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Guild Halls too expensive and where's the value?

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I'm a gl for a very small guild and we've been busting our tails trying to get this guild hall built but so far I'm not seeing how any of this has been an improvement for the guild system. The upgrades are ridiculously expensive unless you have a large guild with TONS of resources to just pour in or you don't want to do anything BUT farm resources to boost the upgrades. So far the concept of the guild hall has been highly anticipated but as a small guild we are not gaining any benefits.. Buffs can now only be used if you buy then drink a potion whereas the ENTIRE guild got them just for repping, banners are nearly a gold each to craft if you gotta buy mats to make them THEN you have to produce them in the assembler? It's looking like commendations are much cheaper to acquire banners for the guild now and much less work.. And from what I'm seeing we're never going to get crafting stations or access to a personal bank without having to use the scribing station? What is this mess... Why am I wasting materials and time of my own and the guilds to build this? I was hoping for something that would make being in a guild more interesting.. not be more work than it's worth.. Can anyone from Anet explain why this has been pushed out in this format? Why does it take 220 PVP potions to build 4 upgrades - we have 3 people who pvp AT ALL, and 3 of those don't even LIKE the pvp system now so that's going to take us years to get.. Why is most of the stuff for scribing account bound? Could have at least had the decency to let those of us who don't have thousands of gold worth of mats lying around to be able to buy parts we need for important things that we USED to be able to get easily as a small guild and are now impossible. Bottom line is - I hate the guild halls.. They're pretty that's about it. Why would you guys do this to us?

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> I don't get the complaint ... if you and your guildies don't feel the cost justifies the end result ... just ignore it. You don't need a GH.


The point is they USED to get the advantages of the guild hall, but since the changes, those benefits are out of reach. I completely sympathize with them. I've effectively solo-leveled our guild hall from somewhere in the mid-teens to level 37. I'm the only one that has ever pvp'ed for any of those damn potions, and I passionately HATE pvp. It's why I'm still sitting at 18 of the 20 required for some upgrade or another.

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The thing that bothers me I think the most is that I am in a three guild... guild, so we could claim all three halls. I have windswept haven but it’s nowhere near as extravagant as lost precipice or guilded hollow but the same price to upgrade. Which is my choice, but it would be nice if windswept would get another pass at design or something added to it and the boundaries loosened a bit.


But yes, they are incredibly expensive without any tea incentive to be visited since they got rid of their guild dev team and apparently decided to abandon the concept all together.

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Guild halls were a gold sink.... decorations for the guild hall is a gold sink..... Scribing is a gold sink to facilitate the GH gold sink, but was assigned enough useful recipes to make it attractive on a individual level (thus sinking gold so a few guild Scribes can produce Sigils/Runes as desired). Its a large, expensive project for large guilds.... and purposely setup to make sure any guild willing to undertake it has incentive to run the full course.


"YOU" think you got shafted by the Cost? Just convey to any WvW guild (that doesn't have a PvE segment) how disappointed you are in not having passive buffs, and compare that to the relative necessity of Capture Claims, Aura upgrades, Siege Crafting, and Tactics production, all tied to guild hall levels, used by WvW guilds on a day to day basis. Thats an actual, and very serious problem when your Server is few on WvW guilds; needing at least 3 with Maxed out guilds in order to maintain claims on Garrisons, Keeps and/or Stone Mist on each map (which is a requirement for defensive tactics), plus enough low to mid level guilds capable of claiming towers and camps so you can throw tactics on them later. The only reason this system hasn't spiraled out of control is Claiming unlocking tactic slots, but allowing anyone to place them..... if those were limited to claiming guilds only, small-med guilds would be incapable of contributing to the PPT game beyond their man power.

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I like the concept of guildhalls, but that's just it. They don't work by design because nobody in their right mind would ever think of donating their hard earned goods when they could simply pawn it for gold or use it for their leggys. This is especially true for scribes - why would anyone ever pay someone else to learn a skill? This means the cost of the guildhall is usually derived from whales and credit cards, with only a small portion of the guild donating actual time into the build.


Perhaps there are exceptions, and if there are, please send me a guild invite.


As to all the people who say, "if you can't afford it, don't have it", I say bah humbug. The content already exists, and I think guildhalls can and should be used for cool interior designs, not for dick measuring contests.

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My problem, with guild halls has always been .. its a one size fits all thing and completely ignores the size of guild .

Add to that the halls I find to be hard to layout visually because

1 - the crafting costs to scribe can be pretty daunting for smaller guilds which means you cant really plan very efficiently.

2 - Scribing various recipes is gated based on hall progression and/ or event schedules (SAB, Halloween, Wintersday etc) mean scribing can take a long time to get to max level and still find you cant obtain the certain materials because they become unavailable from the trader or trading post


Not everyone want to be part of a fortune 500 guild but it would be a nice addition to allow open viewing of other guilds halls.. something like the SWTOR guild Hall viewer system.. if you don't want to list yours for open viewing then you can opt out, but it does help players get their creative juices flowing and help plan goals for the guild hall.

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Small guild here as well, at least we were small when we claimed the guildhall and built most of the upgrades. While the guild itself revolved arround 100 members, we were ~ 6-10 who actually cared.


- Stuff that matters for normal people: buffs maxed out, vendor, repair anvil and bank access via scribe.

- Stuff most of the people do not care at all: decorations, arena, warroom, waypoint costs, speed inside the guildhall, scribing, mining, guild portal

- Stuff that would be nice (QOL) but seems to come never: TP access, real bank access, crafting stations, larger instances,


In the beginning, we were a few guys who farmed flax and donated materials. Each of us had a special interest and access to some hard to get materials. We looked on the upgrades and decided together, which we aim for next. Then we contributed the materials. Some stuff took weeks, others were completed instantly.


The following things ruined all of our motivation (every time):

- built arena tier 1, cannot enter because tier 1 just grants you a view on the rubble and an npc teasing you how cool a personal arena is

- built tavern buffs, realizing we have to unlock the pointless ones as well, to outmax the effects

- warroom's only purpose is for WvWvW and scribing

- mining only exists to slow down the upgrade/build-progress and to drain more gold/materials

- nearly every unlocked vendor sells junk, and the useful stuff is overpriced

- the guild portal only teleports to places you have already been to, or locations of guildmissions - but only real waypoints.

- festive/season decoration is expensive and requires scribe 400 in most cases

- fractal decorations, like the holodancers, simply ask you to farm fractals daily and throw every relic you get into the guildhall


What kept us going?

Some of us love decorating the guildhall, although the majority of the guild will never notice/care. I enjoy creating JPs and building stuff as well. The tavern buffs were a great motivation. Especially when ANet kindly decided to lock the Gift of Battle behind a reward track. Many people in the guild were quite frustrated and angry. So we built up the WvWvW tavern boost in no time. Getting the Gift is still tedious, but a lot easier with the buff. Every unlocked buff boosted the % effect.


When new members join, we always give a tour through the guildhall. Explaining the vendors and where to do what. The scribe bank-feature is annoying, but people get used to it. And we decorated the scribe station in a special way, so it feels less awkward. The gathering nodes were a huge motivation. Getting them done was difficult and we still have the leather not outmaxed, thanks to ANets leather-strategy. Many people do ignore the nodes, because of /efficiency. When we get Heart of Maguuma gathering dailies, we always refer to the guildhall nodes in the MoTD.


It is not much, but looking on the level and how beautiful the guildhall is today. It is a proof to us, that you can do a lot if you stick together and work together, even as a small team. We are looking forward to some cool decorations and hopefully even some better upgrades. On the other hand, we have the same old guildmissions since Heart of Thorns, which is a nice reminder how much ANet themselves care about the guild topic.


Behind the rainbow-curtain

Once in a while, we think and discuss about all the money we have put into the guildhall so far. We could have crafted several legendary weapons until now. I started with the Juggernaut a year ago and sacrificed my gift of magic for Uzolan's Orchestra, which draws me back half a year. But the music is just awesome and creates a wonderful atmosphere in the guildhall. One of the plans I still have on my list, outmaxing the waypoint upgrades. This requires PvP potions. I do not PvP. None of our guildmembers is willing to put a single potion in, so I have to start with that annoying part of the game sooner or later. Would be boring, if all the good upgrades were easy to aquisition, eh? ^^





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Guild halls are pretty useless. They are a nice thing to decorate which is fun but the price of doing so Is way too high.


Also people saying don't complain about it and that you don't need it is nonsense. We payed for the game and they made a huge chunk of content that is not accessible to most players. So hopefully complaining will get them to change it.

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