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More “paths” to legendary gear...


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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> If you'd asked me in late 2012 for the cause of players deserting the game, I would have said, "PvP was not sufficiently engaging compared to GW2's competition." That's because my guild -- several hundred players -- went from an average of 200+ online every time I looked to myself and maybe 1 other online inside a week. However, that alone is not the reason. Neither is anyone else's pet peeve.


> The observed drop in revenue for GW2 over 5+ years is far more likely to be due to a large number of reasons, rather than a single cause or any subset of causes. Every complaint unaddressed over the years had the potential to bleed players. Given just how many complaints have been left unaddressed (or were addressed too late), the possible causes number in the thousands. Some of those complaints likely caused more player bleed than others, but that does not mean they were the "proximate cause" of the diminishing revenue.


> Over the years, ANet has tried to respond to complaints. They've left a lot of the complaints unaddressed. Maybe they will respond to this one. Maybe not. However, it seems unlikely in the extreme at this late stage that failure to provide access to a single tier of rewards by a greater number of paths is going to be the straw that breaks the pack dolyak's back.


While I agree with you that it's highly unlikely that this will be the coup de grâce. As it seems so inconsequential really, in the greater scheme of things, and how much the game offers.


But, This reminds me of what someone said on another forum, "without a long term goal, the game becomes grind for the sake of grind", which has no staying power, Legendary Items were put in to give players long term goals, and Locking Legendary Armor behind Raids, removes them completely as a long term goal from near 80% (according to Anet 20% of the players raid) of the population.


As you said, there is already a long standing list of burdens and issues that have not be addressed


And... Remember.... it's called a "straw" for a reason.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > If you'd asked me in late 2012 for the cause of players deserting the game, I would have said, "PvP was not sufficiently engaging compared to GW2's competition." That's because my guild -- several hundred players -- went from an average of 200+ online every time I looked to myself and maybe 1 other online inside a week. However, that alone is not the reason. Neither is anyone else's pet peeve.

> >

> > The observed drop in revenue for GW2 over 5+ years is far more likely to be due to a large number of reasons, rather than a single cause or any subset of causes. Every complaint unaddressed over the years had the potential to bleed players. Given just how many complaints have been left unaddressed (or were addressed too late), the possible causes number in the thousands. Some of those complaints likely caused more player bleed than others, but that does not mean they were the "proximate cause" of the diminishing revenue.

> >

> > Over the years, ANet has tried to respond to complaints. They've left a lot of the complaints unaddressed. Maybe they will respond to this one. Maybe not. However, it seems unlikely in the extreme at this late stage that failure to provide access to a single tier of rewards by a greater number of paths is going to be the straw that breaks the pack dolyak's back.


> While I agree with you that it's highly unlikely that this will be the coup de grâce. As it seems so inconsequential really, in the greater scheme of things, and how much the game offers.


> But, This reminds me of what someone said on another forum, "without a long term goal, the game becomes grind for the sake of grind", which has no staying power, Legendary Items were put in to give players long term goals, and Locking Legendary Armor behind Raids, removes them completely as a long term goal from near 80% (according to Anet 20% of the players raid) of the population.


> As you said, there is already a long standing list of burdens and issues that have not be addressed


> And... Remember.... it's called a "straw" for a reason.


Good news then that its not only behind raids they 80% can go wvw or spvp for their legendary armor.

Just got to 300wvw level myself so still a long way for me to go but getting there.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > If you'd asked me in late 2012 for the cause of players deserting the game, I would have said, "PvP was not sufficiently engaging compared to GW2's competition." That's because my guild -- several hundred players -- went from an average of 200+ online every time I looked to myself and maybe 1 other online inside a week. However, that alone is not the reason. Neither is anyone else's pet peeve.

> > >

> > > The observed drop in revenue for GW2 over 5+ years is far more likely to be due to a large number of reasons, rather than a single cause or any subset of causes. Every complaint unaddressed over the years had the potential to bleed players. Given just how many complaints have been left unaddressed (or were addressed too late), the possible causes number in the thousands. Some of those complaints likely caused more player bleed than others, but that does not mean they were the "proximate cause" of the diminishing revenue.

> > >

> > > Over the years, ANet has tried to respond to complaints. They've left a lot of the complaints unaddressed. Maybe they will respond to this one. Maybe not. However, it seems unlikely in the extreme at this late stage that failure to provide access to a single tier of rewards by a greater number of paths is going to be the straw that breaks the pack dolyak's back.

> >

> > While I agree with you that it's highly unlikely that this will be the coup de grâce. As it seems so inconsequential really, in the greater scheme of things, and how much the game offers.

> >

> > But, This reminds me of what someone said on another forum, "without a long term goal, the game becomes grind for the sake of grind", which has no staying power, Legendary Items were put in to give players long term goals, and Locking Legendary Armor behind Raids, removes them completely as a long term goal from near 80% (according to Anet 20% of the players raid) of the population.

> >

> > As you said, there is already a long standing list of burdens and issues that have not be addressed

> >

> > And... Remember.... it's called a "straw" for a reason.


> Good news then that its not only behind raids they 80% can go wvw or spvp for their legendary armor.

> Just got to 300wvw level myself so still a long way for me to go but getting there.


Less people Raid, PvP, OR WvW *combined* than there are who do *none* of those things. We're looking for methods for those who do none of those things.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > Less people Raid, PvP, OR WvW *combined* than there are who do *none* of those things. We're looking for methods for those who do none of those things.

> They don't have solutions, as they won't even accept there is a problem.


I would enjoy seeing the actual percentages for raids/WvW/sPvP. I am not prepared to accept Ohoni's guess as fact. Even if I was, I am not prepared to accept that a vast majority (or even a significant percentage) of non-raid/WvW/sPvP players feel like they have to have every reward.


I do accept Stihl's assertion that legendary items represent one of the game's major carrots-on-a-stick. I believe that Legendary items carry too much of the long-term goal burden for the game, and that skins have been asked to do too much for the quantity produced (being both reward and revenue source). Those are issues I think ANet needs to address for the long-term health of the game.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> Less people Raid, PvP, OR WvW *combined* than there are who do *none* of those things. We're looking for methods for those who do none of those things.


I have a solution....

Play what you enjoy and stop worrying about the things others get from modes they enjoy.


If you want those things, then play those modes.


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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:


> > Less people Raid, PvP, OR WvW *combined* than there are who do *none* of those things. We're looking for methods for those who do none of those things.


> Source?



[Here,](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/16560/what-mode-do-you-play-the-most) [here,](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9175/what-is-your-favorite-mode-of-game-play-in-gw2) other places. It seems a fairly consistent trend. Do you have any contradictory data? I'm sure ANet has better heatmap data, but I've asked for and not received it, so we have to work with what we have access to.


> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> Even if I was, I am not prepared to accept that a vast majority (or even a significant percentage) of non-raid/WvW/sPvP players feel like they have to have every reward.


It's not about feeling like you have to have every reward, it's about feeling like you have *access* to the rewards you *want.* Let's say for the sake of argument that there are 10,000 different rewards in this game. I would be fine if you told me I could only have 1000 of them, maybe even 500 of them, so long as I got to pick which ones those were. If instead you told me I could have 8,000, but you would pick and some of the ones I wanted would be on the other side of the wall, I would not consider that a fair deal.


>I do accept Stihl's assertion that legendary items represent one of the game's major carrots-on-a-stick.


A carrot on a stick only has value so long as it's near enough to chase. If you put a carrot on a 50ft stick, a horse is unlikely to chase it. If you put a carrot on a stick and hang the end over a wall, the horse is incapable of reaching it. I am fine with carrots on sticks, so long as the stick is placed a reasonable distance away so that I feel I am reasonably progressing towards it.


> @"TexZero.7910" said:

>I have a solution....

> Play what you enjoy and stop worrying about the things others get from modes they enjoy.


That doesn't solve anything. That would still leave me with the situation(A) in which I would not have the thing that I wanted. I don't worry about the "things others get." Others can get or not get whatever they like. I worry about the things that *I* can or cannot get. I don't want "your things" "because you have them." I want the things *I* want, *regardless* of who else has them.


>If you want those things, then play those modes.


But that wouldn't solve anything either, because in that case(B) I would be not having fun playing the game. So far you've yet to propose a solution that would prevent both situations A and B.





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If people really feel that legendary armor should be obtainable outside of raids then show how it might be done. All I see is “we should get legendary armor” but never a solution. If you want it then build a case for it. The worst that will happen is that Anet says no or remains silent.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> >If you think that the drop in sales is a result of Envoy armor being locked behind Raids then I really don't have anything else to say.


> Why not? Where is your data showing that people who left the game didn't do so because of raid ennui?



It's here:


Developer 1: "People are leaving the game because of Raids, what do we do?"

Developer 2: "Let's release more Raids!"


I'm gonna believe that kind of discussion never happened.

Now where is your data that the revenue drop was because of Raids?

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> >I have a solution....

> > Play what you enjoy and stop worrying about the things others get from modes they enjoy.


> That doesn't solve anything. That would still leave me with the situation(A) in which I would not have the thing that I wanted. I don't worry about the "things others get." Others can get or not get whatever they like. I worry about the things that *I* can or cannot get. I don't want "your things" "because you have them." I want the things *I* want, *regardless* of who else has them.


> >If you want those things, then play those modes.


> But that wouldn't solve anything either, because in that case(B) I would be not having fun playing the game. So far you've yet to propose a solution that would prevent both situations A and B.


Yeah well, it's like my parents always taught me. Life isnt fair.

You just have to deal with the parts you don't like so you can relish the parts you do.


Incase that's lost on you it means you might have to "work" for something you actually enjoy in life. This game is no different, neither is any other game after all the entire point is to play them, not to have the nicest things handed to you because you feel entitled to it.



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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > >If you think that the drop in sales is a result of Envoy armor being locked behind Raids then I really don't have anything else to say.

> >

> > Why not? Where is your data showing that people who left the game didn't do so because of raid ennui?

> >


> It's here:



> Developer 1: "People are leaving the game because of Raids, what do we do?"

> Developer 2: "Let's release more Raids!"


> I'm gonna believe that kind of discussion never happened.

> Now where is your data that the revenue drop was because of Raids?


What would that data look like, out of curiosity?


> @"TexZero.7910" said:

>Yeah well, it's like my parents always taught me. Life isnt fair.


Yeah, but this isn't life, it's a game, and games *can* be made fair, since their rules are determined entirely by the developers. If a game is not fair, that's not life, that's a *choice.*


>This game is no different, neither is any other game after all the entire point is to play them, not to have the nicest things handed to you because you feel entitled to it.


I'm not asking for any handouts, I intend to work towards earning these items, I just want methods of earning them that I would enjoy as much as raiders enjoy raiding.



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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> What would that data look like, out of curiosity?



I gave you a developer quote saying that they are going to release Raids more frequently, if the content was hurting the game, they wouldn't do that.

Now it's your turn to give something that proves that, despite the developer post, the Raids are hurting the game.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > What would that data look like, out of curiosity?

> >


> I gave you a developer quote saying that they are going to release Raids more frequently, if the content was hurting the game, they wouldn't do that.

> Now it's your turn to give something that proves that, despite the developer post, the Raids are hurting the game.


All there is here is anecdotal at best, may as well just move on with this thread.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > @"PopeUrban.2578" said:

> > You're charging people to access content. Rely more on that for monetization and less on "optional" microtransactions that necessarily erode the basic functional design of the game. Do what warframe does and simply sell shortcuts to stuff obtainable ingame, and make your cash shop currency the only usable trade currency. Don't wanna go unlock all those hero points? buy a hero point unlocker.


> Personally, I do not mind this, but "pay to win" is a bit of a minefield, and would be much riskier than the loot crates would have been any time outside of fall 2017.


> Also, you have to REALLY trust devs on something like that, because the corruption factor is automatic. Want people to buy Heropoint unlocks? Make obtaining them the normal way MUCH more annoying than most players would enjoy. Want to people to buy WP unlocks? Make it a real slog to reach them on foot. The temptation is very strong and very subtle to NOT make the game as fun as it could be, because if players aren't annoyed then they aren't paying.


> >You know, concentrate the value around things obtained ingame in stead of concentrating the value around things purchased from the cash shop.


> But they already tried that. You've always been able to convert gems to gold and buy things off the TP, and plenty of quality rewards have been on the TP. The profits they got from that are probably not zero, but also apparently not enough. And if they expanded the process, then you get two issues, one, you increase the "gamble" aspect, by making your RNG your primary source of income, and two, you end up with a situation where high skill players prey upon the low skill players, by earning items they cannot and putting them on the TP, same as the raid-selling issues.




They haven't tried that. That's my point. The current focus of the gems/gold exchange is, specifically, to get people to trade ingame currency with limited intrinsic usefulness for items directly with arenanet for skins that can only be obtained in this fashion. The focus of value in that system is the gem store. The point of buying gems, by and large, is to buy things from the gens store.


The example I gave here, warframe, is the other way around. Their premium currency, platinum, is used to purchase a very limited subset of items than can only be sourced from the MTX store. Most of the utility of that currency is that it can be used in player to player trades to buy thing that can not in any way be obtained from the mtx store, and to pay a premium price for relatively common and easy to obtain things instantly.


The best equipment in the game, so-called "prime" weapons and warframes, can't be purchased with it outside their very limited release window. When these items are released, they're added to the game as obtainable drops while simultaneously selling a pack that contains them as well as some limited release cosmetics. After a few months, they're removed from the store, leaving the only acquisition method for these items being either farming them yourself, or buying them from another player by trading platinum.


The other offerings in their store are QOL items like inventory expansions, dyes, or packages of crafting material of pre-assembled weapons or warframes that are otherwise "account bound" and can not be traded because their normal acquisition method is playing the game. generally be completing some quest or as drops from specific content. There are a few other items such as furniture and other knick-knacks in there as well. None of the premium purchases of stuff obtainable ingame grants the player anything they couldn't earn themselves in less that around 10-12 hours of normal play. In the case of the crafting materials they are deliberately overpriced to prevent acquisition from the platinum shop from being the primary method by which they are acquired.


The value of platinum is focused primarily around the trade of items obtained by playing the game. If I want something that costs platinum, I can actually spend a reasonable amount of time acquiring things of enough value through gameplay that other players are willing to trade that currency to me for them directly. The primary acquisition method of most of the platinum acquired in the game is through player to player trade, as that currency is the backbone of the game's economy. In Warframe, the design is such that the things players are meant to desire most are not avaliable for purchase from the developer at all, but are in stead designed to be acquired in the long term through personal gameplay or trade transactions with other players.


The only exception to this rule are so-called "tennogen" items. This is a thing GW2 doesn't (and probably won't ever) have a directly comparable analog to. These are cosmetic items designed and created by players that are approved and added to the shop with cash-only purchases, from which both the author and the develop take a portion of the earnings. These items don't interact with the cash shop currency at all, as the intent is to make sure their authors are compensated with actual money they can spend outside the game rather than cash shop currency that can only be used within warframe. Its a cool system that's a lot like any sort of user-authored storefront but something that I doubt arenanet has any interest in persuing as player-authored content doesn't seem to be an avenue they're interested in.


What this means is that unlike the gems to gold system, players who aren't buying gems are the ones that determine the "gem" value of the most desirable items rather than the developer determining the "gem" values of those items. This creates a stable market in which both players that are farming and players that are trading cash shop currency are participating together to ensure that there is an equitable relationship between the value of cash shop currency and ingame effort.


In Arenanet's exchange, only arenanet determines that exchange rate, and that exchange rate is purpose built to make "earning" gems frustrating, and "buying" gems extremely lucrative simply because the value of that economy is centered primarily around arenanet's storefront rather than a player-to-player free market.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> Yeah, but this isn't life, it's a game, and games *can* be made fair, since their rules are determined entirely by the developers. If a game is not fair, that's not life, that's a *choice.*

> I'm not asking for any handouts, I intend to work towards earning these items, I just want methods of earning them that I would enjoy as much as raiders enjoy raiding.


I'd like you to show me a "fair game"....None of them are intrinsically fair.


Sure sounds like you're asking for a handout to me. "I want from my preferred mode."

You have 3 distinct modes of play all of which require roughly the same amount of dedication. I'm sorry nothing you do to LA map chat, jumping puzzles, adventures and the like will ever make them difficult enough to warrant Legendary Armor.




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I honestly don´t know if raids damage the game. But the argument that companies don´t add or quickly lose something which is disruptive is not always correct. Market research is not a science like Mathematics. A large part of it is basically hand weaving and seeing what could be a one hit wonder. Add a higher director that is absolutely loyal to an idea and you have quickly build a big marketing campaign for naught and you´re saddled with a big, bad idea for years.


CCP is a gaming company example. The company had to lay off staff from their VR and PR department because they blew it with WoD, Dust, Valkyrie and basically everything beside Eve Online itself. Numbers must have not been good pretty early for many of this projects, espeicially Valkyrie which is rumored to have consumed 60 million dollar because the company could not let go quick enough of it. So that did not stop them from making unneeded questionable and risky decisions because the CEO of the company is only human and wanted to catch the dove on the roof instead of being satisfied with the sparrow in the hand.


I am not implying that tihs is what happens with raids in GW2, just that it is possible.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > If people really feel that legendary armor should be obtainable outside of raids then show how it might be done. **All I see is “we should get legendary armor” but never a solution.**

> That's because you haven't read the whole thread then.



If you’re going to accuse me of not reading the thread then perhaps you should make sure that you have. This thread has been pretty much about wanting to get legendary armor outside of raids.


All that I have seen is people complaining but they never provide a solution to how it could be implemented in-game so that it requires the same amount of dedication, skills, and effort as in raids.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > Yeah, but this isn't life, it's a game, and games *can* be made fair, since their rules are determined entirely by the developers. If a game is not fair, that's not life, that's a *choice.*

> > I'm not asking for any handouts, I intend to work towards earning these items, I just want methods of earning them that I would enjoy as much as raiders enjoy raiding.


> I'd like you to show me a "fair game"....None of them are intrinsically fair.


> Sure sounds like you're asking for a handout to me. "I want from my preferred mode."

> You have 3 distinct modes of play all of which require roughly the same amount of dedication. I'm sorry nothing you do to LA map chat, jumping puzzles, adventures and the like will ever make them difficult enough to warrant Legendary Armor.





It's that sorta mentality that prevents progress from actually being made and the game from being fun for everyone and not the minority.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > Yeah, but this isn't life, it's a game, and games *can* be made fair, since their rules are determined entirely by the developers. If a game is not fair, that's not life, that's a *choice.*

> > > I'm not asking for any handouts, I intend to work towards earning these items, I just want methods of earning them that I would enjoy as much as raiders enjoy raiding.

> >

> > I'd like you to show me a "fair game"....None of them are intrinsically fair.

> >

> > Sure sounds like you're asking for a handout to me. "I want from my preferred mode."

> > You have 3 distinct modes of play all of which require roughly the same amount of dedication. I'm sorry nothing you do to LA map chat, jumping puzzles, adventures and the like will ever make them difficult enough to warrant Legendary Armor.

> >

> >

> >


> It's that sorta mentality that prevents progress from actually being made and the game from being fun for everyone and not the minority.


I don't think so.

The only one stopping the game being fun for themselves is the player. If you keep setting unreasonable goals and request you're bound to be disappointed.

This is easily the most unreasonable of request as the game has bent over backwards to give more paths to Legendary Armor as is, a decision that was already hard enough for them to justify that they had to cut back from the unique skin when making the choice just for it to be accepted.


So what logical argument can you make that says they need to bend over backward again ?

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > > Yeah, but this isn't life, it's a game, and games *can* be made fair, since their rules are determined entirely by the developers. If a game is not fair, that's not life, that's a *choice.*

> > > > I'm not asking for any handouts, I intend to work towards earning these items, I just want methods of earning them that I would enjoy as much as raiders enjoy raiding.

> > >

> > > I'd like you to show me a "fair game"....None of them are intrinsically fair.

> > >

> > > Sure sounds like you're asking for a handout to me. "I want from my preferred mode."

> > > You have 3 distinct modes of play all of which require roughly the same amount of dedication. I'm sorry nothing you do to LA map chat, jumping puzzles, adventures and the like will ever make them difficult enough to warrant Legendary Armor.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > It's that sorta mentality that prevents progress from actually being made and the game from being fun for everyone and not the minority.


> I don't think so.

> The only one stopping the game being fun for themselves is the player. If you keep setting unreasonable goals and request you're bound to be disappointed.

> This is easily the most unreasonable of request as the game has bent over backwards to give more paths to Legendary Armor as is, a decision that was already hard enough for them to justify that they had to cut back from the unique skin when making the choice just for it to be accepted.


> So what logical argument can you make that says they need to bend over backward again ?


Yes, having “true” legendary armor behind raids met the target goals, but in doing so it failed the average player base drastically and turns people away from actively playing the game. I’m saying this as a player who is a part of several large guilds and the same sentiments can be heard from a vast majority of anyone who is not new to the game.


Frankly, we’ve seen how heavy hand the approach to end game legendary gear is, and it’s not fun. At the end of the day, this is a game not a 2nd job to invest in.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:


> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Even if I was, I am not prepared to accept that a vast majority (or even a significant percentage) of non-raid/WvW/sPvP players feel like they have to have every reward.


> It's not about feeling like you have to have every reward, it's about feeling like you have *access* to the rewards you *want.* Let's say for the sake of argument that there are 10,000 different rewards in this game. I would be fine if you told me I could only have 1000 of them, maybe even 500 of them, so long as I got to pick which ones those were. If instead you told me I could have 8,000, but you would pick and some of the ones I wanted would be on the other side of the wall, I would not consider that a fair deal.


I realize that you believe that you are the only player who matters. So, this will likely be just an intellectual exercise, but here goes. _How does ANet arrange to allow every player to have access to any reward they desire via any game-play they prefer without making all rewards available via every means imaginable?_

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