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Please make power builds more viable!


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> @takatsu.9416 said:

> Anet on class balances recently have mentioned once again that Condi must do more overall damage over time in order for it to be an actual viable choice and that power builds are intended for big spike damage.


> Power builds indeed produce huge spike damage in PvP game modes. Condi builds in PvP game modes stack fast and hard and so much that it seems like a big spike within a few seconds


> In pve, Condi does most damage over time on high health pool bosses therefore is the logical choice.


> The problem seems to be the invalidity of mechanics such as toughness and condition resist. Having high toughness should actually mitigate power damage so much so that Condi is a legitimate choice. While condition resist should be a choice as well which opens up the possibility for power damage. Right now vitality stats and health pools are almost equally a counter to power and condi. In boss mechanics there needs to be more design towards these such as periods of condition resistance where it's highly vulnerable to power damage bursts of so on.


> I'm not sure and don't have the answers of course but something needs to be done about the corresponding mechanics of the recipient of such damage not really only reliant on nerfing or buffing classes and skills.


> That said there are classes where they can build for high sustain in PvP but still do a lot of damage. There are classes that build glass cannon and have enough power to kind of disregard toughness. Both Condi and power can pump out damage to blow through vitality in PvP while power cannot keep up with a boss health pool. These must be narrowed more and tightened so there are actual sacrifices made


So we should get used to playing condi builds in pve forever unless we're an ele? alright.

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> @cptaylor.2670 said:

> I prefer power builds but holosmith and spell breaker are about the only ones I can tolerate right now. Wel, and soulbeast. Ele sword had me really excited but it’s still pretty lackluster even after the latest changes.


If it makes you feel any better rifle is still the BiS weapon for power Holo even after sword buffs :/

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> @thiago.5608 said:

> I dont understand what's the problem to give power based builds some love!

> Condition damage is absurdly stronger than power. Does anyone know a way they could balance things on PVE at least. The game seems boring because of that imbalance.


The arguments been made, ANet people have responded....

The game's boring because off these comments on a constant loop for some of us.....

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> @Lunateric.3708 said:

> > @cptaylor.2670 said:

> > I prefer power builds but holosmith and spell breaker are about the only ones I can tolerate right now. Wel, and soulbeast. Ele sword had me really excited but it’s still pretty lackluster even after the latest changes.


> If it makes you feel any better rifle is still the BiS weapon for power Holo even after sword buffs :/


Really? I feel like it’s a big improvement. I haven’t really tried rifle that much though so maybe I should give it a shot. The block and spell reflect from shield is just too nice to give up!

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> @Umut.5471 said:

> I can solo most group events, champions even legendaries without time limit


See, the problem there is that all bosses in raids have a time limit. If you took your build, and made everyone in the dps roles use that build you wouldn't be able to take down the boss at all. That's why there's a meta.


Also, ANYTHING goes in open world. I run around in white gear on alts and it's no big deal, doesn't mean I use the same gear or bad build in fractals or raids. Just because you can solo a champ in open world doesn't mean that the meta shouldn't exist.

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> @thiago.5608 said:

> I dont understand what's the problem to give power based builds some love!

> Condition damage is absurdly stronger than power. Does anyone know a way they could balance things on PVE at least. The game seems boring because of that imbalance.


As one who was just one shotted in wvw, again, my power based toon had no chance even with four condi clears and three stun breaks.


How is that any kind of balance?


Has nothing to do with 'l2p', and has everything to do with a fair fight. I know how to play my characters.

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> @Umut.5471 said:

> I think they should forbid the use of DPS meters, so this meta elitisim for raid groups may go away on its own.

> Those benchmarks just show condi and viper sets as meta, so players forbid you to play any other build. Like power...

> For real, those addons just pumped more elitism to this game like it wasn't enough before that.

> I'm happy with my full berserker reaper actually, it deals good damage with great survivability compared to any other glass cannon.

> Gets 25 stacks of might and vulnerability easily, while it has health steal properties.

> But since it's not a meta build, I guess those benchmarkers will just bully me for raid groups.


That depends> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> and then again ; No condi Build used in PvE is a full Condi Build. They are ALL Hybrid Builds as they use either Viper or maybe even Grieving...


That is forced because there is no pure condition set like main condition damage, minor expertise and precision. Viper gets close and that is mostly used in PvE for condition builds

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> @pah.4931 said:

> Anet is just wrong about condi vs. power philosophy. I know this because every MMO I have ever played didn't even have the need to differentiate... That P in DPS is the big thing there. It's an average. A per capita. A percentage. Which means the "parity" has already been done by time. Any game should ALWAYS build around having equal DPS across the board. Of course there will be slight differences, but the more equal you make the damage PER second, it doesn't matter how long the fight is.


That would make sense if GW2 was like every MMO you ever played.


There is no reason to favour one over the other but even less reason to make adjustments because one is better than the other.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Power is viable, just not optimal. Meaning you can beat all raid bosses using power builds alone. It just will take longer. Power tempest and dragon hunter are top tier dps.


and holosmith


and that "not optimal" is wrong. Most optimal squadcomps are mostly power classes simply because bosses phase faster than condis can stack.


again -> check snowcrows page

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i truly belive the problem is bound to the core stats used for the game, since to be useful you need to do damage and not to die, and to do that with a condi build you just need thougness, vitality and condition damage, having to use only one stats to do damage (condi damage) let you reach very high value of each stats. To do the same with a power build you need to boost thoughness, vitality, power, precision and ferocity, who are 5 stats and not 3 as beafore, since to do damage a power build need either power as precision as ferocity, this result in a build with average stats compared to condi damage. So choice is very easy, everyone go condi and gg

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> @ilmau.9781 said:

> i truly belive the problem is bound to the core stats used for the game, since to be useful you need to do damage and not to die, and to do that with a condi build you just need thougness, vitality and condition damage, having to use only one stats to do damage (condi damage) let you reach very high value of each stats. To do the same with a power build you need to boost thoughness, vitality, power, precision and ferocity, who are 5 stats and not 3 as beafore, since to do damage a power build need either power as precision as ferocity, this result in a build with average stats compared to condi damage. So choice is very easy, everyone go condi and gg


You're wrong, it's ok for a necromancer to ignore that, but every class need access to critical strikes to apply conditions so Precision is quite important too. If you have for example a trait that applies burn on a crit with an ICD of 10s, but only proc a crit each 5s, you'll lose dps because a there will be time where your ICD is up but you don't proc your trait.


Also Condition duration is important too, even more than precision. Each % of increased duration is a direct bonus % your damages and global DPS.


No one plays Rabid anymore since the implementation of Viper in a competitive PvE environment. Then a Condi DPS is now squishy just like any Power DPS.

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