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If you had infinite gold, what would you do with it?

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Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.


What would you do with it?

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I guess I'd convert a lot to gems, getting all the bank and bag space expansions I could, and then buy mats to build 32 space bags for my 9 characters on top of that.


I'd pay people to help my personal guild to help me get a guild hall, so I could learn to scribe and get things for my guild hall. But then you have to do like guild quests to get points to open up more things, as I understand it, so that would probably be a fools errand. I guess I wouldn't bother doing all that then.


I'd pay someone to help me unlock what I need to do finish off my HoT masteries (raids) so getting HoT XP could start going towards spirit shards and not be wasted. I don't raid, so I don't 'need' the masteries, but it's apparently the only way to 'shift gears' and direct your XP to something more useful. I have all the other areas capped.


That's it, I guess? Maybe buying dyes or gamble boxes for things? But that's more about completiting collections than actually getting anything I want. Same with outfits, I have everything that I find appealing at this point, which isn't much. I can think of a few other games where I'd go costume crazy for sure.


I like doing collections, so I might start doing some legendary pre collections, and pay people to take me through fractals to get those steps done. It's really the only reason I don't work on legendary weapons now, I don't really want to do the fractal steps. The open world stuff all seems fine and fun. Though, I have a Bifrost from before HoT, made that, it was fun building it, but ultimately didn't care for all the glowy effects hiding my character, so reskinned it. Never take advantage of it's ability to become other things, as it seems kinda pointless without being able to change the sigils, so built another ascended staff to fit the role I wanted with the sigils I wanted and swap to that entire weapon when I need to.


So I suppose after I got all the space and bags I wanted, after I got bored with buying minis and dyes and loot boxes, I'd probably just use it to "make other people's dreams come true".

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Ah, dreams. I'd buy all the expensive dyes on the TP I've been craving for years, convert some of the gold to gems and buy a few armor skins & outfits & glider skins, and then I would buy stuff to give away and make other players happy. I would not buy every single thing in the GW world because then I would have nothing to work towards.

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> @notebene.3190 said:

> I guess I'd convert a lot to gems, getting all the bank and bag space expansions I could, and then buy mats to build 32 space bags for my 9 characters on top of that.


> I'd pay people to help my personal guild to help me get a guild hall, so I could learn to scribe and get things for my guild hall. But then you have to do like guild quests to get points to open up more things, as I understand it, so that would probably be a fools errand. I guess I wouldn't bother doing all that then.


> I'd pay someone to help me unlock what I need to do finish off my HoT masteries (raids) so getting HoT XP could start going towards spirit shards and not be wasted. I don't raid, so I don't 'need' the masteries, but it's apparently the only way to 'shift gears' and direct your XP to something more useful. I have all the other areas capped.


> That's it, I guess? Maybe buying dyes or gamble boxes for things? But that's more about completiting collections than actually getting anything I want. Same with outfits, I have everything that I find appealing at this point, which isn't much. I can think of a few other games where I'd go costume crazy for sure.


> I like doing collections, so I might start doing some legendary pre collections, and pay people to take me through fractals to get those steps done. It's really the only reason I don't work on legendary weapons now, I don't really want to do the fractal steps. The open world stuff all seems fine and fun. Though, I have a Bifrost from before HoT, made that, it was fun building it, but ultimately didn't care for all the glowy effects hiding my character, so reskinned it. Never take advantage of it's ability to become other things, as it seems kinda pointless without being able to change the sigils, so built another ascended staff to fit the role I wanted with the sigils I wanted and swap to that entire weapon when I need to.


> So I suppose after I got all the space and bags I wanted, after I got bored with buying minis and dyes and loot boxes, I'd probably just use it to "make other people's dreams come true".


Didn't they change needing the Raid Mastery for Spirit Shards? I thought it was removed from the HoT Masteries. Maybe I read it wrong.

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I’d buy all the legendaries on the Trading Post, account bind ones that I didn’t have, and do silly giveaways for the rest via Mapchat.

I’d craft all the other Legendaries and gear I wanted, and fund my friends to do so if they wanted to.

Buy all the cosmetic infusions I wanted, for all of my characters.

I’d fully upgrade the guild hall. Crafting as many decorations as I could.

I think that’s it. I’d still play, do my usual metas/events and chat with people to be honest.

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.. probably would buy just one glider skin, the ebon vanguard one, since my guardian is themed to it.

Then probably would ignore the infinite gold thing... or help some one who needs mats for percursors, instead of offering the mats like i tend to do to clear storages and bags.


Would made WvW server based rafles with gold prize as well.

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Infinite gold. I would buy all the crafting insignias. And leg insignias. Buy the materials and get all good armor first. Then I would buy more storage for mats. And 1 more slot expansion for 10 bags. Then I would just buy one of everything on the gen store. Cause you can convert gold to gems. Even though it would never happen. It’s still nice to think it would.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.


> What would you do with it?


Unlimited gold is a little silly even for a hypothetical. It allows you to muck with the supply & demand of the trading post without any risk, it destroys any joy one might get from getting a lucky drop, and it means never having to defer gratification to work towards longer term goals.

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1.) I would create a guild named "IN CHARGE" recruit one or two active players who are as crazy as I am and offer free commander-tags for guildleaders. Whenever I come from work in the evenings, I would check the new members and mail the gold for the tags. Add them on my friendlist with the nick, TAG CLEAR and kick them out of the guild. Free tags for everyone! The gold-lock is no proof for a good leader.


2.) I would purchase the entire supply of flax & linseed oil until the market price would be 1g per flax seed. I would continue advertising the guild and offering free guildhall supply on flax/linseed oil for all upgrade. Because the flax sink is just there to tease us and serves no purpose at all.


3.) I would ask for some help on the forums or ingame, to set up a lottery system. One Gemstore Item as a gift, per week. The person setting it up, would get an all farm nodes and home-instance upgrades I can get my hands on + one skin of his choice per month (as payment). The winner of the lottery does not get a random item, he can pick anything from the gemstore. But, once the person received his/her gift, I would add him/her as friend and give the nick "GIFTED", so one win only.

To participate the lottery, you have to participate in defending/freeing Okarinoo (event) and post a screenshot of that. <3 Quaggans.


4.) I would purchase every legendary weapon on tp. Make a life-stream and crush each of them, in HD! Because those items should have never been on TP.


5.) I would give every WvWvW player on my home-server RoF a Mjölnir hammer and ask to use them, whenever we are teamed up against two [insert country name] servers again ^^.


6.) I go to heart of the mists, open mapchat and wait 5 minutes. I take a screenshot of every insult I see and post them with account name on the forums. One by one until my account is locked and deleted. Then I would create a new account and play the game normal again ^^.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.

> >

> > What would you do with it?


> Unlimited gold is a little silly even for a hypothetical. It allows you to muck with the supply & demand of the trading post without any risk, it destroys any joy one might get from getting a lucky drop, and it means never having to defer gratification to work towards longer term goals.


If anyone gets joy from lucky drops and terrible grind I feel sorry for them ;-;

I'd rather have what I want without having to get lucky or grinding my soul away.

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