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Video Compilation - 500 kills! One-shot Weaver - 20k DPS WvW/PvP


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Hi everyone,

I’m really happy to show you my Ultimate Epic Compilation of my One Shot Weaver in GW2, gathering ALL my best kills with Epic Music & Video Montage.


This 20 min video is :


► 150H of recording, 50H work on montage, 20 min Video. Hope you’ll enjoy !

► 500 Kills synchronized with Epic Music.

► This build is not meta at all, and not the most efficient way to play WvW or PvP. It’s a One Shot Trick Build, and very weak when my burst is done. I died a lot. But it’s really fun & challenging.

► BUILD here : http://fr.gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYnMICdOg1MAGOA8RgFCATYS2BKB3n6X9sOoAEAGAA-jlBEABMt/o8zd9AbpE0f1fc7EAAwDAIAwBgzP/8zP/8a+5nf+5nf+5nfepAiYoF-w

► MUSIC : FREEDOM CALL (Warriors - Age of Powers - Freedom Call) - TWO STEPS FROM HELL (For The Win)

► Something to say/ask ? Leave a comment here, I always answer. Or PM me Ingame : Cellofrag.


I created this video to be like a Weaver Death Symphony, One Shot Kills synchronized with Epic music.

I find the game & effect really beautiful, and it fits very well with music.

Like an opera.






► Have a very nice day :)


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good choice of soundtrack, thats what i listend when not in TS, and manowar for some banzai stuff... like yolo against 5 scourges trying to save some one lawl.


Still.. that shows how bad this game is @pvp, will all the aoe/cleaves and red circles spam players have to pay atention, achieve that kind of damage in one skill alone... when some classes have arround 15-17k hP.... imagine 20+ weavers trough a portal bomb...


Funny thing, every one i show this kind of videos, old gw1 and people that left gw2 pvp to better games, laugh at this kind of easy mode since we also played this kind of builds in the past.

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please think for a second before posting...

this is a ful glass build without any stealth or invulns. Dodge the burst 1hit the weaver yourself or just load it up with condis in 2 second and /dance while they melt

if they try 2 setup a portalbomb - do the same thing as with every portalbomb, see portal go up, dodge away from it and unload every aoe you have on it - congratz you just got 20 kills

its a 1trick pony thats fun to play with so much counterplay its almost unviable.

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> @Raithwall.8201 said:

> please think for a second before posting...

> this is a ful glass build without any stealth or invulns. Dodge the burst 1hit the weaver yourself or just load it up with condis in 2 second and /dance while they melt

> if they try 2 setup a portalbomb - do the same thing as with every portalbomb, see portal go up, dodge away from it and unload every aoe you have on it - congratz you just got 20 kills

> its a 1trick pony thats fun to play with so much counterplay its almost unviable.


Don't forget Weaver can easily use their evade or blocks etc too and get away too. Ive seen the OP's other videos in a more prolonged fight. That's what player skill is, everybody can do one shots, it's what you do in response and how you manage your resources such as cooldowns, endurance etc that wins. It's not unviable, just playing risky

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When we Black Gate get matched against lower tier servers who are linked with Yank Bend or Dragonbrand I see lots of these 1 shoot noobs, needless to say they don't stand a chance against the elite Black gate players. In lower tier servers 1 shot builds are a thing but in tier 1 where the elite players are you get wrecked!

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> When we Black Gate get matched against lower tier servers who are linked with Yank Bend or Dragonbrand I see lots of these 1 shoot noobs, needless to say they don't stand a chance against the elite Black gate players. In lower tier servers 1 shot builds are a thing but in tier 1 where the elite players are you get wrecked!


Most of the fight are versus SFR & FSP. They are not low tier at all, & FSP players are among the best WvW EU Guys. Even if it was better before.

But anyway, whatever tier you are, you"ll always find some good players & some beginners...

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Very nice video, I usually never watch streamed and uploaded videos because they are heavily edited to make a person look good. But since you admitted up front that you died a lot, I figured it was worth watching.


Elementalist was my main for a long time, but I just stopped finding it useful or fun to play. I just could not get into weaver. I don't know, someday I hope to find it fun to play again.


I would personally swap Sigil of the night for Sigil of Force, because the damage will be more consistent.


Do you use staff at all, or stay on sword/fgs?

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> When we Black Gate get matched against lower tier servers who are linked with Yank Bend or Dragonbrand I see lots of these 1 shoot noobs, needless to say they don't stand a chance against the elite Black gate players. In lower tier servers 1 shot builds are a thing but in tier 1 where the elite players are you get wrecked!


I'm a Pro Noob.

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Lol people complaining about weaver because of this video? Ele dagger 5 has been on game since release. It has slow, obvious animation and the caster cant move while casting. This build is not even viable. Sure, sometimes you can get some one shots, but most time you will be dead against any smart player.


OP, nice video.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Very nice video, I usually never watch streamed and uploaded videos because they are heavily edited to make a person look good. But since you admitted up front that you died a lot, I figured it was worth watching.


> Elementalist was my main for a long time, but I just stopped finding it useful or fun to play. I just could not get into weaver. I don't know, someday I hope to find it fun to play again.


> I would personally swap Sigil of the night for Sigil of Force, because the damage will be more consistent.


> Do you use staff at all, or stay on sword/fgs?


I too couldn't get into weaver- not being able to instantly switch to the skill I really need exactly when I needed it in a support role makes it totally fail for me.


It's more like a trick class than a real class now in wvw- although weaver can be fun to play in pve where you can wonder around in green gear and spam whatever you like to get mobs down.

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Let's troll this thread a bit,


people complained about Deadeye one shooting people, he's one shooting with AOE multiple enemies at once and everyone thinks it's OK. Plssssssss nerfffffffffff so baddddddddddddddd


People said: "no class should be able to one-hit-kill ppl".......... nerffffffffffffff :D :D :D

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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> Let's troll this thread a bit,


> people complained about Deadeye one shooting people, he's one shooting with AOE multiple enemies at once and everyone thinks it's OK. Plssssssss nerfffffffffff so baddddddddddddddd


> People said: "no class should be able to one-hit-kill ppl".......... nerffffffffffffff :D :D :D


I am not surprised really.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> > @Inoki.6048 said:

> > Let's troll this thread a bit,

> >

> > people complained about Deadeye one shooting people, he's one shooting with AOE multiple enemies at once and everyone thinks it's OK. Plssssssss nerfffffffffff so baddddddddddddddd

> >

> > People said: "no class should be able to one-hit-kill ppl".......... nerffffffffffffff :D :D :D


> I am not surprised really.


well, honestly, people complain about everything thieves do, especially the one hit kills and it's a class that is designed to be extremely lethal, but whenever any other class does a one hit kill, be it a mesmer burst, or a weaver clearly doing here damage for 24k that is OK, everyone agrees with that and it's fine :) only thieves should always be crippled to the ground.


thank you anet for listening to complainers :D

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The skills that actually deal damage aren't Weaver skills... You can do that damage with base ele, hell in the past you could do 15k meteors with tornado when full glass.


It's a good video, but it shows that even Weaver with the huge skill variety, can only be played as a one trick pony.


As much as I thought Tempest sucked, it was better than Weaver.

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