsters if it takes me 1 minute to kill a monster. And I'm few levels over but takes a minute?! For only a few exp jeeze! That's just insane. I know there's other ways to get exp but, killing mobs is probably the most detrimental part in the game that has to be thought of.


So I come back here and play again and still I'm in love. Even though there are flaws in the game. I don't care. The fact that gw2 is btp. The base game is ftp. But make this game so great without subs. It's just hard for me to understand why the games are only ok but charge more than gw2 that is clearly better. I'm not speaking for wow. Never played.


Since I went through those and going through other MMOs, this is clearly the better one for me. And no I'm not a casual player. I play ranked PvP. And play wvw. I play fractals. Have multiple characters to 80. Have maxed crafting etc. It's just other games just don't have it.


Even though gw2 didn't have mounts and took couple years after I owned it. It's still better. With no housing it's still amazing. Even with no fishing. No dueling and no trading. The way arenanet thought out teamwork, friendship, combat and gameplay, I think are better then other MMOs.

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