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What titles do you display on your characters?


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All my characters have different titles, most of which have already been mentioned. My thieves are an Honorary Skritt and a Master of Secrets. A few others that come to mind ... Knight of the Thorn (Sylvari ranger), Rift Warden (necro), Rock Star (ele) and Be-All and End-All (my original warrior).

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Whichever one I think is appropriate to the character.


My main usually has The Blazing Light, which will switch to A Light in the Darkness when I _finally_ finish the collection but is currently using Emissary of the Mad King. My others usually use Traveller, Avenger of the Dispossessed or for my revenant something referencing the Mists (like Mist Warden or Veteran of the Mists).


But I'll also change it based on what I'm doing - Miniature Collector if I'm working on a new mini, Honors in Applied Jumping if I'm doing a jumping puzzle/mucking around trying to break out the map and sometimes I switch to something like Chicken Chaser just for fun.


(I don't tend to worry about where it came from because honestly I don't remember 1/2 the time.)

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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> > @Dashiva.6149 said:

> > My human elementalist has _Fashion Collector_, as she is my main when it comes to Fashion Wars.


> we need a picture now that you are mentioning the Fashion Wars


Me and my big mouth.


The current look I'm going for is "battle gear". Still fiddling with colours, but I like how the pieces gives an armored-but-arcane style. Hm, I probably should start thinking about a look for Wintersday soon...

![](https://i.imgur.com/tEEz2Zo.jpg "")




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I use _Killer Queen_ for the most part. One of the easiest titles to get, since I don't really need to let people know which titles I actually have. (Other than _Killer Queen_.) :)


Though I'd really like a title literally named "_No Title._" instead of it displaying nothing...I'd totally use that one. :)

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