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Three new/old professions (Finish the classic lineup)


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Now, while it is indeed true that Anet did say they were happy with their four classes for each tier of armour, there is now (thanks to revenant) still room for an equal trinity (5 per armour) that many are missing. Anet is also not the final say on what Anet produces (mounts were originally dismissed, but here we are). Yes this comes up from nostalgia, but many agree it would be great to bring back.

Dervish - Heavy

Paragon - Medium

Ritualist - Light


These are the only old classes that did not get brought over from the original. However now that we have the old names still being used, many would agree (maybe not all) that they would love to have these in Guild Wars 2. The Nightfall classes in particular never got to live up to their full potential as they didn't get the full fleshing of the Campaign 1 classes or the work that even Campaign 2 classes got in.


These classes would indeed bring their own unique fight to the battlefield, while some might say Ritualist got a spiritual successor in Renegade, it just doesn't give the full feel of weapon enchants and spirit manipulation. While many classes have shouts that share their set, Paragons various commands & echo's accumulate into unique skill enhancing that could be re-imagined. Finally, Dancing Dervish's of Death would be fantastic to have once more, flash enchantments & magics designed to turn buffs into damage alone is a fantastic opposite of what many classes use as a focus.

Dervish - Buffs into attacks

Paragon - Echoing vocals & commands

Ritualist - Spirits as the focus, not the side dish (like corpses on necro)


While many may or may not agree, what would everyone like to see? Make enough noise, they may consider it.



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I honestly don't think there's space for bringing those professions back as full professions.


What ArenaNet seems to be doing is bringing back their flavour through elite specialisations. Guardians have a lot of Paragon stuff. Ritualist stuff is spread around multiple professions and elite specialisations. Dervishes were the profession that was missing the most in the original professions, but we're seeing echoes of the dervish in things like revenants, reapers, and holosmiths. I expect that's going to continue.

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It could and needs to happen, these classes are Iconic to the franchise. They have more of a right to be here than guardian, engie or Rev; And they would fit nicely into the game as is. We even fight dervish's who dont invoke the power of the gods but instead invoke whatever power they deem worth doing so, we as well see a paragon in the sunspear marshal we rescue who is using a land spear AND shouts with their own unique aura/buff.


I just dont believe it will ever happen because they just dont give a shit, which is sad because I miss all three classes.

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I wrote 4 new professions ideas back in 2012, during the happy times.


Don't think we will or should get any new professions, but someone might like reading about them so here we go:


* **Watcher:** Pretty much a heavy armored ranger, very good at disciplined combat, counterattacking and doing combos. The special mechanic is called Martial Blades, martial arts movements themed on various animals, like "tiger claws", "snake bite", etc. Specially good with terrestrial 1h spears and 2h tridents. Has elements from GW1's monk and assassin. [You can read more about it here.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Lon-ami/First_expansion_theorycrafting:_Jormag,_Tengu_and_Far_Shiverpeaks#New_profession_-_Watcher)

* **Bladedancer:** Medium armor time traveler, using prevalent themes of sand and cloth. The special mechanic would be the echo. When you do something, a series of echos following you repeat your actions a few seconds later. So, the bladedancer might throw you a knife, and then 2 seconds later, the first echo would throw you a knife too. You can dodge one and get hit by the second. The weak point is that echoes can get attacked, and the player suffers the damage.

* **Occultist:** The evolution of GW1's ritualist and dervish. The special mechanic is that they don't wield their weapons normally, and instead most of the time they float in the air, around or at the back of the user. The occultist moves his hands and does strange dance movements to control the floating weapons, which can whirl in place or be thrown at the enemies.

* **Forgemaster:** The missing heavy armor. Like the engineer, but for classic technology, kinda like a battle smith. Casts runes in the ground, and uses various ancient relics as "pets" to cast his spells and perform various rituals, like anvils, cauldrons, tomes, etc. Unlike pets, they don't move and attack, and instead float near you. They only perform skills when commanded, and can be destroyed.


Remember these are from 2012, back before the revenant and the elite specializations were a thing. I've adapted some of these old ideas into new elite specializations, but they'll never be the same, I guess.

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> @Thornwolf.9721 said:

> It could and needs to happen, these classes are Iconic to the franchise. They have more of a right to be here than guardian, engie or Rev; And they would fit nicely into the game as is. We even fight dervish's who dont invoke the power of the gods but instead invoke whatever power they deem worth doing so, we as well see a paragon in the sunspear marshal we rescue who is using a land spear AND shouts with their own unique aura/buff.


> I just dont believe it will ever happen because they just dont give a kitten, which is sad because I miss all three classes.


This is true that there are currently Dervish in game, and are definitely not invoking the six while fighting for Loko Joko, so Charr could easily find a way to perform such acts without the addition of "channeling the Gods".

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> @Ghin.1653 said:

> > @Thornwolf.9721 said:

> > It could and needs to happen, these classes are Iconic to the franchise. They have more of a right to be here than guardian, engie or Rev; And they would fit nicely into the game as is. We even fight dervish's who dont invoke the power of the gods but instead invoke whatever power they deem worth doing so, we as well see a paragon in the sunspear marshal we rescue who is using a land spear AND shouts with their own unique aura/buff.

> >

> > I just dont believe it will ever happen because they just dont give a kitten, which is sad because I miss all three classes.


> This is true that there are currently Dervish in game, and are definitely not invoking the six while fighting for Loko Joko, so Charr could easily find a way to perform such acts without the addition of "channeling the Gods".


Guild Wars 1 had human dervishes using the avatars when they were engaged in actions that went against the gods - the commanders of the Kournan garrisons, the so-called Peacekeepers that worked for the White Mantle in War in Kryta. However, with the exception of MOX (where it's presented as simply having different modes rather than avatars _per se_) they were fairly consistent in only giving avatars to humans and entities that were associated with the gods (such as Grentches and snowmen) - we didn't see any avatar-using animals, Stone Summit, or charr.


Recall that the gods tell us that their blessings are within us (humans) near the end of Nightfall. Put together, this suggests that a human using an avatar (or other divine power) is using the latent divine power inside humanity, and they don't need the permission of the god to use it. This allows a human dervish to use an avatar despite fighting for someone who the gods would not approve of, or for a Risen priest to still access the prayers they could when alive, or for a human PC to summon the Hounds of Balthazar to fight against Balthazar himself. It's likely that an individual needs to have revered the god(s) in question _at some point_ in order to unlock the ability to channel avatar forms, but in Amala's case, it's entirely likely that she learned those abilities before becoming Awakened. However, these abilities still appear to be tied to humans, and weaker forms of the avatars have even been present since release in a couple of the human racial elites.


In the meantime, ArenaNet seems to be implementing the playstyle within existing professions. The enemy dervishes in Istan seem to behave a lot like greatsword Reapers. Paragons, from what I saw, mostly had similar abilities to guardians outside of throwing spears: Anthem of Flame was the main one I saw, but like I've commented previously, it largely behaves like the VoJ active.

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I think Paragon would be heavy and Dervish med. Doesn't matter. They won't make it. Paragon skills was mostly shouts (not counting echoes - which was awesome) and many classes have it atm. Guard is mostly Paragon-like. Dervishes could turn themselves in God-avatars. Which would make sense if all races would believe in same Gods. They don't. Ritualists had spirits - hey we have Scourge now and Revenant is close to it. Those profesions are to similar to what we have now and it would make sense if they would make only elite specs like that. In those 250 years many things have changed and lore-based things have changed. Echoes would need to be somehow reworked - since they implement only 1 new skill type to every profession every elite spec. And in order to work they required also shouts. Sure I would like to see an elite spec that uses mostly enchants working as those for Dervishes in GW 1 or "4" Torch skill for Mesmer. Sure, would be awesome to play again with Dervish or Rit, but why make it if other profs or elite-specs feel that way? And making profs that are not very unique makes completely no sense.

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I don't think there's much chance of echoes returning in the current game. ArenaNet has been fairly sparing with long-term non-boon buffs, and the crib-notes description of an echo is basically a long-term unremovable buff that interacts in some manner with shouts. Chants are probably a lot more likely, since there are a lot of precedents for a short-term buff that grants an effect the next time the recipient lands an attack and then disappears.


Would be interesting if chants are made to behave as shouts for the purpose of interaction with runes and traits...

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> Cant even balance 9 classes. Dont make more for now..


Like you said. I would really love to see the return of dervish or monk in a form or another but hey they have already really bad time to balance 9 professions (look at the revenant who still in beta state or engineer with all those dead traits) so i suppose elite spec can be an option for the return of those professions.



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