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GW1 PvP remastered - the only way forward?


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Gw1 is kind of outdated. It's so static and even in games like Dota2/ Lol are mechanisms to jump or dodge. A reworked gw1 hd version would be great but still it was way to complicated to add jump and/ or dodge mechanisms so anet decided to develop gw2. Surely there are some guys who would put resources into gw1 if anet offers them the source code of the game.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > > @troops.8276 said:

> > > > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > >

> > > I wanted to put in the pic of Fry saying "shut up and take my money" but I'm too lazy.

> > >

> > > (Speaking of money though, its often said that "there's no money in pvp" but its also put about that between 10-40% of people pvp but does pvp get between 10-40% of the revenue?)

> >

> > Oh there is plenty of money and demand for PvP. The devs. are just don't want to deal with that market. GW2's PvE is the laziest money maker in the MMO genre even compared to some F2P/P2W type MMOs. So by going on this new road ANet is on. ANet is allowed to make soo much money for nothing more. Then giving MMORPG reject players a place, to put their heads down and call home.

> >

> > It's no wonder ANet doesn't care about losing the not so casual players. Those players are high maintenance, and the super casual spam 1 to win players requires like no work to maintain. You just have to put some glowy things on the microtransaction store and they'll berserk with their wallets.


> A P4C hypercasual mobile game might be where they go next.


I have been making thinly veiled reference to this for a long time.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> New game thread

> <- way.


> But serious guys and gals. Did I call it or did I call it? :trollface:


> At this point you all just should not even be surprised. This is the what? 5th. or 6th balance ANet did like this? Just enjoy the PvE version of the game guys and laugh it off. :star:


i’m not suprised dude. BDO is my main game, i only boot up gw2 to meme on people with gunflame.


not sure if i’ll still be able to have all the much fun on berserker after those stance nerfs tho. i mean it was already really weak- but now dang. feels bad man. still, i won’t give in to anet & buy PoF- when the fun is gone i’ll just uninstall instead of throwing this incompetent company £30. they don’t deserve my money.


so yeah, hope is dwindling dude. those rev nerfs smh, who even thought them up?

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > New game thread

> > <- way.

> >

> > But serious guys and gals. Did I call it or did I call it? :trollface:

> >

> > At this point you all just should not even be surprised. This is the what? 5th. or 6th balance ANet did like this? Just enjoy the PvE version of the game guys and laugh it off. :star:


> i’m not suprised dude. BDO is my main game, i only boot up gw2 to meme on people with gunflame.


> not sure if i’ll still be able to have all the much fun on berserker after those stance nerfs tho. i mean it was already really weak- but now dang. feels bad man. still, i won’t give in to anet & buy PoF- when the fun is gone i’ll just uninstall instead of throwing this incompetent company £30. they don’t deserve my money.


> so yeah, hope is dwindling dude. those rev nerfs smh, who even thought them up?


Lol I pre YOLO brought PoF. And the MEME 'YOLO" brought pretty much sums up how I feel about PoF. But still through it all, PoF may still turn out to be a worthwhile buy.


It's already turned out more worthwhile than my huge YOLO kickstarter pledge of Star Citizens many years ago. So there's that I guess.


I thought about getting BDO. But damn it's reputation of it's grind is too strong for my blood. Rather stick with ESO which is decent in quality minus the insane grind levels of BDO.

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Here's some videos of Guild Wars 1 if any of you need convincing of its gameplay potential and have never played it.



This is what people talk about when they mention GW1 had 1000 skills, dual class system and healers. The metagame was complex and had many balanced counters.



Even some of these skills could stop the burst damage in GW1 like protective spirit or guardian. Although hex and conditions removal was just as important along with healing of course.



And finally this is my thread in the WvWvW forums if you wish to read my thoughts about the current game.



I truly hope Arenanet notices that they already have an amazing game for pvp in GW1 and develop it into the esport it always should of been. The current esports such as LoL are a joke and only popular like WoW because the majority can understand them easily.


If you never played GW1 you don't know what you're missing. Even with heroes you will discover a complex difficult solo challenge where its all about theorycrafting your builds for the area you're in. The game still has people playing it and Kamadan (the starting city of Nightfall expansion) still has people trading and recruiting for their guilds.


You can unlock rewards and a title called God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals for maxing 30 titles which will ensure you experience every part of the game. People played GW1 for years so whenever you see somebody with that title in GW2 you should definitely compliment them for it (I know I do). Here's some links to be able to buy the game from the GW1 website's store and download it. Also the reward calculator if you already have an old GW1 account.







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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > Gw2 pvp is better than gw1.

> >

> > LOl you're kidding right?


> GW1 PvP was great....


> ..in 2006


At least that one was great at some point. GW2 had a lot of potential, which ended up getting wasted and now we have this passive proc infested powercreeped hellhole.

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > Gw2 pvp is better than gw1.

> > >

> > > LOl you're kidding right?

> >

> > GW1 PvP was great....

> >

> > ..in 2006


> At least that one was great at some point. GW2 had a lot of potential, which ended up getting wasted and now we have this passive proc infested powercreeped hellhole.


Gw1 still is a decent pvp game.... beter than gw2 lamewars and combats.

Im just not playing it becuase every moved to gw2 while keep rambling on how lame and dumb this game is.


Wonder if every one mass moved to gw1 GvG and pvp they would shutdown it.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > Gw2 pvp is better than gw1.

> >

> > LOl you're kidding right?


> GW1 PvP was great....


> ..in 2006


If by outdated, you mean the combat movement, yes, it kind of is.

By contrast, in regards to skill design, combat mechanics, animations (even if gw2 animations are prettier, it's just visual clutter), GW2 is the outdated one.


IIRC, one of the reasons ANet made GW2 was because GW1 was a nightmare to balance which is chuckle inducing if you see how GW2 turned out to be.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> Gw2 pvp is better than gw1.


You clearly have no idea what you are talking about! GW1 pvp was amazing! so ahead of its time and still unmatched today. It was incredible...


I feel blessed I was able to be part of it. Play the pantheon and finally get a win and get to top 100 guild WW. It rewarded skilled (interrupt, design of classes) and super fun to play. I never understood why Anet did not take what was great about GW1 pvp and paste it into GW2. Usually companies would work hard years in order to develop a strong pvp design and many will fail. GW1 pvp was just amazing!

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> @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

> If by outdated, you mean the combat movement, yes, it kind of is.


And the funniest part is, due to how clunky the movement was along with how all actions rooted the user for the duration of their activation, movement and timing were huge aspects of player skill in GW1. I won't defend the GW1 movement system as refined or fluid, but due to the way it and offensive skills worked, there were a billion times more head games in even the Canthan new year dodge ball arena minigame compared to anything which has ever existed in any part of GW2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @Gandarel.5091 said:

> So after today's "balance" patch.. yeah. GW2 PvP is unsalvageable, I'd much prefer continued support for GW1 at this point. Hopefully they wouldn't mess that up this badly.




Word. Even if Anet made an effort it's impossible to change things now. They need a clean slate and a better choice of a game (GW1). Just don't let anyone from the GW2 balance team touch it.. not even just look in its general direction. Give us our Izzy back!

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> @Swagg.9236 said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > good post, but I feel there's an alternative solution. it's a lot cheaper and less complex, and honestly it's what I would do if I was in charge. I'll lay it out step by step.

> >

> > 1. let the PvP team make balance changes with splits, and roll out patches at different times to the PvE patches.

> >

> > 2. appoint a community representative/leader from the PvP team. I'm thinking this would be Ben, as he talks the community the most. alternatively you could hire Jebro to do the communication aspect.

> >

> > 3. gather up, say four ex-pro players. personally I would choose Chaith, Phantaram, Sind, and Helseth. invite these players to participate in a monthly balance podcast (streamed thru twitch, a la teatime).

> >

> > 4. give the ex-pros a week or so to prepare a hypothetical balance change list. let them talk to their audience and other community members about this. then have the ex-pros and the PvP teams representative discuss the changes live over twitch. with the goal being to end up with a rough balance patch at the end of the stream.

> >

> > 5. clean up the balance patch, and roll it out within a week of the stream.

> >

> > 6. repeat every 1-2 months as needed.

> >

> >

> > I honestly think this would sort balance out within a few months, and do huge things to improve community attitude. adding new gamemodes, like 2v2 or GvG could come later. but I feel the way to go is to utilise the talent and tools we have to fix the gammode we have before moving on to new content.

> >

> > just my 2c


> GW2 """pros""" don't know any better than anyone else about how to make a good video game. In fact, most of them know far less about what makes a game good exactly because they play meta GW2. Phantaram wants moredamage on weaver sword autoattacks (Ohhh, really creative and game-changing). Anyone caught wanting to buff GW2 autos should be disqualified from balance suggestions. Helseth made this big complaint post about how mirage was bad during the beta which basically amounted to "change all this; it's bad." He didn't give any real suggestions because it's "not his job," which is true, but it also goes to show you how even the pros don't know any better than anet especially if all they want are arbitrary buffs and just play whatever anet puts out.


> If you want reality, you have to understand that the state of GW2's own outdated engine is in horrid, spaghetti tatters. Too many people have had their heads permanently caved in on one side by bad balance decisions and poor fundamental design. There is no going back for GW2. The game is too shallow to support more than 4 unique roles, and yet anet decided to add 9th class at some point because "we wanted to have a 3rd soldier armor class to even things out." ????? Is that a reason to design a supposedly functional role in a game???


> I remember when people talked about weapon swap being a second gw1 skill bar. That could have been game-changing, but unfortunately, weapon swap in gw2 just means "the other part of my dps rotation." Stealth was never necessary. Remember when all gw1 teleport skills had a 0.75s aftercast implemented because without it, people exploded targets instantly from spell range (kind of like how everybody does now)? I bet you don't.


> The point of all this is that if GW2 is ever going to become a good video game (especially one that has remotely ANY sort of potential as a fun, competitive PvP scene), it has to completely change. So much has to be ripped out that it would just be better off as GW3 (because everyone brain-damaged by GW2's design conventions would complain when they lose their cancer).


> I kind of wish someone would just hack a copy of retail GW1 into a private server format and then go crazy with modding. GW2, after all, is just a modded GW1. Maybe someone else could just do it right.


You need a reality check. 99% of this community is garbage at this game. Thats why this game's balance is so off cause anet gave the sh!tters what they wanted: 1 shot with no skill required-gameplay.


Rest-In-Peace Competitive teams:

Team Elusive


Team Radioactive

The Abjured

The Absured

Taed and Cany


and the many more teams im just too lazy to write.

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I love when a forum warrior rocks up and is all like


'those players who win tournaments, and are widely respected and credited for creating metas know nothing- but me, a forum warrior I know so much more about gw2 pvp and have so much more of a deeper understanding than someone who has won a world tournament'


like dude... claiming that the best players in the world know nothing, then claim that you- a simple solo queue scrub have all the answers is insane. it's all ego, and no reason.


you are so right though, masskiller most of the community is bad at the game and want no condis (so they don't need to slot anti condi or watch the boon bar) and 1 shot power damage burst. they have a very basic understanding of the the game, and are have been unfairly catered to. look at how long DH complaining went on for, that was just embarrassing.


I am sad to see the gw2 esports scene die. sure we still have UGO, but that's on the way out. I can feel it. this gamemode is going to be a wasteland at the rate things are going.

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> @"masskillerxploit.2165"


> I love when a forum warrior rocks up and is all like


> 'those players who win tournaments, and are widely respected and credited for creating metas know nothing- but me, a forum warrior I know so much more about gw2 pvp and have so much more of a deeper understanding than someone who has won a world tournament'


> like dude... claiming that the best players in the world know nothing, then claim that you- a simple solo queue scrub have all the answers is insane. it's all ego, and no reason.


> you are so right though, masskiller most of the community is bad at the game and want no condis (so they don't need to slot anti condi or watch the boon bar) and 1 shot power damage burst. they have a very basic understanding of the the game, and are have been unfairly catered to. look at how long DH complaining went on for, that was just embarrassing.


> I am sad to see the gw2 esports scene die. sure we still have UGO, but that's on the way out. I can feel it. this gamemode is going to be a wasteland at the rate things are going.


ye and if you think pvp is currently "on its way out the door" or "more nails in the coffin". Sry to say... the game died when Elite specs were introduced.

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> I would pay for a port of Fort Aspenwood (FA), The Jade Quarry and Alliance Battles to GW2. These Factions PvP/PvE hybrids were lovely. Especially Aspenwood. I got both my Savior of the Kurzicks and Luxons of this one mission alone.


What would thet solve? Combat is garbage now in GW2 and Anet will never change that because of PvE. The only way out would be to give up on GW2's PvP and go back to the roots. Everyone would be better off, honestly. Even PvE.

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> @masskillerxploit.2165 said:

> You need a reality check. 99% of this community is garbage at this game. Thats why this game's balance is so off cause anet gave the sh!tters what they wanted: 1 shot with no skill required-gameplay.


> Rest-In-Peace Competitive teams:

> Team Elusive

> PZ

> Team Radioactive

> The Abjured

> The Absured

> Taed and Cany

> ......

> and the many more teams im just too lazy to write.


A lot of those players existed back when spirit ranger was a thing. Portal and thief shortbow 5 has always existed, and the only thing that has changed since then is an increase to passive player invulnerability. If you ever thought that GW2 had a high skill ceiling, then you are the one in need of a reality check; and just because you can have someone play at a "high level" doesn't mean that that sort of play will magically increase the skill ceiling of a mechanically shallow and play-style restrictive game.

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