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Unhindered Combatant change


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> @Asur.9178 said:

> UC is basically a death trap in PvP due to the amount of movement related conditions flying around. They literally wanted thieves to stop using the trait, without making it obvious. They have done this before; for those who played GW1, they remember Smiter's Boon.


Gotta agree with this, as there's so many of them that are unavoidable as well. I won't be taking UC anytime soon, good thing I got used to running core S/D with Acrobatics.

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I honestly don't get this nerf. I'm honestly trying to understand the perspective of the balance team on this and I simply can't. The Daredevil is "too slippery," yet their is currently a Mirage build in existence that is known for "perma-dodging" (I haven't read the Mesmer notes yet so I'm not sure if this changed). Anyone remember Might Makes Right build on Warriors? They weren't "Too slippery?" To add insult to injury, their minor trait Reckless Dodge now does more damage than our Grandmaster trait Bounding Dodger.


This is just like the nerf to Bounding Dodger in PvP when they were trying to address Acro/Staff. AKA, they nerfed an underused trait to address a build not directly associated with it. At least then they had the excuse that Bounding Dodger was underused in PvP so no one cared.


Unlike BD, Unhindered Combatant was not underused. It was the only thing keeping Thieves competitive in PvP. PvP is a condi spam-fest, so there isn't going to be a single fight where this doesn't trigger. In a fast-paced game like Guild Wars 2, 4 seconds is a LONG time. This trait is now more of a hindrance than anything else; classes will see the Thief running UC, and they will know any soft CC will trigger a 4-second super Weakness. Lord forbid someone is smart enough to chain these conditions together so that they can go without endurance for up to 12 seconds. The trait now works against the Thief.


If Thieves were too slippery, there are a plethora of ways they could have addressed this differently: They could have added an internal cooldown to breaking Immobilize similar to the trait in Acrobatics. They could have made it so that it only removes 1 movement-impairing condition at a time (prioritizing Immobilize for obvious reasons). They could have even removed the Swiftness (or gave it its own ICD). There are so many ways they could have approached this differently, and they chose an option that makes the trait hurt the Thief more than it helps them. **Unhindered** Combatant indeed.


At least I can kind of understand the Bandit's Defense nerf. It isn't that big of hit for the amount it did: Stunbreak, Block and knockdown.

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I vote to rename this trait to **[Hindered Combatant]**, who's with me?


Seriously though, just finished trying this in WvW with acro s/d and it really kittening sucks now, bounding dodger is the ONLY option now (for power) as this trait basically locks you at 0 endurance if you're actually using it the way I assume it was originally intended.

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Ok, IF DD needed a nerf, this was NOT the right nerf. This is an extremely poor and awful nerf on so many levels. We now have traits that are double-edged swords. i.e. By taking Unhindered Combatant, you could actually do more harm to yourself with your dodge, than good. This is bad by design imo but also imbalanced since no other class suffers from having double edged sword-type traits of any kind.


Instead of making a huge nerf to this trait that could possibly turn it into a liability, couldn't you have just added, oh I don't know... an **INTERNAL COOLDOWN** to Unhindered Combatant? Between this and Pulmonary Impact, it's almost as if the balance team has a phobia of internal cooldowns...

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It seems like thieves everywhere are disappointed or upset. Here on the forums, and even on reddit. I dunno about the ones who don't post and are just in-game, but this is a painful nerf. I don't even play PvP and WvW, and I'd like the change to be reversed. The last time I saw such an outrage when was Steal was changed so you could only use it if you had a target.


A patch came out within hours IIRC, or the next day, changing Steal back to use on demand, no target needed.

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> @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> It seems like thieves everywhere are disappointed or upset. Here on the forums, and even on reddit. I dunno about the ones who don't post and are just in-game, but this is a painful nerf. I don't even play PvP and WvW, and I'd like the change to be reversed. The last time I saw such an outrage when was Steal was changed so you could only use it if you had a target.


> A patch came out within hours IIRC, or the next day, changing Steal back to use on demand, no target needed.


I really hope this change is reversed. Feels like anet is saying 'don't play this way'.

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> @"Governor Toothpaste.1582" said:

> > @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> > It seems like thieves everywhere are disappointed or upset. Here on the forums, and even on reddit. I dunno about the ones who don't post and are just in-game, but this is a painful nerf. I don't even play PvP and WvW, and I'd like the change to be reversed. The last time I saw such an outrage when was Steal was changed so you could only use it if you had a target.

> >

> > A patch came out within hours IIRC, or the next day, changing Steal back to use on demand, no target needed.


> I really hope this change is reversed. Feels like anet is saying 'don't play this way'.


'Don't play thief' is more like it.

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I understand change in PvE, there is it barerly notable, but in PvP and WvW? Dammit, anyone in Anet even try it there? Or you are Necro/Warr players who are angry when Thief gank them?


Or make it Unique per Game Mode? In PvE keep it at it is.. but change it only for PvP and WvW many skills have this unique versions...

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What a letdown Anet. Even if for some reason you want to nerf it, do it in a way that the trait doesn't become such a death trap.


Anet could have approached this without completely butchering the trait. Like other people have suggested; place an internal cd on the cleanse, make it so it only removes 1 condi per use prioritizing inmobilize, remove the swiftness or whatever the fuck your balance team (if any) decides without making it more of a hindrance than a normal dodge.


Might aswell just remove the grandmaster trait completely, at least people won't get caught in its death trap.

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> "Don't like Deadeye? Kitten you, we'll kill the Daredevil then!"


> Pretty petty guys. Sad.

Pretty much you nailed it. They are killing Daredevil *deliberately* to force us play Deadeye, because I can't think of any other *reasonable* or *logical* reason they would do that. [This trait had saved me a lot of times from gankers in WvW, when I was running to scout a tower or a keep that appeared contested on the map and no one was there to report about it.] It is absurd! Everyone knows or has heard of what condi-spam fiesta WvW is - and Daredevil is being punished for trying to survive? At the same time ANet gives more mobility to other classes.


What's next? Throw Thief class in the garbage bin?



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This isn't even a nerf that is heavy-handed. Heavy-handed implies that a nerf was warranted in the first place. The reason Daredevils are slippery, is because you can sneeze on them and they die. Without active defenses like dodging, we're generally toast pretty quick. Will this kill power S/D DD for me? No, I'll swap to BD (since *that* grandmaster trait won't negatively affect me) and Don't Stop.


**So the jist of it is I'm gaining a 10% outgoing damage increase and a potential extra attack at the cost of 10% incoming damage reduction, regeneration, and initiative gain on evading attacks.** Nothing to lose sleep over, but it still hurts when UC was by no means overperforming *in combat*.


So this nerf was because...they don't want DD's who traited UC to be able to disengage as easily?

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