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Suggestion: CGI Trailers

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> @Cynn.1659 said:

> Well this one right here is to blame for the "glorious" trailers we are getting now.


> It got bashed so hard, that they don't want to do any non in game trailers any more.


Oh lord, I totally forgot this existed. One of the biggest "What the-" moments I've ever experienced.


90% not related to GW2 and then that major spoiler, revealing the look of Zaithan which had only been seen in concept art up until that point.


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It's not so simple. FFXIV team lead said couple of years ago that for their trailers they have dedicated person to work on them and each take year to make.

Look for Heavensward trailer, that took over year to make. Year of salary and bonuses for one person, think how much it adds in the end

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The overall presentation of GW2 goes hand-in-hand with their game. I never watch game trailers, it's an illusion basically, well-crafted, scriptes and pre-rendered fakes. I really despise that, just as much as the Arizona Ice Tea with Honey, and when you look at the bottle, it says "honey: 1.2%" or the yogurt with plenty of strawberries printed on: "4% strawberries; strawberry flavour".


No. The game advertises itself for example with great splatter art, the game itself is full of splatter art, the menus are splatter art. That's what I like. FF14's menus look like the MS-DOS 5 graphical shell in grey, but has shiny, very unrealistic and childish CGI renders. The overall flash cutscenes in GW2, the "painted ones" as some called it in the thread, was something I found honest and very tasteful. Mature somehow, not to be flashy so kids fall for it, but more WYSIWYG attitude for mature gamers.



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I remember way back people were wondering why GW2 didn't have a "proper" trailer, and I'm pretty sure in either a dev video or on the forums a dev said that they wanted the game to speak for itself. What you saw is what you got. And that's something I personally appreciate.


CGI trailers can be nice and they can make you want to play the game, but also no small amount of games have made really great trailers for a game that had a fraction of the graphics. They're useful for telling a story but not so much for showing people the game. The density of models and animations and water/hair/particles will always be way beyond what the game engine is capable of, and like what happened in GW1, people will wonder why certain classes can't do or use something that was shown in the trailer. And after a point, it gets tiring seeing CGI trailers for games and having to look around for what in-game graphics are like. At this point even cell phone games tend to have good (or at least decent) ads and trailers but the actual game graphics are worse than a mid-90s RTS.


Plus there's the issue of cost. Anet is not a big studio and they would need to spend a lot of time and money working on all the parts that go into a CGI trailer. And since they would have to start so far in advance, it's quite possible that some of the stuff in the trailer gets cut but there's no time to fix it all before release date. Even Blizzard has fallen victim to this (Dance Studio, anyone? Granted that was box art and not a trailer), and they get millions a month just from WoW subs alone. I'd rather we get content we can play instead of funneling resources into a trailer that will be relevant for a few months at most.

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Honestly who looks up trailers as a desicion to buy a game? I don’t. The game is free so they can play the game before buying the Expac. Looking at a trailer is to look up the game not a desicion to buy.


The desicion that makes people buy is usually reviews. And demoing. But trailers don’t make me buy anything. Not even movies.

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I appreciate ArenaNet making specifically trailers from what you see in-game, but there's a certain aspect to CGI trailers like what we had in GW1 that really boosts your imagination for what you're seeing in game, and makes you excited for what you are about to partake in. Part of me misses those. Those are still videos that I enjoy going back to viewing every once in a while.

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there's a lot of games that have made way better trailers using in-game footage with probably a lot less earnings. take path of exile for example, or warframe for that matter. I love GW2 trailers (but as a player already) however if I was a new player looking for GW2 trailers and promotional videos, I would not bat an eye or even pay attention to trailers that Anet releases.

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  • 8 months later...

Huh? cant believe there are people that wouldn't want cinematics, like why would they worry about the company's monetary budget?


Of course I want cinematics or any type of media/content about GW2, i'm grateful for what we have right now tho.





LoL make some cinematics now and then, I like to think of them more as a sweet treat for actual players.

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