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Next Generation of Legendaries?

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > Changing the recipes yet again would be bad.


> I don't see why, but bad or not, given the way the game is marketed it is **necessary**.

> You can't sell future expansions as stand-alone content and then tell people: "Here's this new content that you need to buy the very first ever expansion to get, even though you just bought the latest one that should by all means give you access to all the latest content".


Because they’re not PoF content/rewards...




This assuming you’re referring to the next batch as in the remaining six legendary weapons that’ll release during the entirety of LS4.


If you’re referring to the next generation then it’ll likely change and be based around the next expansion. If it releases with that then it’ll all be available upon release or be spread out and released during LS5 (or further out).

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How many of you remember the firestorm that hit when ANet did not in fact release all the 2nd gen legendaries with HoT? It was one of the bigger uproars in the game's history, accusations of false advertising being leveled since a complete set of new legendaries was one of the selling points of HoT. I know I had a guildie strapped for funds who happens to like building legendaries and she bought HoT pretty much due to that one factor. She's not forum vocal but she certainly was guild chat vocal on the matter, and plenty of forum vocal sorts weighed in at length to decry the situation.


The uproar swelled again when they announced they were working on a second expansion, at a time when they weren't delivering new legendaries often or regularly. That's why MO had to make that response about not planning to require PoF to make the rest of the HoT batch. So if they add in components only achievable in the PoF maps, it will be one of their biggest PR failures. And this time, they'd have had a couple of years warning it was coming, so they couldn't just smooth it over with "oh, we didn't realize this would make people unhappy." These legendaries *are* HoT content, they are just very very late in delivery.


Unless someone in Marketing with the power to fire people if they don't follow Marketing's directives orders the devs to make players have to buy PoF to make the shinies, I strongly believe it's just not going to happen.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > Changing the recipes yet again would be bad.

> >

> > I don't see why, but bad or not, given the way the game is marketed it is **necessary**.

> > You can't sell future expansions as stand-alone content and then tell people: "Here's this new content that you need to buy the very first ever expansion to get, even though you just bought the latest one that should by all means give you access to all the latest content".


> Because they’re not PoF content/rewards...


> Edit:


> This assuming you’re referring to the next batch as in the remaining six legendary weapons that’ll release during the entirety of LS4.


> If you’re referring to the next generation then it’ll likely change and be based around the next expansion. If it releases with that then it’ll all be available upon release or be spread out and released during LS5 (or further out).


They're not HoT rewards either, so why should they require HoT recipes? I get it you hoarded gifts of maguuma and stuff, but that doesn't excuse a bad move from Arena Net.

If those are part of the LS4 releases, and LS4 is most likely requiring PoF, then that makes them more a PoF content than a HoT content. So it makes no sense that people that bought PoF but not HoT won't be able to make those legendaries. In fact it makes no sense at all that any legendary is dependant on the contents of a single expansion, given the way they decided to market them separately instead of cumulatively.> @Donari.5237 said:

> How many of you remember the firestorm that hit when ANet did not in fact release all the 2nd gen legendaries with HoT? It was one of the bigger uproars in the game's history, accusations of false advertising being leveled since a complete set of new legendaries was one of the selling points of HoT. I know I had a guildie strapped for funds who happens to like building legendaries and she bought HoT pretty much due to that one factor. She's not forum vocal but she certainly was guild chat vocal on the matter, and plenty of forum vocal sorts weighed in at length to decry the situation.


> The uproar swelled again when they announced they were working on a second expansion, at a time when they weren't delivering new legendaries often or regularly. That's why MO had to make that response about not planning to require PoF to make the rest of the HoT batch. So if they add in components only achievable in the PoF maps, it will be one of their biggest PR failures. And this time, they'd have had a couple of years warning it was coming, so they couldn't just smooth it over with "oh, we didn't realize this would make people unhappy." These legendaries *are* HoT content, they are just very very late in delivery.


> Unless someone in Marketing with the power to fire people if they don't follow Marketing's directives orders the devs to make players have to buy PoF to make the shinies, I strongly believe it's just not going to happen.


I'm not saying they should have PoF exclusive requirements, just the opposite. Because of their slow pace, and the way they marketed legendary weapons, none of them should have expansion-specific requirements. And whether you like it or not, everyone that bought PoF SHOULD NOT be barred from access to latest content. The fact that devs were late does not excuse them from doing that. And no it's not HoT content. HoT is the PREVIOUS expansion, they didn't make the deadline, their fault, now you can't really tell everyone that bought PoF with the intent of accessing the latest contet (but for some reason didn't buy HoT) that the latest content isn't really the latest content.

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> They're not HoT rewards either, so why should they require HoT recipes? I get it you hoarded gifts of maguuma and stuff, but that doesn't excuse a bad move from Arena Net.


If you are talking about second gen legendaries then they are HoT exclusive rewards and any confusion caused by that is their fault..

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > > Changing the recipes yet again would be bad.

> > >

> > > I don't see why, but bad or not, given the way the game is marketed it is **necessary**.

> > > You can't sell future expansions as stand-alone content and then tell people: "Here's this new content that you need to buy the very first ever expansion to get, even though you just bought the latest one that should by all means give you access to all the latest content".

> >

> > Because they’re not PoF content/rewards...

> >

> > Edit:

> >

> > This assuming you’re referring to the next batch as in the remaining six legendary weapons that’ll release during the entirety of LS4.

> >

> > If you’re referring to the next generation then it’ll likely change and be based around the next expansion. If it releases with that then it’ll all be available upon release or be spread out and released during LS5 (or further out).


> They're not HoT rewards either, so why should they require HoT recipes? I get it you hoarded gifts of maguuma and stuff, but that doesn't excuse a bad move from Arena Net.

> If those are part of the LS4 releases, and LS4 is most likely requiring PoF, then that makes them more a PoF content than a HoT content. So it makes no sense that people that bought PoF but not HoT won't be able to make those legendaries. In fact it makes no sense at all that any legendary is dependant on the contents of a single expansion, given the way they decided to market them separately instead of cumulatively.>


They are as you are required to have HoT and that they were released as being a part of HoT. Have you not been paying attention to what everyone has been saying here and what the devs clearly have been saying about players needing HoT? You’re going to have a very steep uphill battle if you’re going to argue that the remaining six legendary weapons are going to be any different.


In case you missed what I said before, players will not be required to have LS4. Just because something releases with it, doesn’t mean they’re required to have it. If a fractal releases with an LS4, according to your reasoning, only those that have PoF would be able to access it. I highly suggest you take the time to visit HoT map currency vendors. Notice how you can buy all of the tokens needed to craft the legendary specific shards?



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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > > Changing the recipes yet again would be bad.

> > >

> > > I don't see why, but bad or not, given the way the game is marketed it is **necessary**.

> > > You can't sell future expansions as stand-alone content and then tell people: "Here's this new content that you need to buy the very first ever expansion to get, even though you just bought the latest one that should by all means give you access to all the latest content".

> >

> > Because they’re not PoF content/rewards...

> >

> > Edit:

> >

> > This assuming you’re referring to the next batch as in the remaining six legendary weapons that’ll release during the entirety of LS4.

> >

> > If you’re referring to the next generation then it’ll likely change and be based around the next expansion. If it releases with that then it’ll all be available upon release or be spread out and released during LS5 (or further out).


> They're not HoT rewards either, so why should they require HoT recipes? I get it you hoarded gifts of maguuma and stuff, but that doesn't excuse a bad move from Arena Net.


They are HoT rewards.


HoT was advertised with a full set of new generation 2 legendary weapons.


Arenanet had to split the release of different gen2 weapons up (and even tried cancelling half of them all together) because they were not done in time. They are now making good on a 2 year old promise that HoT would come with a full set of second generation legendary weapons.


Future gen2 weapons will likely require HoT and not PoF which is even more evident that there is no PoF map rewards tied to gifts.


EDIT: for reference the link to Matt on reddit AMA about gen2 legendary weapons:https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/48zlyd/im_mike_obrien_here_with_gw2_dev_team_ama/d0ny9ss/


Thing to note:

> What I can say is that we are working towards completing the entire set of 16 HoT legendary weapons (sorry underwater). Of the 13 left, they are all in various stages of concept, modeling and design, but the two that are furthest along in development are the Short Bow and the Mace.


Clearly stating that they are working on 16 HoT legendary weapons and UW weapons not being part of the set.

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I honestly think the answer for Gen3 is really simple.

PoF has already launched - and already sold most of the copies it will sale. Adding Gen3 legendary weapons to PoF after G2 finishes with LS makes no sense. It's not going to significantly drive sales and they probably won't do it.


If we do see a Gen 3 legendary set it will probably come with the next expansion. It makes the most sense for them to do it this way because they add a new selling point to their new expansion. It also does away with the OP's debate of - do they handle it to be like HoT? Make a new system for PoF?

They'll probably make a new HoT-like system that requires the next expansion.

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > I am going to say it will require either gift of exploration or gift of maguma exploration to ensure not to alienate those who don't have HoT. So have fun mapping old tyria.


> Have you tried it lately? With mounts its way more fun now. Orr is done in seconds now, instead of ages.

> Also, i've got probably more Gifts of explorer than Maguuma even though the later is quite faster (because tangled depths is just an hassle - hateful kitten map).


> The insistence of "finishing the set" of Gen 2 weapons, kinda makes no sense, since there's already two different sets within it. It would make much more sense for them to just release **legendary weapons** withouth worrying too much about completing sets. Although, maybe, they should focus on releasing widely-used weapons... And not Chuka and Champawat (although now there's 3 classes that use shortbow, so it's a little less bad). And for the love of PETA, please make a bow that DOESN'T shoot living stuff (flowers or animals) next time!!! :p




Oh boy, mounts made mapping so much easier to digest. Especially those Orr maps. And the new longbow will shoot snakes.


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As much as the remainder of the current round of legendaries were supposed to be HoT content, the fact that their release has been so delayed as to come after PoF leads me to believe that a player owning PoF should be able to acquire them even if he does not own HoT. I am not suggesting that one should need PoF to acquire the new legendaries, but rather that owning either expansion should allow access.


The idea that the newest top tier rewards cannot be acquired in the most recent purchasable content, requiring a previous release, would undercut PoF in my opinion.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Legendary weps should be easy for anet to pump out. And they should be available to everyone and not locked behind an xpac.


It'll likely be the opposite. After HoT's legendaries are done, they'll no longer be tied to anything, nor will they be advertised with an expansion again. They'll no longer be required to keep to a schedule, weapon set or to make them accessible to certain players, and will thus be able to release whenever and whatever they want while using any materials from any expansion or season.

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