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What's the deal with the fugly Astralarium stairs??


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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > the 2 posters above me....

> >

> > You guys are joking right? Unplayable? really?


> Yes, in fact I was joking. Next time I'll remember to put a **/s** tag at the end since apparently "context clues" are a lost art. **/s**


It's hard *reading* sarcasm in a forum filled with people genuinely ready to quit at a pin drop.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > the 2 posters above me....

> > >

> > > You guys are joking right? Unplayable? really?

> >

> > Yes, in fact I was joking. Next time I'll remember to put a **/s** tag at the end since apparently "context clues" are a lost art. **/s**


> It's hard *reading* sarcasm in a forum filled with people genuinely ready to quit at a pin drop.


So the use of the "Literally Unplayable" meme, which is by its very nature extremely sarcastic, or the fact that I mentioned that the stairs aren't even useful or necessary because I skip them with mounts DIRECTLY before it were not enough of a tipoff? Like I said... context clues.


Apparently for the benefit of the forums: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/literally-unplayable

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99.999% sure these are just filler assets that never got replaced.


For those who don't know, in game design, maps are designed using basically junk parts until the designer's are happy with the layout. Only then do the artists go through and replace the junk parts with parts designed to fit the aesthetic. To do it any other way is about a hundred times more work for everyone, as the artist's work has to constantly be redone to fit the level designer's changes.


Someone wanted concentric spiral stairs in a symmetrical form, someone else threw these together, the lead signed off on the design, and no one had time to get back to them and do a nicer job.

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To some this might be seen as a minor issue but as someone said one of the best parts of Gw2 are the enviroments. If we are unhappy with something or it feels too sloppy, we need to highlight it. Hopefully it gets fixed; flaws like this can quickly become a slippery slope if it keeps happening in future content.

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Since HoT Anet set priority on quantity over quality, you can see a lot of sloppy design all through LS3, PoF and now LS4. The biggest offenders i think are the buildings - like pyramids with razor sharp edges in Amnoon. All buildings in Elona lack variety and built from a few basic assets and share the same textures - from the Amnoon to Fahranur.

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> @"mbhalo.1547" said:

> Since HoT Anet set priority on quantity over quality, you can see a lot of sloppy design all through LS3, PoF and now LS4. The biggest offenders i think are the buildings - like pyramids with razor sharp edges in Amnoon. All buildings in Elona lack variety and built from a few basic assets and share the same textures - from the Amnoon to Fahranur.


The Elonian architecture being the same across the region makes perfect sense to me. The Norn huts mostly look the same. The Skritt holes mostly look the same. Asuran structures mostly look the same. The architecture across Kryta mostly looks the same. I totally get that and I don't see why the architecture in a region or continent needs to have some completely unique feel between towns. And thinking to the stuff around the maps I feel like the areas in game are pretty unique feeling. The Tomb of Primeval Kings feels different than Amnoon Oasis, which is different from King Joko's bone palace, which feels different than Vabbi, and then the areas in the new map feel unique to some degree. All the little towns and hubs throughout are going to copy assets.


These stairs are just lazy and ugly, and hardly fit some design that the people of Astralarium would be content with having, though.

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> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> For you guys thinking the Astralarium stairs are acceptable...


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/zjL2xwW.jpg "")


> [unsized Image for higher detail of eyes bleeding.](https://i.imgur.com/zjL2xwW.jpg "Unsized Image for higher detail of eyes bleeding.")


Wow, that's pretty sad. Even I can do better with the skyrim creation kit.


Made a vid back in 2015 about DR home instance having some mistakes. DR must have been a nightmare to make. Even so, small static objects really should never be half clipping into other objects.


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> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> For you guys thinking the Astralarium stairs are acceptable...


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/zjL2xwW.jpg "")


> [unsized Image for higher detail of eyes bleeding.](https://i.imgur.com/zjL2xwW.jpg "Unsized Image for higher detail of eyes bleeding.")


If you're going to criticize someone's work, please use proper spelling.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> > For you guys thinking the Astralarium stairs are acceptable...

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/zjL2xwW.jpg "")

> >

> > [unsized Image for higher detail of eyes bleeding.](https://i.imgur.com/zjL2xwW.jpg "Unsized Image for higher detail of eyes bleeding.")


> If you're going to criticize someone's work, please use proper spelling.

Get bent.


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  • 2 months later...

at first i thought everyone here was talking about astralaria and i thought 'wait, does the axe have stairs in it?! why haven't i noticed this?!'


but in reference to the stairs not touching properly, one can find this literally in most games. even the most polished of games have some clipping here or there, and this is especially true of MMO games which have constant updates. does this make the game unplayable? no, because developers like Anet can come in at any time and fix it. is it honestly worth it? no, because they have better things to do than adjusting prop #314561 two inches to the right just because a couple of people went 'REEEEE' about it and threatens to 'not play anymore' if it isn't.


I'm not saying we should ignore all forms of clipping - the charr prominently come to mind when it comes to armor and clothing - but minor things like looking at a set of stairs from below and complaining about it despite looking relatively fine from above seems a bit petty. god forbid if you yourselves should find out what most maps actually look like if terrain is turned off.

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Does it look rushed, fugly and eye-cancerous? Hell yes!

But does it keep me from playing this otherwise great LS episode? Nope.


Just imagine having to place all those gazillion steps yourself! Thinking "I studied on a top tier university for 9 years and now I have to place a gazillion steps in a place where no one will ever take a closer look. But, hey, let's just use blocks of five steps *clickedy click* done! Looks like a mess, but no one will ever notice. Plus, I'm late for lunch!"

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the stairs were made that way to remind the astronomers that they are just tools to be used by the great Palawa Joko. Tools do not need pretty things. Sometimes he might feel generous towards his tools and give them something nice. But that always has to be offset with a reminder that no matter how nice their place is, it is nothing compared to Palawa's residence.

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