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Help against Condi Mirage


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hello everyone, gonna try to keep short...so I was playing with bunker Firebrand when this Mirage come to try to take my point. Gonna be honest, I dont play Mesmer, so i have no idea about its rotations and which skills to look to try to evade, but still, in little more then a second he was able to put me 20+ stacks of confusion...being a Firebrand i had no trouble cleaning all that, and for a second i though i was out of danger, though he had waster all his condi burst and would have to sit doing little condi damage till he had recovered all his cooldows, but hey, a sec later i have 20 stacks of confusion again...and this keep going till he finally decide to give up to take the point from me...Firebrand is know for being the ultimate counter to condi builds, but what about other prefessions, how to you deal against someone who is able to spam so much condi, its kill before get killed situation? Remenber when they introduced Perplexity runes and everyone on pvp agreed that they would be way to powerfull to be in the game mode...in WvW you could easiely put 10+ condi stacks on someone, and that was OP at the time. Now we talking about mesmer(Mirage) doing +-20 stacks of confusion...what happened? I know, powercreep and all, like firebrand have more group utility on one tome that old bunker guard had in his whole build, but still, I guess is time to Anet to re-evaluate what they want to sPvP be, cause this aint looking good...

But going back to Mirage...how do you deal with it? If you dont have Über condi removal you just try for a quick burst and run away if it fail? From my experience, havent seen a single Mirage lose a fight, when they are near to die they just run away and theres little that you can do to prevent that(unless maybe you are thief or something)

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> @Nemesis.7896 said:

> One of Arena net loved class.


> You should burst them so they dont kill you in seconds with confusion, but they have an army of clones and 90% evade rate., plus invisibility and teleport.


> Their solution : Nerf warriors.


So they only way to deal with then in your opinion is playing something that deals high burst damage? Like thief for example?


> @choovanski.5462 said:

> I recommend tanking rating down to bronze so you can fight mesmers who can't play properly. you're not going to do well against those who know what they are doing. mirage has little to no counterplay, and tons of tools to outplaying you- so at roughly equal skill levels you will just lose


These are not the responses that I was expecting lol, was hoping to same actual advice on how to deal with then, but what it looks like, its that they are in fact overpowered right now.

lol no way that i gonna drop way back to Bronze, now that theres little competition gonna try to go for some of the titles, maybe something between top 25 and 100...but still, like i said, i can handle then with Firebrand, we even won the match where I noticed this Mirage...but i was just wondering how to counter someone who can do so much burst damage in so little time without having Firebrand kind of condi cleanse...but from it looks like, you just dont do that


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> @Felipe.1807 said:

> hello everyone, gonna try to keep short...so I was playing with bunker Firebrand when this Mirage come to try to take my point. Gonna be honest, I dont play Mesmer, so i have no idea about its rotations and which skills to look to try to evade, but still, in little more then a second he was able to put me 20+ stacks of confusion...being a Firebrand i had no trouble cleaning all that, and for a second i though i was out of danger, though he had waster all his condi burst and would have to sit doing little condi damage till he had recovered all his cooldows, but hey, a sec later i have 20 stacks of confusion again...and this keep going till he finally decide to give up to take the point from me...Firebrand is know for being the ultimate counter to condi builds, but what about other prefessions, how to you deal against someone who is able to spam so much condi, its kill before get killed situation? Remenber when they introduced Perplexity runes and everyone on pvp agreed that they would be way to powerfull to be in the game mode...in WvW you could easiely put 10+ condi stacks on someone, and that was OP at the time. Now we talking about mesmer(Mirage) doing +-20 stacks of confusion...what happened? I know, powercreep and all, like firebrand have more group utility on one tome that old bunker guard had in his whole build, but still, I guess is time to Anet to re-evaluate what they want to sPvP be, cause this aint looking good...

> But going back to Mirage...how do you deal with it? If you dont have Über condi removal you just try for a quick burst and run away if it fail? From my experience, havent seen a single Mirage lose a fight, when they are near to die they just run away and theres little that you can do to prevent that(unless maybe you are thief or something)


There is **virtually** nothing you can do to kill a good mirage...it's technically speaking...impossible:

- Sword/torch - Staff

-They have treated stealth for auto-save mode, stealth utility and stealth weapon skill

-They have **absolutely broken elite that shows devs bias in all its glory** https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jaunt

- When they're not stealthed...https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blurred_Frenzy + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Distortion

- Even if you successfully dodge **sword ambush** multiple times..you'll find yourself on the defensive....**because you can't pressure them back long enough**


I currently use a soulbeast with all possible condi clear traits available to ranger + jacaranda ( for resistance and f2 condi clear )...I can stall a good mirage for a long time but I won't even come close to kill it, if very low they'll use portal or some other short CD teleport.


Don't feel bad ....there is really nothing you can do...the spec is stupid to fight

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> @Felipe.1807 said:

> hello everyone, gonna try to keep short...so I was playing with bunker Firebrand when this Mirage come to try to take my point. Gonna be honest, I dont play Mesmer, so i have no idea about its rotations and which skills to look to try to evade, but still, in little more then a second he was able to put me 20+ stacks of confusion...being a Firebrand i had no trouble cleaning all that, and for a second i though i was out of danger, though he had waster all his condi burst and would have to sit doing little condi damage till he had recovered all his cooldows, but hey, a sec later i have 20 stacks of confusion again...and this keep going till he finally decide to give up to take the point from me...Firebrand is know for being the ultimate counter to condi builds, but what about other prefessions, how to you deal against someone who is able to spam so much condi, its kill before get killed situation? Remenber when they introduced Perplexity runes and everyone on pvp agreed that they would be way to powerfull to be in the game mode...in WvW you could easiely put 10+ condi stacks on someone, and that was OP at the time. Now we talking about mesmer(Mirage) doing +-20 stacks of confusion...what happened? I know, powercreep and all, like firebrand have more group utility on one tome that old bunker guard had in his whole build, but still, I guess is time to Anet to re-evaluate what they want to sPvP be, cause this aint looking good...

> But going back to Mirage...how do you deal with it? If you dont have Über condi removal you just try for a quick burst and run away if it fail? From my experience, havent seen a single Mirage lose a fight, when they are near to die they just run away and theres little that you can do to prevent that(unless maybe you are thief or something)


At first I say: bunker Firebrand is unkillable by condi Mirage if played properly. You have too much heal and condi cleanse.

"20+ stacks of confusion ... a sec later 20 stacks of confusion again" -- you exaggerating. Applying 20+ stack requires wasting all shatters and couple of Jaunts. So he can't do this again for 20 sec.


Generally your play was correct. My guess -- you wasted you cleanses too early. Not when he applied 20 stacks of confusion but only 6-7.

You can ignore 6 stacks of confusion -- just don't activate skills (except heal of course). Ticking damage from 6 stacks of confusion is negligible.

If Mirage going into stealth you could wait for clone. When clone appears -- immediately dodge. This will allow you to evade most of burst.

Also Mirages with axe becomes very popular last time. The most of axe damage comes from torment. And torment damage is huge in pvp. Your best bet here is to create mirage and learn animation of axe 2 and axe 3 skills to know what to dodge. You don't need to play Mirage just test on golems to know how this animation looks.


And one more guess: you were too greedy. You tried to kill him with your "Tome of Justice" and consequently your "Tome of resolve" was on cooldown.

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> @Vaeo.4097 said:

> > @Felipe.1807 said:

> > hello everyone, gonna try to keep short...so I was playing with bunker Firebrand when this Mirage come to try to take my point. Gonna be honest, I dont play Mesmer, so i have no idea about its rotations and which skills to look to try to evade, but still, in little more then a second he was able to put me 20+ stacks of confusion...being a Firebrand i had no trouble cleaning all that, and for a second i though i was out of danger, though he had waster all his condi burst and would have to sit doing little condi damage till he had recovered all his cooldows, but hey, a sec later i have 20 stacks of confusion again...and this keep going till he finally decide to give up to take the point from me...Firebrand is know for being the ultimate counter to condi builds, but what about other prefessions, how to you deal against someone who is able to spam so much condi, its kill before get killed situation? Remenber when they introduced Perplexity runes and everyone on pvp agreed that they would be way to powerfull to be in the game mode...in WvW you could easiely put 10+ condi stacks on someone, and that was OP at the time. Now we talking about mesmer(Mirage) doing +-20 stacks of confusion...what happened? I know, powercreep and all, like firebrand have more group utility on one tome that old bunker guard had in his whole build, but still, I guess is time to Anet to re-evaluate what they want to sPvP be, cause this aint looking good...

> > But going back to Mirage...how do you deal with it? If you dont have Über condi removal you just try for a quick burst and run away if it fail? From my experience, havent seen a single Mirage lose a fight, when they are near to die they just run away and theres little that you can do to prevent that(unless maybe you are thief or something)


> At first I say: bunker Firebrand is unkillable by condi Mirage if played properly. You have too much heal and condi cleanse.

> "20+ stacks of confusion ... a sec later 20 stacks of confusion again" -- you exaggerating. Applying 20+ stack requires wasting all shatters and couple of Jaunts. So he can't do this again for 20 sec.


> Generally your play was correct. My guess -- you wasted you cleanses too early. Not when he applied 20 stacks of confusion but only 6-7.

> You can ignore 6 stacks of confusion -- just don't activate skills (except heal of course). Ticking damage from 6 stacks of confusion is negligible.

> If Mirage going into stealth you could wait for clone. When clone appears -- immediately dodge. This will allow you to evade most of burst.

> Also Mirages with axe becomes very popular last time. The most of axe damage comes from torment. And torment damage is huge in pvp. Your best bet here is to create mirage and learn animation of axe 2 and axe 3 skills to know what to dodge. You don't need to play Mirage just test on golems to know how this animation looks.


> And one more guess: you were too greedy. You tried to kill him with your "Tome of Justice" and consequently your "Tome of resolve" was on cooldown.


Thanks for the tips, I just deleted one of my characters to make a mesmer lol guess best way to deal with its learning about it a little bit.

But i didnt get greedy or anything, I was playing defencive, like I said, he gave up from trying to take the point from me and we also did win the match, I was just wondering how professions without this absurd number of condi cleanses that Firebrand have, are able to deal with this kind of mesmers.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> See mesmer

> Dodge Shatter

> ???

> Dead mesmer


Bruh. The mirage's condi stacks come from ambush attacks and shatters. And there are far too many ambush attacks to just dodge every one of them.


@OP - Cleave those clones down immediately when they are summoned. Ambush attacks will either spam dazes from sword clones, or they will stack tons of condis on you, and they can use an ambush attack with every dodge. Do note, that if they take IH (to make their clones perform ambush attacks as well), they are forfeiting EM, which means they have no stun break and condi cleanse on dodging. Use that against them. Force them to waste their stun breaks, and then burst them with conditions. They will have some condi cleanse, but not nearly as much as they would have with EM.

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As core guardian, my experiences with mirages are small burst on target, to not lose everything in the "evades", and placing AoE where i think they are while in stealth, wich hasnt being hard to do so far, if i get right, they die, if i get wrong, just hope helps is coming... Especially since im not the favored one in this 1v1 case.


In teams its always depend, too many variables.

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Warrior: carefully use your resistance and don’t waste it if the mirage isn’t attacking, keep movement and skill use low if you have no resistance left or a patch in coverage to reduce the damage taken from conditions.

Firebrand: you know already, it’s a pointless fight for the mirage as you’ll outcleanse and outheal.

Revenant: why are you playing revenant? Whatever Marlys is your friend and if you’re power either burst mirage down or leave.

Thief: you shouldn’t be in the 1v1 unless on staff DD in which case cleave our clones and AoE the mirage to death.

Holosmith: AoE and CC of photon forge but mirage will be able to keep up with that so it’s a losing fight.

Ranger: I feel druid can sustain the fight long enough for both parties to die of boredom but essentially the Druid is likely to be giving up the cap, it’s a delay at best.

Ele: if they’re playing weaver it can outcleanse the mirage but doesn’t pressure enough to be a threat, likely a stalemate till a +1 happens.

Necro: vomit on point....win.

mirage: enjoy the boring fight.


Just some general stuff, you won’t kill a decent mirage as they will leave before you get the kill but if your team is alright about rotating all you need to do is stall the fight for 30s at which point hopefully someone will change up the fight. Remember also that mirage doesn’t have light speed homing missile clones, they slowly trot up to you to explode so swiftness and moving away while putting out AoE infornt/behind of you can render shatters useless. Try to dodge ambush attacks especially after they have shattered as it makes their next attack inflict confusion.


If the mesmer stealths with torch they may be attempting to stack the burns from the 2 torch skills to burst 3k burning on you. The prestige hits after 3s so time your dodge and if you’re lucky you’ll dodge both it and the phantasm summon effect, unlucky and you’ll be hit by one of them but that’s stealth for ya.


Right now mirage is highly resistant to CC but also can cleanse a decent amount of conditions via jaunt and elusive mind however it is possible to condition overload them, if you can pump out 3 conditions fairly easily, notably weakness then you will have an easier time and force them to use up more dodges and jaunt on defence over offence. Power version is core shatter mixed with DD escape because everyone loved DD.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> Overtuned af, that's the answer. I knew it from the very moment, shortly after PoF dropped, that a mesmer could inflict 18x confusion in 1 second.


Funny how you knew it right after PoF came out. But the devs didn't know after spending countless months developing the specialization. Sad really. Problems like this aren't even hard to see.

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> @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > @Felipe.1807 said:

> > hello everyone, gonna try to keep short...so I was playing with bunker Firebrand when this Mirage come to try to take my point. Gonna be honest, I dont play Mesmer, so i have no idea about its rotations and which skills to look to try to evade, but still, in little more then a second he was able to put me 20+ stacks of confusion...being a Firebrand i had no trouble cleaning all that, and for a second i though i was out of danger, though he had waster all his condi burst and would have to sit doing little condi damage till he had recovered all his cooldows, but hey, a sec later i have 20 stacks of confusion again...and this keep going till he finally decide to give up to take the point from me...Firebrand is know for being the ultimate counter to condi builds, but what about other prefessions, how to you deal against someone who is able to spam so much condi, its kill before get killed situation? Remenber when they introduced Perplexity runes and everyone on pvp agreed that they would be way to powerfull to be in the game mode...in WvW you could easiely put 10+ condi stacks on someone, and that was OP at the time. Now we talking about mesmer(Mirage) doing +-20 stacks of confusion...what happened? I know, powercreep and all, like firebrand have more group utility on one tome that old bunker guard had in his whole build, but still, I guess is time to Anet to re-evaluate what they want to sPvP be, cause this aint looking good...

> > But going back to Mirage...how do you deal with it? If you dont have Über condi removal you just try for a quick burst and run away if it fail? From my experience, havent seen a single Mirage lose a fight, when they are near to die they just run away and theres little that you can do to prevent that(unless maybe you are thief or something)


> There is **virtually** nothing you can do to kill a good mirage...it's technically speaking...impossible:

> - Sword/torch - Staff

> -They have treated stealth for auto-save mode, stealth utility and stealth weapon skill

> -They have **absolutely broken elite that shows devs bias in all its glory** https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jaunt

> - When they're not stealthed...https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blurred_Frenzy + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Distortion

> - Even if you successfully dodge **sword ambush** multiple times..you'll find yourself on the defensive....**because you can't pressure them back long enough**


> I currently use a soulbeast with all possible condi clear traits available to ranger + jacaranda ( for resistance and f2 condi clear )...I can stall a good mirage for a long time but I won't even come close to kill it, if very low they'll use portal or some other short CD teleport.


> Don't feel bad ....there is really nothing you can do...the spec is stupid to fight


Jaunt broken? What? :D Just another sign how clueless people are about classes they don't play. You either use it for condi stacking, which is dumb in 95% of the cases, or as a very short blink, which is very useful tool for mobility. How is that overpowered as an elite?


As these 2 traits are entirely different mechanics (disengage and condi stacking), this is what you have depending on the situation:

- an 1350 range blink with 3 casts and 20 sec recharge

- 9 stacks of confusion with 3 casts and 20 sec recharge.


You also have 1 (!) condi removal per count. In the current meta where there are 5 condis applied every second. Not even worth talking about. Then you have Self Deception trait which is rather useless because there are better alternatives in the same traitline (and a bit clunky as well)


Please, again, elaborate, how is that overpowered?


I even remember seeing tons of posts in Mirage thread about how useless Jaunt is, especially at PoF launch.


There are multiple things you could complain about when it comes to Mirage, but Jaunt is DEFINITELY not one of them.


FYI: with Soulbeast you are very likely to die to a Mirage anyway, it's not built to handle the amount of condis the current meta carries. Druid is the only build as a ranger currently to properly run in sPVP

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"90% evade uptime" - lol


Now on a serious note ; axe can stack confusion like hell pretty fast with producing a lot of clones with axe 2, and then use axe with a jaunt shatter combo. That beeing said axe 2 is easx interruptable, which will kill the flow of the mesmer ; go for it. Axe 3 can be dodged pretty easy since it won't neccessarily follow movement. Dont trigger scepter 2 or sword 4 blocks ; they deal a lot of damage + produce a clone - Use unblockables if u can.


Reacht to the mesmers Weapon set ; is he using sword AND axe as Main - Hand weapons? - U "can" kite him after he used jaunts + blink/illusionary ambush.


Use CC in short periods - force the mirage to use a dodge for elusive Mind, just to reapply the CC again - he has to use second dodge or another stunbreak(Blink) - This will leave him vunerable to big damage Hits.



Don't use skills if u cant clean the Confusion - what's better ; stop dealing damage for 3 seconds or die ?

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lighning rod weaver should be able to win this .... You can win if you do passive damage (e.g. retaliation, fire aura, shock aura + rod) and have burst capability and cleave also hepls. For the burst you need to be experienced fighting clones and distortion. It´s a challenging fight and i can´t do it in relaxe mode .. It needs concentration. sigh .. I often die to prolonged confusion spam running out of cleanses when the mesmer decides to hunt me down when i disengage.



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I found core d/p works ok vs them. I use signet of agility, improv for double plasma (= double resistance), SE trait for condi removal in stealth, shadowstep for more condi removal when needed, withdraw for torment (although scourge is main reason for it) = all in all condi removal build, which is basically a must since HoT was introduced. However no cleanses in world going to help you if you use them right away, i would wait a bit for more stacks without attacking and then cleanse them.


It does help to have stealth on steal so it stops mirage from attacking for a while even if they stun you.


Mirage is more obnoxious than anything else probably due to stunbreaks/evades etc. But if you camp stealth (with SE), you can beat them on thief, just takes bit of time.


Not saying thief should be dueling anything in pvp match but sometimes you have no choice (e.g. tranquility when it is only you and mes and your team has no eyes apparently).


I can't tell you how to kill mirage on war tho, not my main, sry.

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Mirage is incredibly hard to counterplay. All of their bursts are essentially instant casts with no animations; their dodges are hard to keep track off; they blind 24/7 and they can en- and disengage pretty safely. Fighting a mirage is all about predictions and making them waste/miss their bursts, which - as you pointed out - might take a while, since they can burst rather often. Then again, predicting mirage bursts is kinda obnoxious, since they can bait your defensives just as easily. Its a mindgame really.

I have played mirage exclusively since PoF and I myself find it awkward to fight other mirages as well.

Apart from classes that have access to a bazillion cleanses (namely guard and druid) mirage can comfortably 1v1 anything really.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Jaunt broken? What? :D Just another sign how clueless people are about classes they don't play. You either use it for condi stacking, which is kitten in 95% of the cases, or as a very short blink, which is very useful tool for mobility. How is that overpowered as an elite?


> As these 2 traits are entirely different mechanics (disengage and condi stacking), this is what you have depending on the situation:

> - an 1350 range blink with 3 casts and 20 sec recharge

> - 9 stacks of confusion with 3 casts and 20 sec recharge.


> You also have 1 (!) condi removal per count. In the current meta where there are 5 condis applied every second. Not even worth talking about. Then you have Self Deception trait which is rather useless because there are better alternatives in the same traitline (and a bit clunky as well)


> Please, again, elaborate, how is that overpowered?


> I even remember seeing tons of posts in Mirage thread about how useless Jaunt is, especially at PoF launch.


> There are multiple things you could complain about when it comes to Mirage, but Jaunt is DEFINITELY not one of them.


> FYI: with Soulbeast you are very likely to die to a Mirage anyway, it's not built to handle the amount of condis the current meta carries. Druid is the only build as a ranger currently to properly run in sPVP


Primarily because one of the big balancing factors of mesmer has always been its lack of in-combat mobility. Jaunt+sword ambush covers this weakness far too well - especially when Elusive Mind already covers another big weakness of core mesmer (hard CC). It's not so much Jaunt in isolation, but the combination of mobility+stealth+stunbreaks+evade/invuln frames.

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