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Can we have a Dervish playable class?

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The thing with the elite specializations is that they are simply not enough to convey the mechanics of the old GW1 professions.


Between when the Paragons were announced and their release, a lot of people kept saying that they were just warriors using wands and shouts. When we finally got to play with them, we realized Paragons were very different due to many unique mechanics they had, like refrains, finales, chants, etc. Four utility skills (one of which is often useless in PvE, for the records), one healing skill, one elite skill and a few weapon skills wouldn't be enough to emulate those mechanics in GW2.


I also see people thinking too much inside the box. "Dervishes wouldn't work in GW2 because there are no enchantments, so they would have to strip their own boons, and removing boons is bad for PvE". Duh, introduce enchantments to the game by giving them to the dervishes.


The skill system in Guild Wars 2 is very shallow. The great majority of skills do damage and either inflict a condition or cause a boon; we have very few skills with unique effects that deviate from that. It's too small of a tool box for us to play with. By adding new mechanics and more things with unique effects, the game would only be improved.

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Old thread, I know. Sorry about the necro-ing, but I just found this and wanted to put my two cents in.


Firstly, to those who like to say that transformations were the core of the dervish class...no. That has always bugged me. The dervish had dozens of skills and multiple totally unique mechanics but still so many people insist on reducing them down to just five skills....for shame. No, transformations were NOT the core of the dervish. What was can really be condensed into two things; cleaving weapons and "enchantment juggling." Those are what we should be focusing on. As for cleaving weapons we're really looking at the greatsword for that, yet most classes can already use that. However cleaving WAS one of the core elements of the class, as at the time it was basically the only one who could do that. Dervishes are also a bit agile, so what I'm seeing is really two options; thief or elementalist. That said I actually think they work better as a ranger spec. Thematically the other thing Dervishes had was control over their environment. They weren't elementalists able to command the core elements at will, but they had mastered the earth and air of their native land; that is totally a ranger thing. Rangers also have the "correct" armor type to match the class from GW1.


I won't pretend to have figured out the weapon or mechanic problem, but I do know what skills would make total sense here; wells. The classic dervish was described by Arena Net (post re-work) as a "pressure" class adept at spreading conditions to multiple foes and enchantments (boons) to multiple allies. Wells just make sense here; area of effect spells that pressure foes by not only spreading conditions, but also by controlling the environment. This just leaves the enchantment juggling aspect, and after a bit of thought I know what would be cool; auras. Specifically after the dervish uses a well skill that skill "flips" to a detonator skill, once used the well vanishes with one final pulse. This pulse could damage foes, cause conditions, and so on, but it also removes boons from allies and replaces them with auras. This fits the concept of placing their magic on allies, then using it to charge greater effects. Imagine a well that pulses protection, but then can be quickly converted into a reflective magnetic aura; powerful, and with a lot of strategy involved as to when or if you detonate it. This is really the best "GW2 update" for the dervish I can think of. The only issue is what weapon to give them, and what their unique mechanic would be.


I kind of feel like, if we go with ranger as the base class, moving those transformation skills onto the pet would be a good way to go. So instead of transforming into an avatar of Balthazar (something no non-human would care to do, and few humans would want after Path of Fire) you instead draw on his power to conjure and tame a persistent Hound of Balthazar. Just a thought. Either way if you want to play a GW2 update of conjuring the power of otherworldly beings and gaining new powers based on who you're "changing into" just play a revenant. As much as we all like to say that's a rit due to its themes, mechanically and gameplay wise it's a transformation dervish; it didn't get a playstyle anything close to a ritualist until Path of Fire, and you have to squint and use your imagination to claim that.

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> @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > @Lancaeron.1524 said:

> > > @Griever.8150 said:

> > > > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > > > Charr... well, I think they believe in killing stuff that annoys them so yeah.

> > >


> > >

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > If they give Ritualist too, please.

> > > > I haven't played GW1, but I want Ritualists.

> > >

> > > I love the idea behind the ritualist too but Revenants basically took their spot, specially Renegade :/.

> >

> > Actually, Engineers took the role of Ritualists. As spirits are to Ritualists, turrets are to Engineers.


> They only take the spirit spam aspect from a mechanical perspective. As for a concept perspective, renegade still has it by summoning the warbands' spirits in combat. Channeling Magic, weapon spells, and item spell skills still has a chance to grow with a Revenant's elite specialization.


> I still think we have room for a dervish, but I don't see the scythes as a distinct weapon type ever coming back, now that we have greatswords and staffs for combat usage. Is it possible that an elite specialization can be programmed to change the weapon skills to an alternate set? Such a programming ability would open so much more possibilities in the future for elite specs since we cannot use certain weapons without having the elite enabled.


The unique aspect of the scythe is also no longer unique. In fact is is now very common.

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> @"Archdevil.1748" said:

> Dear Anet, thanks for the new content. The new episode is epic and the new map is great. My jaw dropped when I fought a Dervish. I have a Dervish in GW1 made it a few months ago. Can we please have it as a playable class? I am ready to RIP all my other alts. PLEASE?!


Yaas! I miss my Dervish and Ritualist.

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Revenants are basically a combination of Ritualists and Dervishes based on the spec you play. Think of it as a D/Rt if you will. For spirits, you use Renegade stance. You can also equip staves as a melee weapon (which there are Scythe skins for) and flash enchantments are Facets in Legendary Dragon Stance which you can consume to do stuff like summon enchanted fire to burn enemies or knock them back. You can even assume the avatar of Mallyx with "Embrace the Demon" in Legendary Demon Stance.

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The flash-teardown game already exists in the form of signet builds. Your passive effect is your enchantment and your activations are your teardown abilities. Melee classes already have cleaving autoattacks. Dress your guy up in PoF desert skins and congrats on your new dervish.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Yes, please bring it back. Anything that makes this game more like Guild Wars and less like WoW.


Having played both I can honestly say this game is nothing like WoW. I will admit the Heart of Thorns expansion did bring in a few too many "traditional" MMO tropes for my taste, but this game is still far from WoW.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:


> The Dervish would return as **Mystic as an Guardian Elite Spec**, which comes with the speciality, that with this spec the guardian will be allowed to wear Medium Armor, what will give your for losing defense power some unique spec based features as compensation for losing some tankiness.

> The Spec will introduce as feature Enchantments and Charms as Utility Skill, which will do have Enchantments as Effects,

> Enchantments will be working like similar Boons, just only, that they can be kept up permanently for the cost of Endurance Regeneration.

> So more Enchantments you keep up permanently, so more it will reduce your Endurance Regenration quickly to th point, that it fadster and faster will go to 0.

> if if reaches 0 , all Enchantments wll immediately end.

> Instead of God Avatars will the Mystic use instead virtue based "Personifications", which is somerthing that can work with all races and isnt bonded to human lore only.

> Personifications are practically Mystic Avatars, spiritual mindforms that will take you over and possess your body to embody your faith as their vessel.

> A Personification is a much more radiant expression of your faith. For disbelievers they might seem like more of a curse, cause they take your free will, but therefore you gain as their vessel powers, beyond your imagination. As weapon, the Mystic is using Daggers.


> The Paragon would return as **Minstrel, as a Mesmer Elite Spec**, which comes with the speciality to allow Mesmers to use Medium Armor, They come with the Shortbow (Harp Skin) as Weapon, as also a much stronger focus on Echoes, Chants and Songs/Hymns that come together with a Rhythm System that replaces Shatters and creates instead of Clonnes now Melodies. Minstrels are the Paragons of inspiration, where they are, will change the mood of your allies to your favor by the help of their chants, songs.

> They motivate their allies through their melodies that they sing and the echoing rhythm of their chants helps you to repeat whatever you did, as if you did it the first time full of inspiration just like a moment ago ...

> This elite spec would finally combine mesmer and what anet tried to make with them in GW1 (Wannabe Bards) now into GW2 and would give us with the Minstral finalyl some kind of real working inspirational bard that motivates his allies, while providign with the Shortbow a new good alternative ranged weapon over the Staff and Greatsword that can eventualyl work like some kind of hybrid between Staff and Greastsword in regard of Power/Condi Gameplay


> That would be in my honest opinion the most optimal solution, to finally end this endless whining about Derv and Paragon, while providing the game more build diversity through some fitting new Elite Specs for those four mentioned classes that make the most sense to be used for those old GW1 classes as their spiritual successsor classes to build upon them these Elite Specs to let those old GW1 classes return in a way, that they fit into GW2s gameplay and combat system design.


Hey. Not having a go here but......


In Guild Wars 1 Dervish was a medium class armor.... And Paragon was heavy class armor. Neither of them are light class, So you have mixed your armor class types up.


Paragon = Guardian I can see it...


Dervish = Ranger I can see it.


In the old forums I made up a big post about why the Elite Spec of Dervish should be Ranger over all other forms.


And to be honest Soul Beast is actually pretty darn close to my idea. Not perfectly mind you but basically close enough.


Basically my idea was that pets would merge into us and we would gain skills from our pets. These would equal the GW's 1 Avatars of old. This would sort out the issue of the human gods as pets would instead be the avatars and would not worry with other races. I did suggest that the looks of our characters should change to whatever our pet types look like ie: Spider Family, Cat Family, Dog Family, Bear Family, Boar Family, Aquatic Family ect. I do admit that this would have been a lot of work. Could have been cool tho..


I laid out traits and skills for it based off of GW's 1 with boons and debuffs from GW's 2 on the weapon skills and while none of those really came to Soul Beast the basic idea is there, they ANET could re-skill in the future if they want.


Do I want a True Dervish.... Yes - Full blooded Scythe and all... Can I live with it being a Elite Spec on a Ranger - Hammer would have worked well for it.... Yes... Could it actually really work on another class... No I don't think so at least not as easy as a ranger could work..

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> @"Arkham Creed.7358" said:

> Old thread, I know. Sorry about the necro-ing, but I just found this and wanted to put my two cents in.


> Firstly, to those who like to say that transformations were the core of the dervish class...no. That has always bugged me. The dervish had dozens of skills and multiple totally unique mechanics but still so many people insist on reducing them down to just five skills....for shame. No, transformations were NOT the core of the dervish. What was can really be condensed into two things; cleaving weapons and "enchantment juggling." Those are what we should be focusing on. As for cleaving weapons we're really looking at the greatsword for that, yet most classes can already use that. However cleaving WAS one of the core elements of the class, as at the time it was basically the only one who could do that. Dervishes are also a bit agile, so what I'm seeing is really two options; thief or elementalist. That said I actually think they work better as a ranger spec. Thematically the other thing Dervishes had was control over their environment. They weren't elementalists able to command the core elements at will, but they had mastered the earth and air of their native land; that is totally a ranger thing. Rangers also have the "correct" armor type to match the class from GW1.


> I won't pretend to have figured out the weapon or mechanic problem, but I do know what skills would make total sense here; wells. The classic dervish was described by Arena Net (post re-work) as a "pressure" class adept at spreading conditions to multiple foes and enchantments (boons) to multiple allies. Wells just make sense here; area of effect spells that pressure foes by not only spreading conditions, but also by controlling the environment. This just leaves the enchantment juggling aspect, and after a bit of thought I know what would be cool; auras. Specifically after the dervish uses a well skill that skill "flips" to a detonator skill, once used the well vanishes with one final pulse. This pulse could damage foes, cause conditions, and so on, but it also removes boons from allies and replaces them with auras. This fits the concept of placing their magic on allies, then using it to charge greater effects. Imagine a well that pulses protection, but then can be quickly converted into a reflective magnetic aura; powerful, and with a lot of strategy involved as to when or if you detonate it. This is really the best "GW2 update" for the dervish I can think of. The only issue is what weapon to give them, and what their unique mechanic would be.


> I kind of feel like, if we go with ranger as the base class, moving those transformation skills onto the pet would be a good way to go. So instead of transforming into an avatar of Balthazar (something no non-human would care to do, and few humans would want after Path of Fire) you instead draw on his power to conjure and tame a persistent Hound of Balthazar. Just a thought. Either way if you want to play a GW2 update of conjuring the power of otherworldly beings and gaining new powers based on who you're "changing into" just play a revenant. As much as we all like to say that's a rit due to its themes, mechanically and gameplay wise it's a transformation dervish; it didn't get a playstyle anything close to a ritualist until Path of Fire, and you have to squint and use your imagination to claim that.


I Love you!!!!!!!!!!


Finally someone who gets Dervish and the armor weight class. And using the pets as a avatar idea is what Ive been saying for the last 2 years. THANK YOU!!


I never used Avatars outside of the first few weeks of Nightfall while trialing out different build combos. Vow of Silence was my elite of choice. I miss my Dervish so much.


I really think Anet missed a massive opportunity here to do something special from Nightfall which could have lead to something special from Factions.


I wish Anet would consider adding other weapon classes. I guess when every class has every weapon we will get Guild Wars 3 instead. That's much easier I suppose O_O

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Thinking we're getting a whole new profession ever is a bit naive. We won't. And dervish won't come back even as elite spec. First of all, dervish is basically what revenant is now and second, Anet clearly hates GW1 and doesn't want to give us old favourite professions back.

Ignoring the fact that the new Revenant spec is basically a ritualist, and the new warrior spec is a pretty cool control paragon....


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> @"Arkham Creed.7358" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Thinking we're getting a whole new profession ever is a bit naive. We won't. And dervish won't come back even as elite spec. First of all, dervish is basically what revenant is now and second, Anet clearly hates GW1 and doesn't want to give us old favourite professions back.

> Ignoring the fact that the new Revenant spec is basically a ritualist, and the new warrior spec is a pretty cool control paragon....



Revanant is not ritualist. People keep repeating this misconception because of Rytlock's blindfold :) Revenant is based on Dervish avatar mechanics.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Arkham Creed.7358" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > Thinking we're getting a whole new profession ever is a bit naive. We won't. And dervish won't come back even as elite spec. First of all, dervish is basically what revenant is now and second, Anet clearly hates GW1 and doesn't want to give us old favourite professions back.

> > Ignoring the fact that the new Revenant spec is basically a ritualist, and the new warrior spec is a pretty cool control paragon....

> >


> Revanant is not ritualist. People keep repeating this misconception because of Rytlock's blindfold :) Revenant is based on Dervish avatar mechanics.


I agree and said that myself just a few posts above. However it is also clear that their new elite spec IS a ritualist spec, as I said above. It is all about summoning stationary spirits that act as psudo-turrets and/or buff allies in their radius. That IS a ritualist. So as it stands now the Revenant is basically a dervish/ritualist hybrid.


However I still maintain that the dervish was NOT defined by transformations alone and thus there is still room in the game for everything else that class could do.

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> @"Arkham Creed.7358" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Arkham Creed.7358" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > Thinking we're getting a whole new profession ever is a bit naive. We won't. And dervish won't come back even as elite spec. First of all, dervish is basically what revenant is now and second, Anet clearly hates GW1 and doesn't want to give us old favourite professions back.

> > > Ignoring the fact that the new Revenant spec is basically a ritualist, and the new warrior spec is a pretty cool control paragon....

> > >

> >

> > Revanant is not ritualist. People keep repeating this misconception because of Rytlock's blindfold :) Revenant is based on Dervish avatar mechanics.


> I agree and said that myself just a few posts above. However it is also clear that their new elite spec IS a ritualist spec, as I said above. It is all about summoning stationary spirits that act as psudo-turrets and/or buff allies in their radius. That IS a ritualist. So as it stands now the Revenant is basically a dervish/ritualist hybrid.


> However I still maintain that the dervish was NOT defined by transformations alone and thus there is still room in the game for everything else that class could do.


engineer is more ritualist than renegade

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I appreciate what they are doing with the elite spec system. It makes a lot of sense. However, I miss the anticipation of entirely new classes being added. That was always a huge part of the hype for me while waiting for expacs. Not doing new classes is a bummer for me but won't stop me from purchasing future content. Dervish was never really fun for me after playing it but being excited about it's release along with Paragon was fun. Revenant was the biggest selling point of HoT for me even though I never touch that alt now. Sorry for the rant but I would be excited about any new class if they go back to that.

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@ Firebird Gomer


I guess here you haven't really understood my concept here and I'm not mixed up the armor types here. I'm an old GW1 veteran as well and played it since 2005, so I know the old GW1 classes fully well and that Dervish was back then a Medium Armor Class.

If you would have understood my Concept, then you could see, that I have written there an original Idea that I'd like to see getting combined into the concept of Elite Specializations - **namely the feature of Elite Specializations making it possible to allow the original classes to change their Armor Types of the Core Classes**


In case of the Guardian - where I absolutely strongly have to disagree with you, fits conceptionally way better to the old Dervish, than Ranger - it would allow the Guardian with this Spec (must not be named Dervish in the End) to switch from Heavy Armor down to Medium Armor and receive for this change of Armor type an Elite Spec unique **exchange bonus** for the loss in this case of defense power that you had as Core Class before with your Heavy Armor more.


Why do I strongly disagree with your proposal of turning Rangers into dervishes with hammers (weird concept imo, but however)


1) Hammer was never the Weapon of Choice of the original Dervish, it was the Scythe and the Scythe is a Polearm Weapon with a crescent blade attached to it - see Warscythe, the actual weapon form of a scythe..not the silly tool that is far away from ever working as a weapon in combat due to being unhandly and havign lesser range

2) Avatars are a Human only lore and shouldnt be simply exhcanged out with Pet/Animal Spirits, this would interfere again on the other side too much with the Norn.. it has to be something, which can't be mainly assocciated with the lore of only one playable race - it has to be a mechanic, which fits to the GW2 class, while being eventually similar to the old GW1 Dervish that was designed around the Transformation Gameplay.


The Guardian Virtues as manifestated Personifcations (Spiritual Weapons are already manifasted Weapon of Virtue, so the leap from manifested Weapons to manifastate the Virtues themself in Avatar Form isn't big at all) are the perfect solution for a CLASS based transformatioin gameplay, which can be used by ANY RACE and thats the important point - a concept that works the same way for all races, without hurting anyhow the lore of one specific playable race. Animal Spirt Avatars are way too close to the Norn gameplay/lore and their already existign transformations that should stay race unique and not be mixed up into general class gameplay for everyone to get.


3) Who played the Dervish class, knows, that their whole Gameplay Design was based around ENCHANTMENTS, so in GW2 relations - boons, and the Guardian in this case is a much heavier boon related class, than it is the ranger, so in this case goes the point also to the Guardian over the Ranger.

Plus additionally the Dervish was by design all about ZEAL - three times you you may guess, which class in this whole game was from day 1 on all about ZEAL and even posseses a traitlione, which is called, you have guessed right - ZEAL!!



Examples of zealous dervish skills really neede to see and realize the connections here? *cough*






Dervishs used originally "Vows" ...a Vow is by description a promise, an oath especially, that is something very zealous persons follow, because they do not want to break them ever, because either of fear of consequences for breaking them, or due to them not wanting their virtue of "HONOR" to be made dirty.

The honor of a knight is their eternal vow to protect their folks people, to be the sword and shield of courage for their land and the peop0le they love in good times, but especially naturally in critical times when they are needed the most as guardians who have the order to preserve law and order in times of chaos and protect those, which are otherwise helpless without their guidance.


The old Dervishs and Guardians have by design way more things together, than you eventually want to believe here I guess, when it comes down to these things.

As a Guardian Elite Spec would they make it possible for ANet to implement ENchantments as a Spec unique gameplay mechanic in a way, how Boons under GW2 work now, somethign that I miss tbh from enchaments that we have had in GW1 - the ability to UPKEEP positive effects for as long as you want/need, without that they can stolen/corrupted/removed - for some kind of cost.. call it Fatigue mayb, or how i described it, simply a reduction of Endurance Regen Speed (or perhaps somethign else that will work better and woudl be more balanced for this gameplay, it came only into mind, because in GW1 keeping up enchaments came also with the cost of reducign your Energy Regeneration there, making it harder for you to regen Energy so more you kept up Enchaments, forcing you sooner or later to end them to become able to regen energy faster again


if we ever get Spears to become finally turned into Polearm Weapons useabe as hybrid weapons underwater as like also on land, then this would be the best weapon of choice for this elite spec, because then you would have essentially your "true" scythe wieldign "Dervish" back, if we could have that guardian elite specialization which uses polearm weapons as their weapon - attach to this then a scythe skin - done, together with virtue based personifactions to transform yourself into Virtue Avatars imo the real true best way to bring back the dervish bach in his true form how this class should have been from begin on already better in GW1, without turnign into into a stupid wannabe god fanatic kind of class, that it was back in GW1

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  • 1 month later...

So Hello Everyone.

I'd like to had my part to this debate. I am an old GW1 veteran too, and I have been working on what the dervish could be :


He attunes to one facet of the world, in this case Sand, Earth, Wind, Sun, etc. He can become an avatar of this facet.

He mostly relies on the idea of gaining boons and taking them off to have stronger effects.


In order to balance the classes Low, medium and high armor, I have also been working on the Tormentor, which relies on the demons of Abaddon :


And I am working on the Paragon, as I would not like it to be a mix of Guardians and Warriors, I am trying to find something more unique.


If you have comments about it, please let me know. :)


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I pray to the Six (_five?_) for our 3rd expansion will grant us our beloved and lost professions as elite specs...

Paragon, Dervish and Ritualist. (_and Assassin_)


Paragon could be getting Staff for Warrior as melee staff using spear skins (_only got Sunspear and Darkspear atm though lol_)

Or hoping for ANet to release the unreleased 20th weapon mechanism, the *Polearm*, ft all tridents and spear skins and will be using throwing spears.


Dervish could be ... some of the Medium classes since they are according from GW1 using medium armor. I would love to see a Scythe mechanism but doubt that. I guess Daredevil with a Scythe skin looks the closet it can get. I would love to see real Dervish's skills, channels to gods etc.


Ritualist would and will suit best to Revedant. Channeling to the mist? That's so Rit. By using the weapon Scepter.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> I appreciate what they are doing with the elite spec system. It makes a lot of sense. However, I miss the anticipation of entirely new classes being added. That was always a huge part of the hype for me while waiting for expacs. Not doing new classes is a bummer for me but won't stop me from purchasing future content. Dervish was never really fun for me after playing it but being excited about it's release along with Paragon was fun. Revenant was the biggest selling point of HoT for me even though I never touch that alt now. Sorry for the rant but I would be excited about any new class if they go back to that.


Considering the state revenant is in being a unfinished mess I wouldent want them to make another class.

1 underwater weapon only and not 4 diffrent f skills to compensate like elementalist and engineer got under water and only what 2 out of 7 legends working underwater?

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Actually, if you read some of the trait and skill descriptions of the new elite specs you'll realize that some dervishes became Spellbreakers and some became Mirages. In fact the new elonian axe skin looks like a mini scythe and Mirage axe auto attack chain, and axe 2 have spins in them. So I'm having a lot of fun on my ~~Dervish~~ Mirage ;)

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  • 4 months later...

It wouldn't be hard to make a warrior feel like a paragon. Give him a javelin and a set of Chants. That's all it'd really take.


The dervish isn't all that tough to implement either. All the talk about the dervish channelling the power of the human gods falls short on a few points:

1: There's plenty of beats using the dervish skills in gw1.

2: Joko's undead use the avatar forms, even after the gods have left their realms. This must lead us to conclude that it wasn't the gods power that was used. It was powers themed after the gods and if it was Divine magic being used, it was drawn from the realm, not the God.

Hence there is no lore wise explanation as to why we cannot use the Dervish.


My take on the Dervish would be a bit more complicated than the paragon, but here goes either way:

Elementalist: Dervish

Weapon: Scythe (Melee weapon)

Class mechanic: F5 (Mysticism: uses arcane or divine magic)

Utility skills: Dervish Enchantments (Have a Initial effect. and an end effect. here's an example).


The reason why I'd chose the elementalist for the dervish, is that the dervish in guild wars one, channel the elements using earth and wind prayers as attributes.

Though they don't use any fire magic, I would love to see a fire based dervish, since this would be in accordance with their lore.


The ritualist wouldn't be too hard to make either. It'd sit well with the necromancer to be able to use 2handed urns as weapons and summon stationary spirits...

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