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Mount ideas.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd Suggest a few Ideas.



1. Chicken./Other Birds

2. Motorcycle.

3. Horse



1. Kangaroo.

2. Chinchilla

3. Jump Boots (where the character wears those weird booties)

4. Lemur/Red Panda inspired



1 Dragonfly

2 Carpet

3 Holoboard

4 Floating Dolphin

5 Parrot



1. Fox

2. Wolf

3. Hyena

4. Panther/Big Cats



1. Wyvern

2. Dragon

3. Chopper

4. Hawk/Eagle

5. Hippogriff

6. Pegasus


Also a brand new idea... Underwater mounts..!!!

1. Seaturtle

2. Seahorse

3. Shark

4. Octopus

5. Jellyfish

6. Dolphin

7. Koi Fish

8. Dragon Fish

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> Another thread about this?


> I'll repeat my suggestion that I posted in the other threads: Asura Speeder Bike.


But we need a Charr Bike. For Raptor.


Asura can get a Jackal that opens up mini Asura portals~

(I say that in jest, and yet... Yeah, I'd consider buying it. For 800 gems.)


Or maybe an Asuran Springer Golem - the Peak-Observing Gravity Obsoleter, or POGO for short.


Also, riding broom. **Without** a doofy cat and bat-sparkles. Skimmer or Griffon.

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I hope mounts stay close to the theme of what fits in here.. I hope half of these suggestions are just trying to be funny! I'd like to see racial mounts, but nothing vastly different from what's already here. Just subtle differences from default skins, to look a little leafy for sylvari, a little bit arctic theme looking for norn, maybe a little something steampunk looking for charrs , electric looking effects for asura, and humans.. well.. humans are boring! Would be fantastic if they were on the cultural vendors and locked to only be useable by the right race, like how the armor is. (a girl can dream, can't she?)

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> And what then? Norn get ale barrels sawn in half with wheels and a sail? The devs think we are nothing more than bulky, quaint, drunken hillbillies as it is.

> Perhaps a Norn Dragon mount... A paper mache Dragon hat, a tricycle, and a torch to carry.


Dolyak, of course.



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> @Zionka.6897 said:

> I hope mounts stay close to the theme of what fits in here.. I hope half of these suggestions are just trying to be funny! I'd like to see racial mounts, but nothing vastly different from what's already here. Just subtle differences from default skins, to look a little leafy for sylvari, a little bit arctic theme looking for norn, maybe a little something steampunk looking for charrs , electric looking effects for asura, and humans.. well.. humans are boring! Would be fantastic if they were on the cultural vendors and locked to only be useable by the right race, like how the armor is. (a girl can dream, can't she?)


I am 99% sure they are sarcastic lol


On a serious note I love the idea of racial mounts and an underwater mount.. but if there is one thing I am 100% against it's creature replacement skins.

The Reforged Warhound and the new Aviary Raptor are both sinners of this imo.. one being a Forged and the other a bloody Peacock..


I can honestly say I hate those skins.. both of them.. and I'll feel the same way about future skins that replace creatures with entirely different animals as well.

The highly requested Aurine skin for Griffon for example.. is one I would be absolutely against being in the game and if it does happen I'll jump right on the bandwagon for an option to hide other players mount skins so I wouldn't have to look at it.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> how about peopel learn to use the SEARCH FUNCTION ..


> We screamed for 5 years long, that the crap doesn't work ...


> now Anet gave us finally a new working forum with a super functional and easy useable search feature, and no butt uses it ... people are terribly lazy these days ...


Not editing comments is sometimes viewed as lazy.


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[Plush Griffon mount](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Plush_Griffon)


[Eye of Janthir mount](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eye_of_Janthir)


[Dead Trahearne mount](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Trahearne%27s_Death.jpg). Don't we say we keep beating a dead horse? Let us ride one.


> @Rawr.9467 said:

> Replace Griffon Mount with an Apache Helictopter.


Skins already in the game too:


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Underwater mount.


Frog for springer, wouldn't that be awesome?

Beetle/spider for climbing over things rather than jumping, ofcourse with a fatigue meter so we don't climb too far (?)

Motorized mounts, on legs, on wheels, flying, hovering, whatever....



Plush mounts? Why not...


A pig.

A bear...

A naked employee... (JK Anet)






A dracolich...

A wooden barrel and a sledgehammer, especially if you use the sledgehammer to climb and traverse obstacles, make it really hard to use tho, like physics based.

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