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What is the mother of all issues in WvW ?


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Can Anet just remove this toxic game mode including pvp already? Had 29 popular pvp players+wvw quitting the game just today; all they said that the game is absolute trash. They all came to the conclusion that Anet clearly has no idea what competitive gaming is about and that Anet is keeping wvw+pvp alive to fund their expansions.


In other word; they are using pvp+wvw players as cash cows to finance their expansions.


Think about it for a second....pvp+wvw players are being taken advantage of to fund Anet...


Let that stay in your mind a little longer....


You are being intentionally being ignored just to be used to fund the next game...


' If You Would Just Open Your Eyes,

It's all Incredibly Obvious'


Yeah incredibly obvious isn't it?!



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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> > Other - Toxic communities. When people support things like harassing people who don't play their way off a server, it is small wonder people find other things to do.


> This. Good community? Not in WvW, at least not from my server. Full of egoistic players and some Commanders too. They will gang up against you if you don't play their way. How true.


Those are the best to simply ignore and create your own group, be better than the idiot, then idiot learns he must change if he wants the blobs,


Play how you want. There’s lots of room. Only you give them power by listening to them. Stop that. There’s more to wvw than blobbing.


Per the OP: biggest issue is some players think they’re still playing Eve.


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It is rare for me to run in team any more. I just pug along without ever even asking to join. I am a really great squirrel and if I'm in team I feel obligated to be a team player, and organized parties expect me to play some prescribed spec. I can play any needed class right now, but thief keeps expectations in check. If only my deadeye could shoot as far as a ranger, or my daredevil didn't get 4 seconds of exhaustion when clearing one condition (sigh*).


You know what would really be cool? Open world pvp. Could you imagine rolling up on Jormag with a really good crew and wrecking everyone just before Jormag falls? Just trying to speak to the hearts of my fellow wvw'ers out there.

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The basic design problems of WvW created the server balance issues that have plagued the game ever since launch. ANET made some very poor decisions regarding the ability to transfer and stack servers and have never had the courage to address those decisions properly. Plus, even though they made the game mode 3 sided like DAoC, which was smart, Anet implemented it so poorly that it doesn't make any difference to the server balance issues. That takes an incredible amount of incompetence to do.


Those two reasons are why WvW sucks and most serious RvR players bailed this piece of junk years ago.


Class balance is a moving target and will always be an issue in every mmo. A good dev team realizes that and gives every class some time in the sun. The Anet devs are pretty decent at that part of the game. They had a lot of practice in GW1. They could do better but it hasn't destroyed the game mode like their stupid decisions dealing with server balance have.

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> @"Kamara.4187" said:

> ... failing to realize how the change from servers to super server would impact wvw game play.



This was IMHO the single biggest error Anet made regarding WvW. It completely severed any connection WvW had to the PvE side of the game and sidelined it as a game mode.


Tinfoil hat on... This change allowed Anet to justify allocating fewer resources to WvW.

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If you didn't choose population you haven't been around long enough, this is the largest issue by far.


I see the highest poll result was class balance but in the grand scheme of things the skill curve has been greatly leveled in WvW since PoF and has brought in a new level of confidence from players.


There will always be class imbalance, but they do actively balance classes and specializations.


They currently do not balance population and don't say they do this with links or manually adjusting server population status, its nothing but a bandaid for the greater fix to the population issues which can be better addressed via battle groups.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > Had 29 popular pvp players+wvw quitting the game just today;

> >


> 29 players... December 29th... Illuminati confirmed!


Any ideia where they moved to??



@Haematic.4913, usually population sizes should not be problem, the game mode should have mechanics or class design should be builted/developed arround those situations, Population is a issue due how LameNet made the game a complete spam of cleave and aoe,most players just need to overstack the AOE, they dont even need to know who or what class they need to kill, its a complete lure and be lured aoe bomb spam splash thing...skilled.. yeah right for players playing a mmo for first time they think its a great tactics thing....while its actually the most dumbest pvp gamemode.

TDLR; what makes population imbalance in first place is the NOOB friendly classes LameNet designed, when the games is fully based on aoe and cleave spamming, expect low skill players cause they just want to be carried.


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For me its the toxicity and bad attitude of some individuals. I’ve been playing GW2 about 8 months now and just recently, for the last three weeks, really made it into WvW on a daily basis as Im working on the leggy armor. But I kid you not, every time I joined EBG some kind of shit talking was going on in map chat. Derogatory, “Im holier than art though” shit talking. What’s worse, at times, its done by those that would later sport the commander tag. It was really disheartening and irritating to read stuff like that. Luckily I was accepted into a welcoming guild that promotes team play over childish antics but I dislike going to EBG nowadays and prefer to play in the other worlds.

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> @"Haematic.4913" said:

> There will always be class imbalance, but they do actively balance classes and specializations.


Not for WvW they don't, the first three years of the game balance was virtually entirely around PvP, then when they added PvE raids they also started balancing around that, wvw has never received anything but the odd crumb when it comes to class balance.


Which is why if you look at large scale for instance, for the entire game you've had a class like guardian required in vast numbers, whilst half the classes have been surplus to requirements or you might want a couple in some niche role like veilbots.


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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > There will always be class imbalance, but they do actively balance classes and specializations.


> Not for WvW they don't, the first three years of the game balance was virtually entirely around PvP, then when they added PvE raids they also started balancing around that, wvw has never received anything but the odd crumb when it comes to class balance.


> Which is why if you look at large scale for instance, for the entire game you've had a class like guardian required in vast numbers, whilst half the classes have been surplus to requirements or you might want a couple in some niche role like veilbots.



They've balanced quite a few classes and skills due to balance issues in WvW.


In response to surplus classes - every class has a role in WvW, some guilds or commanders just choose not to integrate them into comp. I maintain a build sheet and comp sheet for our server to use and update and include changes that work and even ones that don't (yet).


![](https://i.imgur.com/NZlF6Nh.png "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/4T9Tcbi.png "")


The issue is still population balance.

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@Haematic.4913, its still a joke of a gameplay.... due how lame classes are designed, no matter how many class balance patches Anet does... they still ment the game builded towards retarded players that need to be carried with the current design.


It is still an unskilled gameplay...period.


If LamersNet wanted skillfull gameplay, the population gap issue should be shortened with adding decent class mechanics and by removing some aoe on weapons to cleaving and remove the autos cleaves from autos to start with, atm its all about stack aoe boons, condi and damage, and who has more wins, reason make the game towards players teamwork where players need to know what and who they need to face i ncombat would make the gap shorted since skill should be the major part of the gameplay rather than numbers stacking.


Ill keep saying population should not be a issue and that should be where skill should count, but it is not possible with the current balance and skill "uncomplexity".

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I vote **Class Balance**. All skill/trait balance should be based around PvP and WvW. If a mob is to hard, then tone down the health or toughness or its damage. Adjust PvE mobs to be balanced around professions and the dmg, vs. adjusting professions around the PvE side where things are suppose to either die easy or champs that are suppose to have high health and kick you rear across the parking lot. This would actually make the sigils that say +10% dmg vs. Krait worth something. Yes, later I talk about this, but this is fine in PvE to have something this specific towards a mob.


The power creep is all too real. Randomly proc'ing and +dmg % and weapon specific traits are bad design. Also, the one I really hate is the perma speed increase trait. Some profs have it and others don't. Just make it skill based - and remove the swiftness runes also. To many traits give this, that and the kitchen sink, which causes a lot of imbalance. Reduce traits down to a **this or that**- one item, one adjustment.. Make it a real hard choice, and once traits have been ironed out - then balance skills.


Take the Warrior trait- Minor Grandmaster in Defense called, spiked armor. This is what is does. **Gain retaliation when you block or are struck by a critical hit. Retaliation gives you bonus toughness.** There could be 3 traits made just out of this one trait.


1) Gain retaliation when you block.

2) Gain retaliation when you are struck by a critical hit

3) Retaliation gives you bonus (+???) toughness (this would need to be moved to another trait line)


Here is another one:

Scourge trait - Demonic Lore - Torment you inflict ~~deals increased damage and~~ causes your foes to burn. This should not be, **and** causes increased damage, but just causes burn. Cause and effect, and get rid of all this increases stuff.


I really like how Anet has started to theme trait lines. the top line works best with the traits on the top line, same goes for the middle and bottom.

Also, get rid of the minor hexagonal freebie traits and add a fourth or just remove the crap traits, which you would then probably just end up with enough traits for 3 lines.


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The mother of all issues is that no one wants to go to the top, unless they are at the top. Maybe give more points to kills to keep servers from purposely tanking to keep from having to fight bg or maguuma. Another way would to open the top to Europe, so there is more rotation.

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> @"Haematic.4913" said:


> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > > There will always be class imbalance, but they do actively balance classes and specializations.

> >

> > Not for WvW they don't, the first three years of the game balance was virtually entirely around PvP, then when they added PvE raids they also started balancing around that, wvw has never received anything but the odd crumb when it comes to class balance.

> >

> > Which is why if you look at large scale for instance, for the entire game you've had a class like guardian required in vast numbers, whilst half the classes have been surplus to requirements or you might want a couple in some niche role like veilbots.

> >


> They've balanced quite a few classes and skills due to balance issues in WvW.


> In response to surplus classes - every class has a role in WvW, some guilds or commanders just choose not to integrate them into comp. I maintain a build sheet and comp sheet for our server to use and update and include changes that work and even ones that don't (yet).


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/NZlF6Nh.png "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/4T9Tcbi.png "")


> The issue is still population balance.


There is no group stealth with Ranger/Soulbeast. Smokescale gives short stealth to the player only, not his peeps.

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Lol Blob vs Blob, do all these builds really matter in WvW. They way I see it is whoever gets caught in all the red circles first its gg. When I first played Gw2 it wasn't just zergs running around cap this, run to next location and cap, no action, run to SMC either run them over or get ran over. It was group of 10-20 running around some groups were defending some would push and cap positions, defenders would come help pushing groups or tag if they needed that backup. Actually had smaller groups running supply. Idk wtf this WvW is now. It's just join tag, zerg or die.

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