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"Story Mode" No


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> @OtakuModeEngage.8679 said:

> But how can a story mode teach mechanics if its made easy? You say. If you change the fight they wont learn anything, you say. Well there is a simple solution:

> 1. Dont change mechanics, cycles, attack patterns, boss skills, leave that all the same

> 2. Instead, increase the time limit, decrease the bosses healty bar and the amount of damage the boss deals in his attacks. Leave everything else the same.

An easymode does not teach anything. Trivialising these aspects means that no one will care about mechanics instead of learning how to deal with stuff.


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Heyo, list of things and answer I see through the replies


**Personally I think the additions may draw more players to the game mode**

Strictly speaking yes but no. They aren't really "raiding" if all the mechanics can be ignored/tanked and people just 111111. Raids are and should be difficult. If you made a story mode where people can just ignore everything and 11111 everything to death and try the real mechanics.... it changes nothing except uses more development time. A lot of people will only do the story raid once or twice where normal mode, a lot of raiders do it weekly. Badly phrased but hope you understand

**All of your complaints are valid except the idea of making the game easier. FFXIV Normal and even the train wreck that is WoW LFR prove that easy modes are good for the game, especially if done well as FFXIV normal is.**

FFXIV and WoW are both subscription based which not only increases the amount of money they have but also a certain amount of stability/planning etc resources for development of raids = more resources to build more modes. So no.

**If Anet impliment a story mode to teach mechanics in a less punishing way without the reward, you would remove the Taboo from raiding altogether. Isn't that a good thing?**

No. It doesn't teach mechanics if people can ignore them. There is no taboo in raiding. What is the taboo?

**And so, I suggested a counter-idea that wouldn't be a waste of developers time. If people had the confidence to raid, I'm pretty sure they would.**

Yes it would be, because then we would get new wings less quickly because there would need to be an increase in development per wing. Especially if the story mode is there for people to experience once or twice while the rest of the frequent raiders raid weekly.

**Nobody wants to compete in the Olympics when it's their first time swimming. A toned-down, low-or-no-reward version would grow the community a little more.**

I would love the community to be bigger but as i said if its toned down people can tank it etc they aren't really raiding. Read first answer in this post

**It allows casual players who are not good at raiding, but love story, to get the important chucks of lore out of the raid and enjoy the ambient story telling.**

If they want to experience it, they can work for it. Please refer back to my post

**It can be used as an opertunity to teach these casual players raid mechanics so they can then go and do hardcore raid as contributing members.


No it teaches bad habit by letting newer players think that tanking the mechanics have no consequences. Raiding in this game is not hardcore unless ur low manning


More ty

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You missed the major reason people can't do raids. Which also hurts majority of players;

There is not enough time in a week to sit down and spend hours trying to raid.



But basically you're just being an ass of "I'm right you're wrong, so this post is better than any pro-raid post, and what I say is law. Nenernenerneener"



Which brings another reason why people do not like raids.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > They will implement story mode / difficulty scaling at some point eventually. We are past the peak of interest in raiding in the community, they are only to lose support and interest in time and will end up being pvp 2.0 - a gimmick :)

> >

> > I am sure you are about to provide some metrics which prove this assumption. Otherwise it's just that, the subjective assumption of someone who doesn't raid.


> This is natural lifecycle of mmos that some content loses its popularity and is left for most invested fans only. Especially true for old mmos, which GW2 is. Raid is nice gimmick but it will never grow to be main part of the game :)


Yes, they were never intended to be a main part of the game. Thats why they cater to players who want a challenge and not your average player. Thats also why they will likely never add a story mode and this dicussion is not constructive at all.

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I can just imagine GW1 fans frothing at the mouth and shaking their head in shame.


Story is in itself a reward for challenging content. It is meant to give the player wonder, and marry gameplay to the story. I still remember for the longest time wondering what Twisted Castle looked like, and for awhile I couldn't access it because of how difficult Keep Construct was at release. That story block is part of the experience, and finally being able to see what is beyond is part of the reward. It's like the Ebony Citadel in GW1, where you had to clear the Domain of Anguish first, overcoming through seemingly impossible odds to face the ultimate boss at the end, Mallyx. That satisfaction of finally being able to reach the area was part of the reward.


Listen, I don't care what focus testing says, and I don't care what the whales with a gambling addiction say. Sometimes the integrity of the game is more important than pleasing everyone. Contrary to what you might think, raids are more than just a numbers game, but a set piece in and itself. To say that "everybody is a winner!" and just ruin the sense of accomplishment because "casuals need to see it too!" would just ruin the set piece. Please do not create an easy raid.


Besides, frankly, I've had enough of GW2 catering to brain damage. The current state of the personal story, where you can just autoattack to win, where npcs guide you constantly where you need to go, where everything is a stupid scripted event, is utterly *pathetic* from a game design standpoint.

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> @Kenny.5826 said:

> @"Nick Lentz.6982"

> you don't have time to sit down for 2 hrs in a week to play the game?


If you're brand new to raids? Are you kidding me? Not to mention the time to get a group.

I've finished wing one. Only When I pretended i knew what I was doing in a raid. After that I have joined training guilds, only to be conveniently working at their trading times.


You are not allowed to join a pro run, or you don't have time to do pug it.

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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:


> > You are not allowed to join a pro run, or you don't have time to do pug it.


> Too bad.


> I can't reach level 3 on Sonic Spinball.



At least you can play Sonic Spinball without gathering 10 different people at the same time, and all of whom hog a different button.

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> @Kenny.5826 said:

> @"Nick Lentz.6982"

> you don't have time to sit down for 2 hrs in a week to play the game?

2 hrs per week is not enough for most players to even _learn_ raids. And most of the raiders won't be able to do full clear in that time even if they have learned.

Yes, some players can do that (either because they themselves are good, or because they have skilled friends that can carry them), but that in no way means it's something everyone has a reasonable chance of achieving. And, with more and more wings, it will only get worse.


Also, remember that's 2 hours of continuous time specially dedicated to raids, on top of any other activity you might want to do that day. Yes, lot of people really _can't_ do that.


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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > @Kenny.5826 said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982"

> > you don't have time to sit down for 2 hrs in a week to play the game?

> 2 hrs per week is not enough for most players to even _learn_ raids.




I taught a new player, completely fresh to the game with a lv80 boost, how to do slothasor. I bought the dude a full zerk set, and in one night we cleared Wing 2. He was doing inner method on sloth too.



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> @Miellyn.6847 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > They will implement story mode / difficulty scaling at some point eventually. We are past the peak of interest in raiding in the community, they are only to lose support and interest in time and will end up being pvp 2.0 - a gimmick :)

> > >

> > > I am sure you are about to provide some metrics which prove this assumption. Otherwise it's just that, the subjective assumption of someone who doesn't raid.

> >

> > This is natural lifecycle of mmos that some content loses its popularity and is left for most invested fans only. Especially true for old mmos, which GW2 is. Raid is nice gimmick but it will never grow to be main part of the game :)


> Yes, they were never intended to be a main part of the game. Thats why they cater to players who want a challenge and not your average player. Thats also why they will likely never add a story mode and this dicussion is not constructive at all.


Probably the reason why it takes close to a year to make content, it’s not the focal point and never will be because the gw2 community doesn’t play it... if only there was a way to have more players play the content, oh well, new Raid wing in October 2018!


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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > > @Kenny.5826 said:

> > > @"Nick Lentz.6982"

> > > you don't have time to sit down for 2 hrs in a week to play the game?

> > 2 hrs per week is not enough for most players to even _learn_ raids.


> Wut.


> I taught a new player, completely fresh to the game with a lv80 boost, how to do slothasor. I bought the dude a full zerk set, and in one night we cleared Wing 2. He was doing inner method on sloth too.




I bet you guys duo'd. Must be a new record?

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A story mode could be simply lower attack and less health. I don't think that would take much development. It's numbers, nothing else need be changed. Or story mode could give a buff to players that would make them take less damage. So messing up wouldn't be as punishing.


This could teach new players who are weary of trying raids. If they like the easy mode, maybe they'd like the harder mode?



Btw, I'm not interested raids so I really don't care but I don't think a numbers tweak would be that hard or time consuming to add.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > They will implement story mode / difficulty scaling at some point eventually. We are past the peak of interest in raiding in the community, they are only to lose support and interest in time and will end up being pvp 2.0 - a gimmick :)

> >

> > I am sure you are about to provide some metrics which prove this assumption. Otherwise it's just that, the subjective assumption of someone who doesn't raid.


> This is natural lifecycle of mmos that some content loses its popularity and is left for most invested fans only. Especially true for old mmos, which GW2 is. Raid is nice gimmick but it will never grow to be main part of the game :)


Which likely will be interpreted as less time dedcated to raids not more time and on developing a story mode. Raids arent designed to be a main part in terms of a majority population, they are specifically designed only to cater to the skilled player.


As someone who doesnt raid in gw2 for various reasons, I actually dont think a story mode should exist. Raids are challenging content. High end fractals are challenging content. Open world/main story/t1 fractals are for the rest of us. To raid means to rise to the challenge they set for it.


Given the story itself of raids as far as I can see is threadbare (not an insult, it is as it should be), a story mode seems rather pointless.


If mechanics are the issue, then enough guilds offer training runs which likely please Anet immensley given their stance on cooperative play.


Ill be surprised given the busy schedules of the dev teams that a story mode ever gets put in and as a non raider Im ok with that


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> @meeflak.9714 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @Kenny.5826 said:

> > > why not embrace the challenge and have a sense of accomplishment when you finally down a/that boss. Feel like the hero you were meant to be by bring down your enemy.

> >

> > **Truth?**

> >

> > Because after over a decade of raiding, I never felt like the hero.. I always felt like a rat in a maze. Raids were always more a grind-chore then a challenge where I was forced to constantly deal with people I didn't like and attitudes I can't stand.. I bit my tongue to all kinds of douchebagery all in the quest to grind out some stupid bit of loot just to remain top tier, for no other reason then to keep viable in raiding community.

> >

> > I would much sooner quit this game, then ever go back to playing like that **again**.


> And here you are again in another thread, comparing gw2 raids to other games......it's....not....the....same....game.......


> Whatever game you played before, whatever experiences you've had, are completely irrelevant when talking about raids in gw2.. gw2 had no gear treadmill, gw2 isn't a grind for gear stats to win kind of game.. you can raid in exotics and never look back. And even then ascended is just one step up and easily obtainable in the raids themselves.. you're not going to have to grind for months to gear re gear your toon every expansions.



> The more I read your posts throughout the threads in this forum the more it becomes clear you don't understand how raids in gw2 work. You should really take the time to do some research before spreading negativity around the forums


LOL, reality check, **the Players are all the same**,


The game itself is irrelevant, I've done hundreds of kinds of raids,.across various kinds of MMO's, , Just because the mechanics of the raid a little different, or the game is called GW2 as opposed to Tera does not change the people, the players are always the same elitist toxic mentality of being better then anyone else. Did you really think the game itself mattered?


It doesn't..but, If it did..I'd be more accepting.. however, I have the read the same tripe you are saying today for the last two decades across dozens of game forums,. **It's Always the same kind of people**. Nothing changes that.


And dance left as opposed to right.. is not going to make me feel like a hero.


It's painfully laughable that you think the game changes the players. Go read any games forums, or play other kinds of games, you could find your mirror all over the place. That is why no one believes you when you say the same thing they have heard before on other games. It was a lie then, and nothing has changed.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @meeflak.9714 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > @Kenny.5826 said:

> > > > why not embrace the challenge and have a sense of accomplishment when you finally down a/that boss. Feel like the hero you were meant to be by bring down your enemy.

> > >

> > > **Truth?**

> > >

> > > Because after over a decade of raiding, I never felt like the hero.. I always felt like a rat in a maze. Raids were always more a grind-chore then a challenge where I was forced to constantly deal with people I didn't like and attitudes I can't stand.. I bit my tongue to all kinds of douchebagery all in the quest to grind out some stupid bit of loot just to remain top tier, for no other reason then to keep viable in raiding community.

> > >

> > > I would much sooner quit this game, then ever go back to playing like that **again**.

> >

> > And here you are again in another thread, comparing gw2 raids to other games......it's....not....the....same....game.......

> >

> > Whatever game you played before, whatever experiences you've had, are completely irrelevant when talking about raids in gw2.. gw2 had no gear treadmill, gw2 isn't a grind for gear stats to win kind of game.. you can raid in exotics and never look back. And even then ascended is just one step up and easily obtainable in the raids themselves.. you're not going to have to grind for months to gear re gear your toon every expansions.

> >

> >

> > The more I read your posts throughout the threads in this forum the more it becomes clear you don't understand how raids in gw2 work. You should really take the time to do some research before spreading negativity around the forums


> LOL, reality check, YOU the Players, **are all the same**, the game itself is irrelevant. Just because the mechanics of the raid a little different, does not change the elitist toxic mentality behind those that play it.


> If it did.. 'be a little more accepting.. but I have the read the same tripe you are saying today 10 years ago on another games forums.. **Always the same**.


The vast majority of us aren't toxic. I'm not, the community I surround myself with are not. But here you are calling the whole raiding community toxic. Cutting them down. You're mindset, you're attitude, is what's toxic in this forums. More toxic then most raider's I know. You're the only one to blame for your bad attitude, move past the people who you disagree with, move past the people you find toxic.. make the experience what you want it to be.stop coming into the forums to offer nothing but negativity

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> @meeflak.9714 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @meeflak.9714 said:

> > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > > @Kenny.5826 said:

> > > > > why not embrace the challenge and have a sense of accomplishment when you finally down a/that boss. Feel like the hero you were meant to be by bring down your enemy.

> > > >

> > > > **Truth?**

> > > >

> > > > Because after over a decade of raiding, I never felt like the hero.. I always felt like a rat in a maze. Raids were always more a grind-chore then a challenge where I was forced to constantly deal with people I didn't like and attitudes I can't stand.. I bit my tongue to all kinds of douchebagery all in the quest to grind out some stupid bit of loot just to remain top tier, for no other reason then to keep viable in raiding community.

> > > >

> > > > I would much sooner quit this game, then ever go back to playing like that **again**.

> > >

> > > And here you are again in another thread, comparing gw2 raids to other games......it's....not....the....same....game.......

> > >

> > > Whatever game you played before, whatever experiences you've had, are completely irrelevant when talking about raids in gw2.. gw2 had no gear treadmill, gw2 isn't a grind for gear stats to win kind of game.. you can raid in exotics and never look back. And even then ascended is just one step up and easily obtainable in the raids themselves.. you're not going to have to grind for months to gear re gear your toon every expansions.

> > >

> > >

> > > The more I read your posts throughout the threads in this forum the more it becomes clear you don't understand how raids in gw2 work. You should really take the time to do some research before spreading negativity around the forums

> >

> > LOL, reality check, YOU the Players, **are all the same**, the game itself is irrelevant. Just because the mechanics of the raid a little different, does not change the elitist toxic mentality behind those that play it.

> >

> > If it did.. 'be a little more accepting.. but I have the read the same tripe you are saying today 10 years ago on another games forums.. **Always the same**.


> The vast majority of us aren't toxic. I'm not, the community I surround myself with are not. But here you are calling the whole raiding community toxic. Cutting them down. You're mindset, you're attitude, is what's toxic in this forums. More toxic then most raider's I know. You're the only one to blame for your bad attitude, move past the people who you disagree with, move past the people you find toxic.. make the experience what you want it to be.stop coming into the forums to offer nothing but negativity


Sure you're not.. I'd said the same thing myself for years.


Here is the truth, you only want this game mode so you can feel better then other people. If everyone could raid, it would lose it's shine and you and yours would cry for something else to set yourself apart as better then the unwashed masses.


You call me Toxic because I want a game that is inclusive.. how wrong and bad of me to feel that everyone should be able to find their own journey and enjoy the game fully at their own pace. Yes, how wrong of me to want to include people, how toxic of me to want everyone to have fun.. I am such a horrible person for that, at least.. I am to people like you...

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @meeflak.9714 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > @meeflak.9714 said:

> > > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > > > @Kenny.5826 said:

> > > > > > why not embrace the challenge and have a sense of accomplishment when you finally down a/that boss. Feel like the hero you were meant to be by bring down your enemy.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Truth?**

> > > > >

> > > > > Because after over a decade of raiding, I never felt like the hero.. I always felt like a rat in a maze. Raids were always more a grind-chore then a challenge where I was forced to constantly deal with people I didn't like and attitudes I can't stand.. I bit my tongue to all kinds of douchebagery all in the quest to grind out some stupid bit of loot just to remain top tier, for no other reason then to keep viable in raiding community.

> > > > >

> > > > > I would much sooner quit this game, then ever go back to playing like that **again**.

> > > >

> > > > And here you are again in another thread, comparing gw2 raids to other games......it's....not....the....same....game.......

> > > >

> > > > Whatever game you played before, whatever experiences you've had, are completely irrelevant when talking about raids in gw2.. gw2 had no gear treadmill, gw2 isn't a grind for gear stats to win kind of game.. you can raid in exotics and never look back. And even then ascended is just one step up and easily obtainable in the raids themselves.. you're not going to have to grind for months to gear re gear your toon every expansions.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The more I read your posts throughout the threads in this forum the more it becomes clear you don't understand how raids in gw2 work. You should really take the time to do some research before spreading negativity around the forums

> > >

> > > LOL, reality check, YOU the Players, **are all the same**, the game itself is irrelevant. Just because the mechanics of the raid a little different, does not change the elitist toxic mentality behind those that play it.

> > >

> > > If it did.. 'be a little more accepting.. but I have the read the same tripe you are saying today 10 years ago on another games forums.. **Always the same**.

> >

> > The vast majority of us aren't toxic. I'm not, the community I surround myself with are not. But here you are calling the whole raiding community toxic. Cutting them down. You're mindset, you're attitude, is what's toxic in this forums. More toxic then most raider's I know. You're the only one to blame for your bad attitude, move past the people who you disagree with, move past the people you find toxic.. make the experience what you want it to be.stop coming into the forums to offer nothing but negativity


> Sure you're not.. I'd said the same thing myself for years.


> Here is the truth, you only want this game mode so you can feel better then other people. If everyone could raid, it would lose it's shine and you and yours would cry for something else to set yourself apart as better then the unwashed masses.


> You call me Toxic because I want a game that is inclusive.. how wrong and bad of me to feel that everyone should be able to find their own journey and enjoy the game fully at their own pace. Yes, how wrong of me to want to include people, how toxic of me to want everyone to have fun.. I am such a horrible person for that, at least.. I am to people like you...


Wow dude calm yourself. I never callled you toxic for the reasons you described . I called you toxic for well, being toxic. Your negative attitude, your close minded approach to conversation, and your impolite way of speaking to people. I don't care if you don't raid. Raider's aren't better then the rest of the community, because as I've said the whole community can raid if they so choose, and I'd continue to raid no matter how many people were able to clear it simply because it's the most engaging content in gw for me. The combat in this game is really fun, and raids do the best at stressing all areas of combat.


I never once said including others is bad, I never said you're a horrible person. I never said anyone's better then anyone. Don't put words in my mouth.


There's not much reason to keep responding to your you've done this same thing over many threads, and there's no use. You'll never look past your own negativity. This will be my last response to you on this subject.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > They will implement story mode / difficulty scaling at some point eventually. We are past the peak of interest in raiding in the community, they are only to lose support and interest in time and will end up being pvp 2.0 - a gimmick :)

> >

> > I am sure you are about to provide some metrics which prove this assumption. Otherwise it's just that, the subjective assumption of someone who doesn't raid.


> This is natural lifecycle of mmos that some content loses its popularity and is left for most invested fans only. Especially true for old mmos, which GW2 is. Raid is nice gimmick but it will never grow to be main part of the game :)


Ye lw is at that stage as well, curious why they still develope on it :/

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > @Kenny.5826 said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982"

> > you don't have time to sit down for 2 hrs in a week to play the game?

> 2 hrs per week is not enough for most players to even _learn_ raids. And most of the raiders won't be able to do full clear in that time even if they have learned.

> Yes, some players can do that (either because they themselves are good, or because they have skilled friends that can carry them), but that in no way means it's something everyone has a reasonable chance of achieving. And, with more and more wings, it will only get worse.


> Also, remember that's 2 hours of continuous time specially dedicated to raids, on top of any other activity you might want to do that day. Yes, lot of people really _can't_ do that.



Nobody said you can or should be able to start clearing in your first 2 hour. And thats the good think about raids thats what makes it all the more satisfying.

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An Easy mode for raids that removes the loot would be a good segue into raiding, as people who want to raid for the story (such as myself) get to experience the story, while those wanting to fully raid can learn mechanics in a less punishing way, while not obtaining loot from the raid. I do not see any downsides.

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Honestly i dont mind at all hard stuff, i kind like it...what I dont like is have do deal with 9 other random people telling me what to play and how play it...was pain back in the day to run dungeons without your guild and friends...there was allways one player who would make one mistake and someone else would make a big deal of it... like "oh we will take 1 min more to finish this, this dude suck(try to kick that player from the party)...

a solo mode in my opinion would be great...just because is solo, dosent mean that it have to be easy, make it hard as naked lv 1 Dark Souls NG+7, but dont make me deal with this kind of players...all my patience that i used to have is gone from the years of dungeons. Is really funny to watch the LFG, every single one allways demand experince and the ones that dont, never get enough people lol...lets be honest, raiding was the worst decision Anet have ever made...they made the game do a whole 180º from what used to stand for, it is a shame.

Not sure what you guys experinces are, but from my own, the 200+ players on my guild, only 6 or something that actually raid constantly...when we try to get a squad for raids, we usually have trouble to get 10 players lol

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> @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> An Easy mode for raids that removes the loot would be a good segue into raiding, as people who want to raid for the story (such as myself) get to experience the story, while those wanting to fully raid can learn mechanics in a less punishing way, while not obtaining loot from the raid. I do not see any downsides.


It's been suggested, and I know this feel, and think it would be a good compromise, but, Anet has already said this will never happen.

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