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So...uhm...new Living Season 4 next week?


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> @TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

> > > And this is what people are saying, that there is a drought of content in GW2? How anyone can say that not even 8 weeks after an expansion release is beyond me.

> >

> > Some of us remember the glory days of 2012-3 when it felt as if there were major updates every 2-4 weeks. (It wasn't quite that glorious, but it was really frequent at times.) Anything less feels less exciting.

> >

> > The new 2-3 month cadence is calm and predictable, as are the HoT metas occurring like clockwork every 30 minutes. It's much to be admired. All the same, the halcyon days of old felt more urgent and vibrant, because things changed so quickly (quick! or you might miss out on fighting a particular foe, plus earning rewards, plus the AP).

> >

> > Besides that, as other posters reminded us above, humans are just naturally impatient. Who doesn't **want** to see LS4 sooner rather than later?

> >

> >


> I remember those days too. But being impatient is no excuse for straight out claiming you are being deceived and ANet are liars, which is what the poster did. That's just being melodramatic, or not paying attention to what's actually going on. Both aren't exactly stable foundations for any claim to stand on.


Of course not; the OP was out of line in the originating post.

They did admit that later on, that they went overboard, in an apology that was at least as good as an official one we saw in these very forums last week.


Regardless, I was responding in good faith to the statement "how can anyone say that there's a content drought" — a remark that isn't specific to the OP's impatience. For example, whether it's true or not, it feels to me like there's a lot less content now than in the first 12 months after launch.

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> @TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

> And this is what people are saying, that there is a drought of content in GW2? How anyone can say that not even 8 weeks after an expansion release is beyond me. It's a statement that is not based on cold, hard facts but rather a feeling. I don't know how long you've been playing GW2, but remember the release of HoT and the subsequent LS3 chapter 1 release?


I'll state it then.


We are in a content drought. I have done literally everything i can with what minuscule content came with PoF. This includes replaying the story 4 times. Unlocking all elite specs and doing the zone wide achievements and gathering stuff.


There is nothing more for me and others to do at this point and it's not because we rushed. It's because this expansion has very little replay value thus the drought.

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> @Dianekas.4359 said:

> > @"Nox Lucis.8341" said:

> > Here is my prediction. We'll see in time if I am wrong.

> >

> > Beginning with season three, the game has been moving in an imperfect two month cadence. The fastest things ever happen is once/month. September saw PoF released. October is the Halloween festival. November had a major balance patch and gem store update. December will be Winter's day. At this point, the game will try to return to a 2-month pulse, and January will be an empty month following 2017 holiday content. Season 4 Episode 1 will release in February 2018. March will be empty. April will see the return of SAB. May will be another empty month. Episode 2 will release in June 2018.

> >

> > The other possibility would be that Episode 1 releases in January. February will be the empty month, and the span of March-April-May will be a period of relatively dense content release including 2 LW episodes and SAB. I think that is the best we can hope for, but I would not count on it.

> >

> > If they announce Season 4 next week, I will be utterly flabbergasted.

> >

> >


> If its like this i doubt there will be any players left by the time LS4 begins..


Thats the great thing about this game, you can go away for a while, and come back later, when there are more things to do. As long as you log in once during each part of the season, you will have it to do later. You already paid for the game, it's up to you what to do with it now.

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> @Vavume.8065 said:

> > @lokh.2695 said:


> > I'd rather have them take their time and deliver quality than delivering half baked content earlier.


> They took almost 2 years to deliver PoF, and that was half baked content, time is obviously not a factor...



Just going to make an "objective observation" here and seeing as Lokh didn't consider PoF as half baked and you do, then you would need to extrapolate his opinion into yours which means you should read his opinion, to fit your opinion of PoF, as:

"I'd rather have them take their time and deliver half-baked content, than delivering quarter-baked content earlier."




Although on the other hand, extrapolating the other way would make that as it took them two years to make quality content, thus now we would have to wait another two years. Or it would take two years to make half baked content, so if we want AT least half baked content we would need to wait anotehr 2 years for more half baked content.


But then if time really is no factor, I suppose they could release half baked content tomorrow, and more half baked content the day after that. Time is no factor after all. That would be quite impressive!

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> @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> December will be Wintersday, LWS4 most likely mid January, Lunar New Year - February, SWS4E2, April SAB and so on...my guess at least


Your guess is already wrong since they announced (you can check the link few posts before) it'll be out 28th november.

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This is what I hoped for, and I think what was planned all along. PoF wasn't overly demanding for time investment (says the guy who hasn't finished the story yet). When they said "a few months" after PoF release, they meant precisely that.


Gotta say, well done Anet! There are many, many players that will welcome LS4 in two, short weeks.

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> @crashburntoo.7431 said:

> This is what I hoped for, and I think what was planned all along. PoF wasn't overly demanding for time investment (says the guy who hasn't finished the story yet). When they said "a few months" after PoF release, they meant precisely that.


> Gotta say, well done Anet! There are many, many players that will welcome LS4 in two, short weeks.


I flippin' well won't! It's the same day as the EQ2 expansion and I've already pre-ordered that. Do these people never talk to each other?!

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> @Erulogos.2591 said:

> Just announced: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/living-world-returns-this-november/

> May or may not be next week, might be the week after (I hope not, I'll be traveling for business) but it seems Anet has mostly answered this thread :)


Haha, this is just a gentile reminder, folks, on how often people on MMO forums are plain wrong!

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