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Asura class

thomas skell.7143

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If your looking to fit the race to a profession ,and want a bit of a challenge then go Mesmer. Between Asura being magitech users ,the Asura gates looking like stable mesmer portals ,and Tier 3 cultural weapons fitting the mesmer power color scheme. Seems like a good race/profession fit out of the choices you gave. Lastly mesmer is suppose to be a hard profession to use ,but if you learn it you will not regret having done so.

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Apart from the odd animation issue, the only difference between one race/profession combination and another is the racial skills. I've seen a build using an asura soulbeast to get additional poison stacks from Radiation Field... but that was explicitly described as a 'bad build'. So you probably don't want to emulate that.


Scholar professions are probably the most fitting for asura thematically, but you don't have to go with that. Engineers are also quite fitting, particularly if you want to get the toolbelt effects on the racial skills, but racial skills are deliberately underpowered as a rule so you probably won't find yourself using them much anyway.


ADDENDUM: Now that I'm a little less rushed:


The majority of asura are magic-using inventors. Thus why the scholar professions and engineers are the most fitting thematically. Anything works, though - there are exceptions to every rule, and ways to make every profession work with a 'typical' asura mindset. Guardian might actually be an underrated case as well - asura technology is filled with various force fields and guardians are strong in that area.


Asura racial skills, if you use them, probably work best with condition-based builds. Toolbelt racial skills (for asura engineers) are... well, they exist, but they're not something I would specifically roll an asura engineer for. But then, racial skills are rarely your best choice anyway.


Taking into account elite specialisations... I would be inclined to feel that engineers and mesmers probably have the most asura-appropriate elite specialisations. While the base engineer is more oriented towards charr technology, both the scrapper (gyros and electric hammer) and holosmith (Zephyrite crystals may be the final ingredient, but holomancy in general has been established as an asura thing since release) move more towards asura magitech. For mesmers, chronomancers are about fiddling around with time, while mirages enhance the teleportation aspect: both of which are fitting for asura.


Elementalist and necromancer elite specs... _work_, but they don't feel so asura-esque to me. Your mileage may vary. Thieves and their specialisations also work thematically - they're not super asura-esque, but I don't see anything strange in an asura becoming a daredevil or a deadeye, and some asura do specialise in... "acquisitions".


Ranger is a bit of a weird one for asura - most asura just don't care about nature. There are exceptions, however.


For warrior and guardian... asura would probably gravitate towards more 'deliberate' fighting styles. There are probably few asura berserkers, but spellbreaker would likely be very popular among asura warriors. For guardian... I'm not sure about asura using longbows, but the trapping fighting style of dragonhunters might appeal to asura, and to me, guardian in general feels like the soldier profession most likely to appeal to asura. Firebrand might be too tied up in some other race's history for a typical asura to care about, though.


Similarly for revenant, at least until a legend from asura history crops up.

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I don't know if you care about lore but the newest engineer specialization in PoF, the Holosmith, is entirely based around the asuran hardlight tech you see in a lot of their cities, the personal story, and perhaps most famously in the Moto's super adventure box. It'd match an asuran character perfectly. And if you're not a big fan of the engineer, it basically plays like the engineer gone warrior, to be honest it even plays much more "scrappy" than the scrapper ever thought of playing.

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> @Conncept.7638 said:

> I don't know if you care about lore but the newest engineer specialization in PoF, the Holosmith, is entirely based around the asuran hardlight tech you see in a lot of their cities, the personal story, and perhaps most famously in the Moto's super adventure box. It'd match an asuran character perfectly. And if you're not a big fan of the engineer, it basically plays like the engineer gone warrior, to be honest it even plays much more "scrappy" than the scrapper ever thought of playing.

As a sidenote on top of that, medium armor also looks considerably better than light on Asura. Heavy is also good.


If choosing to light armor you basicly only have the Zojja look (T3 cultural) or anything from the wardrobe. The rest is... meh. A couple good braces.


For my mesmer I use the dynamics exo suit as it fit the theme (super greatsword for that cherry on top) although lich is also good if you want nipple clamps and horse hooves.


I mean who *doesnt* want nipple clamps and horse hooves?

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That was my opinion, unchanged. Asura are the smartest race in the game, and engineering is the only class that would involve genius levels to work properly. You can have stupid people (not players, talking about classes as their own entity) doing all other jobs if they are trained well. Engineer seems like the "smart class". I'm not talking about more, or previous discussions, I'm talking about what makes sense to me.

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > @Klowdy.3126 said:

> > Engineer is the only class that really made sense to me for asura.

> As has been gone over many times before, the base engineer is pretty much all Charr design and make little sense for Asura :p



The design of turrets, flamethrower (and kits in general) definitly seems more like a industrial XX century weapon stuff than science-fiction XXII century stuff. So, yeah, engineer is designed beside charr technology.



The problem i have with asura commander in general is the fact that, beside asura being a weak but higly intelectual specie, as the commander you are considered like a brute for everyone and it doesn't fit with the asura culture as a whole. In your personnal story you gain the snaff savant title at level 10 but taimi still talk to your asura commander like if you was a child or a norn and nothing in what you say seems to make you more intelligent than a charr,human,sylvari or norn commander. So, asura commander is not really an asura but is a simple brute like any other race. It's a big downside to me i never felt to be an asura in the actual story and with what the commander say and do.


That's why, for me, Asura still to be a second rank race. I mean sure they have a HUGE cultural impact (portals, golems, weapons etc...) but they can't really be good soldiers (look at zojia who is a savant and use a golem and taimi who still in the dragon lab all long) and don't fit in a brave and martially unmatched commander place. But, if i must chose a class that will fit the asuran culture it would be elementalist first. Coz asura are magic inventors and a big number of asura are elementalists (including zojia or kudu) but i presume engineer would fit in theme (but the design and weapons used by the profession are definitly charr and so, retro, comparing to asura technology which make a quite odd situation: an asura inventor who use old technology) or even thief (it seems to be a high number of asura scouts or thieves in the order of whispers).



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> @Klowdy.3126 said:

> That was my opinion, unchanged. Asura are the smartest race in the game, and engineering is the only class that would involve genius levels to work properly. You can have stupid people (not players, talking about classes as their own entity) doing all other jobs if they are trained well. Engineer seems like the "smart class". I'm not talking about more, or previous discussions, I'm talking about what makes sense to me.


The impression I get is that the scholar professions all require a certain minimum level of intelligence as well. You get the odd mesmer, elementalist, or necromancer who comes across as something of an idiot savant, but I don't think you can really become competent with those professions if you don't have some intelligence to back it up. It requires brains to invent new technology or even to follow someone else's schematics, but it likewise requires brains to devise new spells or learn someone else's formula.


This probably goes doubly for asura. While we don't have a lot of information on the different approaches towards magic of the races, we have been given a distinction between human and asura magic. Asura regard magic as a science, while humans have a more intuitive approach, like an art, which can sometimes allow them to come up with things that surprise the asura (one could interpret this as being that humans have a more natural connection to magic and asura need to work harder to compete there, but that's never been outright said). Certainly, a lot of asura technology is essentially industrialised production of magic items: mesmers and elementalists are probably just as important, possibly more so, to asura magitech designs as engineers are.


As gannondorf says, on the face of it, asura engineers do seem a bit 'retro' - the technology they use appears more charr-like than asura-like. I think there are builds that get around that somewhat, though. None of the engineer's stuff is really _low_-tech either, after all, and things like pistol/shield or either of the elite specialisation weapons are getting up there, without considering some of the gadgets and traits that veer into the futuristic. (Like, where is that orbital strike _actually_ coming from?)

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  • 2 years later...

> @"Drizzt.1796" said:

> The simple answer. **WARRIOR!** Be a head cracking asura! (The story part) *He/She went in a rampage because someone broke into they're lab. The raged so much when that happened that he/she discovered a hidden strength. So they became a warrior!* That is my thought process.


That's so weird to read; I mean: giving your necromantic skills...

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Drizzt.1796" said:

> > The simple answer. **WARRIOR!** Be a head cracking asura! (The story part) *He/She went in a rampage because someone broke into they're lab. The raged so much when that happened that he/she discovered a hidden strength. So they became a warrior!* That is my thought process.


> That's so weird to read; I mean: giving your necromantic skills...


How is that weird? :anguished:

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Drizzt.1796" said:


> > How is that weird? :anguished:


> Because this was a 3.25 year old dead thread; no reason to bring it up again except to assert your domain of the death magic.


I uh... good point, i just saw this, and just wanted to comment. After all, they didn't end it!

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Drizzt.1796" said:

> > The simple answer. **WARRIOR!** Be a head cracking asura! (The story part) *He/She went in a rampage because someone broke into they're lab. The raged so much when that happened that he/she discovered a hidden strength. So they became a warrior!* That is my thought process.




Why did you say nothing?

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Drizzt.1796" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Depends also on what mode you want to play. My open world asura is the shortest I could make and she's a dead-eye. I thought it would be cool to be short and wield a large gun.

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/PSBHzas.jpg "")

> >


> I'm making my thief a Deadeye too!

What r u exactly talking about cuz "animation" is just the same process but with different "skins" i mean u travel the same distance with the leap playing asura as playing charr


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