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What are your likes and dislikes of Daybreak? (*spoilers*)


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Updates to the Currency Wallet - nice to clear some more space from my inventory and bank

Astralarium is my favorite location in GW 2 ever. It's beautifully designed. I love the astronomy theme and collection of books and lore. It's detailed and of course, the views from atop its telescope are the best.

The new map is gorgeous and I love that there are more areas of water and ocean environments. The night and day skies are incredible.

The saved last progress in story instances. - I think this was added previously but it helped me on this one.

Seeing Aurene again and now she's older and still helping us.

Dervish and Paragon NPC's! - Now, this was interesting to see because I thought they wouldn't allude to this any more than in lore and through the Reaper and Dragon Hunter specs, but it was so nice to see NPC's with those names and abilities.

The dialogue and info from the Elonians. - The voice acting is so good from these NPC's, it feels like I'm in a movie. They give a lot of good lore making me want to read and hear everything they have to say.

Seeing Koss again!

Rox with us again. I like her character and she needs more story and more time with the commander.

The pacing of this episode was perfect. It moved along quickly and yet there was so much content in this episode. Overall it was very satisfying and well worth the wait.

A lot of action and dialogue. The battles were exciting.

There was a lot of different sequences and tasks, but none of them felt like they dragged on too long. It was all very well balanced.

This is a great start to a new season and I'm even more excited now to see what comes next.





Braham's return - I cannot tell you how much this character brings the story and experience down for me when he's around. Everything about his character including the story dedicated to him is irritating. I'd be more satisfied to see him killed off than to see him do anything beneficial for us. He's a terrible character and a bad representation of the Norn. I didn't like him even from the beginning and I feel that Rytlock fills every role they are trying to achieve with Braham, including that of an older-brother/friend to Taimi. There just isn't a need for Braham's character and the longer he is around the more the story is dragged down IMO.


Taimi's crying, pleading, and depressive tone. Her character has usually been upbeat except when she's in danger, but I think her polarizing personality is exaggerated too much sometimes. She's either over-the-top comedic and sassy or extremely weepy and blubbery. In this episode in particular, it feels like her character was made even weepier and desperate to invoke sympathy from those who think she is too vivacious. Whatever the intention, it came off too strong for me and too stretched from her usual personality that is likable to me.


**Overall score 9/10** Another satisfying episode :) Thank you Arena Net!

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- they added a new battle tonic


- they turned keys into a currency


- they're continuing to give us teleport scrolls





- the new map being secnificantly less interesting then the S3 maps


- the new map suffering from PoF syndrome


- no new LVS4 ascended gear (at least none I'm aware of)


- they added a new LVS4 portal foliant instead of expanding on the old one


- not getting an Aurene griffon skin despite her being a griffon reskin


**Overall score 4/10**; it's generally a letdown

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* Story

* New Map

* New Sigil (Cele stack sigil)

* The leg. Focus



* To many knockdowns Why do have trash mobs a 5 sec Knockdown when there are so many around?

* The Wyvern and Taimi Boss fight.

* The fact that the Leg. Ring is Raid locked.

* What Joko did to Kamadan (Damn you Joko ! )

* Very low Ap

* To many Scourge like enemys in the story ( heavy anti melee)

* Many enemies have to much hp ( im a power warrior and it feels like i do no dmg whatsoever)


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-Story was good overall

-New map feels like it has more events to do than all of the PoF maps combined!

-Map design is generally quite nice, like the area with the ships.

-All of the QoL changes added with the update (many thanks Anet!!)



-Some boss fights were a bit tedious, not so much difficult, they just seemed to drag on a bit.

-The mob density in the new map seems insane, hard to find anywhere to stop to sort inventory, check stuff, mount up, or reply to chats etc.


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I actually liked Brahm in this chapter - his character has remained consistant, and I don't have to like him for him to be a likeable character. Not every character should see eye to eye with the Pact Commander, and I think a lot of people hate him simply because he won't fall in line (notice how Jory recieved the same treatment after she ditched us for Lazarus back in LS3?) I can't wait to see where Brahm goes in this season, and what part he'll take in the next expansion.


As for the chapter itself... I love it. The scenery is fun, the pirates are cool, the hostile town is also cool (there's a bounty on our heads, and of course the nobles are going to hunt us for the glory of joko!). I LOVED the story especially, and the jailbreak was AWESOME. I'm not entirely sure why the jailers didn't confiscate my Touch of Madness, but hey, I wouldn't want to touch a burning arm either.


And the ending with Taimi... was done particuarly well! I was uncertain about Taimi's fate right until the end, which is unusual, since I can usually spot plot armour from a mile away. The boss fight had some tedius mechanics (like the swipers that pulled you along regardless of stability), but still held an air of suspense.



The liberal use of cc+mob spam (Awakened Inquest were THE WORST!), where you just kind of have to retreat and funnel them behind corners. One of the Sunspears mention offhandedly that the Spearmarshal felled 50 awakened that came to fell him while we fought Balthazaar... and I couldn't help but supress a giggle and think... "ONLY 50? Oh man, joko must be strapped for troops nowadays from all the troops he's losing by sending them my way..."


Another thing I noticed was that my power builds take a LONG time to kill ANYTHING! My Condi Firebrand had a much easier time of the starting instance than my Spellbreaker (Berserker/Strength) Warrior or (Berserker/Scholars) Herald. Since the majority of my builds are power based, I fear I may come to dread repeated playthroughs.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> Likes:

> I actually liked Brahm in this chapter - his character has remained consistant, and I don't have to like him for him to be a likeable character. Not every character should see eye to eye with the Pact Commander, and I think a lot of people hate him simply because he won't fall in line (notice how Jory recieved the same treatment after she ditched us for Lazarus back in LS3?) I can't wait to see where Brahm goes in this season, and what part he'll take in the next expansion.


It's not about him disagreeing with the commander. That's a great element that's necessary and interesting in the group. The problem is that they wanted to make Braham a resentful, young Norn with attitude and they exaggerated that caricature to an unbearable level. You can have a character that conflicts with the group and still have them be a likable character that actually makes you question the Commander as well. Every time Braham opens his mouth I just want it to close. He doesn't offer anything insightful or helpful, just whining and complaining. Aurene lost her mother and brother, battled a god, and just became an angsty teen and you don't see her whinging to the Commander.


I'm glad you enjoy Braham. I really want to as well, but for me he hasn't been designed or developed well.



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> @Cyrin.1035 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > Likes:

> > I actually liked Brahm in this chapter - his character has remained consistant, and I don't have to like him for him to be a likeable character. Not every character should see eye to eye with the Pact Commander, and I think a lot of people hate him simply because he won't fall in line (notice how Jory recieved the same treatment after she ditched us for Lazarus back in LS3?) I can't wait to see where Brahm goes in this season, and what part he'll take in the next expansion.


> It's not about him disagreeing with the commander. That's a great element that's necessary and interesting in the group. The problem is that they wanted to make Braham a resentful, young Norn with attitude and they exaggerated that caricature to an unbearable level. You can have a character that conflicts with the group and still have them be a likable character that actually makes you question the Commander as well. Every time Braham opens his mouth I just want it to close. He doesn't offer anything insightful or helpful, just whining and complaining. Aurene lost her mother and brother, battled a god, and just became an angsty teen and you don't see her whinging to the Commander.


> I'm glad you enjoy Braham. I really want to as well, but for me he hasn't been designed or developed well.


Aurene has... different circumstances. Plus, if you look at Vlasts recordings, it could be entirely possible she's too young to make up her own mind about all of this. Vlast has had centuries to process his role in things and ended up an emo kid, while Aurine has had months. Everything she does is guided by the teachings of the Exalted, not her own experiences of the world. She is more like a child following instructions than an adult following their gut.


Brahm, on the other hand, has had outside experiences... and those experiences lead him to idolise us as the person his mother allowed into her legend, her guild. By not continuing Destiny's Edge, I think he thinks that we're forgetting his mothers legend to claim her glory for our own. Killing the dragons was to be her legend, which was tragically ended short. Somehow, over the timeskip, Brahm began to shift his frustrations and resentment onto us because we are his goal, his end game. He wants to be us, a person with a tale his late mother would respect, but circumstances say he can't be. That is why he's so frustrated.


If you interpret what is there in this way, I think Brahm becomes a somewhat complex character. Moreso than Rox, at least, who is as bland as cardboard. (RYTLOCK-SENPAI, NOTICE ME!)


I personally think Brahm represents everything a norn should - an individual with a deep sense of love for his comrades (which leads to foolhardy behaviour), and the mettle to pursue his legend. His flaw, as I see it, is that he's chasing someone elses legend rather than creating his own.

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Likes (so far):

The writing, though I'm not done with the story yet, feels better in tone. We'll see if this episode suffers from the usual issues, or if some would-have-been-important character gets fridged again.

The new map feels kinda large. That's kind of a good thing? I only got about 25% done last night. Lots of mount swapping.

...Is it odd that's about the only thing so far I can feel optimistic about? I was more hyped by the QoL improvements than Living Story itself.



*Whatever passes for combat encounter design in GW2 continues to be a nuisance.* The wyvern+adds chain stunning is insurmountable, even with stun breaks/stability. The Warden from the meta has highly frequent periods where she just long-jumps/evades everything, and it's not worth chasing her, so I just ... stand there. The game does not want me to *play* it, and that's not my first time thinking this.

Purple everywhere. Highlighted by trying to find a semi-translucent purple thing in a giant purple bubble while purple rained down from the sky... HoT made me a little sick of green, and now Season 4 is going to do that with purple. Some sort of call-out or marker would've made that first mission so much more tolerable.


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* New map metas are fun and appropriately rewarding

* New bounty boards (figured they were coming, but really glad to actually see them)

* Story is interesting and fun (ending was just emotional enough to matter)

* New fractal feels different than past fractals

* Rytlock basically tells Braham to stop whining (subtle moment, but it is there)

* Easier to acquire gear with new stats through fractal vendors

* New focus skin is among the best looking weapons ever put in the game



* New focus skin is among the best looking weapons ever put in the game (now I have to spend hours getting it :) )

* Only one new guild hall decoration - and the price is a little ridiculous

* Still really want new guild content in some of these new maps


Overall, this is a really good update. I can't wait to organize guild runs of the new metas and bounties this weekend.

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> @Cyrin.1035 said:


> Taimi's crying, pleading, and depressive tone. Her character has usually been upbeat except when she's in danger, but I think her polarizing personality is exaggerated too much sometimes. She's either over-the-top comedic and sassy or extremely weepy and blubbery. In this episode in particular, it feels like her character was made even weepier and desperate to invoke sympathy from those who think she is too vivacious. Whatever the intention, it came off too strong for me and too stretched from her usual personality that is likable to me.


> **Overall score 9/10** Another satisfying episode :) Thank you Arena Net!


I happened to be passing by and saw this so just wanted to add a small comment. Do I agree Taimi was more terrified and upset this time around? Yes. But there's pieces to that I feel should be noted. Keep in mind that genius though she is, she's also basically a child still. And this child got captured by Joko, an immortal lich who has her close friend the commander listed essentially as public enemy number one. As stated before Taimi is a genius, and she's seen what goes on in Elona. Can you imagine how terrifying it must've been? Knowing that the most likely scenario, as Rytlock says, was that she would be tortured, killed, and then risen and then all her knowledge about technology, about dragons, about Tyria and her friends would be used on the very people she'd worked so hard to protect? Considering what happened in the scene with Scruffy and her trying to calm down and think of a solution I honestly think she did incredibly well with all the pressure she was and had been under and I feel the presence of Abraham and the Commander finally gave her some comfort.

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* Beautiful settings, the map design in POF is really well done!

* The voice acting. I know I may be in a minority of adoring Taimi but her scared little voice in the last act was breaking my heart!




* The lack of loot. A bit of karma and some salvageables just seem kind of meh. I'm not saying I want a free legendary weapon but it just seemed a bit lacking.

* Joko. I know, this is a biggie and maybe it's because I barely played GW1 but currently as a villain he just isn't doing it for me. We have barely interacted, just a few puns and a "you will rue the day!" monologue. I was kind of hoping the speculations would be right and he would stay in his little cage leaving room for someone bigger to take over.

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1. Story

2. Map



1. "Short" story.

2. "Small" map.

3. Last boss fight being too long and too easy.

4. No mount skins (or gliders, armors, weapon sets, etc) as in game rewards.


**Overall score 1/10** Basically it went as I expected. No skins (I don't count tonics and mini's), especially no mount skins, as in game rewards in order to keep me in the map. The main and sole reason to be in the new map is the story which was obviously going to be short. My expectations were low and Anet delivered exactly what I expected from them. :/

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> Purple everywhere. Highlighted by trying to find a semi-translucent purple thing in a giant purple bubble while purple rained down from the sky... HoT made me a little sick of green, and now Season 4 is going to do that with purple. Some sort of call-out or marker would've made that first mission so much more tolerable.


It did not take long in the first instance to figure out to destroy the crystals ... they are these big purple things, got it.


In a purple bubble with other purple things over a purple background with purple streaks in it. Oh, and not to forget other purple stuff in the scenery if it was too easy to spot them. So who at anet finds eyestrain fun?



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  • ArenaNet Staff



I apologize for not starting an official LWS4E1 feedback thread yesterday, but there's one live now. If you can self-edit to a brief synopsis of your impressions and feedback we'd love to read it. Here's the link: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18350/feedback-official-living-world-season-4-episode-1-feedback


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