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Is game worth playing without Path of Fire?


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Your question is quite vague, by what measure do you determine "worth"? If by worth you mean is it still fun, well that depends on what you yourself deem fun. There is still a lot of content to explore in the core game, open world exploration, world bosses, fractals, even dungeons. If you have heart of thorns then theres plenty of replayability through meta events and collections. It all really depends on what you want out of the game.

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Their content system is set up in a way where old content is just as entertaining as it was at its release.... sometimes with improvements. The only issue to contend with is Population distribution for Meta events; as more metas run in parallel, there is minor competition on which ones to attend. That said, Teq at reset remains consistent, so long as something else doesn't trump it in upfront rewards.

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I'm in the same boat and started up again about 2 weeks ago. There's something about Halloween that brings me back to the mad king! I would say yes, for me at least. I do dailies, world bosses, and recently farmed my mini aurene. I also had enough gems stored up to purchase the last of the living stories I missed. I'm just completing some achievements now and leveling up my masteries. I'm 9/10 on Shatterer, people need to CC grrrr :anguished: It's still really fun, as it has been for 5 years.


You'll just get jelly from everyone riding their mounts, but everything else is still really populated. Takes a few tries to get the auric basin meta going but the world boss dragons are always full. I'm waiting to see if they put it on sale on black friday or something. I'll get it eventually, but this month was heck on my bank account.

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path of fire is not worth at all and i don't even call this an expansion for the content it has. i finished everithing in the first week and never returned there at all. Also it made me stop from playing the game since wvw/pvp is so unbalanced atm because of some elite specs dominating and i am burned out by the old content.

If you want pof just buy it for the mounts and don't expect any cool or unique rewards since it is gated behind gold sinks and or gem store.

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If you don't have PoF the game will be exactly the same as it was for you. Everything you had access to is still available and (aside from balance changes) still works the same way. All you're missing is the new areas.


So if you were having fun before you can continue to have fun without the expansion. If you were bored and had run out of things to do it won't get any better until you get PoF.

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> @RavenRecoil.6103 said:

> Doing the old content is well worth it for a new player. Complete your personal story level to 80 the natural way.


I agree and I'd add that doing old content is worth it and fun for even the old/veteran player! :smile:


I've got 5+ years invested and am now doing core Tyria map complete on one of my toons that never got it done, and I'm having a blast! :smiley: There seems to be people on and doing stuff on most maps/areas - killing bosses, Events and just exploring. I'm seeing and re-experiencing places I haven't been to in years!


Plus, there's always WvW (large scale pvp, which I do mostly), sPvP (5 v 5 pvp) and other things you can do w/o any expansion necessary. Core Tyria is HUGE and offers a lot to the new player and even the old. If you like grouping up with peeps and doing stuff, **JOIN a Guild** (or as many as FIVE)! There are guilds always advertising/looking for new recruits. Explore the different classes, races, skills and different game modes - all for free! (No expansion needed.)


I highly recommend it! :+1:

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I have Path of Fire, and I still find myself spending quite a bit of time in the base game, HoT, and LWS3. I went through LW2 just a few times, but I guess I 'do' still pop into Dry Top and Silverwastes to do things in those zones that aren't related to LW2 specifically (which, I guess is the case with my mentioning 'LW3' as well), so even that I still do in some way. In HoT, I'm mostly there to do the AB event, but I'll often stay if I hear people asking for help with HPs or some other event, and next thing I know, I've spent an additional 30-60 minutes there. Or maybe I'm hopping into VB to get some Flax, and there's a lot of DE or Meta 'chatter' and it sounds like fun, I stay and go wherever people are screaming needs more people. Or I'm doing some old WBs.


Other than WBs, and seasonal things, I don't spend a 'lot' of time in the old world, sadly. A little each week for my free key. I have one of each class, all grown up, and don't see much reason in having more than 1 of each class, but have often thought of just making a character so I can play through the old lands and level up (which is sadistically still one of my favorite things to do, and sadly all my 80s are 100% map completion as well). Maybe play with some sort of self-imposed rules, like if I die, then I'm deleted and I start again, perhaps with a different race, or at the very least, use a different starting area and follow a different path. See how far I can get. :)


But yeah, I still find all sorts of great fun everywhere. It's one of my favorite things about how this game is designed, that I can go anywhere and still walk away with useful things.

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Since you didn't state your criteria its harder to gauge but I would say yes. PoF doesn't impact various game modes and there is enough to do in the rest of the game that I wouldn't say its a requirement to enjoying the rest of the game, its an addendum that adds to the game. So yes try PoF when you can but yes until you do the rest of the game is still worth it. At least to me.

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If you are considering playing Path of Fire when you can afford it, it could be worth your while to log in regularly until you do. The new season of Living Story begins late this month, and if ANet holds true to form will be a dual free unlock. One criteria would be owning PoF, but the other would be logging in during the "current" episode's release period (generally about 2 months). If you don't log in in that period, the episodes will cost gems.


Also, a lot of people still seem to be doing Heart of Thorns content.

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You can enjoy but almost everyone has PoF, you will probably see them and want those mounts as well. I returned to the game just because they finally added mounts.

I'm sure it brought many people back to the game like me. It's a key element of MMORPGs imo. I'm expecting player housing as well.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> If you are considering playing Path of Fire when you can afford it, it could be worth your while to log in regularly until you do. The new season of Living Story begins late this month, and if ANet holds true to form will be a dual free unlock. One criteria would be owning PoF, but the other would be logging in during the "current" episode's release period (generally about 2 months). If you don't log in in that period, the episodes will cost gems.




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> @peteed.6471 said:

> I've been a bit short of money since it came out so haven't got xpac yet so should I just forget GW2 until I can afford xpac or is it still worth just doing old content?


Well, ... it is FREE to play the game in the first place so, if it was worth playing before PoF, if your time has somehow increased in value ... it's still worth playing.

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> @Verthurnax.2784 said:

> path of fire is not worth at all and i don't even call this an expansion for the content it has. i finished everything in the first week and never returned there at all.


I am in awe of people who managed to map all the maps on at least one toon, unlock all nine elite specs, complete all the masteries including the griffon AND finish all the achievements and collections in the first week. You are truly mightier than Balthazar.



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Playing without a mount in PVE is not worth it anymore, Path of Fire for me is not only Elona, its the new Elites and Mounts too, makes me enjoy doing map completes again that makes me want to pursue another legendary which gives me reason to enjoy WvW, so yeah, spend $30 for that PoF Exp, please and thank you.

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I will just play for free now, until you are ready to buy an expansion. Buy both expansion at the same time, the game is very much fun with or without expansion if you just level up while doing core map, learning your class step by step. Even if you did purchase expansion, i will still recommend you to start at lv1, finish most core before step right into jungle or desert.

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