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What's the deal with the fugly Astralarium stairs??


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I wish I had never seen this thread...the stairs do look off and the more often I go there and look at them the more off they look. Don't get me wrong, it's a tiny thing, but the stairs actually do look like someone slapped them together like "30min 'till deadline...crap, I forgot the stairs...better hurry now"...

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I wish I had never seen this thread...the stairs do look off and the more often I go there and look at them the more off they look. Don't get me wrong, it's a tiny thing, but the stairs actually do look like someone slapped them together like "30min 'till deadline...crap, I forgot the stairs...better hurry now"...


They sure look like trying to reach deadline...

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Yes, its ugly as hell,

> But is it worth icreasing your blood pressure ver? Doubt it. Looks to me like it was a rushed job there, maybe they had some last minute redesigns, I dunno. But I rather they focus on chapter 2 to not have these things as well

If you're not going to do it right, don't do it at all. They might as well just put a bunch of rectangles in places and have a texture that reads "lol imagine a house"


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> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Yes, its ugly as hell,

> > But is it worth icreasing your blood pressure ver? Doubt it. Looks to me like it was a rushed job there, maybe they had some last minute redesigns, I dunno. But I rather they focus on chapter 2 to not have these things as well

> If you're not going to do it right, don't do it at all. They might as well just put a bunch of rectangles in places and have a texture that reads "lol imagine a house"



well.. that seems like a bit of an overreaction :/

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> @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> I'm surprised they don't have a tool that can easily place assets along a defined path.


Don't even need one. It's not hard in a 3d program to simply know how tall you've made the thing in the first place and just geographically set each piece up that elevation.

Example would be to make it an rounded number of you have stairs that's 25x25. You would then know the next one will have to start at y:50 third at 75 then 100 and so on.

If you're doing an 30 angle rotation/spiral up you would move it 30 60 90 and so on each rotation. If you know the radius of the spiral you start moving it around the x and z axis that it will be placed.

You do this over and over until you get to the height you want.


It's really not hard. The way it seems from the images is that they did them manually and a really bad job at it. Even with the stretched textures as it seems like they had to quickly rush and some problem occurred during the building and didn't have time to fix so they just dragged one vertices to the other end and completed the polygon... hoping no one will notice as they didn't have much time to map the UV due to some schedule/deadline/etc.


Yes it's a halfbraham job, but as I've said in an earlier post. I've seen just as bad (if not worse) out in a lot of other areas in the game.

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Everyone stop for a moment. Every single staircase in the Astralarium is made this way...what does that tell you? Don't be stupid and say the designer was lazy, it tells me that's exactly the design they were going for...and I'll repeat, go to the third floor and follow the stairs up to the 4th floor, there is no gap between the stairs and the walls, it is be design, if you don't like a little abstract architecture then you'd be living in a boring world.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Everyone stop for a moment. Every single staircase in the Astralarium is made this way...what does that tell you? Don't be stupid and say the designer was lazy, it tells me that's exactly the design they were going for...and I'll repeat, go to the third floor and follow the stairs up to the 4th floor, there is no gap between the stairs and the walls, it is be design, if you don't like a little abstract architecture then you'd be living in a boring world.


Go have a look with a critical eye; it's actually pretty bad. The stair-system and some platforms have a very tacked on feel to them. Many are not square/parallel, not level, the texture of them is different, there are obvious clipping issues in places. The stair and platform sections over the water canal areas are a prime example of this; they're very badly done.


Now, they have done _some_ stairs correctly, and in keeping with the building's style (mainly the lowest level ones), have a look at those and compare them to the others. It's quite marked.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Everyone stop for a moment. Every single staircase in the Astralarium is made this way...what does that tell you? Don't be stupid and say the designer was lazy, it tells me that's exactly the design they were going for...and I'll repeat, go to the third floor and follow the stairs up to the 4th floor, there is no gap between the stairs and the walls, it is be design, if you don't like a little abstract architecture then you'd be living in a boring world.


Yeah because it's hard to do it once badly done and then just drag and copy their mess and paste it to the other spots?

If you didn't have time for one area, why would the others be any better? They would be exactly the same. You won't sit and do each one manually. That's insanity.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Yes, its ugly as hell,

> But is it worth icreasing your blood pressure ver? Doubt it. Looks to me like it was a rushed job there, maybe they had some last minute redesigns, I dunno. But I rather they focus on chapter 2 to not have these things as well


They are supposed to be pros.

This is "not so talented player in home instance builder" level of design.


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> If there is any issue with the Astralarium I think the telescope is a bigger issue.


What, the one on the roof? Just because it's nicely centered so that you have to be standing on air to actually look through the eyepiece? Pfff, no pleasing some people.


I have more issues with the lack of safety railings on the stairs than the way they look.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > If there is any issue with the Astralarium I think the telescope is a bigger issue.


> What, the one on the roof? Just because it's nicely centered so that you have to be standing on air to actually look through the eyepiece? Pfff, no pleasing some people.


> I have more issues with the lack of safety railings on the stairs than the way they look.


I was wondering how the light beam from the mirrors is supposed to enter it.

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