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When do we get to kill Braham?


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> @"Sarge shot Grif.6450" said:

> An ally should never get a reaction of "Oh god, why the kitten are YOU here? Can you just go away? Please?" out of me when they reappear. His character has been ruined for me because of his uncalled for shift to being a whiny kitten head which is a shame cause I liked him at first. He's so irritating to me now that I kinda don't want him to get a redemption arc, just get rid of him in any possible way.


Pretty much this.

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> @"Altion.9576" said:

> Yes! I want to kill him and be Rox´s new Partner :P


I really feel sorry for her. Truly do.

If she seriously needs someone to hang around, she sure as hell can join me on whatever I'm doing.


I don't want it to happen, but I'm just waiting to hear as Braham pops up one day that he "accidentally" got Rox killed because he wasn't thinking and now asking for forgiveness and blah blah blah and somehow got even whinier than he is now because now 2 people he know is gone.


And then, knowing Arenanet, will just try to make him get redemption and hang around and I would be more of the, "GET THIS FREAKING THING AWAY FROM ME BEFORE BLOW UP THIS WHOLE AREA JUST TO GET RID OF THIS BRAHAMHOLE!" feeling than simply, "Please... just go away."

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Altion.9576" said:

> > Yes! I want to kill him and be Rox´s new Partner :P


> I really feel sorry for her. Truly do.

> If she seriously needs someone to hang around, she sure as hell can join me on whatever I'm doing.


> I don't want it to happen, but I'm just waiting to hear as Braham pops up one day that he "accidentally" got Rox killed because he wasn't thinking and now asking for forgiveness and blah blah blah and somehow got even whinier than he is now because now 2 people he know is gone.


> And then, knowing Arenanet, will just try to make him get redemption and hang around and I would be more of the, "GET THIS FREAKING THING AWAY FROM ME BEFORE BLOW UP THIS WHOLE AREA JUST TO GET RID OF THIS BRAHAMHOLE!" feeling than simply, "Please... just go away."


I really dont think they will kill Rox, that would be a really cheap way to change Braham`s personality into someone more "likeable" his mother died and only served him to make him an Ass***e killing Rox would only serve the purpose of making him a villain and that would suck, a lot.

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Oh yes, because if a character DARES to speak against or disagree with the MIGHTY COMMANDER, they deserve DEATH! (heavy sarcasm) ((or in Trahearne's case, if they dare to take everyone's eyes away from the Commander for even a second))


I like Braham. He's one of the few characters in the game who doesn't kiss and fawn over the commander. (Mighty dragon slayer! Killer of Gods! Hero of Tyria and Elona and Istan and Vabbi and sad little orphan quaggans everywhere!) Like, for real, it's refreshing to have someone question and criticize you.


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I like hating Brahm - every team needs a kitten. If we assumed our character knew and actually cared about these characters, a lot of our reactions in-game are justified. The issue is, gameplay and lore don't exactly match - for many of us, the only prior experience we have of Brahm is HoT (as he wasn't really a major player in LS2 - everything "emotional" was implied to have happened in LS1). Even then, he often went off on his own... a lot.


Threads like this will likely disapear after we get to know the real Brahm.

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> @"Maskah.1486" said:

> Seriously! He is an unfunny Leroy Jenkins with shallow personality and no redeeming qualities. He is a completely unlikeable skinhead brooding manchild! Given the chance I am pretty sure most players would smoke him!


he is useless like all mace shield guardians outhere XD aahahahahahah

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> What is it with people wanting to kill everything in sight? There are other ways to remove characters from primary story without killing them.


Killing him would make sure he doesn't come back at all.

Removing from story mean he can still come back in some way shape or form.


The most they could do to bring him back when dead is making him a utility for Revenant that unless it's super ultra good to the point it makes Revenant op, people would just laugh and not use it and rather play a Power Based Ventari instead.

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> What is it with people wanting to kill everything in sight? There are other ways to remove characters from primary story without killing them.


Because while Braham no longer has the potential to be a good hero, he DOES have the potential to be a tragic one.


He has abandoned his friends. Even Rox is with him only because we showed up to help save her, and she refuses to abandon him. Now he wants to kill Jormag, even though it could destroy the world. He has everyone's lives on the line, and all he cares about is what he wants. Only pure luck has saved us all so far, because Jormag went back to sleep as soon as he got within sight of it. You don't just come back from falling this far, even good writing can do only so much.


If he dies, however, then we can stop looking at what he's doing right now, and consider his entire life. We can stop worrying that he's about to kill us all, and remember that he used to be a good person. And we can leave out a few parts, the bad ones, when we pass his story along.


Plus, I want to smack the smug out of him.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > Gosh you people are bloodthirsty....

> >

> > _~smh~_


> This.



> What I REALLY want is for Zojja to come back. However, given the way things are going, I don't see that happening and I don't see the story improving. Not for me, at least. :\


I don't think that's going to happen until Felicia Day's daughter is a little older. I do hope she comes back soon. I like Taimi, but she needs a little Adult Asuran guidance from someone she'll listen to.

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> @"Brimstone.3807" said:

> Unlike Eir, Braham is actually written like a Norn. He started off a bit weak character-wise, but the very fact that he's triggering so much ire, means he's written pretty well. I want to see where his journey takes him.


I think the reason why I like Eir is because she wasn't written like a Norn. Think the only race in the game I can't stand much at all are Norns.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Brimstone.3807" said:

> > Unlike Eir, Braham is actually written like a Norn. He started off a bit weak character-wise, but the very fact that he's triggering so much ire, means he's written pretty well. I want to see where his journey takes him.


> I think the reason why I like Eir is because she wasn't written like a Norn. Think the only race in the game I can't stand much at all are Norns.


That's too bad. Norn and Asura rule.

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> @"Brimstone.3807" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Brimstone.3807" said:

> > > Unlike Eir, Braham is actually written like a Norn. He started off a bit weak character-wise, but the very fact that he's triggering so much ire, means he's written pretty well. I want to see where his journey takes him.

> >

> > I think the reason why I like Eir is because she wasn't written like a Norn. Think the only race in the game I can't stand much at all are Norns.


> That's too bad. Norn and Asura rule.


Asurans yes. Norns I don't think even know how to tie their shoes/boots except for Eir.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Brimstone.3807" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @"Brimstone.3807" said:

> > > > Unlike Eir, Braham is actually written like a Norn. He started off a bit weak character-wise, but the very fact that he's triggering so much ire, means he's written pretty well. I want to see where his journey takes him.

> > >

> > > I think the reason why I like Eir is because she wasn't written like a Norn. Think the only race in the game I can't stand much at all are Norns.

> >

> > That's too bad. Norn and Asura rule.


> Asurans yes. Norns I don't think even know how to tie their shoes/boots except for Eir.


Eir is literally the worst written character in Destiny's Edge. She's the Rox. There is nothing to her. I wish there was more. They're getting it right with Braham. We need more characters like Braham, not less. He introduces conflict, depth, and a counterpoint. He's fallible. That is good. His character is actually retroactively providing Eir some of the depth she lacked. The writing has been improving since season 2. I'd like to see that continue. I enjoy his Beowulf-eqsue theme and journey.

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> @"Brimstone.3807" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Brimstone.3807" said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > @"Brimstone.3807" said:

> > > > > Unlike Eir, Braham is actually written like a Norn. He started off a bit weak character-wise, but the very fact that he's triggering so much ire, means he's written pretty well. I want to see where his journey takes him.

> > > >

> > > > I think the reason why I like Eir is because she wasn't written like a Norn. Think the only race in the game I can't stand much at all are Norns.

> > >

> > > That's too bad. Norn and Asura rule.

> >

> > Asurans yes. Norns I don't think even know how to tie their shoes/boots except for Eir.


> Eir is literally the worst written character in Destiny's Edge. She's the Rox. There is nothing to her. I wish there was more. They're getting it right with Braham. We need more characters like Braham, not less. He introduces conflict, depth, and a counterpoint. He's fallible. That is good. His character is actually retroactively providing Eir some of the depth she lacked. The writing has been improving since season 2. I'd like to see that continue. I enjoy his Beowulf-eqsue theme and journey.


I have no problem with Rox other than she's sticking around Braham.

And actually I take it back, it seems most of the norns that seems civilized and not go "Me hit things with fist. Me Strong." or "Obey Dragon!" are the females.

Remember a family in Wayfarer where the mother and daughter seems like the voice of reason while the son whined and the father is like "SON! FETCH ME MY AXE AND I WILL MAKE THE FROZEN LAKE ABLE TO BE SWAM IN!" or something and the mother had to tell the father what the hell is wrong with him.

The males don't seem to grow up or they get worse as they grow while the females seems like the voice of reason most times.


Braham started off like I would say, like his mother. He was still a Norn but he still tried to think things through before he does something. Then Eir dies and it's like "ME HIT DRAGON WITH ARROW! ME SAVE PEOPLE! ROX COME!"


I'm sorry but I just don't like pigheaded dimwit giant drunks. IF the theory is true that the Norns ARE from the branch of Kodans that left their land... they're just a horrid transformation of the Kodan.


I joke about how bad the PvP/WvW people are, but I would say the Kodan are like the less toxic/annoying PvP/WvW people. They want a balance and not pigheaded and tries to think things through and see how things work and how good or bad it is for them or the environment.

We need more characters like Eir or female norns in general and not stupid drunks or meatheads like the males seem to turn out too much to be.

Not saying all of the females or sane as I've seen many that are just as annoying, but for the most part the females seems like the only ones keeping the Norns from going extinct from stupidity...

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Most people love Caithe. Not me. If you want to seek one that is past any redemption, people should look at her instead of Braham. Contrary to Braham, she did not even confront the commander, she just said: "Nope, you can´t have the egg."

She did not even say you can´t have it because it is her wild hunt, she simply stole it and ran away, even after we had slain the Shadow of the Dragon who was sold as being unkillable. Seeing her slay her sister and turning a blind eye, ear and mouth to the slaughter of hospitable centaurs to avoid a confrontation with Faolain did not help raise her in my admiration either.

Her excuse is: "Oh, I am stupid and gullible but I am a shadow by hearth."

That´s BS in its purest form.


Braham at least had the crown juwels to stand up to the stupid commander who takes everything Taimi says for granted just because she is a math wonderkid geek and rather listens to the advice of an old Norn whose most heroic deed was probably to stand beside a tooth for decades than laying trust into the hands of a trusted battle companion. He made some questionable choices, but he did not risk the life of Rox intentionally or because he had no trust in her. I cannot say that he is likeable, but he has a point in criticizing us.


But I kind of understand Anet in that point. People already threw a fit when Trahearne, who was nothing but nice and complimenting to us, had the spotlight for ONE episode of the Zhaitan arc. What would they do if Braham had actually managed to slay Jormag instead of us if only for the goal to make a horribly boring "Lets fight the disaster dragons 5 more times" a little bit shorter? Sigh...

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I'm really bad with the whole formatting thing on forums, so to all the posts I've read but cannot quote here, sorry I'll just repeat it anyway.

I've had a problem with our "motley crew of misfits" since its conception, seeing as I have no real reason to like ANY of these npcs. They are just...necessary evils that I have to endure. Anet seems to want us to care about them as much as you would for companions you get in Neverwinter Nights 2. You can swap them in and out, their opinions of you change as you make decisions, they have personal quests. Play along with the same crew for an entire campaign and you really FEEL for them. These gw2 companions that I see once in a while, who I have almost no interaction with aside from a provided dialogue, its all meh. That being said Canach is a saving grace for every story instance he is in. The thing that bothers me the most is the inability to actually deal with Braham at any given point. Interaction after itneraction goes by, he throws shade, is salty af, literally makes me close the game because I KNOW what is coming after his toxic behaviour: no response from the commander. I would give my leg for a special action skill "Punch Braham in his sour mouth." but I know that will never happen, so the next best thing, and I think the fairest one, is to be able to choose not to have him around anymore. It genuinely ruins the mission. I do not like toxicity when I game, I block griefers, I have dissassociated myself with guilds that do not share the same morals and ethics I do, so why do I have to (in my solo story instance) have to deal with this horrible and toxic behaviour with absolutely no means to react to it, or silence it? I've played guild wars for al ong time, 7 years on gw1, and gw2 since beta, and I have never felt so robbed of any control over the situation as it is with Braham. I don't WANT to help him get through his "development" as a character, I didn't like him in the first place. If he dies he dies, if he comes to terms with things on his own and leaves, that's fine too, but don't keep having him butt into our story and insult us and berate us while we helplessly have to take it, that's not fair or right.

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> @"Brimstone.3807 " said:

> Eir is literally the worst written character in Destiny's Edge. She's the Rox. There is nothing to her. I wish there was more.


If you read the Guild Wars novels, Eir has a large part in Edge of Destiny, where she is often the focal character, and while her personality doesn't seem to have any particular quirks that make her stand out as individual (apart from her sculpting and her cynicism over brash young Norn warriors running off to fight Jormag and get themselves made into Icebrood) it really makes her a more interesting character. I'd really recommend that anyone who wants to get into the game's lore more read this book.Not so much because it's a fun read (plot is just okay) but because it provides a lot more detailed backstory on Destiny's Edge and those 'who the heck are they and why should I care' game characters.


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:


> And actually I take it back, it seems most of the norns that seems civilized and not go "Me hit things with fist. Me Strong." or "Obey Dragon!" are the females.

> Remember a family in Wayfarer where the mother and daughter seems like the voice of reason while the son whined and the father is like "SON! FETCH ME MY AXE AND I WILL MAKE THE FROZEN LAKE ABLE TO BE SWAM IN!" or something and the mother had to tell the father what the hell is wrong with him.

> The males don't seem to grow up or they get worse as they grow while the females seems like the voice of reason most times.


Not always, though. Read Ghosts of Ascalon for a really obnoxious female norn. XD

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